Midland Radio 700671A User Manual

Testing, alignment and s ervice inform ation are provided in the ser vice manual for this model. Service manuals for Titan™ radios are available from Midland Radio Corporation at the address shown on the back cover.
DO NOT transmit more than 50% of total radio use time (50% duty cycle). Transmitting for more than 50% of the time can cause FCC RF exposure complianc e requirements to be exceeded . This radio is transmitting whenever the TX icon is dis pla yed on the LCD. Pr essing the PTT switch on the side of the microphone normally causes the radio to transmit.
Note: The preceding information is provided to make you aware of RF exposure and how to ensure that this radio is operated within FCC RF exposure limits.
You, as the qualified end-user of this radio device must control the exposure conditio ns of bystanders to ensure the minim um separation distance, stated a bove fo r satis f ying FCC RF expos ur e co m pliance, is maintained between t he antenna and ne arby persons. Transm it only when all person(s) are at least the minimum distance from the properly installed, externa lly m ou nted ant en na.
The antenna connector must be snugly tightened to maintain proper electrical connection and moisture resistance.
Equipment must be grounded according to Midland Radio Corporation installation instructions for safe operation.
Equipment should be serviced only by a qualified technician.
Refer to radio service manual for additional information on installation and safety precautions.
DO NOT allow the antenna to touch or come in very close
proximity with the eyes, face, or any exp osed b ody parts while the radio is transmitting
DO NOT operate the radio in explosive or flammable
atmospheres. The tr ansmitted radio e nergy could tr igger bl asting caps or cause an explosion.
DO NOT allow children to operate or play with this radio.
Note: The above warning list is not intended to include all hazards that may be encountered when using this radio.
Press and hold for a few seconds for power on. Press and hold again for power off. Clockwise rotation increases volume of received messages.
CHANNEL/MENU CONTROL KNOB Channel Function: Rotate to scroll through
channels. Your radio can be programmed, by the radio technician to either stop at the highest and lowest channels, or for channel rollover.
Menu Function: Press and release to activate the menu mode, which will allow you to access, Squelch Setting (SQL), Group Setting (GRP), All Group Scan (AGS) or One Group Scan (OGS), Scan Key Type Setting (PRI, SCN, P/S), Back Light Control (BLN= on, or BLF=off), ANI (ANN=on, ANF=of f ) , Clone M ode (CLN) and Clone Process.
If the radio technic ian has program med the r adio for this functi on, the operator may press the “AUX” button to operate on the last busy channel. Press the “AUX” button again to r evert to priority scan with the priority channel unchanged.
NOTE: Conditions when the scan table is automatically reset (initialized), to original programming, is set by the radio technician. The user may m anually initialize the scan table by pressing the A/D button for a few seconds (until 2
beep) when not in scan operation.
1. If ANI operation has be en ac tivat ed durin g init ial pr ogr amm ing the radio will transmit the code on the first transmission of a conversation.
2. If the ANI is activated on a certain channel by the radio technician, it cannot be deactivated by the user. The ANI may be set on/off by the user if it is not specifically activated by the technician.
When finished adjusting the squelch, immediately press the MENU button to cause the new squelch setting to be stored in the rad io memory. For proper operation the squelch should be set 5 – 10 digits higher than the level required for initial muting.
All Group Scan availability requires more than 1 group to be programmed and T ype A scan selected. Some scan key types may not be available depending on programming. The ANI mode will not be available unless activated by the radio technician.
PUSH-TO-TALK BAR (On the Hand Microphone)
Transmit mode (t alk mode) is in itiated when pressed. The radio will emit your voice signals on the channel that appears in the Channel Display.
Press SCAN to acti vate Scan operatio n. For detailed information see the following descriptions of the different scan modes. Also used in conjunction with the A/D button to add or delete channels from the scan list.
1. If the radio is programmed for 2 tone decode it m ay be activated, on channels so programm ed, by pressing and holding the m enu button until the second beep is heard.
2. When the radio receives a ca ll with the proper ANI code a series of quick beeps will be heard. If the call is answered by pres sing the PTT then the decoder will be reset to normal (non ANI) operation. If the call is not answered a beep will be heard 15 seconds and 30 seconds after the call and then return to ANI decode mode.
3. The decoder may be also be deactivated by pressing the MON button or the PTT button.
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