Microsoft RX-9 User Manual

Copyright © Nokia 2003-2004. All rights reserved.
RX-2, RX-9
Copyright ©2003-2004 Nokia. All rights reserved | Date: 28.01.04, ver. 1.2
3.1 M2M SYSTEM CONNECTOR........................................................................................................................3
3.1.1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS............................................................................................................4
3.1.2 CONNECTOR PIN-OUT............................................................................................................................5
3.2 GROUNDING.............................................................................................................................................. 12
3.3 POWER SUPPLY........................................................................................................................................12
3.4 SERIAL COMMUNICATION.......................................................................................................................13
3.4.1 AT COMMAND MODE........................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.2 M2M SYSTEM MODE............................................................................................................................13
3.5 SIM INTERFACE.........................................................................................................................................13
3.6 AUDIO INTERFACE ...................................................................................................................................14
3.6.1 ANALOG AUDIO.................................................................................................................................... 14
3.6.2 ANALOG AUDIO EXAMPLE.................................................................................................................. 16
3.6.3 ACOUSTIC ECHO ................................................................................................................................... 18
3.7 DIGITAL AUDIO......................................................................................................................................... 18
3.7.1 SIGN-EXTENDED LINEAR CODE......................................................................................................... 19
4.1 ANTENNA INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................................... 20
5.1 POWERING................................................................................................................................................ 21
5.2 SIM CARD READER ...................................................................................................................................21
5.3 RS-232 CONVERTERS ..............................................................................................................................22
5.4 AUDIO......................................................................................................................................................... 22
6.1.1 RX-2: ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
6.1.2 RX-9 ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
6.2 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................... 25
Copyright © Nokia 2003-2004. All rights reserved.
6.2.1 SIM TESTING ........................................................................................................................................25
6.2.2 POWER SUPPLY ...................................................................................................................................25
6.2.3 EMC/ESD AND SAFETY ........................................................................................................................ 25
6.2.4 RF TESTING........................................................................................................................................... 26
6.2.5 RF EXPOSURE .......................................................................................................................................26
6.2.6 OTHER TYPE APPROVAL ISSUES ....................................................................................................... 26
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The contents of this document are provided "as is". Except as required by applicable law, no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are made in relation to the accuracy, reliability or contents of this document. Nokia reserves the right to revise this document or withdraw it at any time without prior notice.
Your device may cause TV or radio interference (for example, when using a telephone in close proximity to receiving equipment). The FCC or Industry Canada can require you to stop using your telephone if such interference cannot be eliminated. If you require assistance, contact your local service facility. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.
Copyright © Nokia 2003-2004. All rights reserved.
Ref 1. Nokia 12 Product Specification
Ref 2. Nokia 12 AT Command List
API Application Programming Interface
AT Attention Command Language
ATK Application Tool Kit
BER Basic Encoding Rule
CDC Connected Device Configuration
CE Mark for a product that fulfils the EU safety and R&TTE requirements
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
CLDC Connected Limited Device Configuration
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
CS Coding Scheme
CSD Circuit Switched Data
DCE Data Circuit Terminating Equipment
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
EDGE Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution
EGPRS Enhanced General Packet Radio Service
EGSM Extended GSM
EMC Electro-Magnetic Compatibility
EU European Union
GCF GSM Certification Forum
GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPS Global Positioning System
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
Hi-Z High Impedance
HSCSD High Speed Circuit Switched Data
HW Hardware
IMEI International Mobile Station Equipment Identity
Copyright © Nokia 2003-2004. All rights reserved.
IMP Information Module Profile
IP Internet Protocol
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO International Organization for Standardization
J2EE Java 2 Enterprise Edition
J2ME Java 2 Micro Edition
J2SE Java 2 Standard Edition
LOCI Local Information
M2M Machine to machine
MIDP Mobile Information Device Profile
MMCX Miniature Microax Connector
MSISDN Mobile Subscriber International ISDN Number
ORB Object Request Broker
OTA Over The Air
PC Personal Computer
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PIN Personal Identification Number
PP Point-to-Point
PUK PIN Unblocking Key
RF Radio Frequency
RS232 Recommended Standard 232 Revision C
RTC Real Time Clock
RX-2 Type designation of Nokia 12
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SMS Short Message Service
SW Software
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TLV Type/Tag Length Value
UDP User Datagram Protocol
USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
WMS Wireless Messaging
Copyright © Nokia 2003-2004. All rights reserved.
The Nokia 12 GSM connectivity module has been designed for M2M (machine-to-machine) applications and other wireless solutions. There are two versions of the Nokia 12:
RX-2 dual-band GSM device supporting EDGE, GPRS, HSCSD, CSD, and SMS in EGSM 900/GSM 1800 MHz bands
RX-9 dual band GSM device supporting EDGE, GPRS, CSD, SMS in GSM 850/GSM 1900 MHZ bands.
The Nokia 12 can be used in several applications due to its three different operating modes. Simple I/O applications can be easily implemented using the Nokia 12 in the User control mode that offers message personalising, secure messaging, and timing functionality for SMS controlled I/O applications. Additional intelligence for I/O applications can easily be implemented with Java. In the AT command mode, the Nokia 12 can be used as a GSM modem that supports Java for creating extra intelligence. In modem use, all supported bearers are available, subject to network support.
The Nokia 12 is compatible with the Nokia M2M Platform. In the M2M system mode, the Nokia 12 communicates with the server application through the Nokia M2M Gateway, and all the compatible features of the Nokia 12 are available for developing a wide range of M2M applications.
In addition to these operating modes, the Nokia 12 has an integrated TCP/IP stack which enables direct GPRS or GSM data connection between a remote end application and a server application. Due to the integrated TCP/IP stack, the HTTP and Socket APIs of the Nokia 12 are available for application development.
In addition to the bearers and operating modes listed above, the Nokia 12 supports several Java APIs, location service for external GPS module integration, reliability features like AutoPIN, GSM encryption and security codes, reset mechanism and Nokia M2M Platform authentication. Java™ technology support enables upgrading the application software over the air, and smart messaging makes the installation flexible. GSM phase 2+ supplementary services enable developing voice applications.
Note that all data bearers as well as TCP/IP are dependent on network support.
This document describes the main characteristics of the Nokia 12 and is intended to help the system integrator both integrate the Nokia 12 in an application and gain the correct approvals. Basic product information is available in Ref 1.
The Nokia 12 contains two holes for mounting screws. The screws can be used in mounting, but are not compulsory. The Nokia 12 has been tested according to the automotive standard DIN 72300-3. The module can be assembled to various applications without the screws.
Copyright © Nokia 2003-2004. All rights reserved.
The dimensions of the Nokia 12 are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Physical dimensions of the Nokia 12 GSM module
Copyright © Nokia 2003-2004. All rights reserved.


All signals are routed through the M2M system connector, except the antenna, which is routed through the MMCX RF connector.
The M2M system connector is a 60-pin (2 rows, 30 per row) 1.27 mm pitch pin header connector. It has a frame that helps in the assembly and also holds the Nokia 12 firmly in position.
The possible mating connector is described in Table 1.
Supplier Part Number Description
SAMTEC SFMC-130-02-S-D Female connector. Board-to-board
SAMTEC SFM-130-02-S-D Female connector. Board-to-board.
With alignment mark.
Table 1 Possible mating connectors for the application
Parameter Value
Supply voltage +4.2 V
DC input voltage (any signal pin) -0.5…5.5 V
DC output source or sink current (any I/O pin)
Operating temperature range -25…+55 °C
Storage temperature range -40…+85 °C
Table 2 Absolute maximum ratings
The recommended operating conditions in Table 3 define the conditions for actual device and/or interface operation.
Copyright © Nokia 2003-2004. All rights reserved.
Parameter Value Note
Supply Voltage (VBB) 3.6…4.0 V (3.8V typical) Voltage must never drop
below the low limit
Logic voltage (IO voltage) 1.8…5.0 V
DC output source or sink current (any I/O pin, user adjustable)
Operating temperature range - 10…+55 °C
0…5 V Upper limit depending on IO
Table 3 Recommended operating conditions
3.1.1 Electrical characteristics
All digital outputs (1-9) are open drain outputs, and all pins have a 10 kohm pull-up resistor to IO voltage.
Parameter Value
Application load resistance >100 kohm
Application load capacitance <100 pF
High level output voltage (Io=-20uA) 0.67*IO voltage minimum
Low level output voltage (Io=1mA) 0.4 V maximum
Table 4 Digital output characteristics
Analog inputs (AD1-3) have an input range of 2.7 V. All analog inputs have a 100 kohm pull­down resistor inside the module. AD channels are calibrated in production and calibrated range is from 0.03V to 2.77V Accuracy not guaranteed outside calibrated range.
Parameter Nominal
Input impedance 100 kohm
Input voltage range 0-2.8 V
Resolution 10 bits
Integral non-linearity +/- 6mV
Differential non-linearity +/-9mV
Temperature drift < 5mV
Table 5 Analog input characteristics
All digital inputs (4-11) are CMOS inputs, and all pins have a 10 kohm pull-up resistor to IO voltage.
Copyright © Nokia 2003-2004. All rights reserved.
Parameter Value
Application driving impedance <100 ohm
Low level input voltage (IO_Voltage 1.8-5V) 0.15 V max.
High level input voltage (IO_Voltage 1.8-5V) 1.6V min.
Table 6 Digital input characteristics
Parameter Nominal Note
Differential input voltage range for microphone input (MicP & MicN)
Microphone amplifier input resistor
0.316 Vpp 2.0 Vpp maximum
50 kohm 30 kohm minimum
Table 7 Microphone input characteristics
Parameter Nominal Note
Differential output voltage for earphone output (EARP&EARN)
Load resistance 1 kohm 30 ohm minimum
0.316 Vpp 2.0 Vpp maximum
Table 8 Earphone output characteristics
The IO Voltage pin 52 selects the logic level of all digital outputs/inputs. The specifications of the digital audio interface are the same as the digital inputs and outputs specifications.
All the M2M system connector pins can handle 4 kV ESD (human body model).
3.1.2 Connector pin-out
The odd number pins (1, 3, 5, 7…) are on one side of the connector and the even number pins (2, 4, 6, 8…) on the other side. Numbering and pin-out are shown in Figure 2 and Table 9.
Copyright © Nokia 2003-2004. All rights reserved.
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