Mitsubishi Electric AG-150A, AG-150A-A, GB-50ADA-A, GB-50ADA-J Instruction Manual

Centralized Controller
AG-150A AG-150A-A GB-50ADA-A
GB-50ADA-J Instruction Book
(Web browser for System maintenance engineer)
1-1 Terms Used in This Manual.................................................... 2
1-2 Computer Requirements ........................................................ 2
1-3 Notes on using AG-150A with the integrated centralized
control software (TG-2000A) .................................................. 2
2 Setting the Operating Environment ....................................... 3
2-1 Setting the PC IP Address...................................................... 3
2-2 Setting the Web Browser........................................................ 5
2-3 Setting the Java Execution Environment................................ 7
3 Performing Operations ..........................................................8
3-1 Logging in on the AG-150A .................................................... 8
3-2 Checking the Operation Condition........................................ 12
3-3 Performing the Operations ................................................... 17
3-4 Checking the Measurement Condition ................................. 21
3-5 Checking the List of Malfunctioning Units............................. 24
3-6 Checking the List of Units with a Triggered Filter Sign ......... 26
3-7 Setting Schedules................................................................. 27
3-8 Checking the Malfunction Log .............................................. 41
3-9 Setting the Current Date and Time....................................... 42
3-10 Registering Users ............................................................... 43
3-11 Checking the Send Mail Log............................................... 45
3-12 Checking the Gas Amount.................................................. 46
4 Registering a License for Optional Functions .....................47
Air-conditioner Control System
Ver. 3.00
Before using the controller, please read this Instruction Book carefully to ensure proper operation. Retain this manual for future reference.
Special features of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation’s “Centralized Controller AG-150A,” “Centralized Controller AG-150A-A,” “Centralized Controller GB-50ADA-A,” and “Centralized Controller GB-50ADA-J” are that a PC connected to a LAN can be used to monitor the operation condition of air conditioners and perform air conditioner operations. In this manual, the procedures to monitor the status of and to operate the centralized controller on the Web browser are described. Refer to “Web browser for initial settings” for details about the settings. Hereinafter, Centralized controller AG-150A, AG-150A-A, GB-50ADA-A, and GB-50ADA-J, unless otherwise specified, will be called “AG-150A”.
Note: License of “Web Monitor” or “Basic License Pack” is necessary to use the web browser (to operate or monitor
the air conditioners). Some licenses are necessary depending on the functions to be used. Register the license key on the LCD screen or on the registration screen.
Note: A one-day license key can be registered on the LCD screen that allows the user to use the “Web Monitor” only
on the day of the registration (not applicable to GB-50ADA-A and GB-50ADA-J). Use this license key to use the initial setting browser, or in any other situations when a temporary license key “Web Monitor” is necessary.
Note: Use a security device such as a VPN router when connecting the AG-150A to the Internet to prevent
unauthorized access. Note: “Booster unit” and “Water HEX unit” are referred to as “Air To Water (PWFY)”. Note: GB-50ADA-A and GB-50ADA-J cannot be connected to the Expansion Controller (PAC-YG50ECA). Settings
or displays of the Expansion Controller cannot be made on the GB-50ADA-A and GB-50ADA-J. Note: “GB-50ADA-A” and “GB-50ADA-J” are referred to as “GB-50ADA”.
1-1 Terms Used in This Manual
- “Click” refers to the action of positioning the mouse cursor on the object (such as button or folder), pressing down, and releasing the left mouse button once.
- Unless otherwise specified, the example screen images used in this manual are Windows
XP and Internet
Explorer 6.0 screen images.
Note: Windows is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation USA in the United States and other
1-2 Computer Requirements
To monitor and operate air conditioners by web browser, computer must include the following requirements.
Table 1-1 Computer Requirements
Note: Microsoft is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation USA in the United States and other
countries. Oracle and Java are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
1-3 Notes on using AG-150A with the integrated centralized
control software (TG-2000A)
If the system is connected to the integrated centralized control software (referred to as TG-2000A hereafter), make all settings and changes from the TG-2000A so that the data in TG-2000A and AG-150A will match. When using weekly schedules 3 through 5 by connecting TG-2000A, use a TG-2000A version 6.38 or later.
Item Requirement
CPU Pentium 300MHz or faster
Memory 64M Bytes or more (128M Bytes or more recommended)
Screen resolution 1024 x 768 or higher recommended
Recommended browser
Internet Explorer 6.0
Internet Explorer 7.0
Internet Explorer 8.0
Internet Explorer 9.0
Note: You must have a Java execution environment
Java Plug-in Ver.1.6.0_02–Ver.1.6.0_33,
Ver.1.7.0_07, 09)
Note: You can check the Oracle
Java Plug-in version in “Java” in a
control panel.
Note: Install Oracle
Java Plug-in that is appropriate for your operating system. When using 64-bit Internet Explorer, install 64-bit Java Plug-in.
Note: When using Oracle
Java Plug-in Ver. 1.6.0_10 or later, set the Java execution environment according to the instructions in section 2-3 “Setting the Java Execution Environment.”
On-board LAN port or LAN card One connector (100BASE-TX)
Other Pointing device such as a mouse
2 Setting the Operating Environment
PC settings and web browser settings required for using a web browser to monitor air conditioner units and perform operations are explained in the following pages.
2-1 Setting the PC IP Address
Set an IP address on the PC that enables AG-150A to connect via a web browser. For instance, if the AG­150A IP address is [], the PC IP address will need to belong to the same system []. If the AG-150A is connected to an existing LAN, ask the LAN administrator to decide what PC IP address to use.
Note: When using a AG-150A dedicated LAN, it is recommended that the AG-150A main unit be given an IP
address within the range [] - [] and the PCs that will be connected to the AG-150A be given an IP address within the range [] - []
(1) Click on [Control Panel] under [Start] to open the Control Panel.
(2) In the Control Panel window, double click [Network and Dial-up
Connections] and the Network and Dial-up Connections window will open. Double click on [Local Area Setting] and the [Local Area Connection Status] dialog will open. Click [Properties].
(3) In the [Local Area Connection Properties] dialog, click [Internet
Protocol] to select it and click the [Properties] button.
(4) In the [Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties] dialog, click [Use the
following IP address] and enter the IP address (for example, “”) that you want to set in the IP address field. You normally set [] as the subnet mask.
Note: Ask your LAN administrator to provide the IP addresses and subnet
(5) Click the [OK] button to close this dialog, and then close the other open
dialogs to complete the network setting.
2-2 Setting the Web Browser
Necessary web browser settings must be performed to enable the web browser to connect to the AG-150A.
Note: The settings and screen images used as examples in this manual are based on Internet Explorer 6.0.
2-2-1 No Internet Connection
Follow the instructions below to make the web browser environment settings when using the PC with no Internet connection for monitoring and operating the air conditioners.
(1) Click the web browser menu item [Tools] and then click [Internet
Options…] to select.
(2) In the [Internet Options] tabbed dialog, click the [Connections] tab to
(3) Select [Never dial a connection] in the Dial-up settings section and click
the [OK] button to close the dialog.
2-2-2 Internet Connection Using a Dial-Up
If the PC used for monitoring air conditioners and performing operations is going to connect to the Internet via a dial-up connection, use the procedure given below to set the web browser environment settings. By performing these settings, a message will appear asking whether or not to use a dial-up connection when an Internet connection is necessary. When connecting to the Internet, follow the directions below.
(1) Click the web browser menu item [Tools] and then click [Internet
Options…] to select.
(2) In the [Internet Options] tabbed dialog, click the [Connections] tab to
(3) Select [Dial whenever a network connection is not present] in the Dial-
up settings section and click the [OK] button to close the dialog.
Use a security device such as a VPN router when connecting the AG-150A to the Internet to prevent unauthorized access.
If no security devices are installed, the operation settings may be changed by an unauthorized person without the knowledge of the user.
2-2-3 Connecting to the Internet using a proxy server (Using an existing LAN)
If the PC you use for monitoring air conditioners and performing operations is going to access the Internet via proxy server by connecting to an existing LAN such as a LAN within your company, use the procedure given below to set the web browser environment settings. By performing these settings, your PC will connect to a proxy server only when connecting to the Internet.
(1) Click the web browser menu item [Tools] and then click [Internet
Options…] to select.
(2) In the [Internet Options] tabbed dialog, click the [Connections] tab to
(3) Select [Never dial a connection] in the Dial-up setting section.
(4) Click the [LAN Setting ...] button in the Local Area Network (LAN)
settings section to display the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings dialog.
(5) In the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings dialog, check [Bypass proxy
server for local addresses] and click the [Advanced...] button.
(6) Enter the IP address for the AG-150A (e.g. in the
Exceptions field of the Proxy Setting dialog and click the [OK] button to close the dialog and then close the other open dialogs to complete the setting.
Note: If connecting to more than one AG-150A, you can specify multiple IP
addresses like [;], however, it is also possible to use the asterisk (*) and specify [192.168.1*].
2-3 Setting the Java Execution Environment
When using Java Plug-in version 1.6.0_10 or later, make the following environment settings (not required for version 1.6.0_09 or earlier).
Note: The setting samples and screenshots used in this manual are those of Java Plug-in version 1.6.0_11.
2-3-1 Disabling the next-generation Java Plug-in
(1) Open Java Control Panel by double-clicking Java in the
Control Panel.
(2) In the [Advanced] tab under the [Java Control Panel]
screen, click the plus next to [Java Plug-in] to expand the list, and uncheck the checkbox next to [Enable the next­generation Java Plug-in (requires browser restart.)].
*The checkbox cannot be unchecked depending on your PC environment. In this case, update the version of Java Plug-in to 1.6.0_30 or later. *The above steps must be taken every time Java version is updated.
3 Performing Operations
Text below explains how to connect to the AG-150A and how to monitor and adjust the operation condition of air conditioners. Follow the directions given here when performing operations.
Note: If the AG-150A is restarted due to a power interruption etc., wait until the screen on the AG-150A main unit
displays the normal operation screen (it takes several minutes before the normal operation screen is displayed) before using a web browser to access the AG-150A. If access is attempted while the AG-150A is still starting up, the most recent data might not be displayed or communication errors could occur.
Note: Default IP address of AG-150A is "". (Factory setting)
3-1 Logging in on the AG-150A
3-1-1 Logging in on the AG-150A
(1) Enter the web page address in the address field of the web
browser as follows:
http://[IP address of the AG-150A]/administrator.html
Press the [Enter] key on the keyboard. A screen appears for login.
Note: For example, type “” if the
AG-150A IP address is [].
*If the login screen does not appear then take the steps below to delete the temporary files as it may help with the problem.
<Internet Explorer>
1. Open Internet Explorer and click on Tools.
2. Click on Internet Options.
3. On the General Tab, in the middle of the screen, click on Delete Files.
1. Click Start > Control Panel.
2. Double-click the Java icon in the control panel to launch the Java Control Panel.
3. On the General Tab, click on Settings under Temporary Internet Files.
4. Click on Delete Files.
(2) To make connection easier for the next time, click the web browser
menu item [Favorites], click [Add to Favorites] then add the address to the Favorites folder. Once this address is added to the Favorites folder, it is not necessary to input the address of (1). Simply select it from your Favorites folder and the AG-150A page will appear.
(3) Enter the user name and the password in the login screen, and click the [Login] button. The screen for
monitoring the operation condition will appear. An explanation on how to perform operations in the normal operation screen begins from the next page. The table below shows the web page address for public users and managers, their respective default the user names and passwords, and accessible functions. If there are public users who will only operate the air conditioners, provide them with the appropriate web page address and password.
User Web page address
Default user
Available functions
Building manager
http:// [IP address of the AG-150A]/ administrator.html
administrator admin
Monitor / Operation
Condition List Measurement List Malfunction List Filter Sign List
Schedule settings
Today's Schedule Weekly Schedule1 Weekly Schedule2 Weekly Schedule3 Weekly Schedule4 Weekly Schedule5 Annual Schedule
Malfunction log
Unit Error Communication Error
System Settings
Date/Time Settings User Registration
Send Mail Log Gas Amount Check
Public user
http:// [IP address of the AG-150A]/index.html
guest guest Monitor / Operation Condition List
Note: You can register a maximum of 50 public users and it is possible to individually specify which air conditioners
can be operated by each user. (The use of this function requires a license registration.)
Note: It is recommended to change the user name and password so users other than the manager are not permitted
to operate.
Note: The Web page is displayed in the same language as the computer uses and it is also possible to display the
Web page in other languages by entering the following Web page addresses.
: http://[IP address of the AG-150A]/zh/administrator.html
: http://[IP address of the AG-150A]/en/administrator.html
: http://[IP address of the AG-150A]/fr/administrator.html
: http://[IP address of the AG-150A]/de/administrator.html Italian : http://[IP address of the AG-150A]/it/administrator.html Japanese : http://[IP address of the AG-150A]/ja/administrator.html Portuguese
: http://[IP address of the AG-150A]/pt/administrator.html
: http://[IP address of the AG-150A]/ru/administrator.html Spanish
: http://[IP address of the AG-150A]/es/administrator.html
The above addresses are for administrators. For user’s use, change [administrator.html] to [index.html]. Note: When the license of “Web Monitor” is not registered, the following message will appear when the [Login]
button is clicked.
3-1-2 Encrypting the communication data and login on the AG-150A
AG-150A can encrypt communication data using HTTPS (SSL). When connecting the AG-150A to the LAN that can be accessed by the general public, it is recommended that the following settings be made so that the units are monitored and controlled on the encrypted Web page.
Note: Depending on the operating system or the version of Java, HTTPS encrypted messages may not be handled
correctly. If this happens, use a HTTP connection to monitor and control the units as noted in the section above.
(1) Go to [Tools]->[Internet Options]->[Advanced], and make the
following settings.
Note: Some of the settings may have different names depending on
the Web browser version.
(2) Click on [Java] in the Control Panel, and make the settings for the
items under [Security] in the [Advanced] tab.
Note: Some of the settings may have different names depending on
the Java version.
(3) Prefix the Web address with [https], enter the address, and hit the
[Enter] (Return) key on the keyboard.
https://[IP Address of the AG-150A]/administrator.html
Note: For example, type “” if the
AG-150A IP address is [].
If the security alert is disabled as described in the note in the following and the subsequent sections, encrypted date communication will begin, and the Login screen will appear. If the security alert has not been disabled, take the following procedures.
Item Checkbox setting
Use SSL 2.0 Uncheck the box.
Use SSL 3.0 Check the box.
Use TLS 1.0 Uncheck the box.
Do not save encrypted pages to disk Check the box.
Item Checkbox setting
Use SSL 2.0 compatible Client Hello format Uncheck the box.
Use SSL 3.0 Check the box.
Use TLS 1.0 Uncheck the box.
(4) If the security alert has not been disabled, after entering the web address and hitting the Enter (Return)
key, a security alert message will alert asking if you want to proceed . This is because the AG-150A uses the self-authentication system. Click [Yes] and proceed.
Note: Disable the security alert that appears every time the browser is opened, take the following two steps:
1) Register the security certificate and
2) Change the Web browser's option settings
To register the security certificate, click the [View Certificate] button on the security alert window to display the certificate, click on the [Install Certificate] button, and add the certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store. Just follow the prompts of the Import Wizard.
Go to [Tools]->[Internet Options]->[Advanced], and make the following settings for the Web browser.
(5) A Java security alert message will appear after you click [Yes] in
step (4) above, click [Yes] again to proceed.
Note: To disable the security alert message that appears every time
the browser is opened, check the check box next to [Always trust content from this publisher], and click [Yes]. The browser may need to be restarted to reflect the change.
Note: If the window shown on the right does not appear and
connection fails, the certificate needs to be added to the Java certificate list. Click the [View Certificate] button on the screen in step (4) to display the certificate, click on the [Copy to File] on the [Details] page, and save the certificate in any desired location in the DER format. Open [Java] in the Control Panel, click on the [Certificates] button on the [Security] page to bring up the certificate registration screen. On the screen, select [Secure Site], click on the [Import] button, change the File of type to [All Files], and select the saved certificate. Now the certificate has been added to the Java certificate list.
(6) If a connection is successfully made, the login window will appear.
All communication with the AG-150A will be encrypted. The Web addresses for general users and in each language will have the web address in the previous section with "http" changed to "https".
Item Checkbox setting
Warn about invalid site certificates Uncheck the box.
3-2 Checking the Operation Condition
Text below explains how to monitor the operation condition of a list of all groups, or of groups in block units. When a correct user name and password is entered on the password entry screen, the screen used to monitor the operation condition of air conditioner and general equipment and Air To Water (PWFY) groups will appear.
3-2-1 Checking the operation condition on Overview/Floor layout display
Click the menu item [Monitor/Operation], or click [Condition List] in the sub menu to display a list of the operation condition of all the air conditioner, Ventilator (LOSSNAY), Air To Water (PWFY) groups, and general equipment. Layout of the selected floor can be displayed when floor layout setting is performed on AG-150A. (not applicable to GB-50ADA-A and GB-50ADA-J) This screen allows the operator to view a list of all the groups to monitor for malfunctions and prevent units being left on by mistake.
Item Description
Block display Switches to the screen where you can check the operation condition according to block units.
Update to most recent condition
Click [Update] to ensure the displayed items reflect the most recent operation condition. When [Auto] is selected, information is updated automatically every minute to reflect the latest information.
Batch operation
Click [Batch Operation] when you want to perform an operation on all groups at once.
Note: If a PAC-YG50ECA Expansion Controller is connected, a batch operation will be
performed on the groups in the system that is currently displayed. To perform an operation on all units, switch to other Expansion Controller and perform a batch operation on each system.
Expansion Controller system selection
If one or more PAC-YG50ECA Expansion Controllers are connected to control more than 50 air conditioning units, Expansion Controller system selection buttons will appear on the screen. Click the button that corresponds to the desired system to see the operation status of the units in the selected system.
Note: [EC1] stands for the first Expansion Controller system, [EC2] stands for the second,
and [EC3] stands for the third.
Note: Expansion Controller system selection button will not appear if the flat view option is
selected or if no Expansion Controllers are connected.
Weekly schedule number
Indicates the weekly schedule that is currently effective. “Weekly
* in period”
Note: The schedule number (1 through 5) that is currently effective is displayed in “
* ”.
Sub menu
Update to most recent
Click to update the screen
so that the most recent
operation condition is
Group icons
These icons are used to indicate the operation condition of an air conditioner or a general Equipment groups. The group name is displayed by pointing to the icon with the mouse cursor. Switch to the operation screen by clicking the icon.
Batch operation
Click when you want to
perform an operation on all
groups at once.
Floor selection
Choose the floor to be
Block display
Click to display the operation condition of groups in block units.
Weekly schedule number
Indicates the weekly schedule that is currently effective.
Expansion Controller system selection button
Click to display the operation status of the Expansion Controller system.
Item Description
Floor selection
When floor layout setting is performed on AG-150A (not applicable to GB-50ADA-A and GB­50ADA-J), preset floors are selectable besides [Overview] . When a floor is selected, a window that shows group icons will be displayed on the floor layout.
Note: Floor layout can be set only on the liquid crystal display on this unit. Refer to the AG-
150A Instruction Book for the floor layout setting or to see how to read layouts. If floor layout is changed on this unit, restart the browser. New layout will be displayed after restarting.
Note: On high resolution display, the whole floor can be displayed by increasing the browser
display size.
Note: After clicking a group icon, the operation area will be displayed at the left top of the
layout display screen. Scroll up to the left top of the screen for the operation of air conditioning unit or general equipment.
Group icon
The operation condition is indicated by the icon that is displayed. When you point to a group icon with the mouse cursor, the group name is displayed. To switch to the operation screen, click on the icon. The icons used to indicate the operation condition are shown below.
(1) Air conditioner group operation condition
Note: Other than 4-aiflow icons, 2-airflow or ceiling-suspended icons are also available. Select
the icon type on Initial Setting Web. Note: Whether to display the filter sign can be set on Initial Setting Web. Note: The energy saving icon is displayed while the energy-saving control is performed in a
group of indoor units and in the outdoor unit belonged to that group. Note: If a given LOSSNAY unit is interlocked with multiple indoor unit groups, the LOSSNAY unit
may be in operation even when the display shows that the unit is stopped.
Note: When setting LOSSNAY interlock with Mr. Slim units (M-series units, P-series units), the
air conditioning and interlocked LOSSNAY icon will display ON even when the interlocked
LOSSNAY is operating by itself. (This will occur when used with the following M-NET
adapter:PAC-SF48/50/60/70/80/81MA-E) Note: When connecting multiple AG-150A controllers by connecting an Expansion Controller to
the system, “Schedule set,” “Schedule Not Available,” “Energy saving,” and “Setback ON”
will be displayed only on the AG-150A controller that is executing these functions. Note: The room temperature icon can be displayed only in the floor layout screen. (It cannot be
displayed in the all group list screen.) Dispay/Non-display of the room temperature can be selected on the initial setting browser.
Floor layout display area
Click to display floor layout.
Font color change
Changes the font color of group name to either black or white.
ON OFF Error Filter sign
Schedule set
Not Available
Energy saving
Setback ON
Unknown (during
initial startup)
The room
Item Description
Group icon
(2) Ventilator (Lossnay) group operation condition
Note: Whether to display the filter sign can be set on Initial Setting Web. Note: The energy saving icon is displayed while the energy-saving control is performed in a group
of ventilator units.
Note: When connecting multiple AG-150A controllers by connecting an Expansion Controller to
the system, “Schedule set,” “Schedule Not Available,” and “Energy saving” will be
displayed only on the AG-150A controller that is executing these functions.
(3) Air To Water (PWFY) group operation condition
Note: The energy saving icon is displayed while the energy-saving control is performed in a group
of Air To Water (PWFY) units.
Note: When connecting multiple AG-150A controllers by connecting an Expansion Controller to
the system, “Schedule set,” “Schedule Not Available,” and “Energy saving” will be
displayed only on the AG-150A controller that is executing these functions.
(4) General equipment group operation condition
Note: Other than lighting icons, pump or card key icons are also available. Note: When connecting multiple AG-150A controllers by connecting an Expansion Controller to
the system, “Schedule set” and “Schedule Not Available” will be displayed only on the AG-
150A controller that is executing these functions.
Note: If the prohibition setting is enabled for the DIDO controllers that are on scheduled
operation, the Schedule set icon will appear, but the scheduled operation will not run.
Group name
Up to 8 letters are displayed under the icon.
Note: Whether to display the group names can be set on Initial Setting Web. Note: To display all letters, move the cursor to the icon
ON OFF Error Filter sign
Schedule set
Not Available
Energy saving
Unknown (during
initial startup)
ON OFF Error Check water
Schedule set
Not Available
Energy saving
Unknown (during
initial startup)
ON OFF Error Schedule set
Not Available
With the display of group names Without the display of group names
3-2-2 Checking the operation condition of groups in different blocks
Click [Block] in the Overview/Floor layout screen to display the operation condition of air conditioner, Ventilator (LOSSNAY), Air To Water (PWFY) groups, and general equipment for each block. Use this screen if you want to check data not included in the List screen such as operation mode and set temperature or if you want to check operation condition for each block.
Item Description
Overview / Floor Layout display
Switches to the screen where you can check the operation condition of all the groups or floor layout.
Update to most recent condition
Click [Update] to ensure the displayed items reflect the most recent operation condition. When [Auto] is selected, information is updated automatically every minute to reflect the latest information.
Batch operation
Click [Batch operations] when you want to perform an operation on all groups in the block at once.
Select block Use this to select which block to display and perform operations on.
Group icons
The operation condition is indicated by the icon that is displayed. To switch to the operation screen, click on the icon.
Group name Group names are displayed.
Operation mode display
The operation mode is displayed.
Set temperature display
The set temperature is displayed. Note: The water temperature setting will be displayed for the Air To Water (PWFY) group. Note: Depending on the model, temperatures will be displayed in 0.5°C or 1°C increments.
Room temperature display
The temperature of the indoor unit’s intake is displayed.
Note: Dispay/Non-display of the room temperature can be selected on the initial setting
Note: Because the temperature displayed here is of the indoor unit’s intake, it could be
different from the actual room temperature.
Note: The set temperature and room temperature will not be displayed for the Ventilator
(LOSSNAY) group.
Note: The operation mode, set temperature, and room temperature will not be displayed for
the general equipment group. Note: The current water temperature will be displayed for the Air To Water (PWFY) group. Note: The temperature display can be set to display in either Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit
(°F). Note: Depending on the model, temperatures will be displayed in 0.5°C or 1°C increments.
Weekly schedule number
Indicates the weekly schedule that is currently effective. “Weekly * in period”
Note: The schedule number (1 through 5) that is currently effective is displayed in “ * ”.
Batch operation
Click when you want to
perform an operation on all
groups at once.
Update to most recent
Click to update the screen so
that the most recent operation
condition is shown.
Select block
Use this to select which block to
Group icons
These icons are used to indicate
the operation condition of
an air conditioner, LOSSNAY,
Air To Water (PWFY),
or a general equipment group.
Switch to the operation screen
by clicking the icon.
Group name
Group names are displayed.
Operation mode display
The operation mode is displayed here.
Set temperature display
The set temperature is displayed here.
Room temperature display
The temperature of the indoor unit’s intake is displayed here.
Overview/Floor Layout
Click to display operation condition of groups in Overview or Floor layout display.
Weekly schedule number
Indicates the weekly schedule number that is currently effective.
3-2-3 Checking the operation status of the HWHP (CAHV) groups
Click [HWHP] on the "Overview/Floor layout" window to display a list of operation status of the HWHP (CAHV) groups only. The [HWHP] button will not appear if no HWHP (CAHV) units have been registered to any group.
Item Description
Block display Switches to the screen where you can check the operation condition according to block units.
Overview / Floor Layout display
Switches to the screen where you can check the operation condition of all the groups or floor layout.
Update to most recent condition
Click [Update] to ensure the displayed items reflect the most recent operation condition. When [Auto] is selected, information is updated automatically every minute to reflect the latest information.
Batch operation Click [Batch operations] when you want to perform an operation on all HWHP groups at once.
Group icon
Operation status will appear as icons. Click to access the Operation Control window.
Note: When connecting multiple AG-150A controllers by connecting an Expansion Controller to the system, “Schedule set” and “Schedule Not Available” will be displayed only on the AG-150A controller that is executing this function.
Group name display The group names are displayed.
Operation mode display
The operation mode is displayed.
Set temperature display
The set temperature is displayed.
Temperature display
The representative water temperature, inlet water temperature, outlet water temperature, and outdoor temperature are displayed.
Note: When there is a communication error, “ - - ” will be displayed.
Fan mode display The fan mode is displayed.
Weekly schedule number
Indicates the weekly schedule that is currently effective. “Weekly * in period”
Note: The schedule number (1 through 5) that is currently effective is displayed in “ * ”.
Batch operation
Click when you want to
perform an operation on all
groups at once.
Update to most recent
Click to update the screen so
that the most recent operation
condition is shown.
HWHP icon
Operation status of the units in
the HWHP groups will appear
here. Click to access the
Operation Control window.
Operation mode
The operation mode is displayed
Group name
Group names are displayed.
Fan mode
Fan mode is displayed here.
Temperature is displayed here.
Overview/Floor Layout display
Click to display operation condition of groups in Overview or Floor layout display.
Weekly schedule number
Indicates the weekly schedule number that is currently effective.
Set temperature
The set temperature is displayed
Block display
Click to display the operation condition of groups in block.
ON OFF Error
Schedule set
Not Available
Unknown (during
initial startup)
+ 36 hidden pages