Michell Instruments QMA601 Operating Manual

Process Moisture Analyzer
User’s Manual
97449 Issue 3
June 2018
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QMA601 User’s Manual
Safety .............................................................................................................................. viii
Warnings ................................................................................................................... viii
Electrical Safety ......................................................................................................... viii
Pressure Safety .......................................................................................................... viii
Hazardous Materials (WEEE, RoHS2 & REACH) ............................................................. viii
Calibration (Factory Validation) ......................................................................................ix
Repair and Maintenance ...............................................................................................ix
Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................... x
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................1
1.1 General .............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Theory of Operation ........................................................................................... 2
1.3 Sample Gas Path ................................................................................................ 3
2 INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................4
2.1 Analyzer Storage Instructions .............................................................................. 4
2.2 Unpacking the Analyzer ...................................................................................... 5
2.3 Lifting and Handling ........................................................................................... 5
2.4 Mounting the Analyzer ........................................................................................ 6
2.5 Hazardous Area/Location Safety .......................................................................... 7
2.6 Electrical Safety .................................................................................................. 8
2.6.1 Equipment Ratings and Installation Details ...................................................... 8
2.6.2 Power Connection ....................................................................................... 10
2.6.3 Other Electrical Connections ........................................................................ 11
2.7 Pressure Safety ................................................................................................ 12
2.8 Gas Sample Connections ................................................................................... 13
3 OPERATION ....................................................................................................15
3.1 General Operational Information ........................................................................ 15
3.1.1 First Time Operation .................................................................................... 16
3.1.2 Analyzer Set-Up .......................................................................................... 17
3.2 User Interface .................................................................................................. 18
3.2.1 Interface Controls ....................................................................................... 18
3.2.2 ‘Up/Down Arrow’ Keys ................................................................................. 18
3.2.3 'ENTER’ Key ................................................................................................ 19
3.2.4 ‘ESC’ Key .................................................................................................... 19
3.2.5 Pop Up Keypad ........................................................................................... 19
3.3 Menu Structure ................................................................................................ 20
3.4 Description of Measured Parameters .................................................................. 21
3.5 Main Screen .................................................................................................... 21
3.5.1 Large Display Mode ..................................................................................... 23
3.6 Main Screen Sub Menus .................................................................................... 25
3.6.1 Warning Screen .......................................................................................... 25
3.6.2 Logging Screen ........................................................................................... 26
3.6.3 Alarm Screen .............................................................................................. 27
3.6.4 Field Calibration Screen ............................................................................... 28
3.6.5 Monitor screen ............................................................................................ 32
3.7 Settings Menu ................................................................................................. 33
3.7.1 Measurement Screen ................................................................................... 33
3.7.2 Outputs Screen ........................................................................................... 38
3.7.3 HMI Screen ................................................................................................ 40
3.7.4 Real Time Clock Screen ............................................................................... 42
3.7.5 Software Communications Screen................................................................. 43
3.7.6 Ethernet Screen .......................................................................................... 43
iv 97449 Issue 3, June 2018
QMA601 User’s Manual
3.7.7 Field Calibration History ............................................................................... 44
3.7.8 About Screen .............................................................................................. 44
3.8 Sampling Guidelines ......................................................................................... 46
3.9 Measurement Cycle .......................................................................................... 49
3.10 Calibration Cycle ............................................................................................... 51
4 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................53
4.1 Safety .............................................................................................................. 54
4.2 Removal and Replacement of the Power Supply Fuse .......................................... 54
4.3 Replacing the Optional Contamination Trap ........................................................ 54
4.4 Removal and Replacement of the Desiccant Column ............................................ 55
5 CALIBRATION ..................................................................................................57
5.1 Traceability ...................................................................................................... 57
6 SHIPPING .......................................................................................................59
6.1 Preparation for Shipping and Packing if Not Supplied as a Sample System ............ 59
7 APPLICATION SOFTWARE OVERVIEW ...............................................................60
7.1 System Requirements ....................................................................................... 60
7.2 System Connection ........................................................................................... 60
7.3 Getting Started ................................................................................................. 61
7.3.1 Connection Method (Serial Connection (RS485 or TCP) .................................. 62 RS485 Connection ................................................................................. 62 Modbus TCP Connection (Ethernet) ....................................................... 62
7.4 Main Window ................................................................................................... 63
7.5 Using the Chart ................................................................................................ 64
7.5.1 Chart Options Window ................................................................................. 65
7.6 Data Logging ................................................................................................... 66
7.6.1 Configuring Logging Start Time .................................................................... 67
7.6.2 Configuring Logging Stop Time .................................................................... 67
7.6.3 Starting the Log .......................................................................................... 67
7.6.4 Viewing a Log ............................................................................................. 67
7.7 Parameters / Field Calibration ............................................................................ 67
7.7.1 Field Calibration .......................................................................................... 68
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QMA601 User’s Manual
Figure 1 Measurement System .................................................................................3
Figure 2 Mounting Dimensions .................................................................................6
Figure 3 Earthing Stud And Nut Washer Assembly .....................................................9
Figure 4 24 VDC & 240 V AC Power Unit Connectors ................................................10
Figure 5 Other Electrical Connections ......................................................................11
Figure 6 RJ45 to screw terminal adapter connections ...............................................12
Figure 7 Typical Display .........................................................................................17
Figure 8 User Interface ..........................................................................................18
Figure 9 Up/Down Arrow Keys ................................................................................18
Figure 10 ‘ENTER’ Key .............................................................................................19
Figure 11 ‘ESC’ Key .................................................................................................19
Figure 12 Pop Up Keypad .........................................................................................19
Figure 13 Menu Structure ........................................................................................20
Figure 14 Main Screen .............................................................................................21
Figure 15 Large Display Modes .................................................................................23
Figure 16 Full Screen Graph .....................................................................................24
Figure 17 Warning Screen ........................................................................................25
Figure 18 Logging Screen ........................................................................................26
Figure 19 Alarm Screen ...........................................................................................27
Figure 21 Field Calibration Screen 2 ..........................................................................30
Figure 22 Field Calibration Screen 3 ..........................................................................30
Figure 23 Field Calibration Screen 4 ..........................................................................31
Figure 24 Field Calibration Screen 5 ..........................................................................31
Figure 25 Monitor Screen .........................................................................................32
Figure 26 Settings Menu Screen ...............................................................................33
Figure 27 Measurement Screen ................................................................................34
Figure 28 Carrier Gas Screen ....................................................................................35
Figure 29 Measurement Screen ................................................................................36
Figure 30 External Options .......................................................................................37
Figure 31 Fixed Options ...........................................................................................37
Figure 32 Atmos. Option ..........................................................................................37
Figure 33 User Gas Setup Screen .............................................................................38
Figure 34 Outputs Screen ........................................................................................39
Figure 35 HMI Screen ..............................................................................................40
Figure 36 Real Time Clock Screen .............................................................................42
Figure 37 Software Communications Screen ..............................................................43
Figure 38 Ethernet Screen .......................................................................................43
Figure 39 Calibration History Screen .........................................................................44
Figure 40 About Screen ........................................................................................... 45
Figure 42 Measurement Cycle (Phase 2) Calibration Flow ...........................................50
Figure 43 Calibration Cycle (Phase 1) - Dried Sample Flow .........................................51
Figure 44 Calibration Cycle (Phase 2) - Sample Flow ..................................................52
Figure 45 Typical QMA601 Calibration Certificate .......................................................58
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QMA601 User’s Manual
Table 1 Pop Up Keypad ..........................................................................................20
Table 2 Main Screen Parameters ............................................................................. 23
Table 3 Large Parameter Display Mode ................................................................... 24
Table 4 Warning Screen ......................................................................................... 27
Table 5 Logging Screen .........................................................................................27
Table 6 Alarm Screen Parameters .......................................................................... 28
Table 7 Calibration Screen Parameters .................................................................... 30
Table 8 Monitor Screen Parameters ....................................................................... 33
Table 9 Measurement Screen ................................................................................. 35
Table 10 Outputs Screen Parameters ....................................................................... 40
Table 11 HMI Setup Screen Parameters ................................................................... 42
Table 12 Real Time Clock Screen Parameters ........................................................... 43
Table 13 Software Communications Screen Parameters..............................................44
Table 15 Calibration History Screen .......................................................................... 45
Table 14 Ethernet Screen Parameters ....................................................................... 45
Table 16 Using the Chart ......................................................................................... 65
Table 17 Chart Options ............................................................................................ 66
Table 18 Modbus Register Map ................................................................................ 83
Appendix A Technical Specifi cation ............................................................................... 71
Appendix B Hazardous Area Certifi cation ...................................................................... 74
B.1 Product Standards ....................................................................... 74
B.2 Product Certifi cation .................................................................... 74
B.3 Global Certifi cates/Approvals ........................................................74
B.4 Special Conditions of Use ............................................................. 74
B.5 Maintenance and Installation ........................................................ 75
Appendix C Modbus Holding Register Map ....................................................................77
C.1 Set Points and Ranges ................................................................. 93
C.2 Gases for Gas Correction Values ...................................................94
Appendix D Quality, Recycling, Compliance & Warranty Information ................................ 96
Appendix E Return Document & Decontamination Declaration ........................................ 98
Appendix F Calculating Conversion Factors for Gas Mixes ............................................. 100
Michell Instruments vii
QMA601 User’s Manual
Shock Risk
The analyzer is designed to be completely safe when installed and operated correctly in accordance with the information provided in this manual.
This manual contains all the required information to install, operate and maintain this product. Prior to installation and use of this product, this entire manual should be read and understood. Installation and operation of this product should be carried out by suitably competent personnel only. The installation and operation of this product must be in accordance with the instructions provided and according to the terms of any associated safety certificates. Incorrect installation and use of this product other than those described in this manual and other than its intended purpose will render all warranties void.
This product meets the essential protection requirements of the relevant EU directives. Further details of applied directives may be found in the product specification.
Electricity and pressurized gas can be dangerous. This product must be installed and operated only by suitable trained personnel.
Where this hazard warning symbol appears in the following sections,
it is used to indicate areas where potentially hazardous operations
need to be carried out and where particular attention to personal and
personnel safety must be observed.
Where this symbol appears in the following sections it is used to
indicate areas of potential risk of electric shock.
Electrical Safety
Ensure electrical safety is complied with by following the directions provided here and observing all local operation & installation requirements at the intended location of use.
This product is completely safe when using any options and accessories supplied by the manufacturer of this product for use with it. Refer to Section 2 (Installation) of this manual for further details.
Pressure Safety
For this product to operate satisfactorily, pressurized gas must be connected to it. Observe all the information contained within this manual and all local operation & installation requirements at the intended location of use. Refer to Section 2 (Installation) of this manual for further details.
Hazardous Materials (WEEE, RoHS2 & REACH)
This product does not contain or release any prohibited chemicals listed on the SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) Candidate List. During the intended normal operation of this product it is not possible for the user to come into contact with any hazardous materials. This product is designed to be recyclable except where indicated, see relevant sections in this manual for further details.
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QMA601 User’s Manual
Calibration (Factory Validation)
Prior to shipment, the analyzer undergoes stringent factory calibration to traceable standards. Due to the inherent stability of the analyzer, regular factory calibration is not required under normal operating conditions. The analyzer should perform reliably for many years with just basic maintenance, housekeeping and regular field calibrations from the internal reference (moisture generator) or a known external reference.
There are, however some consumables that will require periodic replacement.
Moisture generator - typical lifetime of around 3 years.
Desiccant column - typical lifetime of around 1 year, but this strongly depends on the moisture content of the sample gas. The drier the sample gas, the longer lifetime of the desiccant.
Optional contamination trap - typical lifetime of around 1 year, a column of activated charcoal that protects the Desiccant Column from contamination in applications where the process gas composition contains heavy hydrocarbon vapors.
Michell Instruments can provide a fully traceable factory calibration service for the analyzer and it is recommended that this is considered at intervals of every year of the analyzer's life. Please contact your local Michell Instruments' office or representative for further details (www.michell.com).
Repair and Maintenance
Apart from user-replaceable components required for routine operational maintenance described above, the analyzer must only be maintained either by the manufacturer or an accredited service agent. Refer to www.michell.com for details of Michell Instruments’ worldwide offices contact information.
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The following abbreviations are used in this manual:
AC alternating current atm pressure unit (atmosphere) barg pressure unit (=100 kP or 0.987 atm) gauge °C degrees Celsius °F degrees Fahrenheit EU European Union Hz Hertz IEC International Electrotechnical Commission kg kilogram lb pound lbs/MMscf pounds per million standard cubic foot mA milliampere mV millivolt(s) mbar millibar ml/min milliliters per minute ppm
parts per million (by weight)
parts per million (by volume)
psig pound(s) per square inch (gauge) RH relative humidity RTU Remote Terminal Unit V Volts W Watts " Inch
QMA601 User’s Manual
x 97449 Issue 3, June 2018
QMA601 User’s Manual
1.1 General
The QMA601 Moisture Analyzer is designed to provide reliable, fast and accurate measurement of trace moisture content in a wide variety of process applications where keeping moisture levels as low as possible is of critical importance.
The high-contrast capacitive button operated LCD display presents all measured data to the user in a clear and understandable format. The main display incorporates a real­time trend graph and alarm indicators based on the NAMUR 102 standard. A powerful and intuitive HMI makes control, logging and configuration of analyzer parameters easy.
The analyzer provides two user-configurable analog outputs, and Modbus RTU/TCP communications, allowing it to interface with a SCADA DCS system, or by a computer using the dedicated application software. A set of 4 adjustable volt free alarm contacts allow the QMA601 to be used for direct process control.
Use Your Preferred Communication Media
For greater flexibility, the QMA601 offers:
• Modbus RTU/TCP
2 user-configurable analog outputs
Status and Process Alarms
Minimal & Straightforward Maintenance
Sophisticated analyzers are often complicated and require experience and special care in use, increasing cost of ownership. The QMA601 differs through its very uncomplicated approach to field service; the Desiccant Column is easy to replace via its mounting on the sampling panel. The moisture generator has an average life span of 3 years after which it can simply be replaced with a calibrated moisture generator supplied by Michell Instruments.
Automated Calibration for Continued Reliability
The QMA601 incorporates an integrated automatic calibration system for complete user confidence. Periodic calibration checks of sensor performance can be initiated on demand, or automatically (at user defined intervals and time of day), providing a verification of analyzer performance and automatically adjusting out any change. The moisture generator at the core of this system is supplied with a calibration traceable to NPL and NIST, but an external calibration reference source can also be used if desired.
During a calibration cycle, the Data Hold function will prevent any interruption of dependant processes by holding the analog outputs at the same level for the duration of the calibration.
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Full Hazardous Area Certification
The analyzer is ATEX, IECEx and cCSAus certified. The main unit (electronics and sensing) and associated sampling system may be mounted at a convenient location next to the pipeline or process, with gas sample and vent connections. The analyzer is supplied in either a 85-264 V AC version or a 24 V DC version. The product serial number label will identify the required operating power supply.
Purpose Designed Sample Systems
Sample extraction, handling and conditioning techniques are of critical importance to assure optimal performance and reliability of all gas analyzers which accurately quantify specific components within a process gas composition. Three sample systems have been designed for the most common process moisture analyzer applications:
Natural Gas Glycol Dehydration & Transmission with an advanced membrane filter to combat liquid contamination.
Trace Moisture in High Purity & Petrochemical Gases with protection against particulates.
QMA601 User’s Manual
Trace moisture for Asymmetric Cycle variant, includes membrane filter and 3 way valve for purge gas.
Our QMA601 sample systems facilitate regulation of pressure and flow, and the removal of contaminants, delivering a properly conditioned sample to the analyzer for reliable measurements, and trouble-free operation. The integrated bypass system increases transport speed of the sample while reducing gas wastage. Each high quality sample system is constructed from 316 stainless steel components, with BS EN 10204 3.1 material certificates available on request.
1.2 Theory of Operation
A pair of frequency-matched quartz crystal oscillators are used for measurement and are both exposed to the sample gas. The measurement crystal features a hygroscopic coating to adsorb moisture, whereas the reference crystal is uncoated. As the hygroscopic coating on the measurement crystal adsorbs moisture from the sample, the overall mass of the crystal is increased, modifying the oscillation frequency in a precise, repeatable and measurable manner.
The resulting measurement is highly accurate, and insensitive to changes in background gas composition.
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QMA601 User’s Manual
1.3 Sample Gas Path
The QMA601 measurement system must be supplied with gas at the required pressure (to match that of its calibration) via the 1/4'' female NPT gas inlet on the flame arrestor. The flow is controlled automatically.
The sensor cell is located at the end of the sensor block and contains the sensor and reference oscillators.
Figure 1
V1 V2 V3
shows a schematic diagram of this sampling system.
Desiccant column
Mass flow controller
Sensor cell
Pressure sensor
Figure 1
MG V1, V2, V3 HE1, HE2 FC1, FC2, FC3
Measurement System
Moisture generator
Solenoid valves
Heat exchanger
Flow control
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2.1 Analyzer Storage Instructions
In order for this product to be functional upon installation it should be stored in accordance with the guidelines below:
The product must be housed in a sheltered area, out of direct sunlight and rain.
The product should be stored to minimize the possibility of sitting in ground water.
The temperature within the storage environment should be maintained between -20 to +60°C (-4 to +140°F).
The humidity within the storage environment must be non-condensing.
The storage environment must not expose the analyzer to any corrosive elements.
QMA601 User’s Manual
The product should stay assembled with its sample conditioning system (if supplied).
All electrical and process connections should remain disconnected and capped.
All protective coatings should remain in place until installation.
For prolonged periods of storage, the lid of the packaging crate should be removed to allow air to circulate.
Any documentation supplied with the product should be removed from the packaging crate and stored elsewhere to protect its integrity.
For the period from installation of the product to commissioning start-up, the following precautions should be followed:
The product and associated sampling system (if supplied) must remain isolated from the process gas, and the enclosure should remain closed to ensure ingress protection is maintained.
If supplied, the sampling system enclosure heating/thermostat circuit should be operated if the climatic temperature might fall below +5°C (+41°F).
At time of start-up the procedures contained in the user manuals for both analyzer and sampling system must be followed.
If the product was previously in service/operation then the following precautions should be followed before storage:
Upon isolation from the gas sample the entire system should be purged with a dry nitrogen gas before powering down of the analyzer.
All connections and ports (gas and electrical) to the analyzer or sample system (if provided) should be capped.
If the product is not removed from its location, the electrical grounding of the analyzer should remain in place.
4 97449 Issue 3, June 2018
QMA601 User’s Manual
2.2 Unpacking the Analyzer
Open the crate and carefully unpack the analyzer.
The accessories box should contain the following items:
Traceable calibration certificate
Application software CD
• Users manual
The analyzer weighs 35kg (77lbs) alone,
or 50kg (110lbs) in the crate
If there are any shortages please notify the supplier immediately.
NOTE: Retain the packaging in case the analyzer is returned for factory calibration or service.
2.3 Lifting and Handling
The QMA601 is not designed as portable or transportable equipment. The product should be rigidly fixed in position as per the full installation instructions.
The weight of the analyzer is 35kg (77lbs). Therefore, appropriate lifting and handling techniques should be used during the installation process. Before commencing any lifting or handling ensure that its intended location is suitable and appropriately prepared. Make sure that mounting point design considerations have employed locally approved safety factors.
Personnel must observe suitable lifting and handling
When handling and installing this analyzer (particularly after removal from its packaging) ensure that it is not dropped, impacted or subjected to high levels of vibration or environmental conditions that may impair its operation.
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2.4 Mounting the Analyzer
The analyzer is housed in an aluminum Exd enclosure suitable for wall or panel mounting. Four mounting points are available with M10 clearance holes on fixing centers of X = 308mm and Y = 312mm.
The enclosure provides environmental ingress protection IP66/NEMA4 and should be mounted vertically in a location free of any appreciable vibration. It should be placed in a shaded position to prevent heating effects through sun radiation. The weight of the analyzer is 35kg (77lbs).
Conduit entries are intended for connection to threaded rigid metal conduit or other wiring methods in accordance with Article 501 of the National Electrical Code ANSI/ NFPA 70-2005.
335mm (13.2”)
QMA601 User’s Manual
308mm (12.1”)
Sample In
4 off M10
66mm (2.6”)
External Earth Point Marking Label
4 off M20
threaded entries
41mm (1.6”)
50mm (2.0”)
97mm (3.8”)
(do not obstruct)
Figure 2
6 97449 Issue 3, June 2018
Mounting Dimensions
QMA601 User’s Manual
2.5 Hazardous Area/Location Safety
This product is compliant for installation and use in a Hazardous Area/Location. All certificates awarded to this product should be fully examined prior to installation and use.
This product is certified safe for use in an ATEX Zone 1 and
Zone 2 / Class I, Division 1 area only. This product must not
be installed or used within a Zone 0 area.
This product must not be operated within an explosive
atmosphere greater than 1.1 bara (16 psia).
This product must not be operated with enriched oxygen
atmospheres (more than 21% oxygen content).
This product must not be operated outside of the
temperature range of +5 to +45°C (+41 to +113°F)
Refer to Appendix B for the Hazardous Area/Location certification details of this product.
Hazardous Area/Location certificates for this product may be downloaded from:
This product is fitted with a marking label that contains Hazardous Area/Location information pertinent to the suitable location and installation.
During all installation and operation activities, local regulations and permitted working routines must be observed. Installation should only be performed by competent personnel and, where applicable, in accordance with IEC/EN 60079-14:2008 or local equivalents.
Cable glands/barrier glands/conduit seals shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Repair and servicing of this equipment must only be carried out by the manufacturer. An Installation and Maintenance Information Sheet is supplied separately to the manual.
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Shock Risk
2.6 Electrical Safety
QMA601 User’s Manual
During the installation of this product ensure that all
applicable national and local electrical safety regulations
are observed.
Isolate the power prior to installation.
Always ensure that power is switched off prior to accessing
the product for any purpose other than normal operation, or
prior to disconnecting any cables.
This product is provided with an internally mounted fuse located beneath the power connector.
The fuses are rated at 5 x 20mm anti-surge to IEC60127-2:
Mains 240 V AC 3 A
24 V DC 6.3 A
A replacement fuse can be obtained by contacting Michell Instruments' technical support.
2.6.1 Equipment Ratings and Installation Details
This equipment and all power isolation devices must be installed in a location and position that allows safe and easy access to their operation and is able to rigidly support the equipment.
For location and mounting arrangements - refer to the relevant sections of this manual for further details.
Do not install this equipment in a location that would expose it to impact or high levels of vibration. Installation of this equipment must include the provision of a suitable and locally positioned power isolation switch or circuit breaker. Indication of the purpose of the switch or circuit breaker is strongly recommended. An over-current protection device should be rated to a maximum of 10 A. Ensure that the power supply is sufficient to satisfy the instrument's power consumption requirements.
Any power supply terminals and voltages must be suitably separated from the other input/output requirements of this product.
8 97449 Issue 3, June 2018
QMA601 User’s Manual
The product enclosure is supplied with an external protective earthing/grounding terminal at the lower right hand side as shown in the figure below. As the first step of the electrical installation - connect this earthing/grounding terminal to plant earth/ ground by a minimum 4mm comprises of an earth bolt, 2 x plain washers and 1 x spring washer, which are all nickel plated.
earth/ground bond strap. The earthing/grounding terminal
Figure 3
Mains Powered Units
As a minimum, the power connection cable should be 3 core over sleeved, with minimum 0.5mm insulation and rated at 300 V. Cables should have Live (L), Neutral (N) and Earth [Ground] (E) conductors.
Ensure suitably rated power supply cables and glands are used to ensure that electrical safety is maintained. Connect each of the Live (L), Neutral (N) and Earth [Ground] (E) conductors to the similarly marked terminals (L, N, E) on the Power In connector shown above.
24 V DC Units
The cable should be rated at a minimum of 10 A at 50 V DC with minimum
0.5mm insulation. Connect the +24 V conductor to the terminal marked + and the 0 V conductor to the terminal marked -.
Before applying power, perform a continuity test to ensure that the power supply cable and product are effectively connected to the protective earth. A protective earth terminal is mounted internally and the Earth wire connected to it should never be disconnected.
Earth Bolt And Nut Washer Assembly
Do not remove or exchange any of the cables, electrical components or any other parts supplied with this product. Doing so will invalidate all warranties.
If installing rigid conduit, a stopping fitting must be installed within 46cm (18") of the enclosure.
There are no additional or special electrical safety requirements other than those referred to in this manual.
Michell Instruments 9
Shock Risk
This product is designed to be safe under the following conditions: between a temperature range of -40 to +60°C (-40 to +148°F), in maximum 80% relative humidity for temperatures up to +31°C (+88°F) decreasing linearly to 50% RH at +50°C (+122°F). Supply voltages of ±10% and transient over voltages up to Overvoltage Category II. Pollution Degree 2. Altitudes up to 2000m. Outdoor mounting is permitted
using suitably rated glands equivalent to NEMA 4 / IP66. See Appendix A, Technical
Specification, for full operating parameters.
2.6.2 Power Connection
The product is provided with 4 x M20 threaded cable gland entries for customer connection. Only these gland entry points may be used. The end user/installer is not permitted to machine additional entries into the enclosure.
This equipment must be supplied with a voltage between the range of 85 to 264 V AC, 47/63 Hz (140 W max) or 24 V DC (140 W max) to function correctly. Cable entry into the measurement system is made through the bottom of the enclosure.
QMA601 User’s Manual
For an 85/264 V AC powered unit the terminals are marked:
L Live (= IEC Brown) N Neutral (= IEC Blue) E Earth/Ground (= IEC Green/Yellow)
For a 24 V DC powered unit, the terminals are marked:
+ 24 V DC
- 0 V DC
All power connections are made via a removable screw terminal connector mounted on the mains connection PCB shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 4
24 V DC & 240 V AC Power Unit Connectors
All input and output connectors are 2-part pcb mounted type rated @ 300 V 10 A. The detachable, screw terminal half of each connector is designed to accept 0.5 to 2.5mm2 (24
-12 AWG) stranded or solid conductors. The connector 2-pin for 24 V DC and 3-pin for 240 V AC.
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QMA601 User’s Manual
2.6.3 Other Electrical Connections
The power supply (shown below as a silver box) will not be in the 24 V DC version.
Figure 5
1 Analog Outputs
21 OP2­20 OP2+ 19 OP1­18 OP1+
2 External Pressure
17 – 16 +
3 Alarms 3-4
15 COM4 Analyzer Status Alarm 14 NO4 13 NC4 12 COM3 11 NO3 10 NC3
Other Electrical Connections
NO in warning/fault condition NC no warning/ no fault
4 Alarms 1-2
9 COM2 8 NO2 7 NC2 6 COM1 5 NO1 4 NC1
5 RS485
3G 2B 1A
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QMA601 User’s Manual
Pin 1
Pin 8
Figure 6
Pin Signal Name Description Cable Wire Color
1 TX+_D1 Transmit Data+ White with orange stripe 2 TX-_D1 Transmit Data- Orange with white stripe or solid orange 3 RX+_D2 Receive Data+ White with green stripe 4 BI+_D3 Bi-directional+ Blue with white stripe or solid blue 5 BI-_D3 Bi-directional- White with blue stripe 6 RX-_D2 Receive Data- Green with white stripe or solid green 7 BI+_D4 Bi-directional+ White with brown stripe
8 BI-_D4 Bi-directional- Brown with white stripe or solid brown
2.7 Pressure Safety
RJ45 to screw terminal adapter connections
This product is used in conjunction with pressurized gases.
Observe pressurized gas handling precautions.
Pressurized gas is dangerous and should only be handled by
suitably trained personnel.
DO NOT permit pressures greater than the specified safe working pressure to be applied directly to the analyzer.
12 97449 Issue 3, June 2018
QMA601 User’s Manual
Unless otherwise specified the QMA601 is calibrated at
a sample pressure of 3 barg (43.5 psig) on the gas inlet,
and a back-pressure of 2 barg (29 psig) on the outlet.
Operating the analyzer at a different pressure invalidates
Similarly, gas pressure affects the output of the internal
moisture generator, thereby invalidating further auto
calibrations which use a built-in moisture generator as a
2.8 Gas Sample Connections
The following points should be considered when installing the sample gas supply line:
PTFE tape is recommended for pipe connections.
Solvent based pipe thread sealant should not be used, as condensable components or contaminates can be leached during the curing period.
the calibration.
Care and attention to the position and installation of the tubing will minimize problems caused by avoidable contamination. The most common issue with of sample flow is the accumulation of liquid in impulse lines during a shutdown period. If the measurement system has not been isolated, condensate can be displaced, on re-start, into components and associated tubework.
Exd enclosure breather must remain open to atmosphere at
all times, without any obstruction - See Figure 2.
Michell Instruments' recommendations are:
The sampling point from the process line should be taken from the top of the process line. If a radial probe is used the orifice should face downstream.
It is recommended that Viton is used for all O-rings.
The internal volume of the impulse tubing connecting between the process line and this product should be as small as possible to minimize response lag time to changing process conditions.
Piping should be lagged and/or trace heated if ambient temperatures could cause the sample gas to fall below its dew-point temperature.
A drain valve should be placed at the lowest point in the system.
It should be standard procedure to isolate this product during shutdowns or when plant problems are being experienced and to adequately purge the supply lines before restarting.
The relatively large area of surfaces and internal volume of inline components can be particularly troublesome if contamination is experienced.
Michell Instruments 13
Prolonged purging, or stripping and cleaning, followed by re-purging with gas may be necessary to remove the contamination.
Avoid sample gas streams that are already very close to the dew point or which have dispersed liquid within them. In such cases, sampling from fast loops and/or from downstream of existing catch pot/coalesce systems is always preferred.
Failure to observe these recommendations will potentially cause problems of contamination as well as causing consequential inaccurate, unreliable and inconsistent monitoring. If a top-entry sample point is not available, extra attention should be given to the design of the sample line installation to avoid unwanted contamination.
QMA601 User’s Manual
14 97449 Issue 3, June 2018
QMA601 User’s Manual
This section describes both the general operation of the analyzer and the method of setting-up and changing the default parameters should this become necessary.
NOTE: Before operating the analyzer read Sections 1 to 3 which explain the analyzer’s functionality, installation, controls, display functions and screens.
Prior to operation, the analyzer must have been connected to the correct electrical power supply and the relevant analog and alarm outputs connected to external systems as required and as described in Section 2. The analyzer must also have been installed as detailed in Section 2 and connected to a sample gas supply that is representative of the monitored process.
3.1 General Operational Information
Operation of the QMA601 is completely automated and once set-up requires little or no operator intervention.
Michell Instruments 15
3.1.1 First Time Operation
To commence operation, proceed as follows:
1. Connect the sampling line to the sample system. It is recommended to heat trace the sample gas line.
2. Switch on the power supply to the analyzer. The Initializing Screen will appear.
QMA601 User’s Manual
Process Moisture Analyzer
3. After the initializing period has finished, the following display will appear.
Oven heating to set point, please wait!
4. This heating period lasts about an hour allowing time for the internal sampling system to be purged with the sample gas.
16 97449 Issue 3, June 2018
QMA601 User’s Manual
3.1.2 Analyzer Set-Up
During the period when the oven is heating to set point, all functions, except for HMI adjustments, are disabled until the oven has reached its operating temperature. Press the
ENTER key to enter the HMI Screen (see Section 3.73) to set up the temperature
and pressure units before operating the analyzer for the first time. Note: Pressing the ENTER key only takes you to the HMI screen when the oven heating message with "skip" button is present.
1 & 2
Figure 7
Using the inlet pressure regulator adjust the sample pressure until the reading on the internal sensor pressure readout matches the value on the calibration certificate. The back-pressure should also be adjusted to the value shown on the calibration certificate.
Unless otherwise specified the QMA601 is calibrated at
a sample pressure of 3 barg (43.5 psig) on the gas inlet,
and a back-pressure of 2 barg (29 psig) on the outlet.
Operating the analyzer at a different pressure invalidates
Similarly, gas pressure affects the output of the internal
moisture generator, thereby invalidating further auto
calibrations which use a built-in moisture generator as a
Typical Display
the calibration.
Michell Instruments 17
3.2 User Interface
The QMA601 features a 7” color display.
3.2.1 Interface Controls
QMA601 User’s Manual
Four capacitive touch keys are used to navigate the menu system.
Key presses are detected through the glass front panel, and are indicated by a blue LED above the key.
3.2.2 ‘Up/Down Arrow’ Keys
Up () and Down () keys are used to move to required menu items. The
The selected menu item is surrounded by a black frame.
Figure 8
Figure 9
User Interface
Up/Down Arrow Keys
Numerical options activate a pop up keypad. For more information on the keypad see Section 3.2.5.
18 97449 Issue 3, June 2018
QMA601 User’s Manual
3.2.3 'ENTER’ Key
The ENTER key is used to navigate into menus, open keypads, cycle through options,
and accept changes.
For non-data entry options pressing the
3.2.4 ‘ESC’ Key
The ESC key is used to return to the previous menu and is also used to leave keypads without accepting any changes.
Figure 10
Figure 11
ENTER key moves to the next available option.
‘ESC’ Key
Michell Instruments 19
3.2.5 Pop Up Keypad
Allows the user to enter numerical data. The figures below the box indicate the minimum and maximum limits which can be entered.
QMA601 User’s Manual
0.0 to 300.0
Figure 12
Key Action Note
Up () and Down ()
Moves cursor to last digit. Exits to previous page.
Increments or decrements selected number.
Moves cursor to next digit. If at last digit, and within allowable range, updates value.
Table 1 Pop Up Keypad
Pop Up Keypad
If outside the allowable range then a message displays informing the user.
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