Michell Instruments TDL600 Operating Manual

Process Moisture Analyzer
User’s Manual
97319 Issue 4.2 November 2018
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OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
Safety ...............................................................................................................................vii
Electrical Safety ..........................................................................................................vii
Pressure Safety ........................................................................................................... vii
Toxic Materials ............................................................................................................vii
Repair and Maintenance ..............................................................................................vii
Calibration (Factory Validation) ..................................................................................... vii
Safety Conformity .......................................................................................................vii
Abbreviations .................................................................................................................... viii
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................1
1.1 Application ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Features ............................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Theory of Operation ........................................................................................... 2
1.3.1 Measurement Using a Laser ........................................................................... 4
2 INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................6
2.1 Unpacking the Instrument ................................................................................... 6
2.2 Lifting and Handling ........................................................................................... 7
2.3 Laser Safety ....................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Hazardous Area Safety ........................................................................................ 8
2.5 Electrical Safety .................................................................................................. 9
2.5.1 Equipment Ratings and Installation Details ...................................................... 9
2.6 Pressure Safety ................................................................................................ 11
2.7 Basic Installation Guidelines .............................................................................. 11
2.8 Electrical Connections ....................................................................................... 15
2.8.1 Power Connection ....................................................................................... 15
2.8.2 Analog Outputs ........................................................................................... 16
2.8.3 Analog Inputs ............................................................................................. 16
2.8.4 Alarm Relays............................................................................................... 16
2.8.5 Modbus RTU / RS485 Connection ................................................................. 17
2.9 Environmental Requirements ............................................................................. 17
2.10 Sample Conditioning Requirements .................................................................... 18
2.10.1 Gas Connections ......................................................................................... 18
2.10.2 Sample Flow Gas Handling Components ....................................................... 18
2.11 Options ............................................................................................................ 21
2.11.1 Enclosure Heater Temperature Control (Outdoor systems ONLY) ..................... 21
2.11.2 Vortex Cooling (Outdoor systems ONLY) ....................................................... 21
2.11.3 Trace Heated Sample Line ........................................................................... 21
3 OPERATION ....................................................................................................22
3.1 Start-Up Procedure ........................................................................................... 22
3.2 Shut Down Procedure ....................................................................................... 23
3.3 User Interface .................................................................................................. 24
3.3.1 Interface Controls ....................................................................................... 24
3.3.2 ‘Up/Down Arrow’ Keys ................................................................................. 24
3.3.3 ‘ENTER’ Key ................................................................................................ 25
3.3.4 ‘ESC’ Key .................................................................................................... 25
3.4 Description of Measured Parameters .................................................................. 25
3.5 Default Settings ................................................................................................ 26
3.5.1 Advanced Menu default settings ................................................................... 26
3.6 Menu Structure ................................................................................................ 27
3.7 Main Menu Screen ............................................................................................ 28
3.7.1 Parameters Screen ...................................................................................... 29
3.7.2 Display Screen ............................................................................................ 30
3.7.3 Log Menu Screen ........................................................................................ 31
3.7.4 About Screen .............................................................................................. 32
3.7.5 Graph Screen .............................................................................................. 32
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OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
3.7.6 Advanced Settings Screen ............................................................................ 33 Outputs Screen ..................................................................................... 34 Alarms Screen ...................................................................................... 35 Inputs Screen ....................................................................................... 38 Clock Screen ......................................................................................... 41 Modbus Screen ..................................................................................... 42 Region Defaults Screen.......................................................................... 43 N2-Mode (Measurement Mode) Screen ................................................... 44 Safe Mode (Laser Disabled) Screen ........................................................ 44
3.8 Enclosure Cover and User Interface ................................................................... 45
4 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................46
4.1 Inspection of the Enclosure Cover ...................................................................... 47
4.2 Replacement of the Micro SD Data Logging Card ................................................ 49
4.3 Membrane and Particulate Filter Element Replacement ........................................ 51
4.3.1 Service Intervals ......................................................................................... 51
4.3.2 Installing the Filter Element and Membrane .................................................. 51
4.3.3 Field measurement verifi cation ..................................................................... 53
4.3.4 Long-term maintenance – Laser replacement ................................................ 54
Figure 1 Beer Lambert Law ......................................................................................3
Figure 2 Laser Scan .................................................................................................4
Figure 3 System Block Schematic ..............................................................................5
Figure 4 Unpacking the TDL600 ................................................................................6
Figure 5 Earthing Stud And Nut Washer Assembly ...................................................10
Figure 6 OptiPEAK Sampling System - Typical Indoor Version ....................................12
Figure 7 OptiPEAK Sampling System - Typical Intdoor Version ...................................12
Figure 8 OptiPEAK Sampling System - Typical Outdoor Version .................................13
Figure 9 OptiPEAK Sampling System - Typical Outdoor Version .................................14
Figure 10 User Interface ..........................................................................................24
Figure 11 Up/Down Arrow Keys ................................................................................24
Figure 12 'ENTER’ Key .............................................................................................25
Figure 13 ‘ESC’ Key .................................................................................................25
Figure 14 Menu Structure ........................................................................................27
Figure 15 Main Menu Screen ....................................................................................28
Figure 16 Parameters Screen ...................................................................................29
Figure 17 Display Setup Screen ................................................................................30
Figure 18 Data Logging Screen ................................................................................31
Figure 19 Contact/About Screen ...............................................................................32
Figure 20 Graph Screen ...........................................................................................32
Figure 21 Advanced Settings Screen .........................................................................33
Figure 22 Output Screens ........................................................................................34
Figure 23 Alarm Screens ..........................................................................................35
Figure 24 Typical Alarm Status Indication on the Run-Mode Screen .............................37
Figure 25 Input Screen ............................................................................................38
Figure 26 Line Pressure Setup Screen .......................................................................39
Figure 27 Spare Input Setup Screen .........................................................................40
Figure 28 Set Date/Time Screen ............................................................................... 41
Figure 29 Modbus Settings Screen ............................................................................42
Figure 30 Region Defaults Screen ............................................................................. 43
Figure 31 N2-Mode (Measurement Mode) Screen ......................................................44
Figure 32 Safe Mode (Laser Disabled) Screen ............................................................45
Figure 33 Dimensional Drawing - Indoor System Enclosure ........................................58
Figure 34 Dimensional Drawing - Outdoor System Enclosure ......................................59
Figure 35 Wiring Diagram Indoor System ..................................................................61
Figure 36 Wiring Diagram Outdoor System ................................................................63
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OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
Table 1 Parameters Screen Parameters ................................................................... 29
Table 2 Display Setup Screen Parameters ................................................................ 30
Table 3 Data Logging Screen Parameters ................................................................ 31
Table 4 Output Screen Parameters .........................................................................34
Table 5 Line Pressure Setup Screen Parameters ....................................................... 39
Table 6 Spare Input Setup Screen Parameters ......................................................... 40
Table 7 Set Date/Time Screen Parameters ..............................................................41
Table 8 Modbus Screen Parameters ........................................................................ 42
Table 9 Region Default Parameters .........................................................................43
Table 10 N2-Mode Parameters ................................................................................. 44
Appendix A Technical Specifi cation ...............................................................................55
A.1 Dimensional Drawings .................................................................. 56
A.2 Dimensional Drawings .................................................................. 57
Appendix B Indoor Sampling System Wiring Diagram ....................................................59
Appendix C Outdoor Sampling System Wiring Diagram ..................................................61
Appendix D Flow Diagram ............................................................................................ 63
Appendix E Modbus Holding Register Map ....................................................................65
Appendix F Quality, Recycling, Compliance & Warranty Information ................................ 70
Appendix G Hazardous Area Certifi cation ...................................................................... 71
G.1 Product Standards ....................................................................... 72
G.2 Product Certifi cation ....................................................................72
G.3 Global Certifi cates/Approvals ........................................................72
G.4 Special Conditions of Use .............................................................72
G.5 Maintenance and Installation ........................................................ 73
Appendix H Return Document & Decontamination Declaration ........................................ 75
vi 97319 Issue 4.2, November 2018
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
This manual contains all the required information to install, operate and maintain the OptiPEAK TDL600 Process Moisture Analyzer. Prior to installation and use of this product, this entire manual should be read and understood. Installation and operation of this product should be carried out by suitably competent personnel only. The operation of this product must be in accordance with the terms of this manual and associated safety certifi cates. Incorrect installation and use of this product for other than its intended purpose will render all warranties void.
This product is intended for use in a Hazardous Area and is awarded an ATEX, IECEx and cQPSus Certifi cate. These certifi cates should be fully examined prior to installation or use of this product.
Where this hazard warning symbol appears in the following sections,
it is used to indicate areas where potentially hazardous operations
need to be carried out and where particular attention to personal and
personnel safety must be observed.
Electrical Safety
The instrument is designed to be completely safe when used with options and accessories supplied by the manufacturer for use with the instrument. The input power supply voltage limits are 90 to 264 V AC, 50/60Hz (dependent on chosen options).
Pressure Safety
DO NOT permit pressures greater than the safe working pressure to be applied directly to the instrument's sample cell. The specifi ed working pressure is 0.7 to 1.4 bara (10 to 20.3 psia). Refer to the Technical Specifi cations in Appendix A.
Toxic Materials
The use of hazardous materials in the construction of this instrument has been minimized. During normal operation it is not possible for the user to come into contact with any hazardous substance which might be employed in the construction of the instrument. Care should, however, be exercised during maintenance and the disposal of certain parts.
Repair and Maintenance
The instrument must be maintained either by the manufacturer or an accredited service agent. Refer to www.michell.com for details of Michell Instruments’ worldwide offi ces contact information.
Calibration (Factory Validation)
Prior to shipment, the analyzer undergoes stringent factory calibration to traceable standards. Due to the inherent stability of the instrument, regular fi eld calibration is not required under normal operating conditions. The analyzer should perform reliably for many years with just basic maintenance and housekeeping. Michell can provide a fully traceable factory calibration service for the instrument when required. Please contact your local Michell offi ce or representative for further details (www. michell.com).
Safety Conformity
This product meets the essential protection requirements of the relevant EU directives. Further details of applied standards may be found in the product specifi cation.
Michell Instruments vii
The following abbreviations are used in this manual:
A ampere
AC alternating current
bara pressure unit (=100 kPa or 0.987 atm)
barg pressure unit (=100 kPa or 0.987 atm) gauge
°C degrees Celsius
°F degrees Fahrenheit
EU European Union
ft feet
hr hour
kg kilogram(s)
lbs pound(s)
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
lb/MMscf pounds per million standard cubic feet
LCD liquid-crystal display
Nl/min normal liters per minute
m meters
mA milliampere
max maximum
*mg/m3 milligrams per cubic meter
mm millimeters
nm nanometers
NPT(F) National pipe thread (female)
PCB printed circuit board
parts per million by volume
psia pounds per square inch absolute
psig pounds per square inch gauge
RH relative humidity
RS485 serial data transmission standard
scfh standard cubic feet per hour
sec seconds
TDL Tuneable Diode Laser
V Volt
W Watts
% percentage
ø diameter
* mg/m
refers to standard sm3 (i.e. 15°C at atmospheric pressure)
viii 97319 Issue 4.2, November 2018
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
The OptiPEAK TDL600 Tunable Diode Laser Analyzer employs the latest techniques in laser absorption spectroscopy and signal processing power to offer a robust high performance analyzer, designed specifi cally for the measurement of moisture in natural gas. The analyzer is fully hazardous area certifi ed and delivers class-leading measurement performance, stability and detection sensitivity.
The complete OptiPEAK TDL600 Analyzer Sampling System can be located close to the gas sample take-off point in a potentially explosive environment - designated Zone 1 and Zone 2 hazardous area.
The indoor version Sampling System gas handling components are assembled on a 316 Stainless Steel plate suitable for wall mounting within a temperature controlled analyzer house.
The outdoor version Sampling System is housed within a stainless steel enclosure (304 or 316), with optional thermostatically controlled heating and cooling, for direct fi eld installation in a 100% shaded location next to the process line (with overall environmental protection to IP66).
All sample gas wetted metallic parts are in AISI 316L stainless steel with Viton comply with the NACE standard MR-01-75 (latest edition). Tube fi ttings are type 316 Stainless Steel. All gas and cable entries are located in the base of the enclosure.
1.1 Application
The measurement of moisture in natural gas streams is an essential and highly critical analysis for the natural gas industry. Gas companies need to meet specifi c quality standards for transmission, custody transfer and delivery. High levels of water in the gas increase the cost of transportation and lower the calorifi c value of the gas. In addition, excessive moisture content in the gas stream can lead to internal pipe corrosion and hydrate formation, requiring expensive pipe cleaning or 'pigging'. In severe cases, pipeline blockage can occur.
Although the analyzer is designed for the measurement of water in transmission quality natural gas backgrounds it has been confi gured for use with almost any natural gas stream. This provides full fl exibility if, for example, the analyzer is later re-deployed to a different application. (See Section 3, Operation, for further details.)
1.2 Features
High Measurement Sensitivity
soft parts that
The OptiPEAK TDL600 features a lower detection limit (LDL) of 1 ppm
water content. This
high sensitivity, coupled with the inherent fast response of the TDL optical measurement, provides an extremely fast, accurate and reliable non-contact gas measurement.
D-MET – Dynamic Methane Compensation. BioGas Ready
Moisture measurement is virtually independent* of changes in the methane composition of the natural gas feed and accuracy is not reliant on manual software correction factors being applied.
The analyzer can be used with a wide range of background gas compositions. With increasing statutory requirements in many regions for Biomethane to be added to natural gas streams, the analyzer has been future proofed by being Biomethane ready.
* Over a methane concentration range of 40 - 100% CH
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Laser Lock System
Tunable diode lasers can drift. This means that the laser wavelength may slowly change with time and, eventually, may not precisely match the absorption peak of the water. This can lead to a reduction in sensitivity and analyzer drift. This inherent property of diode lasers is overcome in the OptiPEAK TDL600 by the built-in Laser lock system. This system monitors the optical profi le of the gas absorption peaks to ensure the laser remains locked to the correct water absorption peak, maintaining a high integrity measurement at all times.
• Fast Response
Being a non-contact optical measurement, the analyzer offers fast response times, meaning no long wet-up or dry-down times in contrast to traditional moisture sensors. None of the sensing components are exposed to the gas stream, protecting them from any aggressive components or harmful contamination.
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
• HMI system
Provides a highly intuitive menu driven interface, utilizing a capacitive touch screen system, offering stylus-free setup and operation without the need for a 'hot work' permit to adjust settings or to perform validation checks.
1.3 Theory of Operation
The OptiPEAK TDL600 uses the technique of absorption spectroscopy to measure the concentration of water vapor in the gas stream. Many gas molecules exhibit very specifi c resonant vibrations in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. If infrared energy, at the same resonant wavelength, is passed through these molecules, some of this energy will be absorbed. If a suitable detector is used to measure the amount of received energy, and the gas is contained within a cell of a known path length, then the gas concentration can be calculated. This can be expressed mathematically and is often referred to as the Beer-Lambert Law.
c =
= absorbance
= extinction coeffi cient (absorption strength of gas at a specifi c wavelength)
= sample cell path length
= gas concentration
This law states that, if the sample cell path length coeffi cient of the water molecule ( gas absorbs light at a specifi c wavelength) is known, then, if the absorbance of laser energy by the water molecules is measured (A), the water concentration (c) of the sample stream can be calculated. This gas law is the basis of all photometric gas absorption measurement.
- a constant that describes how strongly a particular
is known, and the extinction
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OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
Beer Lambert law
concentration (c)
Path length (l)
Figure 1
The Michell OptiPEAK TDL600 uses a tunable diode laser source to generate a narrow and coherent beam of near infrared (NIR) energy at the precise resonant wavelength of water vapor. Traditionally, infrared analyzers use broadband sources which generate a wide gamut of wavelengths. To make these analyzers as selective as possible to moisture only, optical fi lters have to be deployed to 'narrow' the range of wavelengths that are fi nally passed through the sample. These fi lters do not offer very high selectivity
- they are quite broadband, which can lead to signifi cant spectral interference, as other gas peaks close to the water absorption peaks are also detected, leading to cross interference, drift and general degradation in measurement performance.
In contrast, the laser has a bandwidth of less than 0.0001 nanometers. This means the laser is very selective in detecting only the water and not any other gases present in the gas stream.
Beer Lambert Law
This optical technique also has the advantage that the analyzer uses a non-contact method of measurement, i.e. there is no sensing element in contact with the gas stream. This offers a highly robust and reliable measurement, as only photons of light pass through the gas. This provides very fast response and no long wet-up or dry-down times.
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1.3.1 Measurement Using a Laser
The diagram below illustrates the advantages of using a laser source, compared to a traditional broadband source.
The water absorption peak is shown in the center of the diagram (red area). The width of the laser beam is very narrow and is represented by the yellow line.
The laser wavelength is varied in order to scan across the water absorption peak (yellow area). By scanning the peak in this way, important information can be extracted, such as changes to the absorption peak caused by variation in the sample gas. This very precise scan range minimizes any overlap with nearby absorption bands, as would be the case with conventional broadband infrared sources and optical fi lters (blue area).
Typical broadband source bandwidth
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
Scan range
5 Hz ‘sawtooth’
laser scan
Conventional IR
source gives
very broad
Potential interferant gases Potential interferant gases
Gas absorption
(peak of interest)
approximately 0.05nm
Figure 2
Laser Scan
4 97319 Issue 4.2, November 2018
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
The schematic of the laser measurement system is shown in
Figure 3
below. This highlights the major control and signal processing sections of the analyzer. The analyzer uses the WMS (Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy) technique, in combination with proprietary signal processing algorithms to provide a selective response and high sensitivity to moisture.
Here, a single frequency, distributed feedback (DFB) laser diode is tuned by applying a current ramp to the laser. A further sinusoidal modulation is then applied. Lock-in detection is applied to the photo-detector signal obtained by passing the tuned laser radiation through the gas cell. The second harmonic signal from the lock-in detection is measured to recover the spectroscopic peak of interest. WMS offers a practical method of recovering weak signal changes from a dilute trace gas sample. WMS is becoming wide spread within the sector of natural gas monitoring and represents current state­of-the-art technology.
diode laser
Launch head
Second harmonic
Direct signal
Laser scanning
Fiber Optic cable
Figure 3
Det. current
System Block Schematic
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2.1 Unpacking the Instrument
Open the crate and unpack carefully as follows:
The instrument is heavy and should not be lifted alone.
Mechanical lifting aids may be required for larger systems.
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
Figure 4
1. Remove the accessories box (1).
2. Remove the spacer foam (2).
Unpacking the TDL600
3. Remove the instrument enclosure (3) and set it down at the site of
It is recommended to save all the packing materials for the purpose of returning the instrument for warranty claims.
The accessories box should contain the following items:
• Calibration Certifi cate
Application Software CD
• User Manual
CD containing System Documentation
6 97319 Issue 4.2, November 2018
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
2.2 Lifting and Handling
This product is in excess of 75kg (165lbs).
Personnel must observe suitable lifting and handling
The TDL600 is not designed as portable or transportable equipment. The product should be rigidly fi xed in position as per the full installation instructions.
Appropriate lifting and handling techniques should be used during the installation process. Before commencing any lifting or handling ensure that its intended location is suitable and appropriately prepared. Make sure that mounting point design considerations have employed locally approved safety factors.
When handling and installing this instrument (particularly after removal from its packaging) ensure that it is not dropped, impacted or subjected to high levels of vibration or environmental conditions that may impair its operation.
2.3 Laser Safety
This product contains a Diode Laser with an invisible beam, operating in the near infrared range. The laser as used in this product classifi es it as a CLASS 1 product.
For the purposes of CDRH and FDA Registration the OptiPEAK TDL600 complies with 21CFR1040 with deviations pursuant to Laser Notice 50 and with IEC/EN 60825-1:2007.
This product is a CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT.
Beware of Laser radiation.
Do not access the Laser.
Do not view the Laser directly.
Use of controls or adjustments, or performance of
procedures other than those specifi ed herein, may result in
hazardous radiation exposure.
Michell Instruments 7
2.4 Hazardous Area Safety
Refer to Appendix G for the Hazardous Area Certifi cation of this product.
This product is fi tted with a marking label that contains Hazardous Area information pertinent to the suitable location and installation.
During all installation and operation activities, local regulations and permitted working routines must be observed. Installation should only be performed by competent personnel and in accordance with IEC 60079-14:2007 and EN 60079-14:2008 or local equivalent.
Cable glands / conduit seals shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Conduit seals used should be suitable for a reference pressure of 6.1 bar (89 psi).
Repair and servicing of this equipment must only be carried out by the manufacturer.
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
This product is certifi ed safe for use in a Zone 1 and Zone 2
area only. This product must not be installed or used within
a Zone 0 area.
This product must not be operated within an explosive
atmosphere greater than 1.1 bara (16 psia).
This product must not be operated within an enriched
oxygen atmosphere (more than 21% oxygen content).
This product must not be operated outside of the
temperature range of -20 to +55°C (-4 to +131°F)
The analyzer enclosure of this product provides Exd protection, partly through the threads used for mounting the lid, stopping plugs and cable gland. At all times effort
should be made to ensure these threads are suitably
protected from damage and that only appropriately rated
mating parts are applied to them, in accordance with the
certifying requirements.
8 97319 Issue 4.2, November 2018
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
Shock Risk
2.5 Electrical Safety
During the installation of this product, ensure that all
applicable national and local electrical safety regulations are
Always ensure that power is switched off prior to accessing
the product for any purpose other than normal operation, or
prior to disconnecting any cables.
2.5.1 Equipment Ratings and Installation Details
The following mandatory statements refer to the Ex certified TDL600 Analyzer and sampling system.
This equipment must be supplied with a voltage in the range of 90 to 264 V AC, 50/60 Hz. Maximum power rating depends on chosen standard options, 80W to 250W.
All electrical connections to the analyzer are made through junction boxes, mounted on the panel of the sample system in accordance with Section 2.8.
Any power cable should be 3 core over sleeved, with minimum 0.5mm insulation and rated at 300 V. Cables should have Live (L), Neutral (N) and Earth [Ground] (E) conductors. Ensure suitably rated power supply cables and glands are used to ensure that electrical safety is maintained. Ensure the power supply can deliver suffi cient power to meet the consumption requirements.
Any power supply terminals and voltages must be suitably separated from the other I/O requirements to this product.
Before applying power, perform a continuity test to ensure that the power supply cable and the TDL600 are effectively connected to the protective Earth.
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The protective Earth terminal is mounted internally and the Earth wire connected to it should never be disconnected. The analyzer enclosure is supplied with an external earth stud at the lower right hand side. This earth stud is connected to the sampling system earth using 4mm2 minimum earthing bonding.
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
Figure 5
Fuse: A replacement fuse can be obtained by contacting Michell Instruments' technical support. Fuse rating = 5 x 20mm 2.5 A anti-surge to IEC 60127-2.
This measuring product is designed, where applicable and possible, to be in compliance with EN/BS/IEC61010 safety requirements or electrical equipment or measurement, control, and laboratory use. This product is designed to be safe at least under the following conditions: between a temperature range of -40 to +60°C (-40 to +148°F), in maximum 80% relative humidity for temperatures up to +31°C (+88°F) decreasing linearly to 50% RH at +50°C (+122°F). Supply voltages of ±10% and transient over voltages up to Overvoltage Category II. Pollution Degree 2. Altitudes up to 2000m. Outdoor mounting is permitted using suitably rated glands equivalent to NEMA 4 / IP66.
See Appendix A, Technical Specifi cation, for full operating parameters.
NOTE: Do not remove or exchange any of the cables or electrical components supplied with this product. Doing so will invalidate all warranties.
There are no additional or special electrical safety requirements other than those referred to in this manual.
For location and mounting arrangements please refer to the relevant sections of this manual.
Earthing Stud And Nut Washer Assembly
Installation of this equipment must include the provision of a suitable and locally positioned power isolation switch or circuit breaker. Indication of the purpose of the switch or circuit breaker is strongly recommended. An over-current protection device should be rated to a maximum of 3 A.
This equipment and all power isolation devices must be installed in a location and position that allows safe and easy access to their operation and is able to rigidly support the equipment.
10 97319 Issue 4.2, November 2018
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
Do not install this equipment in a location that would expose it to impact or high levels of vibration.
Operation of this equipment, other than in a manner specifi ed by the manufacturer, may impair the safety protections provided.
The safe installation of this equipment and any system incorporating this equipment is the responsibility of the installer. Ensure local regulations and requirements are referred to prior to any installation commencing.
2.6 Pressure Safety
This product is used in conjunction with pressurized gases.
Pressurized gas should only be handled by suitably trained
Observe pressurized gas handling precautions.
The TDL600 measurement chamber requires pressurized gas to be connected to it. Observe pressurized gas handling regulations. Only suitably trained personnel should carry out tasks that include the use of pressurized gas media.
The TDL600 measurement cell accepts a maximum sample pressure of 1.4 bara (20.3 psia).
2.7 Basic Installation Guidelines
The OptiPEAK TDL600 Moisture Analyzer Sampling System gas handling components are assembled onto a stainless steel mounting plate suitable for wall mounting.
The outdoor version Sampling System provides environmental ingress protection to IP66 and should be mounted vertically, free of any appreciable vibration, in a permanently shaded position to prevent heating effects through sun radiation. The Sampling System enclosure can be specifi ed with optional thermostatically controlled heating (fi xed set point). Optional enclosure cooling, using a compressed-air-driven vortex tube and xed set point thermostat, is recommended for installation in hot climates (>+45°C (>+113°F)).
NOTE: Any TDL being installed within a plant where it cannot vent to open atmosphere needs a fl are line connection that runs to the highest point and enters the fl are system from a topside connection. This is to prevent liquids present in the fl are stack from draining back into the analyzer system.
NOTE: The actual detailed confi guration will be shown in the as-built drawings provided with the shipped analyzer.
For start-up instructions refer to Section 3.
Michell Instruments 11
1 BV1 Ball Valve
2 F2 Particulate Filter
3 PR1 Pressure Regulator
4 PG1 Pressure Gauge
5 PR2 Pressure Gauge
6 F2 Coalescing & Membrane Filter
7 PR2 Pressure Regulator
8 PG3 Pressure Gauge
9 PRV1 Pressure Relief Valve
10 FM1 Flowmeter
11 AN1 Moisture Analyzer
12 MV1 Metering Valve
13 NV1 Needle Valve
14 FM2 Flowmeter
TP1 Sample Gas Inlet 1/4” NPT (F)
TP2 Sample Gas Outlet 1/4” NPT (F)
TP3 Bypass Flow Gas Outlet 1/4” NPT (F)
TP4 Letdown Gas Vent/Drain 1/4” NPT (F)
TP Connections
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
Figure 6
25.0 700.0 CRS 25.0
12.0 726.0 CRS 12.0
463.0 CRS 463.0 CRS
475.0 CRS 475.0 CRS
OptiPEAK Sampling System - Typical Indoor Version
22.0 22.0
10.0 10.0
TP01 TP03
Figure 7
12 97319 Issue 4.2, November 2018
OptiPEAK Sampling System - Typical Indoor Version
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
1 BV1 Ball Valve
2 F2 Particulate Filter
3 PR1 Pressure Regulator
4 PG1 Pressure Gauge
5 PG2 Pressure Gauge
6 F2 Coalescing & Membrane Filter
7 PR2 Pressure Regulator
8 AN1 Pressure Gauge
9 FM1 Pressure Relief Valve
10 PRV1 Flowmeter
12 MV1 Metering Valve
13 FM2 Needle Valve
14 NV1 Flowmeter
Moisture Analyzer
Enclosure Heater
Solenoid Valve
Trace Heating
TP Connections
TP1 Sample Gas Inlet 1/4” NPT (F)
TP2 Sample Gas Outlet 1/4” NPT (F)
TP3 Bypass Flow Gas Outlet 1/4” NPT (F)
TP4 Letdown Gas Vent/Drain 1/4” NPT (F)
TP5 Vortex Cooler Inlet 1/4" NPT (F)
Figure 8
OptiPEAK Sampling System - Typical Outdoor Version
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OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
TP1 Sample Gas Inlet 1/4” NPT (F)
TP2 Sample Gas Outlet 1/4” NPT (F)
TP3 Bypass Flow Gas Outlet 1/4” NPT (F)
TP4 Letdown Gas Vent/Drain 1/4” NPT (F)
TP5 Vortex Cooler Inlet 1/4" NPT (F)
Figure 9
OptiPEAK Sampling System - Typical Outdoor Version
14 97319 Issue 4.2, November 2018
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
2.8 Electrical Connections
All electrical connections to the TDL600 are made through junction boxes JB1 & JB2
(ATEX, IECEx and NEC500 Class I, Division 2 versions only).
Once the mains power connections are made to JB1 the
heaters and vortex cooling solenoid (if fi tted) will be
This includes:
• Power Connection
• Analog Outputs
Analog Inputs (line pressure transmitter)
• Alarm Relays
Modbus RTU / RS485 Connection
For the wiring diagram, consult the appropriate Appendix, depending on whether the TDL600 was supplied with the indoor sample system, or the outdoor sample system:
Indoor Sample System Appendix B Outdoor Sample System Appendix C
2.8.1 Power Connection
A single-phase AC mains power supply is required to operate the Analyzer and Sampling System. The analyzer power supply can accommodate voltages from 90 to 264 V AC, 50/60 Hz. If enclosure heating or cooling options are selected, these will have defi ned voltage and wattage requirements.
The factory-set power supply voltage is indicated on a yellow label located on the rear panel.
NOTE: The user cannot change the specifi ed power supply voltage.
Cable connections are made onto terminals within the Power Circuits junction box. Cable entry into the junction box is provide via M20 threaded holes (fi tted with certifi ed stopping plugs). Suitably certifi ed cable glands should be used (not supplied).
The power connection is made through JB1 (ATEX, IECEx and NEC500 Class I, Division 2 versions only) – refer to the appropriate Appendix.
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Terminals are marked:
NOTE: An earth stud is provided in the base of the enclosure. This must be used to earth bond the Sampling System.
A power isolator switch is provided on the Power Circuits junction box for local power isolation of the OptiPEAK TDL600 Moisture Analyzer (Main Unit only) for maintenance or servicing. NOTE: This switch isolates the analyzer but does not isolate power
from ancillaries such as the heating/cooling circuits where fi tted.
2.8.2 Analog Outputs
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
Terminal No. Power Supply
1 Live 5 Neutral
Three 2-wire analog outputs are provided that can be confi gured to represent any of the directly measured or calculated output parameters. These outputs are active, self­powered from the analyzer and can be set as either 0-20mA or 4-20mA.
For an overview of the analog output menu, refer to Section
The analog output connections are made through JB2 (ATEX, IECEx and NEC500
Class I, Division 2 versions only) – refer to the appropriate Appendix.
2.8.3 Analog Inputs
Connection for process line pressure transmitter (optional). Enables dynamic pressure compensation for calculation of moisture content units.
Input 1
Input 2 No function
12 V DC excitation power provision for loop powered 4-20mA, 2-wire transmitter. Transmitter must be able to function from 12 V DC excitation, such as typical devices requiring 8 - 30 V DC. Internal sensing resistor 100 Ω.
2.8.4 Alarm Relays
Three alarm relays are provided that can be triggered by any of the directly measured or calculated output parameters. Each alarm relay has Common (CO), Normally Open (NO) and Normally Closed (NC) contacts.
For detailed information on the alarms refer to Section
The alarm relay connections are made through JB2 (ATEX, IECEx and NEC500 Class I, Division 2 versions only) – refer to the appropriate Appendix.
16 97319 Issue 4.2, November 2018
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
2.8.5 Modbus RTU / RS485 Connection
The TDL600 features an RS485 port for digital communication, and uses a subset of the Modbus RTU protocol. The RS485 connection should be confi gured with the following parameters:
Parameter Value
Baud Rate 9600bps Data Bits 8 Parity None Stop Bits 2
A full list of Modbus registers can be found in Appendix E.
The RS485 connection is made through JB2 (ATEX, IECEx and NEC500 Class I,
Division 2 versions only) – refer to the appropriate Appendix.
2.9 Environmental Requirements
The environmental requirements of the analyzer (complete with sampling system) are as follows:
Indoor version +10 to +45°C (+50 to +113°F)
Outdoor version -20 to +45°C (-4 to +113°F)
Outdoor version with enclosure cooling option -20 to +55°C (-4 to +131°F)
Temperature (Storage) -30 to +60°C (-22 to +140°F)
Relative Humidity Less than 90% RH
If installed outside, the analyzer must be in a shaded position to prevent heating effects through sun radiation.
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2.10 Sample Conditioning Requirements
Sample extraction, handling and conditioning techniques are of critical importance to assure optimal performance and reliability of all gas analyzers that accurately quantify specifi c components within a process gas composition. Michell Instruments' recommendations and requirements in relation to the OptiPEAK TDL600 are outlined below.
Michell Instruments offers a range of sample extraction probes and sample conditioning systems that have been selected and designed to exceed these minimum requirements. For further information and advice please contact your local Michell offi ce or distributor – refer to contact details on www.michell.com.
2.10.1 Gas Connections
Ensure that the process sample gas supply line is well fl ushed
through to clear any liquids and debris present, prior to
connection to the Sampling System.
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
Connections are as follows - refer to Flow Diagram in Appendix D:
TP1 Sample Gas Inlet
TP2 Sample Gas Outlet
• TP3 Bypass Outlet
• TP4 System Vent/Drain
TP1 to TP3 are 1/4” NPT(F), TP4 is 1/4" OD.
2.10.2 Sample Flow Gas Handling Components
The sample fl ow gas handling components are as follows:
Gas Inlet Isolation Valve (BV1):
Allows user to manually isolate the system from the process sample gas supply line for maintenance or servicing.
Particulate Filter (F1):
Provides protection to regulator from particulates
Line Pressure Gauge (PG1):
Indicates the sample gas line pressure.
Pressure Regulator 0-35 Bar (PR1):
Allows the user to manually set the sample gas analysis pressure for moisture measurement. 1st stage pressure regulation.
Regulated Pressure Gauge (PG2)
Indicates pressure set on PR1.
18 97319 Issue 4.2, November 2018
OptiPEAK TDL600 User’s Manual
Particulate/Coalescing Filter (F2):
Provides system protection from contamination of entrained liquids and particulates using membrane fi ltration.
Pressure Regulator 0-4 Bar (PR2):
2nd stage pressure regulation for moisture measurement.
Input Pressure Gauge (PG3):
Indicates cell input pressure as set at PR2.
Insert Pressure Relief Valve (PRV1)
Protects AN1 from over pressure
Metering Valve (MV1):
Allows the user to manually set the sample gas fl owrate into the TDL gas cell.
Moisture Analyzer (AN1):
TDL600 Process Moisture Analyzer
• Flowmeter (FM1):
Provides indication of the sample gas fl ow rate through the TDL gas cell.
System Drain Needle Valve (NV1):
Allows the user to manually letdown the sample gas pressure trapped in the system for maintenance or servicing.
The bypass fl ow gas handling components are as follows:
Bypass Flowmeter & Valve (FM2):
Allows the user to manually set and provide indication of the bypass gas fl ow rate across the membrane fi lter.
Sample Extraction and Impulse Tubing
An insertion probe, with tip positioned within the central one-third of the cross­sectional area of the pipe, should be used to extract a sample with a composition that is representative of the majority of gas fl owing within the pipeline. Attention should be given to the installation of impulse tubing connecting from the sample probe to the analyzer sample conditioning system. Analytical grade acid-etched stainless steel tubing should be used, which has a low moisture sorption capacity. Tube size should be 1/8" or 3mm diameter, or 1/4” or 6mm as a maximum, to ensure that sample transportation delay time is kept to a minimum. Likewise, to ensure the best dynamic response of the complete installed analyzer system, the positioning of the analyzer with sample conditioning system should be as close to the sample extraction probe as possible.
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