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Use J504 to match the motor voltage rating for motor A and J505 for motor B. ( Jumper on pins 1 & 2 for 180
VDC, 2 & 3 for 90 VDC.
INDEPENDENT MODE (Jumper on pins 1 & 2 of J503)
There are two sets of potentiometers independently used to adjust each motor operation. Each set consists of
five on board trimmer potentiometers and one external potentiometer (commonly called SPEED POT). To
calibrate one side (A or B), use the following procedure for speed mode:
1. Turn the SPEED POTENTIOMETER A (B) to full CCW. Use MIN SPEED A (B) trimmer potentiometer
to adjust minimum speed for motor A (B).
2. Turn the SPEED POTENTIOMETER A (B) to full CW. Use MAX SPEED A (B) trimmer potentiometer to
adjust maximum speed for motor A (B). Repeat steps 1 and 2 a few times due to a level of interaction
between MIN SPEED and MAX SPEED pots.
3. Set the CUR LIM A (B) to full CCW. Turn the SPEED POTENTIOMETER A (B) to full CW. Stall the
motor shaft and turn the CUR LIM A (B) CW until the desired current limit is reached.
4. Set the IR COMP A (B) to full CCW. Set the motor speed at approximately half of the rated speed. Load
motor to its full load. Keep turning the IR COMP CW until the speed equals the no load speed.
5. Use ACC/DEC A (B) trimmer potentiometer to adjust acceleration (deceleration) ramp time.
RATIO MODE (Jumper on pins 2 & 3 of J503)
In RATIO MODE, SPEED POT A is used to adjust the speed of both motors, while SPEED POT B sets the ratio
between speeds. Turning the SPEED POT B CW will increase speed of motor B thus increasing the ratio
speed B/speed A. MIN SPEED B and MAX SPEED B are now used to adjust minimum and maximum ratio.
Short inhibit terminals A(B) to bring motor A(B) to a stop. Inhibit A(B) is independant of inhibit B(A). The inhibit A
and inhibit B can be paralleled together.
J501 is used by the factory to program the M2-D drive. Do NOT add any jumpers to J501.
TORQUE MODE (Jumper on pins 1 & 2 of J502 and pins 1 & 2 on J503)
TORQUE MODE regulates motor current (torque). In TORQUE MODE, the external potentiometer A (B) sets the
torque reference for Motor A (B) and the CUR LIM trimmer potentiometer A (B) sets the speed limit for Motor A
(B). The MIN SPEED A (B) and MAX SPEED A (B) are used to adjust the minimum and maximum torque
Rotation: CW = Clockwise CCW = Counterclockwise