A Safer Online Experience
A Safer Online Experience
White Paper February 2009
A Safer Online Experience
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A Safer Online Experience
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3
How Internet Explorer 8 Helps You Stay Safer Online ................................................................ 4
How Cybercriminals Operate ..................................................................................................... 5
Protecting Against Attacks on You ............................................................................................. 5
What Can You Do To Be Safer? ................................................................................................ 5
Blocking Malicious Websites .................................................................................................. 6
Social Engineering Attacks ..................................................................................................... 6
Websites Offering Free Games, Movies or TV Shows ............................................................ 8
Phishing Attacks ..................................................................................................................... 8
Protecting Against Attacks On Your Computer ................................ ........................................... 9
What’s a Drive-By Attack? ...................................................................................................... 9
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................10
The Internet has enhanced our lives in nearly every way – connecting us to the people and information we care about, keeping us entertained, helping us find the answers we need, and enabling us to be more productive than ever. However, as more of the things we do every day depend on the Internet, online crime has risen in turn.
Cybercriminals are using increasingly sophisticated and deceptive methods, such as: Malware, which is software that a cybercriminal can use to steal your bank account information,
track everything you type, send out malicious software or spam, or harm your computer. Phishing, where a cybercriminal pretends to be a legitimate organization, such as your bank, in
order to deceive you into giving up personal information such as credit card numbers and account information.
Both of these methods often involve tricking you into clicking on a link or downloading a file that appears legitimate, but is actually harmful. But cybercriminals are also using more elaborate ways to attempt to compromise websites and attack your computer without your knowledge, including “cross-site scripting” and “click-jacking,” both of which are becoming increasingly dangerous threats.
Many of these threats can be mitigated simply by keeping the software on your computer up to date – especially your web browser. Older browsers simply aren’t equipped to handle today’s threats, and even some newer browsers don’t provide the level of protection you need.
In this paper, we’ll talk about some of the ways Windows® Internet Explorer® 8’s new and
enhanced security features help keep you safer online, show you some of the tactics
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