Mitsubishi Electronics FR-A500 User Manual

FR-HC-7.5K to 55K FR-HC-H7.5K to H55K
Thank you for choosing the Mitsubishi High Power Factor Converter. This instruction manual gives handling information and precautions for use of this equipment. Incorrect handling might cause an unexpected fault. Before using the invert er, please read this manual care fully to us e the equipment to its optimum. Please forward this manual to the end user.
Safety Instructions
Do not attempt to install, operat e, maintain or i nspec t the unit until you have read through this ins tr ucti on manual and appended docu ments carefully and can use the equipme nt correctly. Do not use the unit until you have a full knowledge of the equipment, safety information and instructions. In this instruction manual, the safety instruction levels are classified into “WARNING” and “CAUTION”.
Assumes that incorrect handling may cause hazardous conditions,
resulting in death or severe injury.
Assumes that in correc t handl ing may cause h azardou s cond itions, r esulti ng in medium or slight injury, or may cause physical damage only.
Note that the level may lead to a serious consequen ce accordi ng to con ditions. Plea se follow the instructions of both levels because they are important to personnel safety.
- A-1 -


1. Electric Shock Prevention
• While power is on or when the equipment is running, do not open the front cover. You may get an electric shock.
• Do not run the equipment with the front co ver remo ved. Oth erwis e, you may acces s the expo sed high ­voltage terminals and charging part and get an electric shock.
• If power is off, do not remove the front cover except fo r wiring or periodic inspection . You may access the charged circuits of the inverter and high power factor converter and get an electric shock.
• Before starting wiring or ins pe ction, ch ec k fo r res i dual v oltages wi th a m ete r etc. more than 10 minutes after power-off.
• This converter must be ear the d (gr ou nde d). Earthing (grounding) mu st be c on for m to the requi r eme nts of national and local safety regul ations and electrical codes. (NEC section 250, IEC 536 class 1 and other applicable standa rd s)
• Any person who is involved in th e wiring or inspection of this equipment should be fully competent to do the work.
• Always install the equipment before wiring. Otherwise, you may get an electric shock or be injured.
• Operate the switches with dry hands to prevent an electric shock.
• Do not subject the c ab les to s cratc he s, ex ce ss iv e str ess , heavy loads or pi nchi ng. O th er wis e, you may get an electric shock.
2. Fire Prevention
• Mount the high power fa ctor conver ter on a non- combustible sur face. Installing the equipment directly on or near a combustible surface could lead to a fire.
• Power off the high power factor converter if it has failed. A continuous flow of a large current can cause a fire.
• Do not connect a resistor directly to the DC terminals P, N. This could cause a fire.
• When a brake resistor is used, switch po wer off if an alarm signal app ears on the PU. Otherwi se, the brake resistor may excessively overheat due to damage of the brake transistor, etc., causing a fire.
3. Injury Prevention
• Apply only the volta ge specified in the inst ruction manual to each te rminal to prevent bu rst, damage, etc.
• Ensure that the cables are connected to the correct terminals. Otherwise, burst, damage, etc. may occur.
• Always make sure that polarity is correct to prevent burst, damage, etc.
• While power is on or for some time after power-off, do not touch the inverter, high power factor converter, reactors 1 and 2, or the external box as they are hot and you may get burnt.
- A-2 -
4. Additional instructions
To prevent injury, damage or product failure, please note the following points.
(1)Transportation and mounting
• Please use common sense when carrying the product. Not doing so can cause injury.
• Do not stack the equipment higher than the number recommended.
• Install the product in a load-bearing place in accordance with the instruction manual.
• Do not operate if the high power factor converter is damaged or has parts missing.
• Do not lift the equipment with the front cover attached; it may fall off.
• Do not stand or rest heavy objects on the product.
• Check the equipment mounting orientation is correct.
• Prevent any dust, wire fragments or other foreign bodies from dropping into the high power factor converter.
• Do not drop the high power factor converter, or subject it to impact.
• Use the equipment under the following environmental conditions:
Ambient humidity
Ambience Indoors (free from corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt)
Altitude, vibration
*Temperatures applicable for a short time, e.g. in transit.
(-10°C to +40°C when the d ust-protec tion structure attachment is used)
Maximum 1000m above sea level for standard operation.
After that derate by 3% for every extra 500m up to 2500m (91%).
-10°C to +50°C (non-freezing)
90%RH or less (non-condensing )
-20°C to +65°C*
or less
(2)Trail run
• Check all parameters, and ensure that the machine will not be damaged by sudden start-up.
• Before starting operation, e nsure that each peripheral device is wired pr operly. Incorrect connection may lead to unexpected operation.
• The load used must be a three-phase induction motor. If any other electrical equipment is connected to the inverter output, the equipment may be damaged.
• Do not modify the equipment.
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(4)Emergency stop
Provide a safety backup such as an emer gecy brake which will prevent the machine and equipment from hazardous conditions if the high power factor converter fails.
When any protective function is activated, take the corresponding corrective action, then reset the inverter, and resume operation.
(5)Maintenance, inspection and parts replacement
Do not carry out a megger (insulation resistance) test on the control circuit of the high power factor converter.
Treat the equipment as industrial waste.
(7)General instructions
Many of the diagrams and drawing in this instruction manual show the equipment without a cover, or partiall y open. Never run the inverter like thi s. Always replace th e cover and ensure adequate coo ling, etc. before using the product.
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1.1 PRECAUTIONS FOR OPERATION ................................ ...... ....................................... ...... ..... ...... ..........................1
1.1.1 Japanese harmonic suppression guideline .......................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Pre-operation procedure ....................................................................................................................................5
1.1.3 Handling precautions .........................................................................................................................................6
1.2 STRUCTURE ...........................................................................................................................................................7
1.2.1 Structure ............................................................................................................................................................7
1.2.2 Removal and reinstallation of the front cover ....................................................................................................8
1.2.3 Removal and reinstallation of the accessory cover .........................................................................................11
1.2.4 Removal and reinstallation of the parameter unit (FR-PU02) ..........................................................................12
1.3 INSTALLATION AND WIRING ................................... ..... ...... ....................................... ...... ..... ..............................13
1.3.1 Precautions for installation ................................... ....................................... ...... ..... .........................................13
1.3.2 Wiring instructions ...........................................................................................................................................16
1.3.3 Wiring of the main circuit ..................... ....................................... ...... ...............................................................17
1.3.4 Wiring of the control circuit .................. ....................................... ...... ...............................................................26
2.1 PARAMETER UNIT ...............................................................................................................................................29
2.1.1 Structure of the parameter unit ........................................................................................................................29
2.1.2 Setting and changing the parameter values ....................................................................................................30
2.2 PARAMETER FUNCTION DETAILS .....................................................................................................................31
2.2.1 Parameter list ..................................................................................................................................................31
2.2.2 Setting of parameters to improve the corresponding operational functions ....................................................32
Pr.1 “power supply frequency 1”, Pr.2 “power supply frequency 2” .......................................................................32
Pr.22 “overload signal detection level” ..................................................................................................................32
Pr.40 “output terminal assignment” .......................................................................................................................32
Pr. 51 “input power monitoring refer ence”, Pr. 53 “input voltage monitoring reference”, Pr. 55 “bus voltage monitori ng
reference”, Pr. 56 “current monitoring reference” ...................................................................................................33
Pr. 52 “PU main display data selection”, Pr. 54 “FM terminal function selection” ...................................................33
Pr.57 “restart selection” .........................................................................................................................................35
Pr. 65 “retry selection”, Pr. 67 “number of retries at al arm occurrence”, Pr. 68 “retry waiting t ime”, Pr. 69 “retry coun t
display erasure” ........................................................... ..... ........................................ ..... .........................................36
Pr.77 “parameter write disable selection” ..............................................................................................................37
Pr.145 “parameter unit language switching” ..........................................................................................................37
Pr.900 “FM terminal calibration” ............................................................................................................................38
2.3 HELP FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................................................40
2.3.1 Definitions of the help function displays ..........................................................................................................40
2.4 CONVERTER RESET ............................................................ ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ....................................................43
3.1 ERRORS ................................................................................................................................................................44
3.1.1 Error (alarm) definitions and remedies .............................................................. ..... ...... ...................................44
3.1.2 Faults and check points ...................................................................................................................................45
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3.2 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION .....................................................................................................................46
3.2.1 Precautions for maintenance and inspection ...................................................................................................46
3.2.2 Check items .....................................................................................................................................................46
3.2.3 Replacement of parts ...................................................................................................................................... 49
3.2.4 Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers ..........................................................................50
4.1 PRECAUTIONS FOR SELECTING PERIPHERAL DEVICES ..............................................................................52
4.1.1 Measures against noises .................................................................................................................................52
4.1.2 Peripheral device list .......................................................................................................................................55
4.1.3 Selecting the rated sensitivity current for the earth leakage circuit breaker ....................................................55
5.1 SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................................................56
5.1.1 Standard specifications ...................................................................................................................................56
5.1.2 Block diagram ..................................................................................................................................................57
5.1.3 Terminals .........................................................................................................................................................58
5.1.4 Terminal block arrangement ............................................................................................................................60
5.1.5 Outline drawings (400V class models have H in their type codes) ..................................................................61
5.1.6 Panel cutting dimension diagrams (For use of the heat sink outside mounting attachment) ...........................66
5.1.7 Parameter unit (FR-PU02-1/FR-PU02E-1/FR-PU02ER-1) dimension diagram ..............................................67
5.2 OPTIONS ...............................................................................................................................................................68
5.2.1 Option list .........................................................................................................................................................68
5.2.2 External dedicated options ..............................................................................................................................69
APPENDIX 2 Instructions for UL and cUL ..........................................................................................................74
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This chapter provides an “overview” of this product. Always read the precautions, etc. before starting use.
1.1 PRECAUTIONS FOR OPERATION........................................................... 1
1.2 STRUCTURE ............................................................................................. 7
1.3 INSTALLATION AND WIRING................................................................... 13


Incorrect handling might cause the equipment to operate improperly, its life to be reduced considerably, and in the worst case, the high power factor converter and inverter to be damaged. Please handle the unit properly in accordance with the information on each section as well as the precautions and instructions of this manual.
FR-HC Function
The FR-HC high power factor converter provides three functions
1) Inverter generated mains harmonics reduction See the Power harmonic guideline section below.
2) Near unity power factor at 100% load Gives better efficiency and lower stress on power line components.
3) Regeneration of load to the mains power supply The FR-HC can con tinuously re generate conver ter rated current t o the power su pply, for example from a back-driving load such as a d own escalator. This gives very efficient full 4-quadrant control of the AC motor from the inverter without the need for brake resistors or braking units etc.

1.1.1 Japanese harmonic suppression guideline

Harmonic c urrents flow from th e inverter to a power receiv ing point via a p ower transformer. The harmonic suppression guideline was established to protect other consumers from these outgoing harmonics.
1) Harmonic suppression guideline for household appliances and general-purpose products 200V class inver ters of 3.7kW and less are covered by this guideline. Install a power factor improving reactor to comply with this guideline.
2) Harmonic suppression guideline for specific consumers This guideline sets forth the maximum values of harmonic currents outgoing from a high-voltage or specially high-voltage con sumer who will install, add or renew harm onic generating equipment. If any of the maximum values is exceeded, this g uideline requ ires that c onsumer to ta ke cer tain suppre ssion measures.
Table 1 Maximum Values of Outgoing Harmonic Currents per 1kW Contract Power
6.6kV 3.5 2.5 1.6 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.76 0.70 22kV 1.8 1.3 0 .82 0.69 0.53 0.47 0.39 0.36 33kV 1.2 0.86 0.55 0.46 0.35 0. 32 0.26 0.2 4
5th 7th 11th 13th 17th 19th 23rd
over 23rd
- 1 -
(1) Application of the harmonic suppression guideline for specific consumers
New installation/addition/renewal of
harmonic generating equipment
Calculation of equivalent capacity sum
Not more than reference capacity
Over reference capacity
Sum of equivalent capacities
Calculation of outgoing harmon ic
current higher than maximum
Harmonic suppression techn iq ue is
Is outgoing harmonic
Not more than maximum value
not required.
Over maximum value
Harmonic suppression technique is required.
Table 2 Conversion Factors for FR-A500 Series
Classification Circuit Type Conversion Factor
Without reactor K31=3.4
Three-phase bridge
(Capacitor smoothed)
With reactor (on AC side) K32=1.8 With reactor (on DC side) K33=1.8
Without reactor (on AC/DC side) K34=1.4
5 Self-excited three-phase bridge When high power factor converter is used K5=0
Table 3 Equivalent Capacity Limits
Received Power
6.6kV 50kVA
22/23kV 300kVA
66kV or more 2000kVA
Table 4 Harmonic Content (Values at the fundamental current of 100%)
Reactor 5th 7th 11th 13th 17th 19th 23rd 25th
Not used 65 41 8.5 7.7 4.3 3.1 2.6 1.8 Used (AC side) 38 14.5 7.4 3.4 3.2 1.9 1.7 1.3 Used (DC side) 3 0 13 8.4 5.0 4.7 3.2 3.0 2.2 Used (AC, DC sides) 28 9.1 7.2 4.1 3.2 2.4 1.6 1.4
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1) Calculation of equivalent capacity P0 of harmonic generating equipment
The equivalent capacity is the capacity of a 6-pulse converter converted from the capacity of a consumers harmonic generat ing equip ment and i s calcula ted with the following equation. If the s um of equivalent capacities is hig her than the limit in Table 3, har monics must be calcul ated in the following procedure:
P0 = (Ki×Pi) [kVA]
Ki: Conversion factor (refer to Table 2) Pi: Rated capacity of harmonic generating equipment* [kVA] i: Number indicating the conversion circuit type
* Rated capacity: Determined by the
capacity of the applied motor and found in Table 5. It should be noted that the rated capacity used here is used to calculate generated harmonic amount and is different from the power supply capacity require d for actual inverter drive.
2) Calculati on of outgoi ng harmonic current Outgoing harm oni c
(value converted from received power voltage)
fundamental wave current
Operation ratio: Operation ratio = actual load factor × operation tim ratio during 30 minutes
Harmonic content: Found in Table 4.
Table 5 Rated Capacities and Outgoing Harmonic Currents for Inverter Drive
5.5 19.1 9.55 579 6.77 376.1 237.4 49.22 44.58 24.90 17.95 15.05 10.42
7.5 25.6 12.8 776 9.07 504.4 318.2 65.96 59.75 33.37 24.06 20.18 13.97 11 36.9 18.5 1121 13.1 728.7 459.6 95.29 86.32 48.20 34.75 29.15 20.18 15 49.8 24.9 1509 17.6 980.9 618.7 128.3 116.2 64.89 46.78 39.24 27.16
18.5 61.4 30.7 1860 21.8 1209 762.6 158.1 143.2 79.98 57.66 48.36 33.48 22 73.1 36.6 2220 25.9 1443 910.2 188.7 170.9 95.46 68.82 57.72 39.96 30 98.0 49.0 2970 34.7 1931 1218 252.5 228.7 127.7 92.07 77.22 53.46 37 121 60.4 3660 42.8 2379 1501 311.1 281.8 157.4 1 13.5 95.16 65.88 45 147 73.5 4450 52.1 2893 1825 378.3 342.7 191.4 1 38.0 115.7 80.10 55 180 89.9 5450 63.7 3543 2235 463.3 419.7 234.4 1 69.0 141.7 98.10
200V 400V 5th 7th 11th 13th 17th 19th 23rd 25th
0.81 49 0.57 31.85 2 0.09 4.165 3.773 2.107 1.519 1.274 0.882
1.37 83 0.97 53.95 3 4.03 7.055 6.391 3.569 2.573 2.158 1.494
2.75 167 1.95 108.6 68.47 14.20 12.86 7.181 5.177 4.342 3.006
3.96 240 2.81 156.0 98.40 20.40 18.48 10.32 7.440 6.240 4.320
6.50 394 4.61 257.1 161.5 33.49 30.34 16.94 12.21 10.24 7.092
Wave Current
Converted fr om
6.6kV (mA)
Fundamental Wave Current Converted from 6.6kV(mA)
(No reactor, 100% operation ratio)
Note:When a motor of 3.7kW or less capaci ty is driven by a transistorized inverter of more than 3.7kW.
For example, when a 3.7kW or less motor is driven by a 5.5kW transistorized inverter, the transistorized inverter is not the target of the household appliances/general-purpose products guideline, but because they must be included in the calculation of the har monic current of the guideline, the fundamental wave input currents are indicated.
3) Harmonic suppression technique requirement contract
If the outgoing harmoni c current is higher than the maximum value per 1kW co ntract power × power, a harmonic suppression technique is required.
- 3 -
4) Harmonic suppression techniques
No. Item Description
Reactor installation
(ACL, DCL) High power factor
converter (FR-HC) Installation of power
factor improving capacitor Transformer multi-phase
5AC filter
6 Active filter
Install a reactor (ACL) in the AC side of the inverter or a reactor (DCL) in its DC s ide or both to suppress harmonic currents.
Designed to switch the converter circuit on-off to convert an input current waveform into a sine wave, the high power factor converter (FR-HC) suppresses harmonic current considerably. The FR-HC is used with the standard accessories.
When used with a series reactor, the power factor improving capacitor has an effect of absorbing harmonic currents.
Use two transformers with a phase angle difference of 30° as in - , - combination to provide an effect corresponding to 12 pulses, reducing low-degree harmonic currents.
A capacitor and a reactor are used together to reduce impedance at specific frequencies, producing a great effect of absorbing harmonic currents.
This filter detects the current of a circuit generating a harmonic current and generates a harmonic current equivalent to a difference between that current and a fundamental wave current to suppress a harmonic current at a detection point, providing a great effect of absorbing harmonic currents.
(2) Features of the FR-HC (high power factor converter)
The converter circuit of an inverter generates power harmonics, which may affect a generator, power capacitor, etc. Power harmonics are different from noises and leakage currents in their sources, frequency bands and transmission routes. Th erefore, securely connect the high power factor converter (FR-HC) with the FR series inverter, and refer to the inverter instruction manual on how to set the parameters. The conversion factor of the high power factor converter is K5=0 for a self-excited, three­phase bridge circuit:
Making the above settings suppresses power harmonics to conform to the harmonic suppression guidelines published by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
Power harmonic su ppr ess ion effect (Example) FR-HC-7.5K (Environment) Load: 100%
Power factor: 1
[FR-HC not connected]
Phase voltage (100V/div)
Phase current
Phase voltage (100V/div)
Phase current
[FR-HC connecte d]
- 4 -

1.1.2 Pre-operation procedure

1. Unpacking and product check
Unpack the product and ch eck the ca pa ci ty plat e on t he fron t cover and the ratin g pl at e on the equ ip me nt side face to ensure that the type and output rating agree with your order and the product is intact. When using reactors 1, 2 and the external box, especially when they are used with the Mitsubishi transistorized inverter be sure to us e them as a set and make sure they are securely con nected. This high power factor converter suppresses har monics according to the harmonic suppressio n guidelines published by Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (formerly Ministry of International, Trade and Industry). Pay attention to the applicable capacity, etc.
Rating plate
Capacity plate
High power factor converter type
Serial number
Rated input current Serial number
Converter type Applicable inverter
capacity Applicable power
• Definition of the high power factor converter type
Voltage class
200V class 400V class
7.5 to 55
Applicable inverter capacity
Capacity in "kW"
• Confirmation of the peripheral device types
The following three peripheral devices, FR-HCL01, FR-HCL02 and FR-HCB, must be installed. Confirm their types:
High Power Factor Converter
FR-HC-7.5K FR-HCL01-7.5K FR-HCL02-7.5K FR-HCB-7.5K FR-HC-15K FR-HCL01-15K FR-HCL02-15K FR-HCB-15K FR-HC-30K FR-HCL01-30K FR-HCL02-30K FR-HCB-30K FR-HC-55K FR-HCL01-55K FR-HCL02-55K FR-HCB-55K
Reactor 1 Reactor 2 External Box
Note: 400V class devices have capacity numbers preceded by H in their type codes.
• Accessory . . . . . . Instruction manual
If you have found any discrepancy, damage, etc., please contact your sales representative.
2. Installation
To operate the product with high performance for a long time, install it in a p roper place, in a correct direction, and with proper clearances. (See page 13.)
3. Wiring
Securely connec t the p ower supply, reactors 1, 2, external box, high power factor converter a nd inver ter to the terminal blocks. If they are connected im properly, the periph eral devices and the high power factor converter itself may be damaged. (See page 16.) After making su re that the wiring is secured, refer to the i nverter instruc tion manual on how to set the parameters.
Note: If the inverter is provided with a jum per connector for sink and source logic change, fit the jumpe r
connector to the sink logic (factor y settin g) when c onnecting a high power factor converter (FR-HC). If the jumper connector is fitted to the source logic, the converter cannot be connected.
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1.1.3 Handling precautions

The following system is required to operate the inverter. Install the high power factor converter in a proper position. For the selection and specifications of each peripheral device, refer to Precautions for Selecting Peripheral Devices on page 52:
Name Description Refer to Page:
Use the power supply within the
Power supply
permissible power supply specifications of the high power factor conve rter .
Earth leakage circuit breaker or no-fuse breaker
Magnetic contactor
Reactor 1 FR-HCL01
External box FR-HCB
Reactor 2 FR-HCL02
High power factor converter
The breaker should be selected with care since a large inrush current flows in the high power factor converter at power on.
Install the magnetic contactor to ensure safety. When installed, do not use it to start or stop the inverter. It might reduce the high power factor converter life.
Make sure that the reactor has a proper capacity which matches the high power factor converter capacity.
Make sure that the external box has a proper capacity which matches the high power factor converter capacity.
Make sure that the reactor has a proper capacity which matches the high power factor converter capacity.
Install and wire the equipment correctly. Note: Do not install a no-fuse breaker
(NFB) across terminals P -P and N-N of the high power factor converter and the inverter.
Devices connected to the output
Make sure that the inverter is compatible with the FR-HC. Connect the inverter suitable for the capacity of the high power factor converter.
Do not connect a power capacitor, surge suppressor or radio noise filter to the output side.
Note: When installing a no-fuse
breaker (NFB) on the output side, contact the NFB manufacturer for selection of no-fuse breaker.
Connect the motor suitable for the capacity.
To prevent an accidental electric shock, always ground the high power factor converter, external box, inverter and motor.
Instruction manuals of the devices connected on the output side
Inverter instruction manual
Inverter instruction manual
- 6 -


This section covers the structure, installation and removal of the equipment. In this manual, equipment parts are described with the following names.

1.2.1 Structure

The high power factor converter models have the following parts as shown below. For the location of the charge lamp, refer to Terminal block arrangement on page 60.
Accessory cover
When using the parameter unit, re- move this accessory cover and install the parameter unit in this position.
Capacity plate
Rating plate
Front cover
Cooling fan
Cooling air
Cooling air
Cooling fan
Accessory cover
When using the parameter unit, re­move this accesso ry cover and inst all the parameter unit in this position.
Front cover
Capacity plate
Rating plate
Front cover installation screws
Chassis (Plastic)
FR-HC-30K, 55K/H30K, H55K
Accessory cover
When using the parameter unit, re­move this accessor y cover and instal l the parameter unit in this position.
Front cover Capacity plate
Rating plate
Front cover installation screws
Note:Dimensions vary with the capacity . F or full information, refer to Outline Dimension Drawings on page 61.
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1.2.2 Removal and reinstallation of the front cover

1) Hold both sides of the front cover top.
2) Pull the cover toward you. The cover may be removed with the parameter unit on.
1) Fit the sockets at the cover bottom onto the
catches of the inverter.
2) Using the c atche s as supp orts, securely pr ess the cover against the inverter. The cover may be reinstalled with the parameter unit on.
- 8 -
1) Remove the two installation screws at the bottom of the front cover.
2) Hold both ends of the front cover bottom and pull the cover toward you
1) Fit the catches on t he inside of the front cover top into the sockets of the inverter.
2) Securely press the cover against the inverter.
3) Fix the cover with the bottom installation
- 9 -
FR-HC-30K, 55K/H30K, H55K
1) Remove the front cover installation screws.
1) Attach the front cover with the installation
Note: 1.Fully check that the front cover has been reinstalled securely.
2.The serial numbe r is printed on bot h the capacity plate o n the front cover and the rating plate on the high power factor converter side face. Before reinstalling the front cover, check the serial numbers are the same. Example:
Capacity plate A46152 Rating plate A46152 001
3-digit serial number
If the high power factor converter surface is stained with fingerma rks, oil, et c. dur ing removal and/or rei nstallation work, gently clean it with a cloth soa ked with a neutral detergent or ethanol.
Note: 1.Do not use any solvent, such as acetone, benzene,
toluene and alco hol, that will cause the hig h power factor converter surface to dissolve and the paint to peel.
2. Do not clean the lens of the high power factor converters power lamp with a detergent or alcohol.
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1.2.3 Removal and reinstallation of the accessory cover

To ensure safety, remove and reinstall the accessory cover after switching the power off.
1) As in the re moval of the parameter unit, h old down the top and pull the accessory cover toward you, using the catch as a support.
1) After fitting th e fixing hole onto t he ca tch of the cover, push it into the inverter.
Fixing hole Catch
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1.2.4 Removal and reinstallation of the parameter unit (FR-PU02)

To ensure safety, remove and reinstall the parameter unit after switching the power off.
1) Hold down the top button of the parameter unit and pull the parameter unit toward you, using the catch as a support.
Direct installation onto the high power factor converter
1) After fitting the fixing hole of the parameter unit (PU) on the catch of the cover, confirm the
Fixing hole Catch
connector position and push the parameter unit into the inverter, using the catch as a support.
Installation using the cable (FR-CBL )
1) Securely inser t one connector of the cable into the connector of the high power factor converter and the other cable connector into
Installation screws
the PU connector. Insert the cable connector along the guides. (If the orientation is incorrect, the high power factor converter may be damaged.)
2) After plugging the cable connector into the high power factor converter connector, fix it
securely with the in stallation screws.
Note: 1.The parameter unit must only be installed on the high power factor converter when t he front cover
is fitted.
2.During installation, do not apply force to the display (liquid crystal).
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Incorrect handling might cause the equipment to operate improperly, its life to be reduced considerably, and in the worst case, the high power factor converter and inverter to be damaged. Please handle the unit properly in accordance with the information on each section as well as the precautions and instructions of this manual.

1.3.1 Precautions for installation (1) Installation of the high power factor converter

Instructions for ambient temperatures
The lives of the high power factor converter and reactors 1, 2 are affected considerably by ambient temperatures. Keep their ambient temperatures below the permissible value (50°C). Measure the ambient temperatures in the following positions to make sure that they are within the permissible range.:
Measurement position
Measurement position
Note: 1.When the high power factor converter is
installed in a panel, determine the cooling method and panel dimensions so that the ambient temperature of the high power factor converter is within the permissible range (specified value is given on page 56).
2.When the inverter and high power factor converter are installed in the same panel or a ventilation fan is mounted in the panel, extreme care must be taken to keep the ambient temperatures of the high power factor converter and inverter below the permissible value. If the high power factor converter, inverter and/or ventilation fan is installed in an improper position, the ambient temperature of the high power factor converter will rise and ventilation effects will reduce.
Leave sufficient space around the equipment.
For adequate heat dissipation, leave sufficient space around the high power factor converter.
5cm or more
10cm or more
10cm or more
5cm or more
Leave sufficient clearances ab o ve and under the u nit to ensure proper ventilation.
Cooling fan built in converter
Cooling air
It is possible to place the heat sink outside the enclosure to grea tl y reduce heat generated.
Inside enclosure
High power factor converter
Mounting bracket FR-ACN (option)
Heat sink
Cooling fan
Inverter Converter
Built-in cooling fan
(Correct) (Incorrect)
Installation of Converter and Inverter
Ventilation fan
Converter Converter
(Correct) (Incorrect)
Position of Ventilation Fan
Cooling air
Note: 1. Use the optional mounting bracket (FR-ACN)
(see page 70). The mounting area should be machined to the panel cutting dimensions on page 66.
2.The cooling section outside the panel has a cooling fan. Do not use the inverter in damp, oil mist or dust environments.
- 13 -
Bolt the unit sec u re ly and verticall y.
Install the un it on a non-combustible surface.
Install the high power factor converter on a surface securely and vertically (so that the letters FREQROL are located at the fro nt) with screws or bolts.
Note: Hor izontal or side inst allation may cause the
high power factor converter to fail. Always install the unit vertically.
Install the high power factor converter on a non­combustible. If it is installed directly on or near a combustible, a fire may take place.
Avoid places where the equipment is subjected to oil mist, flammable gases, fluff , dust, dirt, etc.
Install the unit in a clean place or inside an enclosure which does no t accept any suspended matter.
Located at front
Install the inverter where it is not subjected to vibration.
Also take the vibration of a trolley, press, etc. into consideration.
Avoid high temperature and high humidity.
Avoid direct sunlight, heat and humidity.
- 14 -
(2) Installation of the reactors 1, 2 and external box Confirm th e types.
Note the types of the reactor 1 (FR-HCL01) and reactor 2 (FR-HCL02) look alike in outline.
Reactor 1 (FR-HCL01)
Reactor 2 (FR-HCL02)
Note: For the reactor 1 (FR-HCL01) and reactor 2 (FR-
HCL02), check the “TYPE” in the above rating plates.
Avoid places where the equipment is subjected to oil mist, flammable gases, fluff , dust, dirt, etc.
Install the equipment in a clean place or protect them from suspended matter.
Bolt the reactors securely and horizontally.
To prevent looseness, install the reactor 1 (FR­HCL01) and reactor 2 (FR-HCL02) on a surface securely and horizontally with screws or bolts.
Note:Avoid vertical or side installation and install
them on a mounting stand which can withstand their weights.
Instructions for ambient temperatures
For adequate heat dissipation, leave sufficient space around the reactor 1 (FR-HCL01) and reactor 2 (FR-HCL02).
10cm or more
5cm or more5cm or more
Install the equipment on a non-combustible surface.
Install the reactor 1 (FR-HCL01) an d reactor 2 (FR­HCL02) on a non-combustible. Direct install ation on a combustible may cause a fire.
Install the external box (FR-HCB) vertically. Note:Install it vertically. Horizontal or side
installation may lead the external box to a failure.
Note:Since the charged sections of the reactor 1,
reactor 2 and external box are uncovered, fully protect them to prevent ground fault and electric shock.
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1.3.2 Wiring instructions

During wiring, d o no t l eave wire off-cut s i n t he high power fact or converter and external bo x.
Wire offcuts will cause a mal func ti on, failure or fault. The high power factor converter should always be kept clean.
Wire offcuts, etc.
Use the space on the left-hand side of the main circuit terminal block to run the control circuit cable.
Control circuit terminal block
Before starting wiring or inspection, switch power off, make sure that the converter LED indicator has gone off, wait for at least 10 minutes after the charge lamp on the printed circuit board has gone off.
For some short time after power-off, there is a dangerous voltage in the capacitor. Start work about 10 minutes after ensuring that the charge lamp is off.
When the power supply voltage is special for the high power factor converter (the rated input voltage is exceeded), change the connection of the jumper in the internal transformer. (FR-HC-H7.5K H15K, H30K, H55K)
If the connection is not changed, the 400V class high power factor converter may be heated, resulting in fault or burnout. For the FR-HC-H7.5K, change the connection of the jumper in the interna l transform er in the externa l box.
Main circuit terminal block
Cut off the wiring cover (protective bush) windows using nippers or a cutter when running the cables. (FR-HC-7.5K/H7.5K)
Wiring cover
Cut off.
Protective bush
Do not apply a voltage directly to the alarm output signal terminals (A, B, C).
Always apply a voltage via a relay coil, lamp, etc. to these terminals.
380 to 460V
The cable size for connection to the control
circuit terminals should be 0.75mm
If the cable size used is 1.25mm
or less.
or more, the front cover may expand, resulting in a co ntact fault of the parameter unit. This fault is indicated by the following message displayed on the parameter unit and disables operation from the parameter unit. Run the cables so that they do not occupy much of the control box terminal block space.
Parameter unit display
PU to Inverter
comms. Error
Inv. Reset ON
Use shielded or twisted cables for connection to the control circuit terminals.
Run them away from the main and power circuits (such as the 200V relay sequence circuit).
Note:Connect the sheath of the shielded cable to
terminal SD.
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1.3.3 Wiring of the main circuit

The high power factor converter (FR-HC) is a high-power factor, low-noise inverter option unit designed for use with the transistorized inverters (FR-HC compatible models) in accordance with the harmonic suppression guidelines published by Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (formerly Ministry of International, Trade and Industry). This high power factor converter is used for the suppression of harmonics to an input power supply.
To comply with the harmonic suppression guidelines published by the MITI, the system needs to be configured as indicated and make sure that terminals P and N are sacurely connected to terminals P and N of the inverter. An incorrect connection will cause th e high power factor converter to display an alar m or to be faulty or damaged.
Refer to the inverter instruction manual on how to wire the system to suppress har monics to the input power supply. Especially note the wiring distance and cable size.
(1) Cable, Crimping terminals etc.
The following table lists the cables and crimping terminals used for each of the devices of the High power factor converter system and the torques for tightening the screws:
P, N
AWG *1mm
R4, S4,
P, N
m *3
terminal *2
R4, S4,
P, N
R4, S4,
FR-HC-7.5K M4 1 8-4 8-4 8 8 8 8 6 6
FR-HC-15K M6 4 22-6 22-6 22 22 4 4 16 16 FR-HC-30K M8 7 60-8 60-8 60 60 1/0 1/0 50 50
FR-HC-55K M12 24 150-12 150-12 150 150
FR-HC-H7.5K M4 1 3.5-4 3.5-4 3.5 3.5 12 12 4 4
FR-HC-H15K M6 4 8-6 8-6 8 8 8 8 10 10 FR-HC-H30K M6 4 22-6 22-6 22 22 4 4 25 25 FR-HC-H55K M8 7 60-8 60-8 60 60 1/0 1/0 50 50
PVC insulated
2 *
R4, S4,
P, N
PVC insulated
2 *
m *3
terminal *2
R2, S2, T2R3, S3, T3R2, S2, T2R3, S3, T3R2, S2, T2R3, S3, T3R2, S2, T2R3, S3,
AWG *1mm
FR-HCB-7.5K M5 2 8-5 8-5 8 8 8 8 6 6
FR-HCB-15K M5 2 22-5 22-5 22 22 4 4 16 16 FR-HCB-30K M6 4 60-6 60-6 60 60 1/0 1/0 50 50
FR-HCB-55K M8 7 150-8 150-8 150 150
FR-HCB-H7.5K M5 2 3.5-5 3.5-5 3.5 3.5 12 12 4 4
FR-HCB-H15K M5 2 8-5 8-5 8 8 8 8 10 10 FR-HCB-H30K M5 2 22-5 22-5 22 22 4 4 25 25 FR-HCB-H55K M8 7 60-8 60-8 60 6 0 1/0 1/0 50 50
PVC insulated
2 *
R, S, T
R2, S2,
torque N
m *3
terminal *2
R, S, T
R2, S2,
R, S, T
R2, S2,
AWG *1mm
R, S, T
R2, S2,
FR-HCL01-7.5K M5 2 8-5 8-5 8 8 8 8 6 6
FR-HCL01-15K M6 4 22-6 22-6 22 22 4 4 16 16 FR-HCL01-30K M8 7 60-8 60-8 60 60 1/0 1/0 50 50
FR-HCL01-55K M12 24 150-12 150-12 150 150
FR-HCL01-H7.5K M4 1 3.5-4 3.5-4 3.5 3.5 12 12 4 4
FR-HCL01-H15K M5 2 8-5 8-5 8 8 8 8 10 10 FR-HCL01-H30K M6 4 22-6 22-6 22 22 4 4 25 25 FR-HCL01-H55K M8 7 60-8 60-8 60 60 1/0 1/0 50 50
- 17 -
Cables PVC insulated Cables
AWG *1mm
2 *
m *3
terminal *2
R3, S3, T3R4, S4, T4R3, S3, T3R4, S4, T4R3, S3, T3R4, S4, T4R3, S3, T3R4, S4,
FR-HCL02-7.5K M5 2 8-5 8-5 8 8 8 8 6 6
FR-HCL02-15K M6 4 22-6 22-6 22 22 4 4 16 16 FR-HCL02-30K M8 7 60-8 60-8 60 60 1/0 1/0 50 50
FR-HCL02-55K M12 24 150-12 150-12 150 150
FR-HCL02-H7.5K M4 1 3.5-4 3.5-4 3.5 3.5 12 12 4 4
FR-HCL02-H15K M5 2 8-5 8-5 8 8 8 8 10 10 FR-HCL02-H30K M6 4 22-6 22-6 22 22 4 4 25 25 FR-HCL02-H55K M8 7 60-8 60-8 60 60 1/0 1/0 50 50
Note: *1.The cable used should be 75°C copper cables.
*2.Use the UL approved round crimping terminals. Crimp the terminals with the crimping tool
recommended by the terminal manufacturer.
*3.Tighten the terminal screws to the specified torques. Undertigtening can cause a short or misoperation.
Overtigtening can cause the screws and unit to be damaged, resulting in a short or misoperation.
*4.This column is for Low Voltage Directive.
(2) Wiring example (FR-A500 series)
The wiring method varies with the inverter series.
Reactor 1
External box
Reactor 2
High power factor converter
Inverter (FR-A500 series) R
(Note 4)
Power supply
1) R
R2 S2 T2
R2 S2 T2
Filter capacitor
3) 4) 5)
R3 S3 T3
R3 S3 T3
R4 S4
R1 S1
Y1 or Y2
(Note 8)
(Note 9)
N X10
(Note 5)
(Note 5)
(Note 7)
Note: 1.Use care to minimize the wiring distance between respective terminals.
2.Before starting wiring, cover the top ventilation hole to prevent wire offcuts from entering.
3.Use the ground terminal to ground the equipment securely.
4.Keep the inverters power input terminals R, S, T open. The i nverter will be damaged if they are connected accidentall y. Also, opposite polar ity of term inals P, N will damage the high power factor converter and inverter.
5.The terminals used with the X10, X11 signals require their functions to be set. (Refer to the inverter instruction manual for details.)
6.Match the power supply phases before connecting terminals R4, S4, T4 and terminals R, S, T.
7.A different power supply may be supplied to terminals R1 and S1.
8.Keep the high power factor converters terminals R1, S1 unconnected.
9.Do not insert the NFB between terminals P-N (P-P, N-N).
10.The R, S , T terminals of the high pow er factor converter (FR-HC) must be connected to the po w er supply. Running the inverter without connecting the terminals to the power supply will damage the high power factor converter (FR-HC).
Confirm the connection sequence of the reactors 1 and 2. Incorrect connection will make
them abnormally hot.
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