All Z une Produc ts
Failu re to proper ly set up, use , and care for t his
produ ct can incr ease the ris k of seriou s injur y
or deat h, or damage t o the devic e or devices .
Read th is guide and ke ep all print ed guides fo r
futu re refere nce. For repl acement gu ides, go to
ww t/suppor t or refer to t he Custom er
Suppo rt Option s section f or contac t informa tion.
Do Not At tempt Repairs
Do not atte mpt to take apart, ope n, service, or modi fy
the produc t or power supply. Doing so coul d presen t
the risk of el ectric shock or othe r hazar d. Any
eviden ce of any attempt to open and /or modif y the
device , includ ing any peeling , puncturing, or rem oval
of any of the lab els, will void the L imited Warr anty.
Refer a ll serv icing to qual ied pers onnel. Ser vicing
is requ ired when th e product h as been damag ed in
any wa y, such a s the AC adapt er has been dam aged,
liqui d has been spi lled into t he product , the produ ct
has bee n exposed t o rain or othe r types of m oisture,
the pr oduct does n ot operate n ormally, or t he
produ ct has been dr opped.
Heed al l warnings a nd follow a ll instr uctions .
Do Not Us e Near Water
Do not u se this prod uct near wat er. To reduc e the risk
of re o r shock, do no t expose t his produc t to rain or
othe r types of mo isture.
Cable an d Cord Safety
Arr ange all cab les and cord s so that peop le and pets
are no t likely t o trip over o r accident ally pull on t hem
as the y move aroun d or walk thro ugh the area . Do
not al low childr en to play w ith cable s and cords.
Usage an d Cleaning
Use in ac cordance w ith thes e instruc tions.
Do not u se near any hea t sources .
Only us e attachm ents/acc essories s pecied
by Micr osoft .
Clea n only with dr y cloth.
Zune a nd Zune AC Ad apter
AC Powered D evices
Thes e precaut ions apply to a ll produc ts that plu g
into a s tandard w all pow er outlet .
Failu re to take the f ollowi ng precaut ions can res ult
in ser ious injur y or death fro m electr ic shock or re
or in dam age to the dev ice.
To selec t an appropr iate power s ource for
your de vice:
Use onl y the power su pply unit th at came w ith
your de vice or tha t you recei ved fro m an
auth orized rep air center.
Do not u se non-st andard po wer source s, such as
gener ators or inv erters , even if the v oltage and
freq uency appe ar accepta ble. Only us e AC power
prov ided by a sta ndard wal l outlet.
Zune , Zune Wire less Remo te, and
Zune F M Trans mitter w ith Auto Seek
Cautio n: Exposure to Rad io Frequency Rad iation.
To comply w ith FCC RF ex posure co mpliance
requi rements , this devic e must not be c o-lo cated
or oper ating in con junction w ith any oth er antenna
or tra nsmitter.
All o f the sound th at you are ex posed to dur ing a
day add s up. If you are e xposed t o other loud
sound , it takes le ss time lis tening to Zu ne at high
volu mes to cause h earing dam age.
To safel y use Zune wit h no time lim it, keep the
volu me low enough t hat you can c arry on a
conv ersation w ith peopl e nearby.
Replac ement headpho nes may be loude r
Othe r headphone s may be loude r than Zune
Earp hones, eve n if the volum e control s etting is t he
same . When yo u change head phones, alw ays reset
the vo lume star ting from a l ow level .
Be aware o f hearing loss sy mptoms
Stop us ing Zune and h ave your hear ing checke d if:
You exp erience any h earing lo ss.
You hear r inging in you r ears.
Your spe ech sounds mu fed.
Sound s eems dull or at.
It is a goo d idea to have y our hearin g checked
regul arly by an au diologis t.
For mor e informa tion, see w ww.zune .net/he alth.
Be Aware of You r Surrounding s
Do not u se Zune Earp hones or wat ch videos wh ile
driv ing, cycl ing, or wal king near tr afc. Av oid
adjus ting Zune FM Tra nsmitte r control s while
driv ing. It is sa fest to adj ust the cont rols whi le
stop ped or have a pa ssenger ad just them.
Alwa ys keep the vo lume low eno ugh to hear peo ple
talk ing and soun ds that migh t indicate d anger, like
re al arms.
Avoid Inf ections with Zun e Earphones
Dirt y Zune Earp hones can l ead to ear inf ections .
Clea n your premiu m earphones f requent ly with an
anti septic, su ch as isopro pyl alcoh ol. If the
earph ones cause i rritat ion, stop us ing them. Th is
coul d be a sign of inf ection, or l ead to infe ction.
Zune D evice
Batter y Safety
The Zu ne device co ntains a bui lt-in batt ery, impro per
use of w hich may res ult in expl osion. Do n ot heat,
open, p uncture, m utilate , or dispose o f the produc t in
re. D o not leave Zu ne in direct s unlight fo r an
ext ended perio d of time, wh ich could ca use meltin g
or bat tery dama ge.
Boardi ng Aircraft
Befo re boardin g any aircra ft or packi ng a Zune
wire less devi ce in luggag e that will b e checked, tu rn
the pr oduct off. T his wirel ess devic e can trans mit
radio f requenc y (RF) ener gy, much like a c ellular
tele phone, when t he wirele ss device i s turned on.
Turn of f Zune wirel ess when us ing the Zune de vice in
igh t. To do this, go to S ettings , select W ireless , and
then s elect Of f. Do not use th e Zune FM Transmi tter
acce ssory wi th the Zune de vice in ig ht.