(Always read these instructions before using this equipment.)
Before using this product, please read this manual and the relevant manuals
introduced in this manual carefully and pay full attention to safety to handle the
product correctly.
The instructions given in this manual are concerned with this product. For the
safety instructions of the programmable controller system, please read the user's
manual for the CPU module used.
In this manual, the safety instructions are ranked as "DANGER" and "CAUTION".
Indicates that incorrect handling may cause
Note that the CAUTION level may lead to a serious consequence according
to the circumstances.
Always follow the instructions of both levels because they are important to
personal safety.
Please save this manual to make it accessible when required and always forward
it to the end user.
hazardous conditions, resulting in death or severe
Indicates that incorrect handling may cause
hazardous conditions, resulting in medium or slight
personal injury or physical damage.
[Design Precautions]
When controlling a running programmable controller (data modification) by
connecting a peripheral to a CPU module or connecting a personal computer
to an intelligent/special function module, create an interlock circuit on the
sequence program so that the whole system will operate safely all the time.
Also, before performing other controls (e.g. program modification, operating
status change (status control)), read this manual carefully and ensure the
Especially, in the control from an external device to a programmable
controller in a remote location, some programmable-controller-side problems
cannot be resolved immediately due to a data communication failure.
To prevent this, establish corrective procedures for communication failure
between the external device and the programmable controller CPU, as well
as creating an interlock circuit on the sequence program.
In the case of a data link error, the operation status of a faulty station is as
shown below. Using the communication status information, create an
interlock circuit on the sequence program for the system to operate safely.
Incorrect output or malfunction can lead to an accident.
(1) All of general-purpose inputs from this module turn OFF.
(2) All of general-purpose outputs from this module turn OFF.
Depending on the module failure, inputs and outputs may turn ON or OFF
For I/O signals that may cause a serious accident, provide an external
monitoring circuit.
Do not bunch the control wires or communication cables with the main circuit
or power wires, or install them close to each other.
They should be installed 100 mm (3.94 inch) or more from each other.
Not doing so could result in noise that would cause erroneous operation.
Always use the data link terminal block for connection of a CC-Link dedicated
cable to a master module.
Care must be taken because, if the cable is incorrectly inserted into the
general-purpose I/O terminal block instead of the data link terminal block, the
module will break down.
[Installation Precautions]
Use the programmable controller in an environment that meets the general
specifications given in this manual.
Using this programmable controller in an environment outside the range of
the general specifications could result in electric shock, fire, erroneous
operation, and damage to or deterioration of the product.
Using a tool specified by the manufacturer, correctly press, crimp, or solder
the wires of the connector and securely connect the connector to the module.
Incomplete connection may cause a short circuit and/or malfunctions.
Do not directly touch the module's conductive parts or electronic
Touching the conductive parts could cause an operation failure or give
damage to the module.
Securely fix the module with the DIN rail or installation screws. Installation
screws must be tightened within the specified torque range.
A loose screw may cause a drop of the module, short circuit or malfunction.
Overtightening may damage the screw, resulting in a drop of the module or a
short circuit.
Completely connect each cable connector to each receptacle.
Incomplete connection may cause a malfunction due to poor contact.
[Wiring Precautions]
Be sure to shut off all phases of the external power supply used by the
system before installation or wiring.
Failure to do so may cause an electric shock, damage to the product and/or
Attach the terminal cover to the product before energizing and operating the
system after installation or wiring.
Failure to do so may cause an electric shock.
Be sure to ground the FG terminals and LG terminals to the protective
ground conductor.
Failure to do so may result in malfunctions.
[Wiring Precautions]
When wiring in the programmable controller, be sure that it is done correctly
by checking the product's rated voltage and the terminal layout.
Connecting a power supply that is different from the rating or incorrectly
wiring the product could result in fire or damage.
Tighten the terminal screws with the specified torque.
If the terminal screws are loose, it could result in short circuits, fire, or
erroneous operation.
Overtightening a terminal screw may damage the screw, resulting in a short
circuit or malfunction.
Be sure there are no foreign substances such as sawdust or wiring debris
inside the module.
Such debris could cause fires, damage, or erroneous operation.
Place the connection wires and cables in a duct or clamp them.
If not, dangling cables may swing or inadvertently be pulled, resulting in
damage to the module and/or cables or malfunctions due to poor cable
Do not install the control cable(s) together with the communication cable(s).
Doing so may cause malfunctions due to noise.
When disconnecting a communication or power cable from the module, do
not pull it by holding the cable part.
For a cable with connector, hold the connector and disconnect it from the
For a cable without connector, loosen the connector screw and disconnect
the cable.
Pulling the cable that is still connected to the module may damage the
module and/or cable and cause malfunctions due to poor cable connection.
Make sure that the interface type is correct before connecting the cable.
Do not connect a cable to a module that has different interface specification.
Doing so will cause a module failure.
Using a tool specified by the manufacturer, correctly press, crimp, or solder
the wires of the connector and securely connect the connector to the module.
Failure to do so may cause a malfunction or failure of the module.
* The manual number is given on the bottom right of the cover.
Print Date*Manual NumberRevision
May, 2007IB(NA)-0800381-AFirst edition
Oct., 2007IB(NA)-0800381-B
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS, Complian ce with the
EMC and Low Voltage Directives, Section 2.4.1,
Section 2.5, Section 3.1
This manual confers no industrial property rights or any rights of any other kind, nor does it
confer any patent licenses. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation cannot be held responsible for any
problems involving industrial property rights which may occur as a result of using the contents
noted in this manual.
The following manuals are also related to this product.
Please purchase it if necessary.
Related manuals
Manual name
CC-Link System RS-232 Interface Module User's Manual (Nonprocedural
Protocol Mode)
CC-Link System RS-232 Interface Module User's Manual (MELSOFT
Connection Mode)
Compliance with the EMC and Low Voltage Directives
(1) For programmable controller system
To configure a system meeting the requirements of the EMC and
Low Voltage Directives when incorporating the Mitsubishi
programmable controller (EMC and Low Voltage Directives
compliant) into other machinery or equipment, refer to the "EMC
AND LOW VOLTAGE DIRECTIVES" chapter of the User's Manual
for the CPU module used.
The CE mark, indicating compliance with the EMC and Low Voltage
Directives, is printed on the rating plate of the programmable
(2) For the product
For the compliance of this product with the EMC and Low Voltage
Directives, refer to the "CC-Link module" section in the "EMC AND
LOW VOLTAGE DIRECTIVES" chapter of the User's Manual for
the CPU module used.
Manual number
(Model code)
This manual describes how to install and connect the AJ65BT-R2N CCLink system RS-232 interface module (hereinafter referred to as
(Packing list)
Table 1.1 Packing list
ModelProduct nameQuantity
AJ65BT-R2N CC-Link system RS-232 interface
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