Mitsubishi RDF225WG Specifications

Ultra-wide color gamut CRT monitor
with SpectraViewTMWG Color Calibration Solution
Mitsubishi Diamondtron CRT technology.
The ultimate color performance for high-end professional users.
For high-end, professional applications such as medical imaging and publishing, a wide and accurate color spectrum is vital in achieving your desired output. Mitsubishi has furthered the range
and depth of CRT display color reproduction with its ultra-wide color gamut 22" (20" viewable image size) Diamondtron RDF225WG monitor. With this revolutionary display, it’s now a snap to realize high-performance color reproduction for even your most demanding applications.
The ultimate in color performance. Recent technology advances
in digital image acquisition, color-processing systems, color print­ers and other photographic I/O devices have been nothing short of remarkable. In addition to startling resolutions, the range and depth of color reproduction also has shown significant improve­ments. A standardized color space promises the benefit of guar­anteed color reproduction across all digital platforms and devices from the point of acquisition to the point of delivery, over a wide range of colors. Traditionally, a standardized color space with a wide color gamut required sophisticated hardware technology and was generally found only in professional DTP, pre-press, color proof-matching or color management system environments.
There have been alternative color spaces with reduced palettes, which offer compatibility to a wide range of consumer devices. The most widespread is called sRGB, which is a color space stan­dard and well-promoted and widespread in consumer electronic applications, such as digital cameras, PC operating systems, PC color monitors and desktop printers. Adobe ed color space, promoted by Adobe, which over time has become a de-facto standard in the professional color processing market. Through its widespread adoption, compliance with the Adobe RGB color space ensures cross-compatibility with a wide range of high-end professional digital color devices, cameras,
RGB is an extend-
Achieves 97.6% of Adobe®RGB
color space for accurate, consistent
and repeatable color performance
scanners, digital transmission and printing process systems. However, due to the onerous requirements, compliance has been virtually impossible for most electronic displays; the digi­tal chain has been incomplete.
The RDF225WG represents an exciting development in material science in bringing an Adobe RGB-compliant display successfully to market. The key materials-science innovation has been the development of a new high-persistence phosphor, which can extend the display color gamut to a close approximation of the Adobe RGB color space. With its improved CRT phosphor, the RDF225WG extends the color space to 97.6% of Adobe RGB for more accurate, consistent and repeatable color performance com­pared to conventional CRT displays that cover only 70% of this industry standard.
Flat-out better screen performance. Using the latest in
advanced flat-screen technology, the RDF225WG delivers the ultimate screen performance to your desktop, enabling you to develop stunning creations without having to second-guess
what you see on-screen. While reducing eyestrain and fatigue, flat screens allow you to focus on your screen without distrac­tions such as glare and reflection. You’ll also real­ize benefits such as greater image sharpness for improved clarity, preci­sion and accuracy, and a higher contrast ratio for enhanced legibility and fine detail. All of these advantages add up to a more energized visual
0.2 0.3
0.2 0.3
Comparison of color spacew using CIE chart.
Diamondtron, the latest generation of flat aper­ture grille CRT technology, provides exceptional performance with unprecedented focus and con­trast and a virtually flat image that reduces dis­tortion and glare. This CRT technology also deliv­ers better brightness uniformity for consistent, true-to-life images and improved color satura­tion. With this kind of performance, what you see on-screen is as life-like as what you see on your printed output. Further, superb frequencies allow for better resolutions and one of the industry’s highest refresh rates.
Enhanced clarity and focus. The RDF225WG fea-
tures the Mitsubishi U-NX electron gun that includes an additional lens to improve the monitors’ focus and convergence. An electron beam, which is projected through the multiple lenses and onto the viewable image area, pro­duces a small beam spot, achieving better focus and clarity at higher resolutions. The larg­er main lens reduces distortion and potential image halo effect.
its exclusive magnetic
Adobe RGB
Adobe RGB
Wide Gamut CRT
Wide Gamut CRT
sensors to correct mis­convergence and deliv­er consistent bright­ness uniformity.
Conventional CRT
Conventional CRT
Customize your visual experience. The
RDF225WG features an on-screen display (OSD), allowing you to make precise monitor
0.4 0.5
0.4 0.5
0.8 0.9
0.8 0.9
adjustments that
match your specific preferences. A touch of the up-front controls
activates the OSD, giv­ing you access to a comprehensive set of adjustments and an expanded display mode with monitor information such as vertical refresh rate and horizontal frequency. With its multitude of presets, the monitor is ready to go right out of the box.
Maximize your screen control. Our exclusive
software (available by download) offers an intuitive graphical user interface that allows you to adjust OSD display settings via mouse and keyboard instead of using the monitor’s up­front buttons. This software provides animated graphics and test patterns to help guide you through adjustments.
For an unprecedented level of control, NaViSet Administrator software for IT professionals (avail­able upon request) contains Windows
Management Instrumentation™ (WMI) for remote control and diagnostics maintenance for all installed RDF225WG units. This software provides IT personnel remote access to the monitor and its settings without disrupting the user.
Furthermore, using GlobalSync RDF225WG can counter cross-talk between monitors and the earth’s magnetic field, using
technology, the
All of these control capabilities are made possi­ble using the advanced remote diagnostics and remote control capabilities of the Display Data
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