Microsoft JS8-00001, JS8-00003, JS8-00016, JS8-00017, Zune Product Manual

Zune Product Guide
Impor tant S afet y Information 1
Zune and Zune Ear phones 1
Zune De vice 2
All Zune Pro duct s 3
Zune and Zune AC A dapter 3
Zune, Zune Wireles s Remote, and
Zune FM Transmitter wit h AutoSeek 3
Zune Wireless Remot e 4
Zune Earphone s and Zune
Wireless Remote 4
Table of C ontents
This d ocument inc ludes impor tant inf ormation about s everal Zu ne product s. Refer to t he sectio ns lis ted below th at apply to th e features o f your de vice.
This s ymbol iden ties saf ety and he alth mess ages in this P roduct Gui de and othe r product ma nuals.
Read th ese instr uctions .
Keep th ese instr uctions .
Heed al l warnings a nd follow a ll instr uctions .
Do not u se near wate r.
Clea n only with dr y cloth.
Use in ac cordance w ith the man ufactur er’s inst ruction s.
Do not u se near any hea t sources .
Only us e attachm ents/acc essories s pecied b y the man ufactur er.
Unplu g this produ ct during l ightning s torms or when un used for lo ng periods o f time.
Refer a ll serv icing to qual ied pers onnel. Ser vicing is requ ired when th e product h as been damag ed in any wa y, such a s the AC adapt er is damaged , liquid has bee n spilled i nto the prod uct, the pr oduct has been ex posed to r ain or moist ure, does not o perate norma lly, or has bee n dropped.
WARN ING To reduce the r isk of re or s hock, do not ex pose this p roduct to ra in or moistu re.
Zune a nd Zune Ear phones
Hearin g Loss
Zune c an be loud enou gh to perman ently damag e your he aring. To prot ect your hea ring when us ing Zune:
Keep the vol ume low
Set th e volume lou d enough to hea r clearly in q uiet surr oundings, a nd no louder.
Do not in crease th e volume af ter you sta rt lis tening. Your ea rs can adap t over time so t hat high vo lume sound s normal, b ut the high vol ume may st ill damage y our hearin g.
Do not in crease th e volume to bl ock out out side noise . The combin ation of out side nois e and sound f rom your hea dphones ca n damage your heari ng. Seale d or noise- cancelin g headphone s can re duce outsi de noise so th at you don’t h ave to tur n up the volum e.
If you c an’t under stand som eone nearb y speaking norma lly, turn dow n the volum e. Sound tha t drowns out nor mal speech c an damage yo ur hearing. E ven with s ealed or noi se-can celing hea dphones, y ou shoul d be able to he ar nearby pe ople speak .
Minim ize your time listen ing to loud sound
The more time you spend exposed to loud sound, the more likely you are to damage your hearing. The louder the sound, the less time it takes to damage hearing.
Minimi ze your time l istenin g to loud soun d. At max imum volume , listeni ng to music on Z une with Z une Earpho nes can perm anently da mage your he aring in 15 minu tes.
Even l ower volum es can damag e hearing if y ou are ex posed for m any hours.
Disposal of Waste Electr ical and Elec tronic Equipment
Warranty 4
Extended Warrant y 8
Digit al Rights Management 8
Paten t Infor mation 8
Customer Support Op tions 8
For Cus tomer s in the Uni ted States 9
All Z une Produc ts
Failu re to proper ly set up, use , and care for t his produ ct can incr ease the ris k of seriou s injur y or deat h, or damage t o the devic e or devices . Read th is guide and ke ep all print ed guides fo r futu re refere nce. For repl acement gu ides, go to ww t/suppor t or refer to t he Custom er Suppo rt Option s section f or contac t informa tion.
Do Not At tempt Repairs
Do not atte mpt to take apart, ope n, service, or modi fy the produc t or power supply. Doing so coul d presen t the risk of el ectric shock or othe r hazar d. Any eviden ce of any attempt to open and /or modif y the device , includ ing any peeling , puncturing, or rem oval of any of the lab els, will void the L imited Warr anty.
Refer a ll serv icing to qual ied pers onnel. Ser vicing
is requ ired when th e product h as been damag ed in any wa y, such a s the AC adapt er has been dam aged, liqui d has been spi lled into t he product , the produ ct has bee n exposed t o rain or othe r types of m oisture, the pr oduct does n ot operate n ormally, or t he produ ct has been dr opped.
Heed al l warnings a nd follow a ll instr uctions .
Do Not Us e Near Water
Do not u se this prod uct near wat er. To reduc e the risk
of re o r shock, do no t expose t his produc t to rain or
othe r types of mo isture.
Cable an d Cord Safety
Arr ange all cab les and cord s so that peop le and pets are no t likely t o trip over o r accident ally pull on t hem as the y move aroun d or walk thro ugh the area . Do not al low childr en to play w ith cable s and cords.
Usage an d Cleaning
Use in ac cordance w ith thes e instruc tions.
Do not u se near any hea t sources .
Only us e attachm ents/acc essories s pecied by Micr osoft .
Clea n only with dr y cloth.
Zune a nd Zune AC Ad apter
AC Powered D evices
Thes e precaut ions apply to a ll produc ts that plu g into a s tandard w all pow er outlet .
Failu re to take the f ollowi ng precaut ions can res ult
in ser ious injur y or death fro m electr ic shock or re
or in dam age to the dev ice.
To selec t an appropr iate power s ource for your de vice:
Use onl y the power su pply unit th at came w ith your de vice or tha t you recei ved fro m an auth orized rep air center.
Do not u se non-st andard po wer source s, such as gener ators or inv erters , even if the v oltage and freq uency appe ar accepta ble. Only us e AC power prov ided by a sta ndard wal l outlet.
Zune , Zune Wire less Remo te, and Zune F M Trans mitter w ith Auto Seek
Cautio n: Exposure to Rad io Frequency Rad iation.
To comply w ith FCC RF ex posure co mpliance requi rements , this devic e must not be c o-lo cated or oper ating in con junction w ith any oth er antenna or tra nsmitter.
All o f the sound th at you are ex posed to dur ing a day add s up. If you are e xposed t o other loud sound , it takes le ss time lis tening to Zu ne at high volu mes to cause h earing dam age.
To safel y use Zune wit h no time lim it, keep the volu me low enough t hat you can c arry on a conv ersation w ith peopl e nearby.
Replac ement headpho nes may be loude r
Othe r headphone s may be loude r than Zune Earp hones, eve n if the volum e control s etting is t he same . When yo u change head phones, alw ays reset the vo lume star ting from a l ow level .
Be aware o f hearing loss sy mptoms
Stop us ing Zune and h ave your hear ing checke d if:
You exp erience any h earing lo ss.
You hear r inging in you r ears.
Your spe ech sounds mu fed.
Sound s eems dull or  at.
It is a goo d idea to have y our hearin g checked regul arly by an au diologis t.
For mor e informa tion, see w ww.zune .net/he alth.
Be Aware of You r Surrounding s
Do not u se Zune Earp hones or wat ch videos wh ile
driv ing, cycl ing, or wal king near tr afc. Av oid
adjus ting Zune FM Tra nsmitte r control s while driv ing. It is sa fest to adj ust the cont rols whi le stop ped or have a pa ssenger ad just them.
Alwa ys keep the vo lume low eno ugh to hear peo ple talk ing and soun ds that migh t indicate d anger, like
re al arms.
Avoid Inf ections with Zun e Earphones
Dirt y Zune Earp hones can l ead to ear inf ections . Clea n your premiu m earphones f requent ly with an anti septic, su ch as isopro pyl alcoh ol. If the earph ones cause i rritat ion, stop us ing them. Th is coul d be a sign of inf ection, or l ead to infe ction.
Zune D evice
Batter y Safety
The Zu ne device co ntains a bui lt-in batt ery, impro per use of w hich may res ult in expl osion. Do n ot heat, open, p uncture, m utilate , or dispose o f the produc t in
re. D o not leave Zu ne in direct s unlight fo r an
ext ended perio d of time, wh ich could ca use meltin g or bat tery dama ge.
Boardi ng Aircraft
Befo re boardin g any aircra ft or packi ng a Zune wire less devi ce in luggag e that will b e checked, tu rn the pr oduct off. T his wirel ess devic e can trans mit radio f requenc y (RF) ener gy, much like a c ellular tele phone, when t he wirele ss device i s turned on. Turn of f Zune wirel ess when us ing the Zune de vice in
igh t. To do this, go to S ettings , select W ireless , and
then s elect Of f. Do not use th e Zune FM Transmi tter
acce ssory wi th the Zune de vice in ig ht.
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