Mitsubishi LAN Control Utility User Manual

LAN Control Utility User Manual
Preparation/SetUp .........................................................................2
Preparation before using the network function ...........................................2
Connection ..................................................................................................2
Installation ...................................................................................................3
When using a DHCP server ...........................................................................................6
When not using a DHCP server .....................................................................................7
Telnet setting ...............................................................................................8
Setting the password (Password Setup) .......................................................................9
Setting the display language of ProjectorView (language) ............................................9
Setting the LAN control (LAN-Controlled Mode) .........................................................10
PJLink™ certifi cation (PJLink certifi cation Mode) .......................................................10
Save and exit ...............................................................................................................11
ProjectorView ...............................................................................12
Using the ProjectorView ............................................................................12
How to start up ............................................................................................................12
VIRTUAL REMOTE controller .......................................................................................14
E-mail notifi cation function ..........................................................................................14
Initial setting .................................................................................................................15
Support for the PJLink™ function ...............................................16
Preparation before using the network function
This projector is equipped with the network function to control and monitor the projector’s operations using a Web browser and to send e-mail notifi cation. Before using the network function, perform the following three preparation steps.
Setup of the application software “Projector-Control Device Installer”
Setting of the IP address of the projector
Setting of password, display language, LAN control, and PJLink™ certifi cation using telnet.
When setting IP addresses for multiple projectors collectively or when setting an IP address for a ceiling­mounted projector after installation, check and take a note of combination of the projectors and the hardware addresses (MAC addresses) in advance. To check the hardware addresses (MAC addresses), perform step 2 on the page 5.
[Major functions]
Setting of the projector’s IP address Setting of password, display language, and LAN control PJLink™ certifi cation setting (Telnet function) Startup of the controlling /supervising tool (ProjectorView) using the Web browser
[System requirements]
Supported OS : Windows® 2000, Windows® XP (Microsoft CPU : Pentium II 233 MHz or higher Memory : 128 MB or more Free HDD space : 32 MB or more Web browser : Internet Explorer Ver. 6.0 (Java Plug-in*3 should be installed and Javascript should be enabled.)
How to install Microsoft® .NET Framework Version 1.1 (1) Download .NET Framework Version 1.1 (file named “dotnetfx.exe”) from the download center on the
Microsoft® Web site (
(When the fi le is unavailable from the above-mentioned URL, search for .NET Framework using Windows
Update and access the download site found.)
(2) Execute the downloaded fi le named dotnetfx.exe.
How to install Java Plug-in
(1) Download J2SE v1.4.2 JRE from the JAVA download center on the Sun Microsystems Web site (http://java.
(When the fi le is unavailable from the above-mentioned URL, search for “J2SE download” using a search
engine and access the download site found.)
(2) Execute the downloaded fi le.
.NET Framework 1.1*2 should be installed.)
Microsoft or Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United
States and/or other countries.
Pentium is trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiarie in the United States and
other countries.
PJLink is trademark applied for registration or registered trademark of Japan Business Machine and Information
System Industries Association in japan, the United States and other countries.
Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Preparation/SetUp (continued)
LAN cable (option) (100BASE-TX or 10BASE-T should be
to LAN terminal
LAN cable (option) (100BASE-TX or 10BASE-T should be supported.)
Use a straight-through category-5 cable for LAN connection.
Don’t touch the metal parts of the LAN connector and LAN cable because static electricity may be discharged
from your body, causing damage to the projector.
to LAN terminal
External HUB
Before starting installation, be sure to read “ReadMe.txt” contained in the CD-ROM.
Copy three fi les (Installer_Mitsubishi.msi, Setup.Exe, and Setup.Ini) contained in the Tools folder of CD­ROM to the hard disk of your personal computer.
Double-click the fi le named Setup.Exe.
When the following window appears, click Next.
Preparation/SetUp (continued)
Select a folder to install the program, and click Next.
Click Next.
Installation starts.
The progress of the installation process is
displayed as shown on the right.
When the installation process is completed, click Close.
How to remove Mitsubishi Projector Control Device Installer
Select [Start] - [Control Panel] - [Add or Remove Programs] - [Mitsubishi Projector - Control Device Installer] and click [Remove] (in the case of Windows® XP).
Preparation/SetUp (continued)
Setting the IP address of the projector
Before setting the IP address, check that the projector has been LAN-networked and turn on the main power of the projector.
Start the Projector-Control Device Installer.
Select [Start] - [All Programs] - [Mitsubishi] -
[Mitsubishi Projector - Control Device Installer] (in
the case of Windows
Click the Search button.
Mitsubishi projector is recognized.
(Note 1) When Mitsubishi projector isn’t recognized, check the following.
The fi rewall function has been disabled. (When it
has been enabled, search may not be conducted.)
The personal computer and the projector are on
the same network. (For preventing unauthorized access.)
More than one Projector-Control Device Installer
isn’t running.
Select a projector and click the Assign IP button.
The Assign IP Address screen appears.
For automatic IP address setting by the DHCP server, go to page 6. For IP address setting without using the
DHCP server, go to page 7.
Preparation/SetUp (continued)
When using a DHCP server
Select [Obtain an IP address automatically] and click Next.
Click Next.
Check that the options are marked with check-
marks as shown on the right. Keep them un­changed for normal use.
Click Assign.
Click Finish.
Click the Search button.
Check the IP address.
+ 11 hidden pages