Midland BASE TECH II Operator's Manual

Midland R adio Corp.
Base Tech II Base/Repeater Station Operator’s Manual
Controls, Indicators and Connectors ......................................................................................................4
Installation and Programming .................................................................................................................7
Basic Operation.......................................................................................................................................8
Front Panel Operation.............................................................................................................................9
Scanning ...............................................................................................................................................14
Locking the Keypad ..............................................................................................................................17
Changing Tone Signaling Systems.......................................................................................................17
Displaying the Channel Information......................................................................................................18
Display of Received Tone Frequencies. ...............................................................................................19
Bar Graph Displays...............................................................................................................................20
LCD Display Back Light........................................................................................................................20
Transmit Power Change .......................................................................................................................20
Calling Party ID Displa y ........................................................................................................................21
Displaying any Radio's ID Number .......................................................................................................21
Emergency Caller Display.....................................................................................................................22
Automatic Transmit in Repeater Mode .................................................................................................22
TX Test Mode........................................................................................................................................23
Keypad Test Mode ................................................................................................................................23
Frequency Band Test Mode..................................................................................................................24
Starting Message..................................................................................................................................24
Serial Number Display ..........................................................................................................................24
EEROM Data Check Mode...................................................................................................................25
Hardware Error Detection.....................................................................................................................26
RS232C Communications Error............................................................................................................27
Base Tech II Base/Repeater Station Operator’s Manual
The Base Tech II Base Repeaters represents a technolo gical advancement over prev ious models. The Base Tech II Base Repeater is comprised of separate modules all housed within one 2RU equipment cabinet. The receiver, transm itter, and PA unit are each enclosed within their own die-cas t hous ing. Each one is then mounted direct ly on the large upper heats ink. A microproces sor-controlled interface m odule controls the channel selection, LCD Display, timers, interfaces, and signaling features.
The RF power output is 25 — 110 watts, depen ding on the m odel, and rated for continuous dut y. The CTCSS module supports all EI A tones. All tones and different encode and decode to nes can be s et on a per channel basis during radio programming.
The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be fixed-mounted on outdoor permanent structures with a separation distance of at least 6 meters from all persons during normal operation. The peak conducted output power at each antenna terminal must not exceed 250 Watts and the peak radiated output power must not exceed 1000 Watts EIPR. Users and installers must ensure that FCC requirements for satisfying RF exposure compliance are met. (See FCC Rules Part 1, Sections 1307 and 1310)
o Simplex or two frequency Duplex
o EEPROM programmable with a PC
o 99 programmable multi-mode channels o Full dot matrix LCD o Front-facing speaker o Transmit time limiter to preve nt channel
o TX and RX encryption optional o Two channel scanning modes o 5-Tone encoder and decoder plus DT MF
encoder and decoder
o Up to 99 channels with channel labels
o Two-stage front end allows mixed
Simplex and Duplex operation
o Channel selectable Wide or Narrow
channel spacing
o CTCSS on a per channel basis (DCS
available as an option)
o 5 X 4 Keypad for channel change, etc o 2RU equipment cabinet o Step-up VCO voltage for superior
o Low stand-by current is ideal for solar
o Watchdog timer
Base Tech II Base/Repeater Station Operator’s Manual
The Base Tech II Base Repeater includes 5-tone s elec tive c all ing enc oder/dec oder wit h n on-pred ictive decoder, as well as a DTMF encoder and voice encr yption o ption. It sup ports bo th all channe l sc anning and progr am m ed channel scanning for base use.
The Base Tech II Base Repeater is fitted with a large f ull dot matrix LCD that is used to display the channel numbers and names, frequenc y and tone programm ed information and si gnaling inform ation. All user-interf ace keys and knobs are convenientl y located on the f ront of the rad io. Al l user- entere d f unctions are e asil y activated in a logical manner via the keypad.
The Base Tech II Base Repeater is supplied with an "N" type connector for the transmitter, and a BNC connector for the receiver to allow easy connection to the duplexer or feeder cables.
The rear panel includes a 9-way D-sub connector for the attachm ent of an external shared tone panel. Also included is a 25-way D-sub connector that enables external interface to other radios or control equipment.
The Base Tech II Base Repeater is supplied complete with the following items:
o Base Tech II Base Repeater o DC Cable Connector o Operators Manual o Hand Microphone
Controls, Indicators and Connectors
Front Panel Controls
1. Headphone Socket
This socket is provided to allow users to lis te n to the Bas e Tech II Base Repeater using head pho nes . P lu gg ing a headphone into this soc ket will disconnect t he built-In speaker. It does NOT include a microphone input or TX PTT facility.
2. High TX Power
This is a service point and is not used by the radio operators
3. Low TX Power
This is a service point and is not used by the radio operators
Base Tech II Base/Repeater Station Operator’s Manual
4. Loud Speaker*
The receiver audio signals are heard from this speaker ( provided that the volume setting is loud enough and provided that the speaker has not been muted by one of the tone signaling formats).
5. Repeater Mode Indicator LED
The Repeater Mode Indicator LED will illuminate "REP" in programmed for Repeater operation. This LED is NOT illuminated on any channel that is programmed to operate in Base mode.
6. Alarm Mode Indicator LED
The Alarm Mode Ind icator LED will illuminate (Flas hing) "ALM" in fault in the receiver module, the transmitter module, or the PA module on the selected channel.
7. Transmit Mode Indicator LED
The Transmit Mode Indicator LED will illuminate "TX" in transmitting.
8. Busy Mode Indicator LED
The Busy Mode Indicator LED will illuminate "BUSY" in receives a carrier signal on the selected channel that is greater than the Squelch setting.
9. Keypad*
The 5 x 4 key Ke ypad is used to enter ch annel se lection, tone inf ormation, an d other da ta int o th e Base Tech II Base Repeater. Specific key sequences are described fully in section 4 of this document. It includes the following keys: CH, SCAN, MON, SHIFT, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, •, #, A, B, C, and D.
10. Volume Control*
whenever the Base Tech II Base Repeater is
when the selected channel has been
whenever the Base Tech II Base Repeater
whenever the tra nsceiver detects a
The Volume Control is used to set th e audio output level f rom the loudspeak er. Rotate this knob clock wise to increase the audio level, or counter-clockwise to reduce the audio level.
11. Squelch Control*
The Squelch Contro l is used to set the squ elch threshold. Select a channel that is not being used and slowl y rotate this knob clockwise unti l the annoying background noise ceases . It may be desirable to rotate this knob clockwise, slightly past the squelch threshold, to compensate for varying background noise levels.
12. Power ON/OFF Switch
The Power ON/OFF Switch is used to switc h the Base Tech II Base Repeater "ON" or "OFF ". Pr ess this k nob to switch the Base Tech II Base Rep eater "ON". Press this knob again to s witch the Base Tech II Base Repeater "OFF". This knob is slightly more depressed when in the "ON" position.
Base Tech II Base/Repeater Station Operator’s Manual
13. Power On Indicator LED
The Power ON Indicator LED will illuminate in position.
14. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) (not used on Single Channel Models)
The LCD comprises of four (4) lines each of which is capabl e of disp laying t wenty-one ( 21) char acters. T he first line, under normal operating conditions, displays the strength of the signal being received on the selected channel as a bar graph. The second line displa ys the strength of the transmitting power as a bar graph. The third line displays the selected channel number (up to four characters) in the first five left hand character spaces, and displays the channel name (up to eight characters) in the next eight character spaces.
Any combination of the following characters may be used in the channel name:
0-9, A-Z, a-z, / + - * # ! $ % ( ) = [ ] < > ? and space This area of the LCD is left blank when channel names are not used. The six character spaces on the right hand side of this line are used to display status symbols as follows:
Symbol Status
whenever the Power ON/OFF switch is in the "ON"
The monitor status.
The key lock status.
The tone encode status.
The scan mode status.
The high power transmit status.
[SHIFT] key is depressed.
On the left hand side of the fourth line, the t ype of tone sig naling s ystem selected by the user is dis played. For example, "5TON" indicates 5 Tone signaling while “DTMF” indicates Dual Tone Multi Frequency signaling.
The right hand side of the fourth line is used to display data that the user enters (for example, 5 Tone calling sequences). These char acter spaces are also used b y the Base Tech II Base Repeater to displ ay messages and information directed to the user.
15. Microphone Input Socket
Connect the microphone into this socket.
Base Tech II Base/Repeater Station Operator’s Manual
Rear Panel Connectors
16. 25 way External Options Connector
17. 9 way Programming Connector
18. DC Input Fuse Holder
19. 3 way DC Input Socket
20. TX/Antenna Connector (N type)
21. Ventilation Slots
22. RX Connector (BNC type)
Installation and Programming
As the Base Tech II Base Repeater can be installed to opera te as either a Base St ation or as a Repe ater, some of the instructions in this document may apply to one application only, som e may apply in both cas es, while others may only apply if the particular func tion has been enab led during programm ing of the Base Tech II Base Repeater.
The Base Tech II Base Repeater must be programm ed before it will operat e correctly. This should be d one by the equipment supplier or a qualified radio tradesman. They will require the Base Tech II Base Repeater programming software to do this correctly.
It is important that the Base Tech II Base Repeater be cor rectly installed at its working location by a qualified radio technician.
As a minimum, it is necessary to:
o Connect the DC Input power lead to a suitab le 13.8 Volt Regulated DC Po wer suppl y that has s ufficient
capacity. (Ensure that the DC Polarity is correct).
o Connect the two antenna c onnectors to suitable antennas (ens ure that the VSWR of the ant ennas is
o Insert the microphone into the microphone connector on the front panel.
Base Tech II Base/Repeater Station Operator’s Manual
Basic Operation
Switch On
Switch the Base Tech II Base Repeater "ON" b y pressing t he knob (1 2). Then c heck that th e LED ind icator (13) is illuminated.
Adjust the Volume Setting
Rotate the Volume Knob (10) cloc kwise (from the f ully counterclock wise position) until the audio level f rom the speaker is suitable.
Adjust the Squelch Setting
Rotate the Squelch Knob clock wise (f rom the f ully counter clock wise posit ion) slo wly unti l the back ground no ise can no longer be heard. It is wise to rotate the knob sl igh tly further in the clockwise direction so that variations in the background noise level do not "break" the sque lch setting and caus e annoying squelc h noises to be he ard from the speaker.
Select the Channel
Select the required chan nel by pressing t he CH ke y followed by the chan nel number k ey. The channel number keys must be selecte d within tw o seconds. For example, [CH ] + [0] + [1] t o select Chann el 1. T he LCD Dis play should now display CH01 and (if programmed with a channel label) the channel name: "CH01 NAME".
You should now be able to hear any radio traffic that occurs on channel #1 on the Base Tech II Base Repeater. It may be necessary to adjust the Volume setting to suit your listening requirements.
Depending on the leg al requirements in your country, and the operating requirements within your or ga ni zat io n, i t may be necessary to announce your Call Sign. In add ition, it will probably be nec essary to announce the Ca ll Sign of the party you are calling at the start of your transmission.
When transmitting, it is necessary to hold the m icrophone about 3 inches from your mouth and speak clearly into the front of the microphone.
It is also necessary to press and hold the “Press To Talk” (PTT) bar on the side of the microphone while speaking into the microphone.
Base Tech II Base/Repeater Station Operator’s Manual
Front Panel Operation
This section desc ribes mos t signaling and ot her advanc ed features th at are availa ble on the Bas e Tech II Base Repeater. The availability of som e features is dependent on the pr ogramming of the transceiv er and installed options. You may find it worthwhile to discuss these feat ures in detail with your radio su pplier to obtain a full understanding of their benef its.
Keypad Operation
The Keypad is the interface between the user and the Base Tech II Base Repeater. It is used to enable or
disable various functions and to enter the required data for signaling purposes. The word (5-Tone) or (DTMF) shown af ter the described f eature indicates tha t the described feat ure applies to
the particular signaling format. The following keys are used for the purposes described:
[0] - [9] Entering new channel numbers
Entering the "KILL" password
Entering signaling encoding numbers (5-Tone) (DTMF)
Entering DTMF numbers (DTMF)
[A] Advancing the Base Tech II Base Repeater to the next higher channel
Entering the signaling "A" tone (5-Tone) (DTMF)
Encodes the "A" Tone (DTMF)
[B] Advancing the Base Tech II Base Repeater to the next lower channel
Entering the signaling "B" tone (5-Tone) (DTMF)
Encodes the "B" Tone (DTMF)
[C] Entering the signaling "C" tone (5-Tone) (DTMF)
Encodes the "C" Tone (DTMF)
[D] Entering the signaling "D" tone (5-Tone) (DTMF)
Encodes the "D" Tone (DTMF)
[•] Displays the previously entered encode numbers (5-Tone) (DTMF)
Encodes the "•" -Tone (DTMF)
[#] Encodes the signaling numbers that are displayed in the LCD display (5-Tone) (DTMF)
Encodes the "#"-Tone (DTMF)
[CH] Used with two channel numbers [0] - [9] to change the active channel o n the Base Tech II
Base Repeater. E.g. [CH]+[9]+[0] will chan ge the activ e channel to Ch annel 90 (pr ovided Ch
90 has been programmed into the Base Tech II Base Repeater.
[SCN] Used to place the Base Tech II Base Repeater into the "All-Scan" mode where the Base Tech
II Base Repeater will scan all programmed channels. Pressing the [SCN] key again will
cause the Base Tech II Base Repeater to exit from the "All-Scan" mode.
[MON] Switches the Base Tech II Base Repeater between "Mon itor ON" mode an d "Monitor OFF"
mode and is used to "Un-mute" the radio when using selective calling (depending on the
programming of the Base Tech II Base Repeater).
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