Mitsubishi aj65sbt-rps, aj65sbt-rpg User Manual

CC-Link System Repe ater O ptical Repe ate r Mo dule
User’s Manual
Thank you for buying the Mitsubishi general-purpose programmable logic controller MELSEC series.
Prior to use, please read this manual thoroughly and familiarize yourself with the product
Mitsubishi Programmable Logic Controller


(Read these precautions before using.)
When using this equipment, thoroughly read this manual. Also pay careful attention to safety and handle the module properly. These precautions apply only to this equipment. Refer to the CPU module User's Manual for a description of the PC system safety precautions. These "Safety Precautions" classify the safety precautions into two categories: "DANGER" and "CAUTION".
Procedures which may lead to a dangerou s condition and cause death or serious injury, if not carr ied out properly.
Depending on circumstances, procedures indicated by CAUTION may also be linked to serious results. In any case, it is important to follow the directions for usage. Store this manual in a safe place so that you can take it out and read it whenever necessary. Always forward it to the end user.
Procedures which may lead to a dangerous condi tion and cause superficial to medium injury, or physical damage only, if not carried out properly.
Input/output could be switched on or off when a problem occurs in the
repeater module. So build an external monitoring circuit that will monitor any input/output signals that could cause a serious accident.
Use each module in an environment as specified in the "general
specification" in the CPU module User's Manual. Usage of the module outside the general specification range may cause electric shock, fire, malfunction, product damage or deterioration.
Do not have control cables and communication cables bundled with or
placed near by the main circuit and/or power cables. It may cause malfunction due to noise interference. Wire those cables at least 100mm(3.94 inch) away from the main circuit and/or power cables.
Do not directly touch the module's conductive parts.
Doing so could cause malfunction or trouble in the module.
Tighten the module securely using DIN rail or installation screws within the
specified torque range. Loose terminal screws may cause falling, short circuit or erroneous operation. If the terminal screws are too tight, it may cause falling or short circuit due to damage of the screws.
Perform installation and wiring after disconnecting the power supply at all
phases externally. If the power is not disconnected at all phases an electric shock or product damage may result.
Be sure to ground the FG terminal to the class-D (class 3) or higher
sequencer dedicated grounding conductor. Otherwise there will be an electric shock or misoperation.
Terminal screws which are not to be used must be tightened always.
Otherwise there will be a danger of short circuit against the bare solderless terminals.
Perform correct wiring for the module according to the product's rated
voltage and terminal arrangement. Connecting to a power supply different from the rating or mis-wiring may cause fire and/or trouble.
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Fix terminal screws securely with the specified torque.
Loose terminal screws may cause short circuit or malfunction. If the terminal screws are too tight, it may cause falling, short circuit or erroneous operation due to damage of the screws or module.
Make sure foreign objects do not get inside the module, such as dirt and
wire chips. It may cause fire, trouble or malfunction.
Be sure to fix the communication and power cables that are connected to
the module in place, either by running them through a duct or by using clamps. If the cables are not fixed in one of these ways, dispersion, movement, or careless pulling of the cables may cause damage to the module or cables, or malfunction due to cable contact faults.
When removing the communication cable or power supply cable from the
module, do not pull the cable. When removing the cable with a connector, hold the connector on the side that is connected to the module. When removing the cable connected to the terminal block, first loosen the screws on the part that is connected to the terminal block. Pulling the cable that is still connected to the module may cause malfunction or damage to the module or cable.
Do not touch terminals when the power is on.
It may cause an electric shock or malfunction.
Perform cleaning the module or re-tightening of terminal screws after
making sure to turn off the external power supply. If you do not switch off the external power supply, it will cause trouble or malfunction of the module.
Never try to disassemble or modify module.
It may cause trouble, malfunction, injury or fire.
The module case is made of resin; do not drop it or subject it to strong
shock. Module damage may result.
Make sure to switch all phases of the external power supply off before
installing or removing the module to/from the panel. If you do not switch off the external power supply, it will cause trouble or malfunction of the module.
When disposing of this product, treat it as industrial waste.
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The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cover.
Print Date
Manual Number Revision Nov.,1999 IB (NA)-0800089-A First edition Jun.,2000 IB (NA)-0800089-B
Section 2.2(5)
Jan.,2001 IB (NA)-0800089-C
Section 3.3.2(3)
This manual confers no industrial property rights or any rights of any other kind, nor dose it confer any patent licenses. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation cannot be held responsible for any problems involving industrial property rights which may occur as a result of using the contents noted in this manual.
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1. OVERVIEW...................................................................................................1
1.1 Features..................................................................................................1
1.2 Packaged parts........................................................................................2
1.3 Abbreviated names, generic names and terms........................................2
2. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION.........................................................................3
2.1 Total configuration...................................................................................3
2.2 Cautions on system configuration............................................................4
3. SPECIFICATIONS.........................................................................................7
3.1 General specifications.............................................................................7
3.2 Performance specifi cations......................................................................7
3.3 Specifications of conne ction cables.........................................................8
3.4 Max. transmission distance ...................................................................12
4. PROCEDURE UP TO START OF DATA LINK............................................13
4.1 Procedure up to start of data link...........................................................13
4.2 Mounting and installation.......................................................................13
4.2.1 Cautions on handling.....................................................................13
4.2.2 Installation env ironment.................................................................16
4.3 Names and settings of parts..................................................................17
4.4 Check of module state (Hardware test)..................................................19
4.5 Setting of switche s.................................................................................20
4.6 Installation and removal of protective cover...........................................21
4.7 Connection of module through CC-Link dedicated cable.......................22
4.8 Check for state of connection (Line test)................................................23
5. TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................24
6. EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS DIAGRAM.........................................................24

About the Manuals

The following manuals are related to this product. Referring to this list, please request the necessary manuals.
Related manuals
Manual Name
AJ61BT11, A1SJ61BT11 CC-Link System Master Local Module User's Manual (Detail version) AJ61QBT11, A1SJ61QBT11 CC-Link System Master Local Module User's Manual (Detail version) QJ61BT11 CC-Link System Master Local Module User's Manual (Detail version) CC-Link System Small Type Remote I/O Module User's Manual (Detail version) AJ65SBT-RPT Type CC-Link system Repeater
Manual Number
(Model Code)
IB(NA)0800078 (T-junction) Module User's Manual AJ65BT-RPI-10A/ AJ65BT-RPI-10B Type CC-Link System Space Optical Repeater Module User's Manual
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This User's Manual describes the specifications, part names, settings and others of the AJ65SBT-RPS type CC-Link system optical repeater module (for SI/QSI fiber-optic cables) and the AJ65SBT-RPG type CC-Link system optical repeater module (for GI fiber-optic cables) used in the Control & Communication Link (hereafter abbreviated to CC-Link).

1.1 Features The AJ65SBT-RPS/RPG module is used to increase the flexibility of laying the

cables of the CC-Link system. Using two the same product of AJ65SBT-RPS/RPG enables a transmission distance increase and T-junction wiring using fiber-optic cables in all CC-Link systems. In addition, using fiber-optic cables facilitates avoiding the noise trouble of the transmission path, improving system stability.
(1) Extended transmission distance in CC-Link system
Use of this module increases the transmission distance of the CC-Link system. In addition, use of multiple modules enables the transmission distance to be increased up to 3 stages (up to 2 stages when the AJ65SBT-RPGs are used).
Master station
Increased up to 7.8km!!
Remote I/O station
Fiber-optic cable *1 The maximum transmission distance on the assumption that the transmission speed setting is 156kbps in a system only the AJ65SBT-RPSs are used as repeaters. *2 Though not shown here, the other remote stations can be connected between the repeaters.
1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage
CC-Link dedicated cable
Termination resistor (required)
(2) Enabled T-junction wiring in CC-Link system
Arrangement of these modules between the CC-Link system modules enables the CC-Link system to be wired in the form of T-junction.
Master station
I/O station
device station
device station
Remote I/O station
T-junction wiring enabled!!
Fiber-optic cable CC-Link dedicated cable Termination resistor (required)
(3) Noise-resistant stable system
Fiber-optic cables used for junction and extension make it easy to avoid trouble caused by noise, improving system stability.
(4) Mountable to control panel with either screws or DIN rail
This module can be mounted onto the control panel with either screws or DIN rail.
(5) Compact module size
The module size has been reduced to the same one as that of AJ65SBTC4­16
/ AJ65SBTC1-32
type small remote I/O module.
Item Size mm (inch)
Height 50.0 (1.97)
Width 118.0 (4.65) Depth 40.0 (1.58)

1.2 Packaged parts After unpacking, make sure that those parts listed below are packaged.

Part name Quantity AJ65SBT-RPS/RPG module 1 Terminating resistances 110 1/2W (Brown, Brown, Brown) 1 Terminating resistances 130 1/2W (Brown, Orange, Brown) 1

1.3 Abbreviated names, generic names and terms

Abbreviated names,
generic names and terms
Master station Local station Remote I/O station Remote device station Remote station Intelligent device station Repeater Ready master station Master local module Master module Local module Remote module
Intelligent device module Module allowing transient transmission such as AJ65BT-R2.
Abbreviation of AJ65SBT-RPS/AJ65SBT-RPG type CC-Link system optical repeater module. System between terminating resistances connected to each other through cross-over cables.The conventional CC-Link system can be said to be configured with one segment (See Section 2.1.). Station to control the data link system. One station is required for each system. Station which has a sequencer CPU and can communicate with the master station and the other local stations. Remote station processing only information in unit of bit. (AJ65BTB1-16D, AJ65SBTB1-16D, AJ65SBTB1-8 Remote station processing only information in unit of bit and in unit of word.(AJ65BT-64AD, AJ65BT-64DAV, AJ65BT-64DAI, etc.) Generic name of remote I/O station and remote device station. Controlled by the master station. Station allowing transient transmission such as AJ65BT-R2.(Including local stations) Module for expanding the CC-Link system by connecting the segments to each other. Backup station which inherits data link control when the master station comes off parallel due to error. Generic name of QJ61BT11, AJ61BT11, A1SJ61BT11, AJ61QBT11 and A1SJ61QBT11. Generic name of QJ61BT11, AJ61BT11, A1SJ61BT11, AJ61QBT11 and A1SJ61QBT11 when these are used as the master station. Generic name of QJ61BT11, AJ61BT11, A1SJ61BT11, AJ61QBT11 and A1SJ61QBT11 when these are used as the local station. Generic name of AJ65BTB1-16D, AJ65SBTB1-16D, AJ65BT-64AD, AJ65BT-64DAV, AJ65BT-64DAI and A852GOT.
, etc.)



2.1 Total configuration The total configuration employed when the AJ65SBT-RPS/RPG module is

used is as shown below.
Master station
Remote I/O
[Segment (1st stage)]
Remote I/O
device station
[Segment (1st stage)]
Local station
Repeater (AJ65SBT-RPS/RPG)
device station
Remote I/O
device station
device station
[Segment (2nd stag e)]
Fiber-optic cable
*1 The transmission speed of each segment must be matched with that of the master station. *2 Up to 3 stages of segments may be used. (Up to 2 stages when the AJ65SBT-RPGs are used)
Remote I/O stationRemote I/O station
CC-Link dedicated cable
Repeater (AJ65SBT-RPS/RPG)
Termination resistor (required
(1) What is a repeater?
This is the module for expanding the CC-Link system by connecting the segments to each other.
(2) What is a segment?
In the CC-Link system where repeaters are used, the equipment included between terminating resistances connected to each other through cross­over cables is generally called the segment.

2.2 Cautions on system configuration (1) Conditions of usable master module

When the AJ61BT11, A1SJ61BT11, AJ61QBT11 and A1SJ61QBT11 modules are used, those of the functional version B or later must be employed. Use the master module bearing the version 9707 B or later in the DATE column of the name plate as shown in the figure below. When the QJ61BT11 module is used, any module can be used irrespective of the version.
Year and month of manufacture
9707 B
Function version
Year and month of manufacture
9707 B
Function version
(2) Max. number of modules connected to configure CC-Link system
Remote I/O stations, remote device stations, local stations, ready master stations, intelligent device stations and repeaters of 64 modules max. can be connected in one segment. In the CC-Link system where repeaters are used, also the number of remote stations capable of being controlled by one master station is the same as in the other systems. For details, refer to the User's Manual of the applicable master module.
(3) Combination of optical repeater modules and fiber-optic cable used
Use the optical repeater modules and fiber-optic cable in the following combination.
Module Fiber-Optic Cable
AJ65SBT-RPG GI type fiber-optic cable (max. extension distance of cable: 2000m (6557.38ft.))
SI type fiber-optic cable (max. extension distance of cable: 500m (1639.34ft.)) QSI type fiber-optic cable (max. extension distance of cable: 1000m (3278.69ft))
Example: Combination for use of AJ65SBT-RPG
Fiber-optic cable
GI type
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