Mitsubishi AL2, AL2-24MR-D Programming Manual

α2 Simple Application Controllers


This manual contains text, diagrams and explanations which will guide the reader in the correct programming and operation of the
Before attempting to install or use the understood.
If in doubt at any stage of the installation of the professional electrical engineer who is qualified and trained to local and national standards which apply to the installation site.
If in doubt about the operation or use of the Mitsubishi Electric distributor.
This manual is subject to change without notice.
α2 series controller.
α2 Series Controller always consult a
α2 Series Controller please consult the nearest
Simple Application Controllers
Manual number : JY992D97101
Manual revision : A
Date : Apr. 2002
Simple Application Controllers
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Simple Application Controllers
Guidelines for the safety of the user and protection of α2 Simple Application
This manual provides information for the use of α2 Simple Application controllers. The manual has been written to be used by trained and competent personnel. The definition of such a
person or persons is as follows;
a ) Any engineer who is responsible for the planning, design and construction of automatic
equipment using the product associated with this manual should be of a competent nature, trained and qualified to the local and national standards required to fulfill that role. These engineers should be fully aware of all aspects of safety with regards to automated equipment.
b ) Any commissioning or service engineer must be of a competent nature, trained and
qualified to the local and national standards required to fulfill that job. These engineers should also be trained in the use and maintenance of the completed product. This includes being completely familiar with all associated documentation for the said product. All maintenance should be carried out in accordance with established safety practices.
c ) All operators of the completed equipment should be trained to use that product in a safe
and co-ordinated manner in compliance to established safety practices. The operators should also be familiar with documentation which is connected with the actual operation of the completed equipment.
Note : the term ‘completed equipment’ refers to a third party constructed device which
contains or uses the product associated with this manual.
Notes on the symbology used in this manual
At various times through out this manual certain symbols will be used to highlight points of information which are intended to ensure the users personal safety and protect the integrity of equipment. Whenever any of the following symbols are encountered its associated note must be read and understood. Each of the symbols used will now be listed with a brief description of its meaning.
Hardware warnings
1 ) Indicates that the identified danger WILL cause physical and property damage.
2 ) Indicates that the identified danger could POSSIBLY cause physical and property
3 ) Indicates a point of further interest or further explanation.
Software warning
4 ) Indicates special care must be taken when using this element of software.
5 ) Indicates a special point which the user of the associate software element should
be aware of.
6 ) Indicates a point of interest or further explanation.
Simple Application Controllers
Simple Application Controllers

Table of Contents

Safety Guidelines ................................................................................ iii
1. Introduction ..............................................................................1-1
1.1 Special Features Display messages and Function Block data ............. 1-1
1.2 Model Name ..........................................................................................1-2
2. Function Block Programming .................................................... 2-1
2.1 Block Type and the FBD base ..............................................................2-1
2.1.1 Inputs ........................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.2 Front Panel Keys ..........................................................................2-2
2.1.3 System Memory Bits ....................................................................2-3
2.1.4 Function Blocks ............................................................................2-3
2.1.5 Outputs ........................................................................................2-4
2.1.6 Function Block Diagram (FBD) base ............................................2-4
2.2 Programming Methods ..........................................................................2-5
2.2.1 Direct Programming .....................................................................2-5
2.2.2 AL-PCS/WIN-E Programming Software Ver 2.00 ........................ 2-5
3. System Menu ............................................................................ 3-1
3.1 Menu Options Instructions ....................................................................3-1
3.2 The Stop Mode ..................................................................................... 3-1
3.2.1 Top Menu .....................................................................................3-1
3.2.2 The “Others... ...............................................................................3-3
3.3 The Run Mode Top Menu ..................................................................... 3-7
3.4 The Edit Menu ..................................................................................... 3-13
3.5 The Function Block Edit Menu ............................................................3-13
3.6 Option Screen Setup ........................................................................... 3-13
3.6.1 ProgEdit ..................................................................................... 3-13
3.6.2 Change the Language Setting ...................................................3-13
3.6.3 ClockSET ...................................................................................3-14
3.6.4 SummerTime ..............................................................................3-14
3.6.5 Password ................................................................................... 3-15
3.6.6 Serial Com ................................................................................. 3-15
3.6.7 Memory cassette ........................................................................3-16
3.7 LCD Displays ......................................................................................3-17
3.7.1 Image Table ...............................................................................3-17
3.7.2 LCD Function .............................................................................3-17
3.8 Block Items .........................................................................................3-18
3.8.1 Input Blocks ...............................................................................3-18
3.8.2 Function Blocks .......................................................................... 3-18
3.8.3 Output Blocks .............................................................................3-18
3.8.4 Connected Blocks ......................................................................3-18
2 Series Applications Controller
4. Direct Programming .................................................................. 4-1
4.1 Block Availability ...................................................................................4-1
4.2 Connecting Blocks ................................................................................4-1
4.2.1 To connect the blocks from the left block to right block. .............. 4-1
4.2.2 To connect the blocks from the right block to left block. .............. 4-2
4.3 Disconnect Two Blocks ......................................................................... 4-2
4.4 Methods to Create a Function Block .....................................................4-3
4.4.1 New FB ........................................................................................4-3
4.4.2 AddFB .......................................................................................... 4-3
4.5 Function Block Editing ..........................................................................4-3
4.5.1 Setup Function Block ...................................................................4-3
4.5.2 Change No. (of a Function Block) ................................................ 4-3
4.5.3 Delete FB .....................................................................................4-3
4.6 Movement between Function Blocks ....................................................4-4
4.6.1 Movement Between Unconnected Blocks .................................... 4-4
4.6.2 Movement Between Connected Blocks ....................................... 4-4
4.6.3 The Jump Command .................................................................... 4-4
4.7 Using Keys as Inputs ............................................................................ 4-4
4.8 The Monitor Mode ................................................................................. 4-5
4.8.1 Monitor/Update Function Block Values ........................................4-5
4.8.2 Forcing Outputs ON/OFF ............................................................. 4-6
4.8.3 Add/Delete Function Blocks in the Monitor Mode ........................4-6
5. The Logic Function Blocks ........................................................5-1
5.1 The AND Block ..................................................................................... 5-2
5.2 The OR Block ........................................................................................ 5-3
5.3 The NOT Block ..................................................................................... 5-4
5.4 The XOR Block (Exclusive OR) ............................................................5-4
5.5 The NAND Block (Not AND) .................................................................5-5
5.6 The NOR Block (Not OR) ......................................................................5-6
6. Function Blocks ......................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Definitions ............................................................................................. 6-6
6.2 Abbreviations ........................................................................................ 6-6
6.3 Boolean block ....................................................................................... 6-7
6.4 Set/Reset Block .................................................................................... 6-9
6.5 Pulse Block .........................................................................................6-11
6.6 Alternate Block ....................................................................................6-13
6.7 Delay Block .........................................................................................6-14
6.8 One Shot Block ................................................................................... 6-16
6.9 Flicker Block ........................................................................................6-18
6.10 TimeSW Block ..................................................................................6-21
6.10.1 Setting the First Time Switch ................................................... 6-21
6.10.2 For the Date operation: ............................................................ 6-22
6.10.3 For the Weekly Operation: .......................................................6-22
6.10.4 To Enter New Time Switches ...................................................6-22
6.10.5 To Edit Time Switches ............................................................. 6-23
6.10.6 To Delete Time Switch Data .................................................... 6-23
2 Series Applications Controller
6.11 Counter Block ...................................................................................6-24
6.12 Up/Down Counter Block ....................................................................6-25
6.13 Compare Block ................................................................................. 6-27
6.14 OFFSET Block .................................................................................. 6-29
6.15 Display Block ....................................................................................6-32
6.15.1 Displaying Data Onscreen ....................................................... 6-32
6.15.2 Editing Data Onscreen ............................................................. 6-33
6.16 Zone Compare Block ........................................................................ 6-36
6.17 Schmitt Trigger Block ........................................................................6-38
6.18 Hour Meter Block ..............................................................................6-41
6.19 Speed Detect Block .......................................................................... 6-43
6.20 Pulse Width Modulation .................................................................... 6-48
6.21 Retentive Alternate Block ..................................................................6-50
6.22 Addition Block ................................................................................... 6-51
6.23 Subtraction Block .............................................................................. 6-52
6.24 Multiplication Block ........................................................................... 6-53
6.25 Division Block ....................................................................................6-54
6.26 Calculation Block ..............................................................................6-55
6.27 Shift Block ......................................................................................... 6-57
6.28 GSM SMS Block ............................................................................... 6-59
6.28.1 Input Signal .............................................................................. 6-61
6.28.2 Output Signal ........................................................................... 6-61
6.28.3 Word Output .............................................................................6-61
6.28.4 Short Message Service (SMS) ................................................ 6-62
6.28.5 Comment/Signal Number ......................................................... 6-62
6.28.6 Setting ......................................................................................6-62
6.28.7 Destination ...............................................................................6-62
6.28.8 SMS Setting Dialog Box ........................................................... 6-63
6.28.9 SMS Service Center ................................................................ 6-63
6.28.10 Valid Period ............................................................................ 6-63
6.28.11 Destination ............................................................................. 6-63
6.28.12 Error Messages ...................................................................... 6-64
6.29 Random One Shot Block ..................................................................6-70
6.30 Delayed One Shot Block ................................................................... 6-72
6.31 Delayed Alternate Block ....................................................................6-75
6.32 Retentive Set Reset Block ................................................................ 6-77
6.33 Control Display Manager ..................................................................6-79
6.33.1 Operation Image: ..................................................................... 6-80
6.33.2 To Set Display Manager: .......................................................... 6-81
6.34 Connect Block ................................................................................... 6-87
2 Series Applications Controller
7. Lets Make a Program ................................................................ 7-1
7.1 Option Settings ..................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 The Function Block Diagram .................................................................7-1
7.3 Input the Program ................................................................................. 7-2
7.3.1 Adding Function Blocks by the Left to Right method (Section 4.2.1) 7-2
7.3.2 Scroll through the Function Blocks by Number (Section 4.6.1) .... 7-3
7.3.3 Use the Jump Command (Section 4.6.3) ..................................... 7-3
7.3.4 Use the NewFB command ...........................................................7-4
7.3.5 Connect the Function Blocks from Right to Left (Section 4.2.2) .. 7-4
7.4 Set up the Function Block Parameters (Section 4.5.1) .........................7-5
7.5 Exit the Function Block Diagram board ................................................. 7-6
8. Appendix ...................................................................................8-1
8.1 Associated Manuals .............................................................................. 8-1
8.2 System Keys .........................................................................................8-2
8.3 System Bits ...........................................................................................8-2
8.4 Boolean Gates ...................................................................................... 8-3
8.5 Function Blocks .....................................................................................8-4
Simple Application Controllers

1. Introduction

The α2 Series Controllers provides supervisory control for use in the home, office, factory or wherever you need it. The
Applications The
α2 Series is designed to be used for automatic applications including:
- Lighting, air-conditioning or watering control
- Opening and shutting of gates
- Security systems
- Domestic systems
- Temperature control
Introduction 1
α2 Series Controllers offers flexible I/O control for varied
However, the
- Applications where high reliabilities such as nuclear power control, railway facilities, airline facilities, vehicles, combustion equipment and medical equipment are required.
- Applications in life critical situations
Please contact a Mitsubishi distributor for more information.
α2 Series Controllers is not designed to be used in the following applications:

1.1 Special Features Display messages and Function Block data

1 ) Display messages and Function Block data
α2 Series can display the state of operation and the alarm on the LCD screen as a
message. The values of timers and counters can be changed in RUN mode.
- Total characters on LCD display: 12 characters x 4 lines
- Display items: Message, values (current or set) of timers and counters, analogue values, etc.
2 ) Program Input
The user can program directly from the front panel or use the windows based AL-PCS/WIN-E programming software Ver2.00. Pictorial representation of data is used to
connect function blocks. Please refer to the
α Software Manual.
3 ) Enhancement of clock function
The weekly and daily calendar timer function allows switch inputs that set the powerful time dependent control capabilities.
4 ) Analog input, 0-10V/0-500
The DC input type for the
5 ) High Speed Counter, max 1kHz
α2 Series has two dedicated high speed counters when using AL2-4EX EI1 and EI2.
6 ) High current output
Relay output is 8A/COM in the main unit AL2-14MR-*: O01-6, AL2-24MR-D: O01-04 and the transistor output is 1A/point in the extension module.
α2 Series accepts 0-10V signals with a resolution of 0-500.
1 - 1
Simple Application Controllers
7 ) GSM Function
α2 Series Controller uses GSM to send a SMS to a mobile phone or a dedicated
E-mail account via a standard service provider.
8 ) Dedicated Protocol
Introducing a Communication Device concept in the user to monitor, modify and enter current and set values in Function Blocks via dedicated protocol controlled from a personal computer.
9 ) Built-in EEPROM
The built in EEPROM eliminates the need for battery backed data.
10 )Supports 6 languages
The language option under the TopMenu can be changed to display: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Swedish.
11 ) LCD Screen
Enhanced LCD screen size allows the user to view data clearer and permits the Controller to display bar graphs and other new intricate data representation items.
Introduction 1
α2 Series Controllers allowing the
α2 Series
12 )Increased Memory
The CPU memory for the new blocks to create a program algorithm and contains a 5000 byte capacity memory on board.
This manual will describe the procedure by which the programmed from the front panel, the functions of the keys, and the powerful function block

1.2 Model Name

The α2 Series Controllers can be identified using the following format:
AL2 - α2 Series Controller ** - Total number of I/O
M - Main Unit
α2 Series Controller allows a maximum of 200 function
α2 Series Controllers can be
AL2- ** M R - A/D
A - 100~240V AC D - +24V DC
R - Relay Type output
1 - 2
Simple Application Controllers

2. Function Block Programming

The α2 Series Controller is programmed with a user-friendly method of combining special dedicated purpose function blocks. The task is broken down into various stages which can be represented by a number of function blocks. Function Block Programming simplifies application representation but ensures complete process control. The program can be developed in very simple steps but even a complex task can be represented in this way. For ease of use, the function blocks have been preprogrammed to perform certain tasks yet offer flexibility to be tailored to individual requirements.
Figure 1.1: Principle of Function Block Programming
Function Block Programming 2
One Shot
1 2 3 4
I0n - Input n O0n - Output n OR - OR Boolean Function Block SR - Set/Reset Function Block OS - One Shot Function Block
The user can build a complex circuit in small easy steps by starting at the input and working forward in a logical manner. The
α2 will gather and process information and provide the
necessary control for the application according to the system algorithm. Each individual function block provides specific control parameters, accessible by the user, to tailor each pro­gram for complete application suitability. The function blocks are connected together to form a circuit using the Function Block Diagram (FBD.)

2.1 Block Type and the FBD base

There are seven sets of items that can be used in the function block program: Inputs, Front Panel Keys, System Memory Bits, Logic Blocks, Function Blocks, User-defined Function Blocks and Outputs. A brief description of each follows.
2 - 1
Simple Application Controllers

2.1.1 Inputs

The α2 Series Controller will accept both digital (On/Off) and analog (mV value based) electrical information through the system Inputs. Please refer to the
electrical information, wiring diagrams and input specifications. Depending on the chosen controller there are either 14 or 24 input version types of the are referenced to I01, I02, ..., I15.
Function Block Programming 2
α2 Hardware Manual for
α2 Series Controller. The Inputs
Table 2.1: Input type for the
Input Input Number Description
Signal I01 - I15 Maximum of 15 Inputs are allocated for use.
AS-i E01 - E04 Maximum of 4 AS-interface inputs are allocated for use.
Analog A01 - A08 Maximum of 8 Analog inputs are allocated for use on input I01 to I08.
Extension EI01 - EI04 Maximum of 4 Extension inputs are allocated for use.

2.1.2 Front Panel Keys

The front panel keys can enter data into the program memory, move through menus or programs, select programming options, or be used as extra inputs when the program is running. There are eight keys which are referenced as K01 - K08.
Table 2.2: Front panel keys for the
Key Name Key number Key Function
OK K01
“+” K03
“-” K04
( ) K05
( ) K06
( ) K07 Move to the right on the LCD display, FB program, or Jump command
( )
K08 Move to the left on the LCD display, FB program, or Jump command
α2 Series Controller
α2 Series Controller
Used to enter menu options, confirm data entry, and manually force inputs ON/OFF in the monitor function.
Used to cancel an operation, move to a higher level screen, or to move to a new menu.
Used to connect (or “add”) function blocks, increase Direct Set input values or times, or move through programs or menus.
Used to disconnect function blocks, decrease Direct Set values or times, or move through programs or menus.
Scroll up through menu options (menus, keys, FB, Inputs, Outputs, etc.)
Scroll down through menu options (menus, keys, FB, Inputs, Outputs, etc.)
2 - 2
Simple Application Controllers

2.1.3 System Memory Bits

These System Memory Bits can provide predefined signals - Always On, Always Off, 0.5 second On, 0.5 second Off, or provide information about the Real Time Clock time or errors etc. There are fourteen Memory bits that are referenced to M01, M02, ... M14.
Function Block Programming 2
Table 2.3: System Bits for the
System Bit Description
M01 Always “ON”.
M02 Always “OFF”.
M03 Alternate - 0.5 seconds “ON”, 0.5 seconds “OFF”.
M04 “ON” when Real Time Clock data error occurs.
M05 “ON” when Summer time schedule is activated.
M06 “ON” when AS-interface communication Error occurs.
M07 “ON” when communication Error caused by AS-interface power failure occurs.
M10 Reserved
M11 Reserved
M12 “ON” when CD (DCD) signal is turned ON (receiving CD signal from the modem.)
M13 “ON” when it is possible to access the GSM network.
M14 “ON” when the α2 series controller is accessed via GSM
“ON” when Stop mode turns to Run mode in the α2 Series. The “ON” signal acts as a pulse output and then turns “OFF”.
“OFF” when Stop mode turns to Run mode in the α2 Series. The “OFF” signal acts as a pulse output and then turns “ON”.
α2 Series Controller

2.1.4 Function Blocks

Programming the α2 Series Controller is based upon the combination of different function blocks. They process the information received from the previously mentioned inputs and
control the system Outputs. They can also provide input signals or information to other function blocks using word outputs pins. To make programming easier, the Function Blocks have all been preprogrammed. Therefore, parameters within each function block dialog box can be set according to the intended application. There are 38 Function Blocks available, they are described in detail throughout Chapters 5 and 6.
2 - 3
Simple Application Controllers

2.1.5 Outputs

Table 2.4: Outputs for the α2 Series Controller
Outputs Description
O01 - 09 Signal output
A01 - 04 AS-interface Output
EO1 - E04 Extension Output
Note: *1 When both N02 and N03 are ON and hence the back light is “ON” because N03 is
given the priority.
Function Block Programming 2
ON: Disconnected to AS-interface network OFF: Connect to AS-interface network
ON: The back light is “OFF” in LCD. OFF: The back light is controlled by the “Light Time” setting in Menu.
ON: The back light is “ON” in LCD. OFF: The back light is controlled by the “Light Time” setting in Menu.
ON: The user screen is controlled by the setting of “Display Manager” with AL-PCS/
OFF: The user screen is controlled by user program.

2.1.6 Function Block Diagram (FBD) base

The Function Block Diagram provides the base for which all programming actions for the α2 is performed. Both the
FBD base contains a Title rectangle on the top, Input rectangles on the left and Output rectangles on the right. The FBD base is also known as FBD wiring area. All the components should be placed only within the FBD base rectangle except for the input and output signals which can be placed in the FBD wiring area or in the Input or Output rectangles.
α2 controller and the AL-PCS/Win-E software use the FBD base. The
2 - 4
Simple Application Controllers

2.2 Programming Methods

2.2.1 Direct Programming

Direct Programming uses the keys on the front panel to create the program and enter any required data values. The method for Direct Programming is explained in this manual beginning at Chapter 4.

2.2.2 AL-PCS/WIN-E Programming Software Ver 2.00

This windows based software allows the user to drag and drop the desired Function Block icons onto the FBD base and construct a program. The program is downloaded to the controller via the AL-232CAB cable. The visual on-screen connections make the software
easy to grasp for beginners and experienced users alike. The AL-PCS/WIN-E Programming Software is fully explained in the
Figure 2.1: AL-PCS/WIN-E Programming Software Ver 2.00
α Software Manual.
Function Block Programming 2
Note: Do not simultaneously program the programming keys and AL-PCS/WIN-E Ver 2.00 methods as this may cause harm.
α2 Series Controller from the direct
2 - 5
Simple Application Controllers
Function Block Programming 2
2 - 6
Simple Application Controllers

3. System Menu

3.1 Menu Options Instructions

There are Systems Menus to help guide the user through the options available in the α2. The TopMenu has a Run Mode that is accessed while the accessed when the
The Edit Menu and the Function Block Edit Menu can be accessed when in either ProgEdit or Monitor. These menus can be used to create and/or change programs steps or values.
Use the “OK” key to enter a programming option or to enter data into memory. Set all the data on the screen before using the “OK” key to write the data to the system
memory. If there are multiple data screens in an option, enter the required data and accept each screen with the “OK” key.
The “ESC” key will move the screen back to a higher menu option. It will cancel any data input that has not been accepted with the “OK” key.
α2 is idle.
System Menu 3
α2 is in operation or a Stop Mode that is
Note Use the “ESC” key to exit the option to the higher menu; at times, it will be necessary to press
the “ESC” key a number of times to move to through multiple programming layers.

3.2 The Stop Mode

3.2.1 Top Menu

When the α2 is first turned On, the Input/Output Image Table will appear. Press the “OK” and “ESC” keys simultaneously to move to the TopMenu. (If the TopMenu cannot be accessed the Menu Key has been set to “Not Use”),
Run: Places the controller in Run mode.
•Setup TS:
Provides a simple method to edit Time Switches from the Top Menu (only selectable if a TSm function block has been chosen.)
ProgEdit: Allows program editing/creation on the display using the front panel keys. The current memory will be overwritten as changes are made to the program. Programs can be saved on an AL2-EEPROM-2 memory cassette or in the AL-PCS/WIN-E software Version 2.0 or above.
ClockSet: Set the Real Time Clock or input a daily clock adjustment.
LANGUAGE: Choose from 6 onscreen languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, or Swedish.
3 - 1
Simple Application Controllers
Figure 3.1: TopMenu in Stop Mode operation
10: 19 Fr i
•2••5 • •9
O: 1• • 4 • • 8
E:1• •4 A: •23
EI : • •41
EO : 2 3 •
Se t upTS
Run / S t op
OK o r ESC
Se t up
NoDa t a
System Menu 3
Run Mode
ProgEd i t
Cl ockSet
Ot he r s
Cl ockSe t
Cl ockSet Co r r ec t
Cl ockSe t
Cl ockSet Co r r ec t
LANGUAGE Eng l i s h Ge r man
Spani sh
Sw d i s h
1 2
Cl ockSe t
dd/mm/ yyyy 30/ 11 / 2001
10: 45 Fr i
Co r r e c t
3 4
3 - 2
Simple Application Controllers

3.2.2 The “Others...

Version: Displays CPU Version of the
Scan Time:
Monitor the Current, Maximum, or Minimum program scan times. Upon controller reset current, Maximum and Minimum values for scan times are reset to 0.
Password: Restrict entry to the ProgEdit and Monitor mode with a four digit password.
Set up to three Passwords for Display function blocks.
Menu Key: Two settings are possible, “Not Use” or “OK + ESC”. “Not Use” is designed so that
unauthorised people cannot access the setting is selected, simultaneously depress the “OK” and the “ESC” keys to access the Top Menu.
Summertime: Choose the preferred daylight savings time: Cancel, Manual On, Date Type, UK type, US type, or EU type.
Serial Com: Choose the type of communication to be used for the right hand side serial communication port - Not Use, Modem, GSM or Other Com.
Light Time: Set the backlight off delay time.
ProgClear: Completely clears the system memory including Password protected programs. Only the active memory is cleared, i.e. if a memory cassette is installed, the memory cassette pro­gram will be erased but the controller memory will be retained.
ProgTran. (only appears if a cassette is installed): Verify,
Cassette à (the cassette writes to the α2), Cassette ß(the cassette reads
from the α2), and ProtectSW are the options available.
System Menu 3
α2 Series Controller.
α2 Top Menu in Run mode. If the “OK + ESC” key
3 - 3
Simple Application Controllers
Figure 3.2: Others Menu in Stop Mode operation
3 4
System Menu 3
Ve r s i on
Ve r s i on
Ve r * . * *
ScanT i me
Pas swo r d
Di spPass
Me n u K e y
ScanT i me
Mo n i t o r Res e t
ScanT i me
Mo n i t o r Res e t
Se t u p
Pas swo r d
Di spPass
Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3
ScanT i me Cu r . 0ms Ma x . Mi n
Re s e t
ScanT i me
OK o r ESC
Se t up
Di spPass Leve l 1
Summe r T ime
Se r i a l Com
Progcl ear
Summe r T ime
Can c e l Ma n u a l On Da t aTy p e UK T y p e US T y p e EU T y p e
Se t up
Pr ogCl ea r
OK o r E SC
Summe r T ime
31/ 03
~30 / 10 +60mi n
5 6
3 - 4
Simple Application Controllers
Figure 3.3: Serial Com in Stop Mode operation
System Menu 3
5 6
Se r i a l Com
No t Us e Modem
Ot he rCom
ModemIn i t
Command De l y T i me
ModemIn i t
Command De l y T i mea
Comf o rma t GSM I n i t GS Re mo t e
P NCode
I Se t SMS GSMStatus
Ot he rCom Ot he rCom
Comf o rma t * Stat i onNo
Li nkBl ock
Ot he rCom
Comf o rma t * Stat i onNo
Li nkBl ock
ModemIn i t01 Command
yz{ | } ! "#$
ModemIn i t De l y T i mea
Stat i onNo
No . 0
Ot he rCom
Li nkBl ock
7 8
Figure 3.4: Communication Format in Stop Mode Operation
* Comformat
Datalengt h
Parity Stopbit
8 bits
1 bit
300 bps 600 bps 1200 bps
7 bits
2 bits
2400 bps
4800 bps
9600 bps
19200 bps
3 - 5
Simple Application Controllers
Figure 3.5: GSM Menu in Stop Mode operation
System Menu 3
7 8
Comf o rma t *
GSM I n i t
GS Re mo t e
P NCode
Se t SMS
GSM I n i t
Commnd De l ay T i me
GS Re mo t e
Fo r b i t Pe rmi t
PI NCode
Se t up
Se t SMS
Status CMEE r r o r CMSE r r o r SigSei ng
Figure 3.6: Communication Format in Stop Mode operation
* Comformat
Datalengt h
Parity Stopbit
8 bits
1 bit
300 bps 600 bps 1200 bps
7 bits
2 bits
2400 bps
4800 bps
9600 bps
19200 bps
3 - 6
Simple Application Controllers
System Menu 3
Pr ogr amScr een
1 2
(OK, ESC, +, -, , , , )
Edi tMenu
ProgSi ze
Add FB
O 01
Connect EO 04
Bl ock 0FB
Memo r y 0%
FBSe l ec t AND
Adding Function Blocks
FBSe l ec t
De l ay edA
(+) or (-) Skips to the next topic
FBPa r ame
Se t ChangeN*2o
Function Block Specific
Changes Function Block Number
Deletes Functi on Block from FBD
De l e t eFB
De l ay edA
Ex i t
Mn e mo n i c
M0 1 -

3.3 The Run Mode Top Menu

When the α2 program is running, the LCD defaults to the Image Table screen. According to the Menu Key setting, proceed to the Stop Mode of the Top Menu by using the “OK” and the
“ESC” keys or reset the controller by powering down.
Takes the
•Setup TS:
Provides a simple method to edit Time Switches from the Top Menu.
Monitor: Monitor the program settings while in the Run mode and perform limited editing to FB parameters. The existing programming steps cannot be modified.
Set the Real Time Clock or input a daily clock adjustment.
Choose the on-screen language from English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, or Swedish.
α2 out of Run mode.
3 - 7
Simple Application Controllers
Figure 3.8: TopMenu in Run Mode Operation
10: 19 Fr i
I :•2••5 ••9
O: 1• • 4 • • 8
E:1• •4 A: •23
EI : • •41
EO : 2 3 •
Se t upTS
Run / S t op
OK o r ESC
Se t up
NoDa t a
System Menu 3
Stop Mode
Mo n i t o r
Cl ockSet
Cl ockSe t
Cl ockSet Co r r ec t
Cl ockSe t
Cl ockSet Co r r ec t
LANGUAGE Eng l i s h
Ge r man
Spani sh
Sw d i s h
1 2
Cl ockSe t
dd/mm/ yyyy 30/ 11 / 2001
10: 45 Fr i
Co r r e c t
3 4
3 - 8
Simple Application Controllers
Figure 3.9: Others Menu in Run Mode operation
System Menu 3
3 4
Ve r s i on
ScanT i me
Pas swo r d
Di spPass
Ve r s i on
Ve r * . * *
ScanT i me
Mo n i t o r Res e t
ScanT i me
Mo n i t o r Res e t
Se t up
Pas swo r d
Di spPass
Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3
ScanT i me
Cu r . 0ms Ma x . Mi n
Res e t
ScanT i me
OK o r ESC
Se t up
Di spPass
Leve l 1
Summer T i me
Se r i a l Com
Pr ogTr an
Summer T i me
Can c e l Ma n u a l On Da t aTy pe UK T y p e US T y p e EU T y p e
Se t up
Summer T i me
31/ 03
~30 / 10 +60mi n
5 6
3 - 9
Simple Application Controllers
Figure 3.10: Serial Com in Run Mode operation
System Menu 3
5 6
Se r i a l Com
No t Us e Modem
Ot he rCom
ModemIn i t
Command De l ay
ModemIn i t
Comf o rma t GSM I n i t GS Re mo t e P NCode Se t SMS GSMStatus
Ot he rCom Ot he rCom
Comf o rma t * Stat i onNo
Li nkBl ock
Ot he rCom
Comf o rma t * Stat i onNo
Li nkBl ock
TimeDe l ay
ModemIn i t01 Command
yz{ | } ! "#$
ModemIn i t
TimeDe l ay
Stat i onNo
No . 0
Ot he rCom
Li nkBl ock
7 8
Figure 3.11: Communication Format in Run Mode Operation
* Comformat
Datalengt h
Parity Stopbit
8 bits
1 bit
7 bits
2 bits
2400 bps 4800 bps 9600 bps 19200 bps300 bps 600 bps 1200 bps
3 - 10
Simple Application Controllers
Figure 3.12: GSM Menu in Run Mode operation
System Menu 3
7 8
Comf o rma t *
GSM I n i t
GS Re mo t e
P NCode
Se t SMS
GSM I n i t
Com and De l ay T i me
GSR emo t e
Fo r b i t
Pe rmi t
PI NCode
Se t up
Se t SMS
Status CMEE r r o r CMSE r r o r SigSt ing
Figure 3.13: Communication Format in Run Mode operation
* Comformat
Datalengt h
Parity Stopbit
8 bits
1 bit
9600 bps
7 bits
2 bits
19200 bps
3 - 11
Simple Application Controllers
Figure 3.14: Monitor Screen in Run Mode.
System Menu 3
Moni t o r Sc reen
1 2
(OK, ESC, +, -, , , , )
Edi tMenu
ProgSi ze
Ex i t
B002 B003
Bl ack 4FB
Memo r y 1%
P- I
Setti ngs for Function Blocks
FBSe t t i n
Se t
Individual for each Function Block.
3 - 12
+ 122 hidden pages