5. Operation
The display and the fan speed of the unit will differ in the following situa-
• When STAND BY and DEFROST are displayed.
• Just after the heating mode (while waiting to change to another mode).
• When the temperature of the room is higher than the temperature set-
ting of the unit operating in the heating mode.
• In the dry operation, the indoor fan automatically turns to low-speed
operation. Switching of fan speed is impossible.
• When the temperature of the heat exchanger is low in the heating mode
(e.g., immediately after heating operation starts).
• In the following cases, the actual fan speed generated by the unit will differ
from the speed shown the remote controller display.
1. While the display is showing "STAND BY" or "DEFROST".
2. When the temperature of the heat exchanger is low in the heating mode.
(e.g. immediately after heating operation starts)
3. In HEAT mode, when room temperature is higher than the temperature
4. When the unit is in DRY mode.
5.6. Ventilation
For LOSSNAY combination
5.6.1. For Wired Remote-controller
• To run the ventilator together with the indoor unit:
• Press the ON/OFF button O.
• The Vent indication appears on the screen (at [_). The ventilator will
now automatically operate whenever the indoor unit is running.
• To run the ventilator independently:
• Press the Mode button Q until X appears on the display. This will
cause the ventilator to start.
• To change the ventilator force:
• Press the Ventilation button Q as necessary.
• Each press toggles the setting, as shown below.
S, Sill
Low High
6.1. For Wired Remote-controller
This section explains how to set and use the timer.You can use Function
Selection of remote controller to select which of three types of timer to use:
O Weekly timer, Q Simple timer, or (_ Auto Off timer.
For information about how to set the Function Selection of remote control-
ler, refer to section 8. [4]-3 (3).
6.1.1. Weekly Timer
• The weekly timer can be used to set up to eight operations for each day
of the week.
• Each operation may consist of any of the following: ON/OFF time
together with a temperature setting, or ON/OFF time only, ortempera-
ture setting only.
• When the current time reaches a time set at this timer, the air
conditioner carries out the action set by the timer.
• Time setting resolution for this timer is 1 minute.
"1. WeeklyTimer/SimpleTimer/Auto OffTimer cannotbe used at the sametime.
*2. The weekly timerwill notoperatewhen any of the following conditions is in
The timer feature is off; the system isin an malfunction state; a test run is
inprogress; the remotecontroller is undergoing self-check or remote con-
troller check; the useris in the process of setting a function;the user is in
the process of setting the timer; the user is in the process of setting the
currentday of the week or time; the system is under centralcontrol. (Spe-
cifically,the system will not carry out operations (unit on, unit off, or tem-
peraturesetting) that are prohibited during these conditions.)
Operation No.
Day Setting
FV% ,F/\ % ,
c;) \ ....................j •
<How to Set the Weekly Timer>
1. Be sure that you are at a standard control screen, and that the weekly
timer indicator [] is shown in the display.
2. Press the Timer Menu button @, so that the "Set Up" appears on the
screen (at [_). (Note that each press of the button toggles the display
between "Set Up" and "Monitor".)
3. Press the Timer On/Off (Set Day) button _) to set the day. Each press
advances the display at [] to the next setting, in the following sequence:
"Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat"-+ "Sun" -+ ... -+ "Fri" -+ "Sat" -+ "Sun
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat"...
4. Press the V or A Operation button (Q or 0) as necessary to select the
appropriate operation number (1 to 8) D.
* Your inputs at Steps 3 and 4will select one of the cells from the matrix
illustrated below.
(The remote-controller display at left shows how the display would
appear when setting Operation 1 for Sunday to the values indicated
Setup Matrix
Op No. Sunday Monday ... Saturday
• 8:30
No. 1 • ON
• 73 _F [23 C]
No. 8
<Operation 1 settings for Sunday> I <Operation 2 settings for every day>
Starttheairconditionerat8:30, with J Tumoffthearcondtoneratl0:00,
the temperature set to 73 °F 23 °C ,
Bysetting the dayto "Sun MonTues WedThurs Fri Sat", you can set the same
operation to be carried out at the same time every day.
(Example: Operation 2 above, which isthe same for alldays of the week.)
<Setting the Weekly Timer>
ShowshetmeShowsheseecedo e toO orO F
setting * Does not appear ifoperation is not set.
°_!]i_l_}t FSq .Shows the temperature setting
# '"® / 'L_ Does notappear iftemperature is not
I-tO i