Michell Instruments XZR400 Specifications

Oxygen Analyzers
XZR400 Series
Oxygen Analyzers
A range of trace oxygen analyzers utilizing Michell's Metallic Sealed Reference Sensor (MSRS) technology. Designed to measure O and Kr. The XZR400 can also be used for cylinder fi lling and other applications where a precise measurement of oxygen is required. There are 4 different chassis to choose from and various internal options including pumps, fl ow alarms and digital communications to match customer needs.
as an impurity in pure inert gases such as N2, CO2, He, Ar
• Fast response time
• Simple and easy operation
• Low maintenance and cost of ownership
• No need for reference air
• Barometric pressure compensation
• Multiple Outputs available from 4-20 mA, RS485 Modbus RTU and RS232
• Rack, wall-mount, bench-mount, and transportable versions available
• Optional built-in Easidew Transmitter with rack-mount version
• Gas quality measurements
• Environmental control applications
• Control of pure gas for semiconductor and nuclear industries
• Control of gas purity for industrial gas manufacturers
• Tracing leaks in glove boxes
• Measuring oxygen traces in Carbon Dioxide for breweries
• Heat-treating applications such as galvanizing furnaces
• Simulation in laboratories
Oxygen Analyzers
Michell XZR400 Series Trace Oxygen Analyzers
MSRS Technology
The MSRS (Metallic Sealed Reference Sensor) technology was developed from a sensor originally designed for ultra harsh applications in volcanoes. The innovative design with the fast speed of response and long life-time makes it the technology of choice for oxygen measurement in a range of applications such as industrial gas purity.
In fi eld tests, the drift of MSRS was found to be less than 140 ppb in one month for concentrations of oxygen at 1 ppm. Compared to other sensors which required weekly calibration, MSRS technology proved superior.
The XZR400 Series from Michell Instruments is designed to detect trace oxygen in clean gases, such as nitrogen, argon, helium, and carbon dioxide, to monitor purity both in production and when used in processes.
The XZR400 series rapidly detects trace amounts of oxygen. It is an ideal instrument for detecting leaks and reacts quickly to avoid costly contamination of the pure product.
The MSRS responds quickly to oxygen and has a T90 of under 11 seconds. Another benefi t of having a sealed reference is that measurements can be made without a reference gas and independent of the quality of the surrounding air. The analyzer is virtually drift-free, extending calibration interval time.
Highlights and Benefi ts
Fast response time
Due to its miniature size and unique design, the MSRS Technology sensor of the XZR400 Series responds to input changes in less than 11 seconds.
Simple and easy operation
The intuitive touch screen offers two operation levels with a basic mode for daily work and an expert mode that can only be used by authorized personnel with an access code
- preventing accidental or unauthorized operation. The operation follows the NAMUR recommendation.
Low maintenance and cost of ownership
MSRS technology-based sensors have an extremely long life expectation and are very easy to calibrate using dry air. For simplicity, Michell offers an optional Auto Calibration facility in addition to a choice of calibration kits.
Due to the highly stable nature of the sensor, calibration is only required once or twice a year allowing for signifi cant cost savings.
No need for instrument air
MSRS Technology based sensors do not require reference air to be connected to the reference side of the sensor. The analyzer can be calibrated using just a single reference gas.
High accuracy with built-in pressure compensation
Pressure has a signifi cant infl uence on oxygen measurements. The XZR400 maintains high accuracy of less than 2% of reading across the full range due to the built-in atmospheric pressure compensation (system pressure infl uence can be compensated via the external pressure sensor input).
Minimal sample requirements
Due to the size and construction of the cell, only 2 l/hr sample is required – as opposed to other units requiring up to 1 l/min.
Highly stable and drift free
All MSRS technology-based sensors are resistant to pollution and operate virtually drift free. This positively impacts on both the maintenance and calibration costs.
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