Microlab M-1910 User Manual

Pri or to init ial use , pleas e read th e manua l caref ully
User Manual
www.mic rolab.cn
Microl ab Electroni cs Co.,Ltd
Made in Ch ina
All symb ols and lo go belong to the resp ective bra nd holder or registere d holder. Al l specific ations and informatio n are subje ct to cha nges witho ut
Multimedia Speaker
80-M1910-97-0001-01 2012-05-09 (Change remote control and front panel)
Technical Information
Total P ower: 65 Watt R MS Powe r distr ibuti on: 8 Wa tt x 5 + 25 Watt Har monic d istor tion: < 0.3 % 1 W 1 kH z Freq uency r espon se: 30 Hz - 20 k Hz Sig nal/N oise rat io: > 75 dB Sep arati on: > 45 dB
Twee ter typ e: 1 x 4 (Sa telli tes) Twee ter rate d power : 5 Watt x 4, 8 O hm Mid -rang e type: 3 x 4 (Sat ellite s), 3" x 2 (Ce nter) Mid -rang e rated p ower: 10 Watt x 4, 4 O hm (Sat ellit es), 10 Watt x 2 , 8 Ohm (Ce nter) Woof er type : 6 .5 Woof er rated p ower: 30 Watt, 8 Ohm
Out put: 5R CAs Inp ut: 5.1 - 6R CA (ho me thea ter), 2 .1 - 2RC A (ster eo), 1 x Co axial , 1 x TOS link Wire less: RF re mote co ntrol ( Batte ry type : Alka line AA A)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions Answers
Please ensure fresh batteries are inside the battery compartment of the remote control.
Try to use it nearer to the subwoofer.
Check of the audio source is working well.
Check if the audio and speaker cables are well connected.
Ensure volume is correctly adjusted
What are the products supported?
Where to place this speaker
If the problem still exists, please contact the distributor or ask for professional service
Check if the volume is at lower level and the Mp3 format is recorded at above 196 bitrate
Check the 3.5 mm stereo cable for proper connection and cable is firmly inserted
Intermittent sound
Wireless volume intermittent Infrared remote control
No Sound
Sound is distorted
It is magnetically shielded so can be placed near LCD TV Monitor without any distortion
© 2012 M icrol ab Elec troni cs Co., L td All rig hts res erved .
- The end -
Any pl aybac k devic es such a s PC, no teboo k with U SB slot , CD/ DVD p layer, Me dia Pla yers wi th 3.5m m stereo p lug.
Sta tic sou nd heard w hen vol ume kno b is turn ed
Turn o ff the pl aybac k source f irst, t hen tur n the spe aker
vol ume kno b sever al time s. Playb ack aga in and mo nitor.
80-M1910-97-0001-01 2012-05-09 (Change remote control and front panel)
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