P o w e r S u p ply
Q 2 20 ~ 24 0V ,1 N, 5 0H z
R 3 80 ~ 42 0 V , 3N , 5 0 H z
N 2 20 ~ 23 0 V , 1N , 6 0 H z
D 2 20 V ~ , 3N , 6 0 H z
C 38 0 ~4 2 0V ,3 N ,6 0 H z
R e fr i g era n tN1 R 4 10 A -- R 2 2
D D C In v erte r - - O n -O ff
F F ull D C
C o n tr o l M o d e
W W ire d C o n tro l E E le ctr ic C on trol
M M ec h an ica l C o ntro l R R e m ote C on trol
F u n c tio n C o d e
C C o o ling O n ly H C oolin g & H ea ting
A C oo lin g & H e a ting + P TC
C ap a c ity (×1 0 00 B tu /h )
T T ro pica l C on ditio n
-- T 1 C on d itio n
D e s ig n ed T im e
A T im e A D es ig n ed B T im e B D e s ig n ed
C T im e C D e s ig n ed D T im e D D e s ig n ed
P ro d u ct C a te g o ry
C C a s sette T yp e V A H U T ype
T D u c t T y pe F C on s o le T ype
U C e ilin g & Floo r T y pe
H H ig h S t a tic P re ssu re D uc t T y p e
M ide a
M O T4 D 3 0 U - 36 H D N1- R R C 4
E n erg y E f f ic ie nc y C o d e
P o w e r S u pp ly
Q 22 0~ 24 0 V ,1 N , 5 0 H Z
R 38 0~ 4 20 V, 3N , 5 0H z
N 22 0~ 2 30 V, 1N , 6 0H z
D 22 0V ~, 3 N , 6 0 H z
C 3 80 ~4 2 0v ,3 N,6 0 H Z
R efrige ra n tN1 R 41 0 A -- R 2 2
D D C Inv erte r -- O n -O ff
F F ull D C
F un ctio n C o d e
C C o olin g O n ly H C o olin g & H e a tin g
A C o olin g & H ea ting +P TC
C a p a c it y (×1 0 0 0B tu/h )
U S id e D isc h arg e O utdo or U nit
V T op D is ch a rge O u td oo r U nitS C e n tr ifug al F an O u td oo r U nit
O u td oo r S iz e C od e
T T rop ic a l C on d ition
-- T 1 C on ditio n
O O utd o or un it
M id e a
3. Nomenclature
3.1 Indoor Unit
3.2 Outdoor Unit
General Information 5
Indoor Units
Part 2
Indoor Units
Super Slim Cassette Type ............................................... 7
A5 Duct Type ................................ ................................. 22
A6 Duct Type ................................ ................................. 38
Ceiling & Floor Type ...................................................... 52
Four-way Cassette Type (Compact) .............................. 66
Console Type ................................ ................................ 76
M Floor-standing Type .................................................. 88
GA Floor-standing Type ...............................................100
Indoor Units 6
Super Slim Cassette Type
Super Slim Cassette Type
1. Features ...................................................................... 8
9. The Specification of Power........................................ 20
10. Field Wiring ............................................................. 21
Indoor Units 7
Ionizer generator
Ventilation motor
1. Features
1.1 Overview
Compact design, super slim body size, less space requiring in installation
Each louver can be separately controlled, more comfort air blowing is possible.
Auto-lifting panel design, more convenient to clean and maintain the filter. (optional)
1.2 Fresh air intake function
Fresh air fulfills air quality more healthy and comfortable.
Ventilation motor is optional to increase the effect of fresh air.
1.3 Optional ionizer generator
Ionizer generator is optional to get refreshing air to your room.
Ionizer can be switched on or off by remote controller.
When pressing the Clean Air button on the remote controller, Ionizer will work and the indicator light on
display board will shine.
1.4 External air duct design
Reserve external air duct, more flexible for the air supply.
Indoor Units 8
Draining Pump
1.5 Built-in draining pump
Due to the improvement of structure, more convenient to repair or replace the draining pump.
Built-in draining pump to make sure condensed water drain out reliably.
1.6 Terminals for alarm lamp and long-distance on-off controller connection are
Reserve terminals for the connection of alarm lamp and long-distance on-off controller, more human
Indoor Units 9
Alarm lamp
Long-distance on-off controller
1.7 Twins Combination(18k-30k)
The units can be installed as Twin systems: one outdoor unit can connect with two indoor units. The
indoor units can be combined in any of the different available ratings.
9. The Specification of Power........................................ 36
10. Field Wiring ............................................................. 37
Indoor Units 22
Air intake from rear (Standard)
Air intake from bottom (Optional)
Front Board
1. Features
1.1 Installation accessories: (Optional)
Front Board, Filter, Panel, for easy installation
1.2 Easy Installation: Two air inlet styles (Bottom side or Rear side)
Air inlet from rear is standard for all capacity; air inlet from bottom is optional.
The size of air inlet frame from rear and bottom is same, it’s very easy to move the cover from bottom to
rear side, or from rear to the bottom, in order to matching the installation condition.
1.3 Fresh air intake function(Optional for 18~60k)
Install one duct from the reserved fresh-air intake to outdoor.
Continually inhale the fresh air to improve the quality of the indoor air, fulfills air quality more healthy and
1.4 Easy maintenance
Clean the filter (Optional, standard product without filter)
It is easy to draw out the filter from the indoor unit for cleaning, even the filter is installed in rear side or
bottom side.
Indoor Units 23
Blower Housing
Ventilated Panel
Remote on-off ports
Central control ports
Replace the motor or centrifugal fan
Remove the ventilated panel firstly. Remove a half of blower housing and take out the motor with
centrifugal fan. Directly remove two bolts, and then replace the motor or centrifugal fan easily.
1.5 Reserved remote on-off and central control ports
Reserved remote on-off ports and central control ports, can connect the cable of an on-off controller or a
central controller to realize remote on-off control function or group control function.
1.6 Built-in drain pump (Optional):
Built-in drain pump can lift the water to 750mm upmost. It’s convenient to install drainage piping under
most space condition.
Indoor Units 24
750mm upmost
Wired Controller (Standard)
Remote Controller (Optional)
1.7 Built-in display board
The standard indoor unit can be controlled by wired controller.
There is a display board with a receiver in the E-box. Move out the display, and fix it in other place, even
in the distance of 2m. The unit will realized remoter control.
The wired controller and the display board can display the error code or protection code when the chips
detect some failure.
1.8 Twins Combination
The units can be installed as Twin systems: one outdoor unit can connect with two indoor units. The
indoor units can be combined in any of the different available ratings.