Midland MFJ-9410 User Guide

MFJ-9410 Instruction Manual 10-Meter SSB Transceiver


Congratulations on your choice of the MFJ-9410 Ten-Meter SSB Transceiver. Please read this manual carefully before attempting to operate your new radio. Let's begin with an introduction to some special features we think you'll like!
Easy to Operate:
Potent Signal:
20-Watt PEP--plus Constant CurrentTM syllabic speech processing for an
added 4 to 6-dB advantage to cut through noise, fading, and QRM.
Low Drain:
Operate from a 3-Amp AC supply or 12-Volt battery. All-analog circuitry
means highest energy efficiency!
Hot Receiver:
Low-noise preamp and active-DBM front end dig deep into the noise to
capture weak ones. If the signal is there, you'll hear it.
Excellent Selectivity:
Sharp 2.3 KHz SSB ladder filter reduces passband noise, fights
QRM, and improves intelligibility.
TVI Protection:
Built-in 7-element lowpass filter knocks down TVI--lets you operate
day or night, when you want to!
Real S-Meter:
Steer your beam with pin-point accuracy and give meaningful reports
with a full-sized analog S-meter. Also, monitor speech processing level.
Agile Tuning:
No unexpected tuning-rate shifts or stair-stepping. Reduction-drive analog VFO lets you scan the band for signals quickly, then zero in smoothly. Best VFO for hunt-and-pounce contest operation!
Loud Audio:
Efficient rugged 3-1/2" top-mount speaker delivers robust audio,
overcomes ambient noise.
Phone Jack:
1/4" jack accepts standard stereo headphones, cuts off speaker
automatically. Attenuated output protects phones and ears, makes gain adjustment easy.
Amplifier Jack:
Solid-state FET switch keys external amplifiers.
Built to Last:
Conservative design, premium-quality plate through PC board, quality components, handsome brushed-aluminum panel, and tough vinyl-clad case make for years of dependable service.
At home or traveling the world, you'll enjoy superb 10-meter performance with your
MFJ-9410. Best of all, it's fully backed by MFJ's exclusive NO MATTER WHAT
year guarantee. If it breaks, we'll take care of it.
MFJ-9410 Instruction Manual 10-Meter SSB Transceiver
The MFJ-9410 is a 20-Watt PEP USB transceiver designed especially for fixed or portable radio communication in the ten-meter amateur band. Energy-efficient analog circuitry and syllabic speech processing deliver superior on-air performance while conserving valuable power. The MFJ-9410 uses a single-conversion mixing format and a low-noise heterodyne VFO for enhanced weak-signal performance. The transmitter features a built-in 7-element lowpass filter to reduce interference at TV and FM-broadcast entertainment frequencies. Other features include a sharp HF-communication grade crystal, IF bandpass filter, built-in heavy-duty speaker, fully-analog mechanical S-meter, optional semi-break-in CW module, and intuitive "easy-to-operate" controls.
Typical Specifications
Receiver Section:
Frequency Coverage:..................................... 28.300-28.600 MHz
Mode: ............................................................ USB
Receiver Type: .............................................. Single-conversion Superhet
Frequency Control:........................................ Crystal mixed heterodyne VFO
IF Frequency:................................................. 10 MHz
IF Selectivity: ................................................-6 dB @ 2.3 KHz
AGC: .............................................................Audio-derived, 70-dB dynamic range
Sensitivity:..................................................... .15 uV for 12-dB S/N
Audio:............................................................ 500 mW into 8 Ohms at 10% THD
Average RX Current:.....................................60-mA, (S-meter lamp disabled)
Transmitter Section:
RF Power Output:..........................................20-Watts PEP
VSWR Tolerance:.........................................3:1 VSWR maximum
Peak TX Current: .......................................... 3.2 Amps
Speech Enhancement: ................................... RF-compression, syllabic rate
Spurious Attenuation:.................................... -60 dBc
Mic Input:...................................................... 600-Ohm dynamic
*CW operation is possible within the 28.3-28.6 tuning range with an optional CW adapter board.
MFJ-9410 Instruction Manual 10-Meter SSB Transceiver
• Power Supply:
Use any regulated 13.8-Volt 3-Amp supply or comparably-rated 12­Volt battery. Connect power via a 5.5 OD x 2.1 mm coaxial power plug (Radio Shack 274-1569):
[+] lead must be attached to the connector center pin.
• Microphone:
The MFJ-290 dynamic microphone compliments your radio's speech processor, but other 600-ohm PTT microphones may be used with a 5-pin DIN connector installed as shown below (use Radio Shack 274-003). Amplified microphones should not be used with the MFJ-9410.
Pin 3 = PTT Line Pin 4 = Mic Line Pin 1,2,5 = Ground
•••• Antenna Selection:
Use any vertical or horizontal 10-meter antenna exhibiting a VSWR of 2:1 or less. A simple dipole or groundplane is adequate for casual operation, but a 3-element yagi or 2-element quad yields better DX performance.
Important Note:
does not provide automatic high-VSWR shutdown circuitry. Operation into extremely reactive loads may result in out-of-band spurious em issions in violation of FCC rules!
Avoid using antennas with unknown or high VSW R. The MFJ-9410
•••• Speech Processing:
The MFJ-9410 processor rapidly readjusts transmitter IF gain for each spoken syllable. For best results, hold the Mic about 1" from your lips and speak normally. The S-meter should deflect 1/2 scale as you speak.
Important Note:
meter deflects beyond S9 or holds below S4 with normal speech, check your antenna. A VSWR of 2: 1 or less is normally considered acceptable for amateur ser vice.
Transmit meter def lection will be aff ected by high- VSW R loads. If the
•••• Connecting a Power Amplifier:
The MFJ-9410 provides a built-in FET switch to key an external amplifier. Be sure to follow all manufacturer's instructions carefully when installing an amplifier at your station. The Ext Amp jack provides closure to ground during transmit.
•••• Choosing an Operating Location:
Set your station up in a sheltered and dry location. Avoid operating in direct sunlight--the radio's black case may absorb excessive heat that can impair normal operation or damage internal components.
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