Table of Contents
Create a Skype Name ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Sign in, status and history ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Add a contact ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Make a Skype call ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Make a conference call ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Chat and group chat ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
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Create a Skype Name
Note: The following screenshots were taken from skype.com at: http://www.skype.com/help/guides/createskypename_windows/
1. Click on “Don’t have a Skype Name?”
2. Create a new Skype Account by filling out the form. Read and
agree to the License Agreement, the Terms of Service, and the
Privacy Statement by checking the check box. Click “Next” to
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3. Fill out the rest of the form and then click “Sign In” to start
using Skype.
4. To view the Getting Started guide, click on the arrow. To
prevent the guide from opening each time you start Skype,
check the box for “Do not show this guide at startup”.
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Sign in, status and history
Note: The following screenshots were taken from skype.com at: http://www.skype.com/help/guides/signinstatushistory_windows/
1. To sign in, type your Skype Name and password. You can also
choose whether you want Skype to sign you in automatically
and whether you want Skype to start when your computer starts
by checking/unchecking the boxes below.
2. All of your contacts will be shown in the Contacts tab view.
You can change your Skype status to let others online know if
you’re online, away, unavailable, etc.
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3. Your history can be viewed by clicking on the “History” tab.
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