Michell Instruments S503 Operating Manual

8 6 3
% RH
Humidity Calibrator
User’s Manual
97210 Issue 01, April 2011 Michell Instruments
Inside front cover (blank)
S503 User’s Manual
8 6 3
% RH
© 2011 Michell Instruments
This document is the property of Michell Instruments Ltd. and may not be copied or otherwise reproduced, communicated in any way to third parties, nor stored in any Data Processing System without the express written authorization of Michell Instruments Ltd.
97210 Issue 01, April 2011 iii Michell Instruments
S503 User’s Manual
97210 Issue 01, April 2011 iv Michell Instruments
Safety .............................................................................................................................................. v
Electrical Safety ......................................................................................................................... v
Toxic Materials .......................................................................................................................... v
Repair and Maintenance............................................................................................................. v
Calibration ................................................................................................................................ v
Safety Conformity ...................................................................................................................... v
Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................................vi
Recycling Policy ................................................................................................................................vii
WEEE and RoHS Compliance .............................................................................................................vii
Calibration Facilities .......................................................................................................................... vii
Manufacturing Quality ...................................................................................................................... viii
Warranty ........................................................................................................................................ viii
Return Policy ................................................................................................................................... viii
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Applications .................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Dimensions .................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 S503 Combinations ......................................................................................................... 2
1.4.1 S503-DIG ................................................................................................................... 2
1.4.2 S503-DIG-OPT ............................................................................................................ 2
1.4.3 S503-DIG-SET ............................................................................................................ 3
1.4.4 S-503-DIG-LC ............................................................................................................. 3
2 OPERATION .............................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Front Panel Functions ...................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Back Panel Functions ...................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Getting Started ............................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Operating Instructions ..................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Connecting a Transmitter................................................................................................. 8
3 MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................................... 9
4 TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................10
5 CALIBRATION ..........................................................................................................................11
Figure 1.1 S503 dimensions ......................................................................................................1
Figure 1.2 S503-DIG Digital Humidity Generator ........................................................................2
Figure 1.3 S503-DIG-OPT Digital Humidity Generator & Optidew Vision ......................................2
Figure 1.4 S503-DIG-SET Calibration Kit ....................................................................................3
Figure 1.5 S503-DIG-LC S503 with extended chamber ................................................................3
Figure 2.1 Inside the S503 ........................................................................................................4
Figure 2.2 S503 front panel ......................................................................................................5
Figure 2.3 S503 back panel ......................................................................................................6
Figure 2.4 Maximum water level................................................................................................7
Figure 2.5 Sponge inside chamber ............................................................................................7
Appendix A Technical Specications ...........................................................................................13
Appendix B Recommended Practices in Humidity Measurements ..................................................15
Appendix C List of Worldwide Michell Instruments’ Ofces ..........................................................20
S503 User’s Manual
Michell Instruments v 97210 Issue 01, April 2011


The manufacturer has designed this equipment to be safe when operated using the procedures detailed in this manual. The user must not use this equipment for any other purpose than that stated. Do not apply values greater than the maximum value stated.
This manual contains operating and safety instructions, which must be followed to ensure the safe operation and to maintain the equipment in a safe condition. The safety instructions are either warnings or cautions
issued to protect the user and the equipment from injury or damage. Use qualied personnel and good
engineering practice for all procedures in this Manual.

Electrical Safety

The instrument is designed to be completely safe when used with options and accessories supplied by the manufacturer for use with the instrument.

Toxic Materials

The use of hazardous materials in the construction of this instrument has been minimized. During normal operation it is not possible for the user to come into contact with any hazardous substance which might be employed in the construction of the instrument. Care should, however, be exercised during maintenance and the disposal of certain parts.

Repair and Maintenance

The instrument must be maintained either by the manufacturer or an accredited service agent. Refer to Appendix B for details of Michell Instruments’ worldwide ofces contact information.


Under normal ambient conditions (0 to +50ºC (+32 to +122ºF) 0-70% RH) and for accuracy of ±2% RH, an
annual calibration is recommended. For an accuracy ±5% RH a calibration is recommended every ve years.
For environments with airborne chemicals or for high humidity and high temperature conditions more frequent calibration is recommended.

Safety Conformity

This product meets the essential protection requirements of the relevant EU directives. Further details of applied standards may be found in Section 5.
S503 User’s Manual
97210 Issue 01, April 2011 vi Michell Instruments


The following abbreviations are used in this manual.
AC alternating current
DC direct current
ºC degrees Celsius
ºF degrees Fahrenheit
g grams
in inches
lbs pounds
kg kilograms
mA milliampere
mm millimetres
oz ounces
% percentage
RH relative humidity
RS232 serial data transmission standard
temp temperature
T temperature
V Volts
Ω Ohms
The following general warning listed below is applicable to this instrument. It is repeated in the text in the appropriate locations.
Where this hazard warning symbol appears in the following
sections, it is used to indicate areas where potentially
hazardous operations need to be carried out.
S503 User’s Manual
Michell Instruments vii 97210 Issue 01, April 2011

Recycling Policy

Michell Instruments is concerned with the protection of the environment. It is our commitment to reduce and eliminate from our operations, wherever possible, the use of substances which may be harmful to the environment. Similarly, we are increasingly using recyclable and/or recycled material in our business and products wherever it is practical to do so.
The product that you have purchased may contain recyclable and/or recycled parts and we will be happy to provide you with information on these components if required.

WEEE and RoHS Compliance

The Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE) Directive, and the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive place rules upon European manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment. The directives’ aim is to reduce the impact that electronic devices have on the environment.
Michell products are currently exempt from the RoHS directive, however all future products will be developed entirely using compliant materials. Furthermore, Michell is taking active steps to remove non-compliant materials and components from existing products wherever possible.
Michell is in full compliance with the WEEE Directive (Registration No. WEE/JB0235YW). Customers may be required to return certain instruments for treatment at the end of their working life.
June 2010

Calibration Facilities

Each unit has an internal reference which is calibrated against our working factory standard which is traceable to ‘VSL’ in The Netherlands and National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in the UK.
Calibration Certicates:
In addition to the normal calibration procedure, each internal reference transmitter can be supplied with its
own VSL or NPL traceable calibration certicate.
S503 User’s Manual
97210 Issue 01, April 2011 viii Michell Instruments

Manufacturing Quality

Michell Instruments UK is registered with the British Standards Institute for Quality Assurance to:
BS EN ISO 9001: 2008
Rigorous procedures are performed at every stage of production to ensure that the materials of construction,
manufacturing, calibration and nal test procedures meet the requirements laid down by our BSI approved
Quality System.
Please contact Michell Instruments if the product does not arrive in perfect working order.


Unless otherwise agreed, the Supplier warrants that, as from the date of delivery for a period of 12 months the goods and all their component parts, where applicable, are free from any defects in design, workmanship, construction or materials.
The Supplier warrants that the services undertaken shall be performed using reasonable skill and care, and of a quality conforming to generally accepted industry standards and practices.
Except as expressly stated, all warranties, whether express or implied, by operation of law or otherwise, are hereby excluded in relation to the goods and services to be provided by the Supplier.
All warranty services are provided on a return to base basis. Any transportation costs for the return of a warranty claim shall reside with the Customer.

Return Policy

If a Michell Instruments’ product malfunctions within the warranty period, the following procedure must be completed:
Notify a Michell Instruments’ distributor, giving full details of the problem, the model 1. variant and the serial number of the product.
If the nature of the problem indicates the need for factory service then the instrument 2. should be returned to Michell Instruments, carriage prepaid, preferably in the original packaging, with a full description of the fault and the customer contact information.
Upon receipt, Michell Instruments will evaluate the product to determine the cause of 3. the malfunction. Then, one of the following courses of action will be taken:
If the fault is covered under the terms of the warranty, the instrument will be repaired at no cost to the owner and returned.
If Michell Instruments determines that the fault is not covered under the terms of the warranty, or if the warranty has expired, an estimate for the cost of the repairs, at standard rates, will be provided. Upon receipt of the owner’s approval to proceed, the product will be repaired and returned.
S503 User’s Manual
Michell Instruments 1 97210 Issue 01, April 2011
Notes: Hole A = Power Hole for adapter
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Bottom view
The S503 Humidity Generator/Calibrator enables users of humidity sensors, transmitters and read-out devices to quickly and accurately generate reference humidity conditions at ambient temperatures.
1.1 Features
Generates humidity levels between 10-90% RH
Highly portable
Fast stabilization of humidity chamber
In combination with Michell Instruments’ Optidew Vision, which works on a proven, fundamental optical dew-point measurement principle, calibrations can be done using the most accurate reference (optional).
Multiple sensors can be calibrated at the same time
1.2 Applications
Calibration and validation of RH transmitters, sensors and data loggers.
1.3 Dimensions

Figure 1.1 S503 dimensions

S503 User’s Manual
97210 Issue 01, April 2011 2 Michell Instruments
1.4 S503 Combinations
1.4.1 S503-DIG
The S503-DIG consists of - S503, including 7 user-specied port adapters, power adapter, desiccant and
adapter tool.
1.4.2 S503-DIG-OPT

Figure 1.3 S503-DIG-OPT Digital Humidity Generator & Optidew Vision

Figure 1.2 S503-DIG Digital Humidity Generator

In combination with Michell Instruments’ Optidew Vision, calibrations can be done using the most accurate reference. The Optidew Vision is traceable to national standards.
The Optidew Vision is a high performance Optical Dew-point Transmitter working on a proven, fundamental optical dew-point measurement principle and giving unmatched and drift-free long-term performance. It offers a wide measurement range from -60 to +90°Cdp (-76 to +194°Fdp) (or 0.5 to 100% RH) at temperatures from
-40 to +90°C (-40 to +194°F), and -20 to +130°C (-4 to +266°F) at temperatures from -20 to +130°C (-4 to +266°F) for the high temperature version.
For more information on the Optidew Vision please contact Michell Instruments or your local distributor (see contact details in Appendix B).
The S503-DIG-OPT consists of - S503, with 5 user-specied port adapters, 2 Optidew adapters (A000272
(stainless steel port adapter) and A000273 (polymer housing port adapter ø18.5mm (0.73”) to ø3mm (0.19”)), power adapter, desiccant and adapter tool.
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