I IIIl •
l. I• l.,.
I I¡e,.l.
I Il.II• l. Il •
l •
No sound or channel light.
Caution: The 2-amp fuse included with this uni! is an important safety feature which mus! not be
circumvented. Removal of this fuse or the use of a fuse greater than 2 amps may result in overheating and/or
fire and consequential damage to the unit or vehicle. If a replacement 2-amp fuse burns out. have the unit
inspected and repaired by a qualified service !echnician.
Midland 7001 Mobile CS Transceiver: Technical Specifications.
General Construc!ion.
1 Three-pln polarlzed Jack for DC power
2. Four-Oln screw connector for mlcrophone.
3 No mechanlcal relays. AII SWltchlng IS
solld state uSlng oloaes ano translstars
for hlgh rellabillty
4 Transmltter oulput stage IS protected
from mlsmalch. no-Ioao or short-Clrcult
5 Input power 15sUllably f,ltered ano
bypassed 10 deter alternator "whlne' on
transmlt or recelve
Electrical Specifica!ions.
Valtage ,
FreQuency Stablilly .:.005%
Temperalure Range, , ,-30' la -50' C
Receiver (AM):
~ess :hal:
Au!cmat!c Gatr- ContrOl F!oure ot Merl:
80 c B -
·4.UCIO Sauelcn Sensltl'JJtv
-~.resno:c Less tnan '0 cB SN-N to N
Tign; ·00 I...;V rDtt'trnUrr" ::0001.'
138 V. Paslllvel
Negatlve Grouno
Operatlng Range
IPer FCC Part 15)
,EIA Stancard RS-424
;::IA Stancard RS-424
e i ~,'or ·0 aB SN -N :0 N
AOlacenl Channel Selectlvlly and
60 dB ITwo-generator melhod)
SpUrlOUS Response Attenualion
60 dB (exCludlng Image at 50 aB)
Audlo Power Output
@ 10% dlstortlon (Ioad Impedance
3 W
8 ohms reslstlve)
Audlo FreQuency Response 11 KHz, o dB
reference I
2000 Hz @ -3 dS
Hum and NOlse. Squelcned
-45 dB
NOlse Llmltlng
Provloed wllh SWltchable ANL
S Meter Sensltlvlly al'S-9
100 uv
RF Galn Range
Anlenna Inpul Impedance
50 ohms unbalanced
Transmitter (AM):
Carner Power No MOdulatlon
.: VI! ma>::murn,
Conductec Sounous Emlss¡ons
-65 (JB
8ao¡a¡ed SourlOus Emlss¡ons
'Comoi!¡:;}s 'Nlih FCC Part 951
~UGIO F'ec~,·::r,C'. Harmonrc Distortion
~O:J,~ r:lC:L':~r0Ur" ,:1 80:)':;
(ij:' -5 dS
300 Hz
J.6 mlnlmum
Audlo Frequency Response (1 KHz. O dS
300 Hz @J -5 dB
1000 Hz (CiJ O dB.
3000 Hz @ -5 dS
Hum and NOlse
-40 d S
OUlput Impedance
50 ohms, unbalanced.
Output Protec11on
W,thstands for 5 mlnutes all VSWR
around Smlth Chan at 20 1 wlthout
damage or fadure
Output Slabdlty
Does not exceed FCC Llmlts For
SPUrlOUS Emlsslons when operated
Inlo a mlsmatcn loao wlth 51 VSWR at
any po"",¡ on the Smlth Chan
Controls: OfflAF galn contro!. Squelch
control RF galn contro!. Mlcrophone
Galn control CS/PA sWitch. Hl/Lo
Tone sWitch NB. ANL-Off SWitch
S/RF/PWR Meter Green color
Numerlcal LED Channel Indlcator
ROlary Analog-Numeral Channel
Jacks and Conncctions: J-pln/screw-type
M,crophone ConneclOr 50-ohm
antenna 8-0hm external speaker PA
Accessories Included: 500-ohm oush-Io-talk
¡'¡lcrODhO;¡e w.¡h co11cord ano screw-
Gn ":-oln connec:or ~,,1!croohonecilD
Moun~lr:c :-:,-,racketano harcware.
()wnel s manual FCC forms 505.
555-8 Parl 95