TO reduce the ri sk of electric shock, do n ot dismantl e the apparatus and do not e xpose the app aratus to rain or moistu re.
No user-se rviceable p arts inside. Refer ser vicing to qua lified personnel.
Explanati on of Graphical Symbol s:
The lightnin g flash within an equila teral trian gle is intended to alert y ou to the prese nce of uninsulated“ang erous
voltage”wit hin the product's encl osure that ma y be of sufficient magnit ude to consti tute an electric shock t o
The exclamat ion point within an equi lateral tri angle is intended to ale rt you to the pre sence of important ope rating
and mainten ance (servicing) ins tructions i n the literature accom panying the a ppliance.
1. Read Instr uctions-All the safety a nd operati ng instruct ions should be read befo re the applia nce is operated.
2. Retain Inst ructions-The safety an d operating i nstructions should b e retained f or future ref erence.
3. Heed warni ngs-All warni ngs on the appliance and i n the operati ng instructions shou ld be adhered t o.
4. Follow inst ructions-All operati ng and use ins tructions s hould be followed.
5. Installat ion-Install in accorda nce with the m anufactur e's instructions.
6. Power sourc es-This product should b e operated o nly from the ty pe of power source indic ated by the mar king adjacent
to the power co rd entry. If you are not sure of the ty pe of power supply to your h ome, consul t your product dealer or l ocal
power compa ny.
7. Grounding o r polarisation-the app liance is no t required to b e grounded. Ensure the p lug is fully in serted into the wall
outlet or ext ension cord receptac le to preven t blade or pin ex posure. Some version s of the produc t are equipped with a
power cord fi tted with a polarized al ternatin g line plug ( a plu g having one blade wide th an the other) . This plug w ill fit
onto the powe r outlet only one way. This is a safet y feature. If you are unab le to insert th e plug fully into the outl et, try
reversing t he plug. If the plug shoul d still fail to f it, contact your elect rician to rep lace your obsolete out let. Do not def eat
the safety pu rpose of the polarised p lug. When usi ng an extension power- supply cor d or a power-su pply cord other than
that suppli ed with the appliance, i t should be fi tted with the a ppropriate moulded -on plugs and c arry safety approval
appropria te to the country of use.
8. Power cord pr otection-Power-sup ply cords sh ould be route d so that they are not likel y to be walked on o r pinched by
items place d on or against them, payi ng particu lar attenti on to cords at plugs, conv enience rec eptacles and the point
where they ex it from the appliance.
9. Overloadi ng-Do not overload wall ou tlets, ext ension cord s or integral convenie nce recepta cles, as this can result i n a
risk of fire or e lectric shock.
10.Ventilatio n-The product must be prop erly ventil ated. Do not place the pro duct on a bed, so fa, or other similar sur face.
Do not cover th e product with any items s uch as tablec loths, newspapers, e tc.
11.Heat-The produc t should be si tuated away f rom heat sources such as r adiators, h eat registers, stove s, or other
products) including amplifie rs_ that pro duce heat. No n aked flame sources, su ch as lighted c andles, should be plac ed
on the appara tus.
12.Water and mo isture-To reduce th e risk of fire o r electric sh ock, do not expose the pro duct to train , dripping, splashin g
or excessiv e moisture such as in a saun a or bathroo m. Do not use thi s product near water-for ex ample, near a bathtub,
washbowl, k itchen sink, laundry t ub, in a wet base ment, or near a swimming p ool and the li ke.
13.Object a nd Liquid Entry-Never pu sh objects o f any kind into t his product through op enings, as th ey may touch
dangerous v oltage points or short o ut parts that c ould result in a fire or ele ctric shock . Never spill liquid of an y kind on
the product . Do not place any object co ntaining l iquid on top of t he product.
14.Clean ing-Unplug th e product from the wall ou tlet before c leaning. The cabinet of t he subwoofe r may be cleaned by
dusting wit h a dry cloth. If you wish to us e an aerosol cl eaning spray, do not spray dire ctly on the cabinet; spr ay onto the
cloth. Be car eful not to disturb the dr ive units.
15.Attach ments-Do not use attachm ents not reco mmended by the product m anufactu res, as they ma y cause hazards.
16.Access ories-Do not place this pr oduct on an un stable cart , stand, tripod, bracke t or table. The product may f all,
causing ser ious injury to a child or ad ult, and ser ious damage t o the product. Use only wi th a cart, stan d, tripod, bracket
or table reco mmended by the manufac turer or sol d with the prod uct. Any mount ing of the product shoul d follow the
manufactu rer's instructions a nd should us e a mounting ac cessory recommende d by the manufa cturer.
17.Movin g the applian ce-A product and c art combination shou ld be moved wit h care. Quick stops, exc essive forc e and
uneven surf aces may cause the produ ct and cart com bination to overturn .
18.Non-u se periods-Th e power cord of the applia nce should be u nplugged from the outl et during lig htning storms or when
the apparat us is left unused for a long p eriod of time .
Impo rtant S afety I nstru ction s
Troub le S ho ot in g
Troubles Solution
Check if the system is powered on
Check the power plug well connected
Check if the audio source is working well
Check if the audio and speaker cables well
Check if the volume at right level
One or more satellite no sound Check if the satellite cable well connected
No Bass Check if the Bass Volume at right level
Remote control not working Check if the battery in the remote control
If the problem still exists, please contact the distributor or ask for professional service
Power LED won't light up
No Sound
Sound is distorted
Check if the volume at lower level
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