Minolta X-300, X-370 Service Manual

X-300 [ 2 025 - 100 ] X- 3 70 [202 5- 3 00]
For U.S.A. & Canada
Standard lens I MD60mm F L2. MDSOnua F 1.4,
Lana mount ' M inolta S L R bayonet mount Film used : J13S rolled film Size of image field 24mmX36ma
Ele c tric ally controlled focal plane shutter
(T ravelin g holizontally)
Shutter speed : Auto---4 sec. to 1/1000 sec.
Shutter speed dial Shutter release
Self timer
Light metering system T T L center-weighted
Detector element I 1 S ilicon photocell a Auto exposure interlock range
Film speed scale : ASA/tSO 12-32 00 (locked every
AE lock
Metering switeh
Type SLR pentaprism type Focusing screen : Center*··Split-image and micro-
Viewfinder showing : 95% of 24mmx36mm film-
Magnification I 0 .9* (using 50 mm lens at no set
Dioptric power 1 diop. Finder indication 1
manual pbotofraphy
MD50mm F 1.7. MCS Omm F2
Manual- 1. 1/2. 1/4. 1/8. 1/15.
1/30. 1/60. 1/12S. 1/250. 1/ 500. 1/1000 see. and 3 (bulb).
Click stop endless dial
: Electromagnetic release, remote
cord, wireless controller 1R-1 can b« mounted. Shatter release locks in ease of battery voltage drop. With main switch at ON.
Electron ic self-tim er starts by depressing the operating button. Operation is indicated by camera-
front LED blink.
Shutter release notice is given.
Self-timer operation can be
canceled anytime before release.
average metering.
: EV 1 -18 (ASA /IS O 100 i/1.4 lens)
1/3 step) Only for A mode. Operation by pushing self-tim er
lever down.
By touch switch or depressing of operating button slightly. Memorizing of metering and
finder LED indication for 15
see. after the sw itch O FF.
Periphery··Acute Matte
frsme area
; Mode indication in use (A . M) ; Shutter speed scale with LED
t Slow shutter speed indication for
1-4 see (<7)
I Over-/under- range LED indication
blinking at 4 Hz ΙΔ /^ )
B-setting indicator ( a )
Setting shutter speed in dicator (Shutter speed L ED blinking at 4 Hz) Flash-ready signal (LED next to *60’' blinking at 2 Hz)
Battery cheek (by mode indication: Indicator ON when batteries are serviceable: blinking when near exhaustion: no LED s light when exhausted)
M irror
Syne speed
Hot shoe
Slide-uo quick return
X contact, electroflash is synch ronized at speeds slower than 1/60 sec; flash bulb is at speeds slower than 1/15 see. Direct contact, sync auto control contact
Film winding By lever. Winding at an angle of
Film counter Auto resetting calculation. With
Film rewinding I By rewind button and crank
Opening/Closing by pulling up knob, snapping back the cover.
With grip, me mo holder (IS O . DIN. A SA table)
130* (preliminary angle: 30*) Auto winding by Motor D rive 1 or Auto Winder
t W ith Safe Load Signal
Safe Load Signal
system: auto reset of rewind button.
Two I. 5 V alkal ine-manganese ( LR44: Eveready A-76 or equiv.) or two 1.55 V silver-oxide ( SR44: Eveready G-13 or equiv.)
Battery holder and Eyepiece cap
51. 5 x 90x 137 mm (2x3-9/19x5-3/8 in.) 470 g (16-9/16 oz.) without power cells
Winder Remote control
: Auto Electroflash 320X. 200X. 132X.
; Motor Drive 1. Auto W inder G
; W ireless Controller IR - l set
Remote Cord S / L Interchangeable Minolta lenses and applicable Minolta S L R system accessories.
Comparision table between 2 0 2 4 an d 2 0 2 5
I . Appearance
Top cover
Mode/shutter speed selector
Film -advance lever
Back g rip
Bottom cover
Bavonet lens mount
Main switch
2 0 2 4
Same shape
2 0 2 5
(Cr. plating)
(o nly d ifferences ire described)
For 202S. only s ilv e r model is availab le.
Disco ntinuity of Auto lock mech. of mode/shutter speed selecto r.
Marking: JA P A N or M A R A Y SIA
ON-O FF changeover
No audible p iezoelectric
warning mark
I . Function
Item 2 0 2 4
Direct autoflash
Sync terminal
Preview button Yes
Audible p iezoelectric
F-number indication in viewfind er
Connection with Multi- Function Back
2 0 2 5
D iscontinuity of direct autoflash metering contact.
Flash fires manually with PX serie s (360PX can be used as
- No
No No e lee tric shock prevention.
sensor auto).
No flash-d istance checker in
viewf inder.
Discontinuity of slow-shutter sync function.
No tlow-shutter-speed warning.
No self-timer audible beeps.
Back cover: fixed type (not detachable)
Disco ntinuity of contact term inals.
The contents of this manual are mainly related to the adjustment procedures for the 20 25.
Exc ep t for Exposure ad j u s t ment In s ta l la ti o n of exte rna l p art s, se e 2024 Ser vi c e Manual. Page" col umn provide wit h shows r e la te d page of 20 2 4 S e r vi ce Manual R ep air Guide
Assembly and adjustment procedures P a ge P ag·
GQSody a ss em b ly 1 (spool, spro ck et, win din g base plate A)
Sp roc ke t g ea r po sit ion ing me thod .............................................................................................................. 2
EB o ay a s se m b ly 2 (w in d in g shaf t) ................................................................................................................... 3
Winding gear pos itio nin g met hod................................................................................................................... 4
Reversion stop lev e r stop ti mi ng ad j us t m e nt........................................................................................ 4
S l Body asse m b ly 3 (w in d ing base p la te B) ................................................................................................
Overrun ec ce n tr ic pin ad jus tm e nt ............................................................................................................... 6
Check of windin g me ch an is m·
QQF r on t b ase p late block as se m oly 1 (shutte r, m irr or box. m ag n e t base pla t e)
Check of mag ne t at tr a c ti o n ............................................................................................................................ 12
C ll Front b ase plat e blo c k as se m bly 2 ( f in der block, bayon et m oun t front cover, etc . ) 3 0Front base p l a t e blo ck as s em b ly (mo u n tin g fro nt base p la te block onto body)
Shutter gear pos iti on a djus t men t ................................................................................................................... 15
Shu tt er charge adj ust ment
COF Ie xi b le P . C board insta ll a t ion ....................................................................................................................... 17
Body back a d ju st me nt ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Finder back adju s tm e nt .................................................................................................................................... 20
Exposure a dj us tm e n t
Qj ASA in cli na ti on adju st me nt .......................................................................................................3
GOa /D convers ion refe re nc e vo lta ge ad j u s t ment ....................................................................3
QjMan ua ! SS adj us tm e n t ................................................................................................................4
Sl A-a u to lev el ad ju s tment ............................................................................................................5
Check of LED i ndic ation ............................................................................................................E
Check and ad ju st me nt of r ele a se lock volt ag e and LED blink v olt ag e
Check of l imits a t high and low sh u t te r speeds ...........................................................6
inst a l la t i o n o f external parts ......................................................................................................... 7
......................................................................... * ............................................... 7 8
............................................................................................................................... 16
.................................................................. 1
13 14
Shu tter b lock ass em b ly pro cedur e
Shutt er block a d j us tme nt .................................................................................................................. 8
Mir ror box a s se mb ly pr o ce d ur e ....................................................................................................................... 37
M easu ring ins tru m ents ............................................................................................................................... 41
Foc u s i n g p late r e p l a c e m e nt p r ocedure ......................................................................................................... 42
- ................................................................. 31
Adjustm ent and checks to be made Pa ge Pag e
[DBody. win d in g uni t
Sp r ock e t g e a r p ositi o n i n g ........................................................................................................................................2
Win d i n g ge a r p ositi o n i n g ........................................................................................................................................4
Fi l m co unte r o p e r a t ion g e a r po s it io n i n g ............................................................................................. · .· ·· · 5
Re v ersion stop le ver s to p ti m i n g a d ju stme n t ..............................................................................................4
Ove r ru n ecc e ntr ic pin a djus t ment .....................................................................................................................6
Sprocke t c l a w positi on ch ec k ..............................................................................................................................7
Re v e r s i o n st op le ver timin g c h e c k .....................................................................................................................7
Winding o p e r a t i o n le ver timing c he c k ............................................................................................................8
[£Shutter ope rati on
Shut ter g e a r p o s it i o n adj ustm ent ........................................................................................................................ 15
Shut t er c harg e ad ju stm e nt...................................................................................................................................... 16
Shut t er curt ain p o sitio n c h eck .............................................................................................................................33. 34
Mi r r o r m agn e t a t t r act i on che c k ........................................................................................................................ 12
R e l e a se loc k v o lt a ge c h e c k .................................................................................................................................28
S yn c h r o X time la g ................................................................................................................................. 8
3 3 Shutter sp e ed
Cu rt a i n sp e e d a djust m e nt........................................................................................................................4, 8
Manual SS a d j us tme nt...............................................................................................................................4. 8
5)Auto exp o su re
ASA in c l inati o n a dju stment.....................................................................................................................3
A / 0 c onve r s i o n r e f e r enc e vo l ta ge a d j u s t ment .......................................................................3
A - aut o lev e l adjus t men t ..........................................................................................................................5
Chec k of r e l e a se magn e t a t t rac t i o n
Check o f li mits a t high and low s h utter s pe ed s
.............................................................................................................. 12
[Sl e d
Che c k o f L E D i nd icati on.......................................................................................................................
Chec k of L E D bli n k v o l t a g e ............................................................................................................... 6
Q0Vie wfin der, focu sin g
Body back ad ju st m e nt .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Fin d e r bac k a djustment
Mi r r or ang l e a djus t m en t ....................................................................................................................
.............. 20
39 , 4 0
Pr ecautions
The follow ing prec autions m ust be taken concerning all p lastic p a rts.
1 . When clean ig . use Flortsolve or alcoh ol. Do not use thin ner, keto n e, ether , et c.
2 . Se cure all part s w i th the sp ec if ie d sc re w s , taking care not to e x e nt ex c e s s iv e stre s s to them.
Handling of the flexib le board
The flex ib l e board u ses MOS ICs and is v e ry s e ns i ti ve to s t a t i c e l e ctricity . The re fo re , the fo llo w ing points m us t be kep t in mind when repa irin g.
When han dling the flexi bl e board it s elf or w ir ing it to the body, use a con du ctio n mat to pre v en t
sta ti c ele c t ri c it y , and per fo rm all work as shown in the ill u s t r a t i o n below.
When grounding is impos sib le, co nn ec t the cable to a lar ge m e ta l p la te is te el desk or shelf ) .
Preparation for adjustments
Temoorarv nut (2017-3309-75)
____ _ _
AS A f tfu ift hoioe r
Mam SW h o tt er
I Fo r the general adjustm ent
check, use b attery.
(Use new battery)
Exposure adjustment
Resistor positions and adjustments
Fig. 1
lock voltage. LEO Win* voltage
Beforehand set A S A film speed to A S A 100 properly as below: S e t A S A brush holder within range of A SA 100.
Fig. 2
AS A Drusft h oiO *r
S V resistor pi ate
conversion reference voltage
0 Π Adjustment of A S A inclination
iM e asu ring instrum entI D igital m ultimeter (Type 2508, 3476. 2507) I Adjustm ent procedure
1. S e t the metering switch to ON and adjust by turning VR« so that the voltage at the point in Fig . 1 is Depending on the tem perature when adjusting, use the table below to get adjustment voltage.
144± 2 mV
(In case of 25 C room temperature)
(A dju stm e nt voltage]
Temper·wre (*CI AdiHUMit reiuje (aV)
1331 2
20*15 25115
144 12
14 1.512
3012. 5
j~2l Adjustment of A/D conversion reference voltage
M easuring instrument: D igital m ultimeter (Ty pe 2508. 3476, 2507)
A dju stm ent procedure
1. S e t the m etering switch to O N and adjust by turning V R» so that the voltage at the point in F ig. 2 is Depending on the tem perature when adjusting, use the table below to get adjustment voltage.
288±3m V
(In case of 2 5 'C room tem perature)
(A d justm ent voltage]
Tem peratu re CC) 15=2.5 AJiuUMK voiufe (bV)
2012.5 283 13 288 13 233 13
25115 30115
00 Adjustment - of manual S S
Measuring instruments: S h u tte r tester (Model S-2101, FS-1 D M N4)
Adjustmen t procedure
Determine position of T V brush, referrin g to F ig. 2, or looking at s hutter speed L E D .
Fig. 2 R elation betw een T V brush holder position and manual S S
1 . Shutter soeed adjustment and check (see the table below)
Item Part adju ste d Adjust m en t (check)
1/1000 curt ain sp ew check
1/1000 adjustment
1/60 cheek
X time lag
S , ecce nt ric pm
( Both I st 4 2 nd cur ta in s are within 1 3 m s .)
0.9 8 ms
(1618. S ms)
(Rang e A : 0.4 ms o r morel (Range 8 1 2 .4 m s or more)
If it is mor e than 1 3 m s o r le s s than 1 0m s. ad just the 2 nd curtai n speed.
Che t k it with S S 1/60 and if is de fe c ti ve , pe rfo rm the adjustmen t on P. 8 .
Rem a r ks
When the exposure unevenness at steps © ~ "d ) is over 0 . 3 EV in both B -A and B-C ranges, and over 0. 4 E V in the A-C range, adjust the curta in speed as follow s.
For the shutte r speed standard, refe r to the inspection standard.
2 . C urtain speed adjustment
Adjust by turning the ratchet so that the 1 st and 2nd curtain speeds are
1/ 1000.
IF ig. 3 (Increasing the curtain speed)
I Fig . 4 (decreasing the curtain speed)
11 = 0 . 3ms
Remove the battery case base plate while pushing ratchet to release the ratchet claw and the rachet return. (D o not return it com pletely.)
Return it sufficiently and adjust by slowly
increasing the curtain speed.
SI Adjustment of A-auto level, check of L E D indication
M easuring instrum ents: Luminance box (M odel L-2101. L-222. L-223) : E E tester (Model EE-2101. EE-2111) : S S adaptor for E E teste r <Model SD -2101) : M a ste r lens for S-auto (2005-0001-75)
Adjustm e nt procedure
1. S e t the camera and measuring instruments as follows.
A fte r setting the m aster lens, turn it counterclockwise to put aside the looseness to one side.
Luminance box · Camera · Master lens · EE teeter · SO-21 01
K value : 1.2 Shutter dial : A Aperture'. F 5. 6 K value dial : 1.2 Aoerture switch : F 5.6
S: Luminance : EV 1 0. 15 ASA: 100 Distance: ASA dial : 100 Luminance switch: Same as
if: When using luminance box (L-222 or L-223). set it at EV' 11, and use a ND f ilt e r (M IN O L T A
ND 5 0 % F O R A D JU S T M E N T ) .
2. A d jus t and check as fo llows:
Step Luminance
EV 10
EV 15
Fig. 2
Shutter speed adj ustment
34 ms
E E level allowable range
±0. 4EV
Pan adjusted
V R . (Fig. 2)
(Check only)
Indication allowable range
(*0 .5EV)
1/60 1/30 1/15
:φ :
lu m ina nce box.
I C h ec k a nd ad ju s t m e n t of re l ea se lo c k volta g e a nd LED blink vo l ta ge
Check OQRelease lock voltage G ]LE D blink voltage
In case of out of standard above, adjust those as fo llowing procedure.
Measuring instrum ents I Constant voltage D .C power source (M O D E L 524B, E - l. E-2)
Checking procedure
1. Check the c urrent consumption at B setting ( in c ld * indication) using m easuring instru ments as fo llow s.
F ig. 1
Standard Standard
D igita l multimeter (Ty pe 2508, 3476, 2507)
: D irec t current tester
2 .46± 0.1 V
2.56=0 .1 V
g n
0.C p o w tf sourct lO utDuC JO
2. M easure the release lock voltage while reducing slo w ly the voltage of D.C power source
from 3V.
3. In case of out of standard, replace R u (68-390ΚΩ),
Fig. 2
I® "
a Camara
Shutter dial : B Touch SW I ON Connection of : ©···Battery case contact
power source 0··· Batter case base plate
C hecking high and low s hutte r speed lim its
Measuring instrument : S h u tte r tes ter (M o del S-2101. FS- 1DM N 4) Q]High shutter speed limit (s hutter speeds in other than high luminance operation in A mode.)
Cheek the s hutter speed with the shutter d ial set to A.
Standard 0.69 1 .38ms
2 ] L o w shutter speed limit (sh utter speeds in other than low luminance operation in A mode.)
e S e t the shutter d ial to A . and then check the exposure time w ith light to the receiver
interrupted .
Stand ard
Within 5 sec.
Q External parts (completion)
[§] s onibo n d
Turn the film advance lever on·-halt turn to lit it into the winding shaft.
Film advance lever
B F ig . 2 T V brush holder position
Rewinding knob
ASA Operation knob
<0132 3
Top cover
Set main switches to OH (cover and body sidesi Turn in the direction ot the arrow
Shutter dial
TV Srusn nolder
Bottom cover
613 25 (x 2)
ASA brush holder / s i
Front top cover
Sh utter block adjustment
M easuring instruments: Cam era standard tes ter (Model ST-5101) : S hutter tester (Model S-2101. F S-1DMN4)
(Prepara tio n s
1. Mount the shu tter onto the front base plate block and install it onto the body (as shown in Fig. 1).
2 . Connect the tester as shown in Fig . 2. 8,*c!t
Fig. 2
Oocrai· in· snu lttr >» dtscnUM on P 11 <20 24 R m tr Guk mi
I A dju stm ent procedure
Q ]Curtain speed adjustm ent
I . Set the S S - S E L of ST-S101 to 1000 and adjust by turning the c urtain spring cylind er
shaft so that both curtain speeds are
When the curtain is not open, shift S S - S E L to 60 and make a rough adjustment befo rehand so 'ha t both curtain speeds are about 12 ms. and then adjust again with the S S - S E L set to 1000.
CZShutter speed adjustment
1 . W ith the S S - S E L set to 1000. release the shu tter and adjust by turning the S j ecce ntric
pin so that the shutter teste r indicates
3 )X time lag adjustment
1 . Connect the synchro cord of the shutter tester to the camera. ( Fig. 2) 2 . W ith the S S - S E L set to 60. release the shu tter and check to be sure that the speed is
0.4m s or more in range A and 2 .4m s or more in range B
To make the adjustment, bend the end of the X contact.
Fig . 3
11 = 0.3ms
0.98 ms
( F ig. 31
( Fig . 4)
Fig. 5
Increasing me · Decreasing the curtain speed curtain speed
Q] Spool, sprocket, winding base plate A
g ] 3 3 40
7761 -2040-07
Fig. 1 3037 spring setting
Sat «tin He ciutcn
I SoO Cktt fur
® 9762-2040-07
Winding base plate A
S«t it onto a m M i wttn in·
t omck t r fi>f (3055! m
position Taaa c an not to
Ik » f u r esengafm ant-
I S i l n serecMt as sftmn m
Fi*. 1 and lit w tra n i M u
pun A.
Fig. 2
Sprocket shaft
F 't 3 o£> 9721-0150-13
iF ig. 3 Installing direction
of E-ring
Pmn comple tely
9771 -0150-13
Sprocket gear positioning procedure
I Ρις. 1
1. W ith the winding idler geir crest fitted in hole * 1 of winding base plate A and with the sprocket idler gear bottom fitted in hole ξ;. set the sprocket gear so that the sha ft under the sprocket gear is parallel w ith winding base plate A.
2. Then, put a mark on the tooth of the winding idler at hole a>. as shown in F ig. 2.
After marking the winding idler gear, aiign the mark with hole ai and set the sprocket gear as shown in F ig. I.
Fig. 2
2] Winding shaft
Assemble the p arts in the order (T '~(§)
I Fig. 1 3025 spring setting
I D o not allow it to ride on tt» winding fn r .
(F it the winding m alt, allowing It to move
in me direction ol tti arrow.)
Winding gear positioning procedure
B F ig. 1 Winding idler gear position B F ig. 2
1 . Make sure that the winding idler gear is positioned as shown in F ig. 1.
2 . A llow 3036 to move in the direction of the arrow, then set the winding g ear so that the punch
mark of the w inding gear is aligned w ith the mark of the winding idler gear. (Fig. 2)
Reversion stop lever stop timing adjustment
1 . Position the winding operation plate as shown in Fig . 3, and temporarily set the winding opera
tion lever.
2. W ith the winding claw and reve rsion stop lever fitte d into the winding gear as shown in F ig.
3. press the winding operation plate in the direction of arrow ) w hile applying a load to the sprocket in the direc tion of arrow ® so that the winding claw is set secu rely onto the wind ing gear.
3. Applying a load to the sprocket and winding operation plate as shown by ® and (B). turn the reversion stop lev er shaft until the winding operation le ver is disengaged from the winding operation plate. (F ig. 4)
Ξ Ι Winding base plate B
Stopper boss
9762-2060-07 ( *
Winding base plate B
Fig. 2
iM r n n t ii t a it loading signal Itv tr 13422 ! pushing u
in Ians direction and «<1 3407 wfuie cnargtng th· soring 13 404 1 by about 3/4 turning m in· direction Of arrow
Do not let il go unoer 3ME
F it 3
Fig. 1
Winding g ur
Mm· sure mat the punch m art of tn* W inding p a r is correctly facing me c»nt«t of the winding idler gear, and tnen set 3410 so that the V groove is positioned as snown
Fig. 2 3416 spring setting
i! 235
i CIiCK.·
Pos ition in g
Fit. 1
Fig. 3 3414 spring setting
Fig. 4 3424 spring setting
Afte r completion of the assembly work, mount the film carry out the adjustmen ts and checks on P. 6. 7. 8 .
advance lever and
Overrun eccentric pin adjustment
1 . A fte r «rinding, hold the film advance lever and turn th« eccentric pin (9291) cou nterclockwise
until the sprocket shaft (3052) touches the winding shaft rece iver. (Fig. 1)
2 . Return the winding le ver sligh tly, and then wind it again to set it in the condition shown in
Fig. 2.
3. Then, shift the sprocket shaft by finger toward the body cente r to set it in the condition shown in Fig. 3. and slowly turn the eccentric pin (9291) clock wise until the overrun preven tion lever Is engaged with the ratchet of the sprocket shaft.
iF ig. 3
- 9791
Checking adjustm ent: During the winding lev er operation, the end of the overrun prevention lever should not be caught by the sprocket claw. A fter winding is
completed, the lever should he engaged with the claw .
W inding mechanism check
CD Position of sprocket claws
A f te r winding, hold the winding lever and return the sprocket in the direction of the arrow. as
shown in F ig. 1. The sprocket claw positions should then be as illu strated.
Fig. 1
[13 Reversion stop lever timing
Slow ly tu rn the film advance lever w hile applying a load to the sprocket. The winding opera
tion lever should disengage from the winding operation p late a fter (or at the same time) the
second s tep of the reversion stop le ver begins to engage with the claw of the winding gear.
Fig. 2
(3]Check and adjustment of windi ng operation lever timing
A fter winding completion, slo wly return the film advance lever. The winding stop lev er should engage on the 1 st stop position of the charge operation plate. Before it engages ot. the 2 nd stop position, φ the winding claw and (
ing operation plate. The order of φ and (2) is reversable.
And also make sure that a clearan ce should be visible between winding stop lever and charge operation plate a fter winding stop lever engages with the 2 nd stop position of charge operation plate.
Fig. 3
2) the winding operation lev er should disengage from the wind
If adjustment is not made well as mentioned above, replace winding stop lever with a new one.
'T iming failu re of winding operation
lever may occur by rep lacing parts of winding mech. w ith accumulated
^tolerance of each part.
Puncn mar*
Note: The following symptons may occur by replacing parts of the winding stop lever A-set even timing
of winding operation lever is normal.
X/ The symptom of replacing 0322-01 hy 0312-01.
Idle winding may takes place cause of winding claw is not engaged even winding stop lever engaged on 2 nd stop position.
The symptom of replacing 0312-01 by 0322-01.
Winding stop lever may not engage on the 2 nd stop position or no clearance appears even winding stop le ver engaged.
Types of winding stop lever. A set
Parts No. 2017-0312-01 no marked 1 3 6 2017-0322-01 mar ked | 3 S
Mark | L irnnl
4] Front base plate block assembly-1
I Refe r to the arrangement of the lead w ires on the next page.
I install m· release megnet on the mirror
box wnose MP return lever is charged
wnile ouehing the release lever in the direction of arrow (reieasinf of magnet att ractio n .
I Refer to P. 11 for overcharge adjustment
after installing.
9612-1630-01 <x 2 I
I Check the release
magnet attraction.
(P 121
Install with charge completed
Mirror angle adtustment (P. 39)
Release magnet attraction check
Measuring instruments t C onstant voltage D.C power supply (Mo de! 524B. E - l, E-2) : D ial tension gauge (500g. 300g)
Checking procedure
e Attractio n check
Fig. 3 S eparation voltage
e S eparation voltage c heck"- A s shown in F ig. 3. connect to a D .C power supply and check to
.......As shown in Fig. 1. set a tension gauge to the release magnet, and then
check the value 3 times when the con tact piece sep arates. ( If a tension gauge of more than 270g is not available, a spring scale of about 500 g can be used instead as shown in Fig . 2)
see if the contact piece separates at 1.8 V or less.
Separates at 1 .8V or less
5J Front base plate block assembly-2
iT ig ht screw * in order φ ~ < 3 ).
9612-1635-07 (x 3 )
F No. infinder base plate
For the adjustment of Ψ M o . tnfinder attar im tall int.
raft* to P. 21 .
Front base plate block
9611-1625-07 ( x 2)
> 0
Fig. 2 1028 bonding
Lam lock i k W
IF , |.l
AV resistor
Os m l toucn ttw m r*tor surface
- w ith lingers. ,
'« O 0175 *S>
Ply attention le irntelling direction. ^
1028 O j
Remote control itOe
I Fig. 2
Front cover
(¥ ) LOCXTITE 242 ( X i )
- Remote control term in i
9611 -2040-04 ( X 4 )
Tight s crews in order φ ® .
2 Front base plate block assembly
I A fter completion of assembly, perform the shutter gear position end shutter cherge adjustments.
f 9761-1730-07
Front base plate
R«t#f to Jtiomoty procedure P 3 11
(P. 15. 16/
!S j 3W0
SiMiT al 9*01
I lead e irt *rran««m*nt
9761* 7060-07
?7β ι-:οα ί-ο7 ·.
Tight screws m oraer
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| tn· a*f*c:ion of trm Mtrrrm *n a irntatl
tn· front s « * out· ouxjl
Sere» he x · of 9113 )
Battery case base plate
9 ftl! -2030-01
< - 3 ·
^9771 -0200-13
*{oj 33<0
Tiffiten «1 m ft* *»v
button o*oress«a.
I Tafc e car· not to tcrstcn m· Out ton.>
9761 -2050-07 * 4
Tight screw s in order
rr>-ii .
the ι ·Μ « ir e » tn rou*n t n · ^ oto^r
Shu tter gear position adjustment
1. Engage the gears so chat the mark of charge gear A faces the cen ter of charge gear C , and tighten 9012. The gear engagement clearance should be 0.1 0. 2mm.
IF iq. 1
Charft fw A
Sh utter release procedure
In this cam era, the m irror operation mechanism is started w ith the separation of the release magnet ( R M ag). Therefore, after mounting the shutte r block on the body, the shutter cannot be released unless the flexible P .C board is insta lled w ith the wiring completed. Fo r th is reason, the shutter should be released bv the following method when p erform ing any checking or adjustm ents, such as for winding, m irror box, shutter release, etc.. afte r assembling the front base plate block as shown on P . 14.
CD By using a release tool (2 0 1 7-0003- 75)
3] By using a battery
Caution In both methods CD and E3. supply power until the completion of shutter operation. (Oth erwise the shutter tester may fail to give a correct indication.)
Shutter charge adjustment
1. S lowly turn the film advance lexer and check the o ver-charge from the time the 2nd curtain is stopped (th e 2 nd curtain stop lever moves from (J) to (§ >, as shown below) until the film advance lever stops by checking the movement of the sprocket id le r gear.
Caution I If the winding operation is not smooch, or if the overcharge exceeds two teech.
immediately scop winding and adjust.
Adjustment procedure
Overcharge is less than 1 tooth
O vercharge is over 1.5 teeth
... ...
Turn the e ccen tric pin (9281) counterclockwise.
Turn the c ccen tric pin (9281) clockwise.
If the adjustment by the eecentrie pin is not sufficient, shift charge gear A by one tooth. 'I n the case of an undercharge, shift it in the direction of *ai, and in the case of an over charge. in the direc tion of <t>*. as shown in Fig . 2.)
[7] Flexible P . C board installation
I Afte r installing the flexible P . C board and soldering the leed w ires, carry out the adjustment of
P 19 29.
Ilf the shutter block has been disassembled, ad just it before mounting the circuit board. (P. 36)
ASA resistor
Fig. 1 Removing method of operating button
Nip 202 3 tn the oiroction 0 1
ar r ow using p l i e rs or t t w li h ·. When installing i t push t h·
operating butto n.
install the parts within the dotted lint after the adjustments of P. 1^-P. 2 9 .
Self timer lever v
9761 -2050- 07 f x 2 )
9761 Ur u
-2050-07 (x 2)
Side cover B
Side cover A
Β Γ ι ΐ th· pos i t i ons
self timer SW *oa
Self time r le v e r wfwfl inste llinf.
Preparation for adjustments
Temporary nut (2017-3309-75)
Brush holder
Mam SW holder
For the general adjustment check, use b a ttery.
(Use new b attery )
Body back adjustment
I Measuring ins tru m ents : B ody back gauge
F la t plate (fo r 2005) D ial gauge
I Adju stm e n t procedure
Check and c o rre ct the fla tness of the pre ssure p la te contact surface b efo re measuring the body back.
[Sta n d a rd ]
43.72 mm
- 0. 02
I f the body back is low e r than the standard value, inse rt adjusting wash ers under the bayonet mount.
[Typ e s of adju sting w a shers) Pa rt No.
Thickn ess (mm)
2005-1061-81 2005-1052-81 2005-1063-81
0.0 2 0.05 0. 1
I f the body back is higher than the standa rd value, r epl ace the bayonet mount w ith the bayonet mount used for repair (2017-1010-81) and adjust in combination with the adjustin g w ashers. The flange of the bayonet mount used for repair is 0. 1 mm thinne r than th at of the reg ular bayonet mount (2017
10 1 0-01 ) .
Viewfinder back adjustment
I Measuring instruments I 1000 mm collimator (Model RC-1000 I , Q. HI)
: M aster lens for 054 finder back adjustment (054-5202*79) : M agnifier
I Ad ju stm ent procedure
1. Set the camera so that the chart image is as shown in F ig. 1, and set the scale of the master lens to 43. 565.
e A fte r setting the master lens, turn it counterclockwise to put aside the looseness to one
I Fig . 2
2 0
I Fig. 1
Green « M ia I S r r· "
Collimator ensrt ιιηχ·
-1OCO m m
2. Make sure that the scale of the master lens is positioned as shown in F ig. 2. and move the 3 adjusting screws of Fig . 3 up and down uniformly to adjust the vertical line of the chart image.
Fig. 3
e If the microprism is p artially obscure, adjust the vertica4 balance by using the screw s,
taking care not to deflect the vertica l line of the chart image.
3. When the helicoid of the master lens is turned to adjust the focus after operating the shu tter several times, the scale position of the m aster lens ihould be as follows:
iF ig. A Allowable range
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