Michell Instruments S8000 Specifications

Chilled Mirror Instruments
Precision Chilled Mirror Hygrometer
A high-precision hygrometer combining straightforward operation with very high sensitivity to changes in moisture content.
• ±0.1°Cdp (±0.18°Fdp) accuracy
• Simple confi guration and operation via touch screen interface
• Precision measurements to –60°C (–76°F) dew point
• FAST – guaranteed frost formation below 0°C (+32°F)
• Measure at pressures up to 2 MPa (20 barg)
• USB, Ethernet, RS485 or RS232 connectivity
• Datalogging to SD card or via digital comms
• Standards laboratory reference instrument
• Transformer vacuum drying verifi cation
• Clean/dry room environmental monitoring
• Metallurgical process monitoring
• Reference instrument for commercial calibration laboratory
• Compressed air dryer R&D
switchgear moisture testing
• SF
• Hydrogen fuel cell R&D
Chilled Mirror Instruments
Precision Chilled Mirror Hygrometer
The new S8000 Hygrometer provides a direct measurement of dew point, temperature and pressure. Dew-point measurement is based on the proven, fundamental optical chilled mirror measurement principle, giving long-term drift-free humidity measurement over the entire operating range. The S8000 uses this measurement to offer a range of available measurement units including ppmV, absolute humidity, relative humidity and ppmW.
To further improve the accuracy of pressure-derived calculated values (ppm optional internal pressure transducer can be supplied, which provides real-time pressure. This allows for continued humidity measurement stability even during fl uctuations in sample pressure.
, ppmW, absolute humidity), an
The difference in vapor pressure between condensed water and ice formed on a chilled mirror can introduce dew­point errors of up to 10% of reading. It is also possible for intermediate states to exist, where the formation is a mixture of ice and super-cooled water, making calculated conversions from one state to the other invalid.
Frost Assurance Technology (FAST)
The S8000 features FAST, the frost assurance technology which guarantees all dew-point measurements below 0°C (+32°F) are made over ice. The FAST system works by detecting whether the mirror is at a temperature where super cooled water could form, and if so; rapidly cooling the mirror until a fi lm of ice of predetermined thickness forms. Once ice has formed, control returns to the instrument and measurement can begin.
A viewing microscope can be supplied with the instrument. This enables the user to inspect the mirror directly during the measurement process, and determine whether the condensation on the surface is water or ice.
Use your Preferred Communications Media
For greater fl exibility:
A pair of adjustable isolated alarm contacts allow the S8000 Chilled Mirror Hygrometer to be used for direct process control. A high-contrast touch screen LCD display provides entirely customizable local indication of the measured values, along with a trend graph and fault warnings.
RRS Triple Optics for Increased Sensitivity
The rate of frost formation on the surface of a chilled mirror is slower at lower frost points. This is due to the very low quantity of water molecules which are present – it takes time for enough molecules to pass the mirror to form a layer of frost. An accurate and reliable measurement with a non­fundamental hygrometer can be diffi cult to perform.
The S8000 utilizes the RRS Optical System to detect very small changes in the quantity of moisture condensed on the mirror surface, resulting in very high sensitivity and fast response to changes in frost point, even at low levels of moisture.
Confi dence of Seeing your Measurement
In carefully controlled laboratory conditions, super-cooled water can exist in temperatures as low as –48°C (–54°F). However, when using a chilled mirror instrument it only occurs on the mirror at temperatures down to around –30°C (–22°F).
• Modbus TCP over Ethernet
• Modbus RTU over: USB, RS232, RS485
• Datalogging to SD Card or via application software
• 3 user-confi gurable analog outputs
• Status and process alarms
DCC for Increased Reliability
The S8000 utilizes a system called DCC (Dynamic Contamination Correction). The DCC system is intuitive and adapts the instrument control to the operating conditions to achieve optimum measurement performance at all times by periodically re-balancing the optics to compensate for any reduction in light intensity caused by contamination of the components in the optical path. Although the DCC system is fully automatic it can be confi gured by the user for individual applications.
Application Software
Flexible application software is provided with the S8000, allowing the operator to control all the functions of the instrument directly from a PC. A parameter display shows all measured and calculated parameters, and a customizable graph is provided to display any combination of parameters against a time base.
Data logging functionality is provided, allowing log fi les to be created and saved directly on the host PC.
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