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Welcome to CloudLink! Before you onboard your first customer, see the topics listed below, which will
provide answers to the following questions:
What are the components of the CloudLink platform?
What are the processes required to deploy CloudLink applications for a customer?
What is the Partner Dashboard?
•What is CloudLink?
•Deployment Workflow
•Partner Dashboard
•Best Practices for Site Deployments
What is CloudLink?
Mitel CloudLink is a platform that enables communication between the on-premise PBX (such as MiVoice
Office 400) and cloud-based applications such as Mitel MiVoice Office.
CloudLink includes:
•CloudLink Platform- The technology platform that provides services for CloudLink apps.
•CloudLink Gateway-Technology that connects premise-based PBXs to the CloudLink platform and
CloudLink applications.
•CloudLink Apps-The applications that use the CloudLink Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
and micro-services to provide hybrid communications services to our customers.
Deployment Workflow
The following topics document the most important processes for deploying Mitel CloudLink applications
for your customers:
•Configure MiVoice Office 400 PBX
•Install the CloudLink Gateway Appliance
•Access the CloudLink Gateway
•Onboard Customers
Within the above topics you will find different instructions for the different supported MiVoice Office PBX
models and platforms listed below:
Supported Platforms (type of
Supported PBX
Gateway)Customer Market
MiVO400standalone (connects to an
external Gateway)
SMBC (has an embedded
Customers will be able to utilize a CloudLink application by doing the following:
•Download and install the CloudLink app
•Register the CloudLink app
For the MiVoice Office application, see the Register Your MiVoice Office App topic in MiVoice Office docu-
Partner Dashboard
The home page of the CloudLink Gateway Portal, which is also known as the Partner Dashboard, can be
used to do the following:
•Create customers in the CloudLink platform.
•Associate a CloudLink Gateway with a customer.
•Connect a CloudLink Gateway to a PBX.
•View and manage previously created CloudLink customers.
After you create a customer in the CloudLink Platform, that customer is listed in the Partner Dashboard.
Follow these instructions to log into the CloudLink Gateway Portal.
Welcome to CloudLink
The following image shows an example of the Partner Dashboard the first time a partner logs into the
CloudLink Gateway Portal:
When you log into the CloudLink Gateway Portal via the Mitel MiAccess Portal, your MiAccess account
is created as a customer in the CloudLink Platform.
If you have a CloudLink Gateway and a PBX on your LAN, you can onboard your own MiAccess account
into CloudLink to become familiar with the process. Doing this also enables your account to use CloudLink
application such as MiVoice Office.
NOTE: Every customer in the CloudLink Platform is assigned a unique identifier known as the 'Account ID'.
User Interface Elements
The following diagram shows the user interface elements of the Partner Dashboard:
The following table describes the user interface elements of the Partner Dashboard:
User Interface
Mitel MiAccess
Mitel MiAccess
This is your name as provisioned in the Mitel MiAccess system. To change this
name, update your MiAccess profile.
This is the name of your organization as provisioned in the Mitel MiAccess
system. To change this, an administrator can update your organization.
AvatarYou can click this control and choose a photo or image to represent you. This
image will be present in CloudLink applications (e.g. MiVoice Office).
Use the Create Customer button to create a new customer in the CloudLink
Customer ListA table appears below the Create Customer button displaying one row with the
following four columns of data for each of your customer accounts.
•Customer Name - Name of the customer account.
•Account ID - Unique ID for the account.
•Registered Users - Number of registered users for the account. Click the linked
number to view the Registered User List that shows the Name, Extension, and
Email Address for each registered user.
•Status Message - The current status indicates the next step in the onboarding
process (shown in blue) or an error that needs to be resolved (shown in red).
When the status displays Overview, this indicates a successful customer
LinksAt the bottom of the Gateway Portal are the following links:
•Shortcuts - Useful keyboard shortcuts you can use while managing customer
•Legal - Access to the CloudLink applications end user license agreement.
•Help - Access to the online CloudLink help.
•Feedback - Access to the Mitel CloudLink UserVoice site where you can
suggest new or vote on existing ideas for future development.
•Status - Access to the online status page for Mitel systems.
Customer List Status Messages
The current status of each customer is shown as a link on the right side of your list of customers. Click
anywhere in the list to navigate to an existing customer account. If there is a problem with a customer's
account, that information is displayed in red with a brief explanation to help troubleshoot the issue. Click
the linked error message to learn more. When the status displays Overview this indicates a successful
customer deployment. The following shows typical status messages for a customer account.
Creating a New Customer
Click the Create Customer button to create a new customer in the CloudLink Platform then follow the
instructions in Enter Customer Information. From here you can proceed to associate the customer with a
CloudLink Gateway and connect or sync the CloudLink Gateway to the PBX.
Modifying an Existing Customer
Click anywhere in the row of an existing customer to navigate to the customer and modify the existing
connection to the CloudLink Platform or the PBX. You can also do this to perform troubleshooting.
The CloudLink Gateway Portal can be accessed from anywhere with an Internet connection to modify or
delete an existing customer.
NOTE: To properly associate a Gateway with a new customer on the CloudLink platform, you must first
access the CloudLink Gateway Portal by connecting to the Gateway. After a customer has already been
associated with a Gateway, you can access the CloudLink Gateway Portal directly or via Mitel MiAccess
to onboard and manage customers. To learn more, see Access the CloudLink Gateway.
Best Practices for Site Deployments
The following is a list of best practices recommended for CloudLink site deployments:
•If there is no DHCP server on site, configure a MiVoice Office PBX or use another DHCP server.
•For standalone platforms, the CloudLink Gateway appliance and MiVoice Office PBX should be
installed on the same LAN subnet. If this is not done, disable all SIP ALG functions in the firewall to
enable communication between these two components. Additionally, ensure that port blocking is
•When you configure a firewall, ensure that the path to the Internet is open before you set the site rules.
•For remote access management, separate the data networks from the voice networks.
•Ensure that your end-user mobile carrier supports propagation of incoming caller ID.
•To ensure that the Welcome/Deployment emails do not get rejected by the mailbox, you must include
the * alias in the user's e-mail whitelist.
•Ensure that the user database in the MiVoice Office PBX is updated accurately and User Groups are
labeled with informative names to enable importing contacts into CloudLink applications such as Mitel
MiVoice Office.
•CloudLink solution supports the following emergency numbers: 000, 110, 111, 112, 118 119, 911, and
999, which are specific to each supported country. To ensure that there are no dialing conflicts, the
administrator must configure these emergency numbers in MiVoice Office 400.
•To ensure optimal network efficiency with free flow of data using minimum network bandwidth, you
must enable Bandwidth Optimization. For more information about how to enable Bandwidth Optimization, see Account Information in CloudLink Accounts documentation. To learn more about Bandwidth
Optimization, see System Requirements in CloudLink Platform documentation.
•It is strongly recommended not to deploy CloudLink directly on the Wide Area Network to ensure that
the CloudLink solution is properly secured. See the following Mitel KMS articles related to Network
Security and Toll Fraud prevention for the Mitel Office PBX installations:
– Preventing Toll Fraud
– Toll Fraud prevention on SIP trunks
– General Guidelines to Secure SIP trunks for Toll Fraud prevention
For more information about configuring the firewall for CloudLink deployments, see Port Information.
Install and access the CloudLink Gateway
The CloudLink Gateway appliance has the following characteristics:
•For standalone platforms,
– it is an external device installed on premise to provide a connection from the PBX to the CloudLink
– it is a virtual instance of CloudLink platform installed in the VMware vCenter server.
•For SMBC platforms, it is an embedded device installed within the PBX to provide a connection to the
CloudLink platform.
See the topics listed below to learn how to install and access the CloudLink Gateway.
•Install the CloudLink Gateway Appliance
•Gateway Appliance Software Update
•Access the CloudLink Gateway
•Install the CloudLink Gateway in a VMware Virtual Environment
Install the CloudLink Gateway Appliance
The CloudLink Gateway appliance, which connects your PBX to the Mitel CloudLink platform, should be
connected to a DHCP-enabled LAN.
This CloudLink Gateway requires the following:
•Outbound ports 443 and 5061 from the Gateway to the following domains are allowed by any corporate
– *
– *
– *
•An Internet connection that provides sufficient bandwidth.
•A DHCP server to assign an IP address to the Gateway (not mandatory in VMware environments).
•A DNS server that the Gateway uses to resolve domain names.
•An Ethernet connection to the LAN.
Virtual Environment
To install CloudLink Gateway in a virtual environment, see Install the CloudLink Gateway in a VMware
Virtual Environment.
SMBC Platforms
If you have a MiVO400 PBX on an SMBC platform, which has an embedded Gateway, the following information about assigning an IP address and connecting the appliance is not applicable. Click here to go to
the Gateway Applicance Software Update topic.
Assigning an IP Address
When the Gateway is powered up, it will acquire an IP Address from a DHCP Server on the LAN
The PBX needs to be programmed with the IP address of the CloudLink Gateway. This means a fixed IP
address must be allocated to the Gateway.
There are several different ways you can do this:
•Configure a static IP address (recommended). See Configure the Customer Site for related informa-
•Configure your DHCP server to reserve an IP address for the CloudLink Gateway appliance.
•Your DHCP server may automatically reallocate the same IP address to the CloudLink Gateway appli-
Consult your DHCP server documentation to learn more about the server’s IP address allocation scheme
Connecting the Appliance
1. Connect the CloudLink Gateway to the LAN using port 1.
2. Apply power.
3. The CloudLink Gateway automatically accesses the Internet to download and install any Software
Updates. To learn more, see the Gateway Appliance Software Update topic.
WARNING: If you have a Check Point "Security Gateway" firewall, unless special configuration steps are
taken, the CloudLink Gateway and client cannot register SIP TLS (Transport Layer Security) through the
firewall. To resolve this, the person in your organization who manages the Check Point firewall should
review the following two Check Point issues:
•sip_tls_authentication Service does not traverse the Security Gateway
•Unable to connect to Skype application using port 5061 with pre-defined TCP service
Gateway Appliance Software Update
Mitel recommends that you enable and schedule automatic updates for the Gateway appliance in the
CloudLink Gateway Portal. To learn more, see Configure Advanced Settings and Options.
If you access the Gateway appliance while it is performing a software update, the progress status is
displayed. If the software update fails, you will be provided with recovery options.
The Gateway appliance checks for, downloads, and installs software updates from Mitel whenever it is
powered on or an automatic update is scheduled. Software updates vary in size and can be as large as
500-700 MB.
Downloading and installing software updates typically takes about 10 to 15 minutes. The actual time that
it takes to download the updates depends on your Internet connection speed.
NOTE: CloudLink Gateway is built on the CentOS operating system. The OS level updates come from
CentOS community update servers.
WARNING: If you have a standalone platform with external Gateway, do NOT disconnect power or the LAN
cable until the update process has completed or within 15 minutes of powering up the Gateway. Powering
down or disconnecting the Gateway from the network in the middle of an update can cause the update to
fail and the Gateway to not boot up properly.
Whenever the Gateway appliance is rebooted or restarted, you may see a brief display of a Lost trunk connection to PBX message. This temporary issue should resolve itself.
When you connect your browser to the Gateway appliance, if the Gateway is still downloading updates,
you may see the System update in progress screen as shown below.
If your browser loses connection to the Gateway during the update, you may see the Lost Connection to Gateway screen as shown below:
If there is an error while downloading the update, you may see an Update Error screen as shown below.
If you have a standalone platform with external Gateway and there are downloading errors, you can take
appropriate action as explained below:
•Retry should be attempted if the error message indicates a connection failure or a problem that you
have the ability to resolve. For example, if there is a firewall configuration error, you should use the
Retry option after resolving the error.
•Reboot should be attempted if retry fails to resolve the problem.
•Factory Reset can be attempted if you suspect the Gateway received a bad update from Mitel or you
received guidance from Mitel Support to do a Factory Reset.
If you have an SMBC platform with embedded Gateway and there are downloading errors, an administrator can apply the Restart command to the Mitel-CloudLink Gateway in the Software > Applications
screen of the SMB Controller Manager admin console as shown below.
If these errors persist, contact Mitel Partner Technical Support via a login at
Access the CloudLink Gateway
To properly associate a Gateway with a new customer account on the CloudLink platform, the CloudLink
Gateway Portal must be accessed the first time as indicated below.
•For standalone platforms, which have an external Gateway, the Portal must be accessed the first time
by connecting to the Gateway from the same LAN subnet.
– Details are in the Portal Access for Standalone Platforms section of this topic.
•For SMBC platforms, which have an embedded Gateway, the Portal must be accessed the first time
from the SMB Controller Manager.
– Details are in thePortal Access for SMBC Platforms section of this topic.
After a customer has been associated with a Gateway, you can access the CloudLink Gateway Portal to
manage customers in the following different ways:
•By connecting from the same LAN subnet to the Gateway at http://cloudlink.local/ (for standalone plat-
forms only)
•By accessing the Application configuration link in the SMB Controller Manager (for SMBC platforms
•By accessing Mitel MiAccess at
•By accessing the Gateway Portal directly at
TIP: The CloudLink Gateway Portal works with the latest versions of the following supported browsers:
•Google Chrome
•Microsoft Edge
Note: Internet Explorer (IE) does not properly display pages in the CloudLink Gateway Portal.
Update Progress
When you connect your browser to the Gateway appliance, if the Gateway is still downloading updates,
a 'system update in progress' message is displayed.
If your browser loses connection to the Gateway during an update, a 'Lost Connection to Gateway'
message is displayed.
If there is an error while downloading the update, an 'Update Error' message is displayed.
If your Gateway is rebooted, you may see a brief display of a 'Lost trunk connection to PBX' message.
For more detailed information, see the Gateway Appliance Software Update topic.
CloudLink Policy
To enable personnel to log into the CloudLink Gateway Portal via Mitel MiAccess, the CloudLink policy
must be assigned to individual users (or as part of a bundle) by a Partner Administrator through the Mitel
MiAccess user management portal. Please refer to the MiAccess Admin manual for additional information.
Port information
The following table lists the ports that must be opened in the firewall when you configure CloudLink
Gateway and the purpose the ports serve.
NTP 123This port is used for clock synchronization between
networks using the following hosts:
TCP 443This port is used to connect REST APIs to the following hosts:
•any host under *
•any host under *
TCP 5061This port is used to connect SIP phones on Media Services to
the following hosts:
Preferably, specify the hosts by using the wildcards
media.*, media.*, and
UDP 3478 and UDP 3479These ports are used to connect to the STUN service
UDP 65336 to UDP 65534These ports are automatically opened by the firewall for
incoming RTP packets by pinhole punching. This is Mitel’s
approved and supported deployment. If pin hole punching is
not available or has been disabled on the firewall, then you
must exercise your own due diligence with configuring and
testing with the ports listed.
TCP 19060, 19061, 5070, 5071,
5080, and 5081
These ports are used for internal use only and must not be
used for any configurable service settings in MiVoice Office 400
for either UDP or TCP.
NOTE: CloudLink Gateway is built on the CentOS operating system. The OS level updates come from
CentOS community update servers.
Portal Access for Standalone Platforms
Associate Gateway with a Customer by Connecting to Gateway
To associate an external Gateway with a customer account in the CloudLink platform, the CloudLink
Gateway Portal should be accessed by connecting a supported browser to the Gateway at
http://cloudlink.local/. This needs to be done from a computing device located on the same LAN subnet
as the CloudLink Gateway Portal. Unless the Gateway is currently being updated, the browser redirects
to the CloudLink Gateway Portal login page. In the login page, click the MiAccess button. In the Mitel
MiAccess login page that appears, enter your MiAccess credentials and click the Login button. After a
successful login, your name and avatar are displayed in the upper-right corner of the interface.
NOTE: The first time you connect to the Gateway (from the same LAN subnet), type the http:// prefix explic-
itly in the browser's address bar as shown below:
http://cloudlink.local or http://ip.address.of.gateway
This is an important step that only needs to be done once. A browser normally stores this information to
make future connections to the Gateway.
You can use Apple Bonjour software to locate the Gateway when you connect from the LAN. Apple
Bonjour software, which is compatible with the CloudLink Gateway, is a zero-configuration networking
technology that locates devices such as printers and other computers, and the services that those devices
provide on a local network subnet. You can download and install Apple Bonjour Print Services for
Windows at
Portal Access for SMBC Platforms
Associating an embedded Gateway with a new customer account on the CloudLink platform must be done
via the SMB Controller Manager. For instructions, see the Access Application Configuration Link section
of the Configure MiVO400 on SMBC Platform topic.
Portal Access for All Platforms
The following two additional ways to access the CloudLink Gateway Portal apply to both standalone platforms (with external Gateway) and SMBC platforms (with embedded Gateway).
Access the CloudLink Gateway Portal via Mitel MiAccess Portal
To perform maintenance on a customer account already associated with a Gateway, access the
CloudLink Gateway Portal by logging in to the Mitel MiAccess Portal using your MiAccess credentials. In
the MiAccess Portal home page, CloudLink Gateway Portal will be listed on the left side of the site, if
the CloudLink policy has been assigned to you. Click CloudLink Gateway Portal. The Gateway Portal
opens and the Partner Dashboard is displayed.
Access the CloudLink Gateway Portal via Direct Access
A Mitel Partner or an administrative user of a customer account can access the CloudLink Gateway Portal
directly at
For information about logging in to the Gateway portal directly, see Log in to CloudLink Gateway Portal.
Install the CloudLink Gateway in a VMware Virtual Environ-
This topic describes the equipment, network, and configuration considerations that apply when setting up
CloudLink Gateway on servers enabled with VMware® vSphere™ virtualization.
VMware Requirements
The CloudLink Gateway virtual appliance is supported in the following VMware environments;
•ESXi 6.5 or later
•Fusion 5.x or later
•Workstation 9.x or later
•Player 5.x or later
System Requirements
Disk Size32 GB
CPU Core1 Core
•You must have VMware vCenter server installed in your machine to change the network configuration
of the gateway during the deployment.
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