Michell Instruments Promet EExd Operating Manual

Promet EExd
Process Moisture Analyzer
User’s Manual
97090 Issue 16
April 2019
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Promet EExd
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Promet EExd User’s Manual
Safety ...............................................................................................................................vii
Electrical Safety ..........................................................................................................vii
Pressure Safety ...........................................................................................................vii
Toxic Materials ............................................................................................................vii
Repair and Maintenance .............................................................................................. vii
Calibration (factory validation) .....................................................................................vii
Safety Conformity .......................................................................................................vii
Abbreviations .................................................................................................................... viii
Warnings .......................................................................................................................... viii
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................1
1.1 General .............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Sample Gas Path ................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Operating Overview ............................................................................................ 2
1.4 User Display and Interface .................................................................................. 2
1.5 Advanced Sensor Technology .............................................................................. 2
1.6 Measurement Units ............................................................................................. 3
1.7 Elimination of Temperature Effects ....................................................................... 3
1.8 Calibration Maintenance ...................................................................................... 4
1.9 Promet EExd Sampling System ............................................................................ 4
2 INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................5
2.1 Electrical Safety .................................................................................................. 5
2.1.1 Equipment Ratings and Installation Details ...................................................... 5
2.2 Hazardous Area Safety ........................................................................................ 8
2.3 Pressure Safety .................................................................................................. 9
2.4 Lifting and Handling ........................................................................................... 9
2.5 Analyzer System ............................................................................................... 10
2.5.1 Pipework .................................................................................................... 11
2.5.2 Power Connection ...................................................................................... 13
2.5.3 Analog and Digital Communications ............................................................. 14
2.5.4 Process Alarms and Analyzer Status Alarms .................................................. 14
2.6 Promet EExd Start-Up Purge Procedure .............................................................. 15
2.7 Sample Gas Flows ............................................................................................ 16
2.8 Sample Flow Alarms (Optional) .......................................................................... 16
3 OPERATION ....................................................................................................17
3.1 System Operation ............................................................................................. 17
3.2 User Interface .................................................................................................. 17
3.2.1 Interface Controls ....................................................................................... 17
3.2.2 ‘Up/Down Arrow’ Buttons ............................................................................. 18
3.2.3 ‘SELECT’ Button .......................................................................................... 18
3.2.4 ‘MENU/MAIN’ Button ................................................................................... 18
3.3 Menu Structure ................................................................................................ 19
3.4 MAIN MENU Page ............................................................................................. 20
3.5 STATUS Page ................................................................................................... 20
3.6 LOGGING MENU Page ....................................................................................... 21
3.6.1 VIEW LOGGED DATA Page ........................................................................... 21
3.6.2 VIEW STATISTICS Page ............................................................................... 22
3.6.3 VIEW SYSTEM FAULTS Page ........................................................................ 23
3.7 VIEW/ADJ VARIABLES Page .............................................................................. 23
3.7.1 Password .................................................................................................... 23
3.7.2 VARIABLES Pages ....................................................................................... 24
3.7.3 Single Channel Configuration VARIABLES Pages ............................................ 24
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Promet EExd User’s Manual
3.7.4 Dual Channel Configuration VARIABLES Pages .............................................. 25
3.8 SENSOR INFO Page .......................................................................................... 26
3.9 CONTACT INFO Page ....................................................................................... 27
4 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................28
4.1 Enclosure Cover and User Interface ................................................................... 28
4.2 Replacement of the Moisture Sensor Assembly ................................................... 29
4.3 Replacement of the Flow Switch (if fitted) .......................................................... 31
4.4 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ 32
4.4.1 Error Messages ........................................................................................... 32
4.4.2 Logged Error Codes ..................................................................................... 33
4.4.3 Analyzer Status Alarm Relay......................................................................... 34
Figure 1 Promet EExd Sampling System ....................................................................4
Figure 2 Power Connection Connector .......................................................................5
Figure 3 Earthing Stud And Nut Washer Assembly .....................................................6
Figure 4 Promet EExd Mounting Drawing .................................................................10
Figure 5 Pipework Connections ...............................................................................11
Figure 6 Hook-up Wiring Diagram ...........................................................................13
Figure 7 Minimum Requirements for Start-up Purging ..............................................16
Figure 8 MAIN Page in Single Channel (top) and Dual Channel Modes .......................17
Figure 9 User Interface ..........................................................................................17
Figure 10 Up/Down Arrow Buttons ...........................................................................18
Figure 11 ‘SELECT’ Button ........................................................................................18
Figure 12 ‘MENU/MAIN’ Button .................................................................................18
Figure 13 Menu Structure ........................................................................................19
Figure 14 MAIN MENU Page .....................................................................................20
Figure 15 STATUS Page ...........................................................................................20
Figure 16 LOGGED DATA Page .................................................................................21
Figure 17 STATISTICS Page .....................................................................................22
Figure 18 LOGGED ERROR Page ...............................................................................23
Figure 19 PASSWORD Page ......................................................................................23
Figure 20 VARIABLES Page ......................................................................................24
Figure 21 SENSOR INFO Page ..................................................................................26
Figure 22 CONTACT INFO Page ................................................................................27
Figure 23 Ribbon Cable Connection ..........................................................................29
Figure 24 Moisture Sensor Assembly Replacement .....................................................30
Figure 25 Error Message Line ...................................................................................32
Figure 26 Logged Error Codes ..................................................................................33
Figure 27 Mounting Drawing ....................................................................................38
Figure 28 Pipework Connections ...............................................................................39
Figure 29 System Wiring Diagram .............................................................................40
Figure 30 Calibration Correction Data........................................................................50
Figure 31 Reading Holding Registers State Diagram ...................................................62
Figure 32 Write Single Register State Diagram ...........................................................64
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Promet EExd User’s Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications ..............................................................................36
A.1 Mounting Drawing ....................................................................... 38
A.2 Pipework Connections ..................................................................39
A.3 System Wiring Diagram ................................................................40
Appendix B Variable Definitions ...................................................................................42
Appendix C Software ................................................................................................... 47
C.1 System Requirements ..................................................................47
Appendix D Modbus RTU Communications .................................................................... 49
D.1 Introduction ................................................................................ 49
D.2 Modbus RTU Basics ...................................................................... 49
D.3 Physical Layer ............................................................................. 49
D.4 Termination Resistor .................................................................... 50
D.5 Register Map ............................................................................... 50
Appendix E Modbus RTU Details ..................................................................................55
E.1 Message Framing .........................................................................55
E.2 Implemented Functions ................................................................56
E.3 Exceptions ..................................................................................60
Appendix F Register Number Formats...........................................................................62
Appendix G Hazardous Area Certification ......................................................................68
G.1 Product Standards .......................................................................68
G.2 Product Certification ....................................................................68
G.3 Global Certificates/Approvals ........................................................ 68
G.4 Special Conditions of Use ............................................................. 69
G.5 Maintenance and Installation ........................................................69
Appendix H Pressure Equipment Directive Compliance Statement ................................... 71
Appendix I Quality, Recycling & Warranty Information ...................................................73
Appendix J Return Document & Decontamination Declaration ........................................75
vi 97090 Issue 16, April 2019
Promet EExd User’s Manual
This manual contains all the required information to install, operate and maintain the Promet EExd. Prior to installation and use of this instrument, this entire manual should be read and understood. Installation and operation of this product should be carried out by suitably competent personnel only. The operation of this product must be in accordance with the terms of this manual and associated safety certicates. Incorrect installation and use of this product for other than its intended purpose will render all warranties void.
This product is intended for use in a Hazardous Area and is awarded an ATEX, IECEx and CSA Certicate. The relevant certicates should be fully examined prior to installation or use of this product.
Where this hazard warning symbol appears in the following
sections, it is used to indicate areas where potentially hazardous
operations need to be carried out and where particular attention to
personal and personnel safety must be observed.
Electrical Safety
The instrument is designed to be completely safe when used with options and accessories supplied by the manufacturer for use with the instrument. The input power supply voltage limits are 90 to 260 V AC, 47/63 Hz.
Pressure Safety
DO NOT permit pressures greater than the safe working pressure to be applied directly to the instrument. Refer to the Technical Specications in Appendix A.
Toxic Materials
The use of hazardous materials in the construction of this instrument has been minimized. During normal operation it is not possible for the user to come into contact with any hazardous substance which might be employed in the construction of the instrument. Care should, however, be exercised during maintenance and the disposal of certain parts.
Repair and Maintenance
The instrument must only be maintained either by the manufacturer or an accredited service agent. Refer to www.michell.com for details of Michell Instruments’ worldwide oces contact information.
Calibration (factory validation)
Prior to shipment, the analyzer undergoes stringent factory calibration to internationally traceable standards, NPL (UK) and NIST (USA). Due to the inherent stability of the instrument, only periodic calibration is required under normal operating conditions.
Michell Instruments recommends that calibration of the sensor should be maintained on a 12 monthly basis to ensure optimum operation. Michell Instruments oers a calibration exchange program, where a refurbished and re-certied sensor is supplied as an operational replacement and the original item returned to Michell to complete the exchange.
NOTE: This interval may need to be reduced if the operation of the sensor is within potentially aggressive or corrosive sample media (such as sour natural gas). The calibration interval may therefore need to be shortened to 6 months (or lower in extreme cases) in order to maintain satisfactory analyzer performance.
Safety Conformity
This product meets the essential protection requirements of the relevant EU directives. Further details of applied standards may be found in the product specication.
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The following abbreviations are used in this manual:
A Ampere AC alternating current barg pressure in bar (gauge) °C degrees Celsius °F degrees Fahrenheit DC direct current dp dew point EU European Union lb pound lb/MMscf pounds per million standard cubic feet lbf-ft pound force per foot kg kilogram mA milliampere max maximum min minute(s) mg/m3 milligrams per cubic meter mm millimeters mV millivolt(s) N/C normally closed N/O normally open Nl/min normal liters per minute ppmV parts per million by volume psig pressure in pound(s) per square inch (gauge) RH relative humidity scfh standard cubic feet per hour temp temperature V Volts
Promet EExd User’s Manual
The following general warnings listed below are applicable to this instrument. They are repeated in the text in the appropriate locations.
Where this hazard warning symbol appears in the following
sections it is used to indicate areas where potentially
hazardous operations need to be carried out.
Where this symbol appears in the following sections it is used
to indicate areas of potential risk of electric shock.
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Promet EExd User’s Manual
1.1 General
The Promet EExd is designed for continuous, automatic measurement of the moisture content of processed natural gas, utilizing the Michell Ceramic Moisture Sensor. It is the result of more than 30 years’ experience in the supply of analyzers to the Worldwide Oil & Gas Industry.
The analyzer comprises either a single or a dual channel moisture measurement sensor cell, control electronics and a display interface housed in an Exd enclosure. The analyzer is ATEX Directive, IECEx or cCSAus compliant for use in a Zone 1 or 2 Hazardous Area and Class I, Div 1 Hazardous Location. See marking label located on right hand side of analyzer to identify approvals. An accompanying sample handling panel, designed to be positioned close to the process sample point to prepare the sample prior to entry into the Promet EExd, can also be supplied.
The instrument offers several user-selectable display options based on a calibrated dew-point measurement range of -100 to +20°C (-148 to +68°F), traceable to the humidity metrology standards of NPL (UK) and NIST (USA). The instrument further provides indication only in the ranges of +20 to +30°Cdp (+68 to +86°Fdp) and -100 to
-120°Cdp (-148 to -184°F), equating to a moisture measurement capability of <1ppbV to >30,000 ppmV.
The requirements for operation are a 90 to 260 V AC, 47/63 Hz power supply of 180W and field communications Modbus RTU and/or 4-20 mA. Refer to the System Wiring Diagram in Appendix A.
1.2 Sample Gas Path
The Promet EExd analyzer system must be supplied with gas at the required pressure, via a sample gas handling panel providing suitable pressure, filtration & flow control. Sample gas entry and exit ports direct the gas through flame arrestors which, along with the Exd enclosure, provide the explosion proof protection. 1 or 2 separate measurement channels can be accommodated within the instrument.
The measurement system components are housed within a cast aluminum Exd rated enclosure. The enclosure has a screw cover incorporating a sealed window. It is chromate primed, polyester coated in black, and provides environmental protection to IP66/NEMA 4. An enclosure breather is fitted in the form of an additional flame arrestor. It is important that no pipe connection is made to this breather and that no restriction is allowed to occur.
All sample gas-wetted metallic parts are manufactured in AISI 316L stainless steel with Viton soft parts that comply with the NACE standard MR-01-75 (latest edition). Tube fittings are twin ferrule compression type. All electrical and gas connections are made through the base of the enclosure. Refer to the Mounting Drawing in Appendix A.
Channel 1 flow components comprise the following:
(Optional) Flow Switch 1 (FS1): Provides indication that a flow
is present throughout the moisture measurement stream
Pressure Transducer 1 (PT1): Provides the measurement of
the sample gas pressure within the moisture measurement cell
Michell Instruments 1
Channel 2 flow components comprise the following:
(Optional) Flow Switch 2 (FS2): Provides indication that a flow
is present throughout the moisture measurement stream
Pressure Transducer 2 (PT2): Provides the measurement of
the sample gas pressure within the moisture measurement cell
1.3 Operating Overview
The system continuously measures dew point/moisture and pressure in an uninterrupted gas stream flow. The flow switch, if fitted, will notify the system if the gas flow falls below the recommended rate.
Moisture and pressure for each channel are logged at a user-defined interval. The logs are available through the user interface or via the serial communications. Two 4–20 mA outputs for each channel are available to remotely read the dew point/moisture and pressure in real time.
Promet EExd User’s Manual
1.4 User Display and Interface
The Promet EExd User Display and Interface Unit is presented via the circular window of the enclosure. Operation is achieved by a unique system, which allows full control through the glass of the enclosure cover. The cover is fully detachable for greater access into the enclosure during the installation and initial set-up of the instrument. During normal operation of the instrument the cover must remain fully secured.
1.5 Advanced Sensor Technology
The Promet EExd utilizes the Michell Ceramic Moisture Sensor, an advanced impedance sensor technology with more than 1,000 installations in natural gas and petrochemical applications today. Semiconductor thick- and thin-film technologies combine in metallized ceramics and achieve a durable sensor with measurement capability from lower than 10 ppbV moisture content and high-pressure capability up to 138 barg (2000 psig).
Unlike older aluminum-oxide technologies, the inherent immunity to pressure shock of the Ceramic Sensor avoids the risk of sensor failure at commissioning or shut-down. The inert nature of the sensor gives long-term resistance to chemical attack, even in extremely sour gas with percentage level H2S concentrations. The Ceramic Sensor response characteristic is proportional to the partial pressure of water vapor in the gas
being measured, which is directly related to the dew-point temperature.
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Promet EExd User’s Manual
1.6 Measurement Units
The Promet EExd offers complete flexibility for the user to select their preference of hygrometric units. Integral pressure measurement enables unit conversions from dew point to moisture content, or dew point to dew point for different pressure conditions.
The available units of dew point/moisture content are as follows:
Dew-Point Temperature
°C or °F dew point
°C or °F dew point calculated for a set pressure level input by
the user, for either ideal or natural gas
Moisture Content (parts per million)
ppmV for ideal gas (Ppm(v) IG)
ppmV for natural gas (Ppm(v) NG)
Moisture Content (pounds per million standard cubic feet)
lb/MMscf for natural gas (LBMMSCF)
Milligrams per normal cubic meter
mg/m3 natural gas (mgm-3)
The firmware of the Promet EExd incorporates conversion data for ideal gases and natural gas. For natural gas the conversions are performed based on the long established IGT Research Bulletin No. 8 or the recently published ISO 18453, to customer order preference.
1.7 Elimination of Temperature Effects
To ensure continuous optimum analysis conditions the Promet EExd Main Unit is temperature controlled (internally) at a stable level. The control temperature level is selected to suit the climate at the point of installation, being set to the normal maximum temperature. Such steady state control within the analyzer greatly reduces the effects of diurnal (day-night) swings in temperature. These temperature changes could induce transitional adsorption and desorption effects of the flowing sample, resulting in erroneous measurements.
In addition, the Promet EExd utilizes an advanced temperature compensation algorithm that automatically maintains best possible measurement accuracy in the event of heater
failure or if the prevailing climate exceeds the set temperature level.
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1.8 Calibration Maintenance
Maintenance of calibration is essential to the lifetime performance of all analyzers. To ensure that all customers worldwide can maintain the performance of their Promet EExd, the unique Michell Calibration Exchange Service offers freshly calibrated replacement Ceramic Sensors certified traceable to NPL and NIST. As the calibration characterization data for each Promet EExd Sensor is programmed into on-board non-volatile memory, fitment of the Calibration Exchange Sensor refreshes the calibration, returning the measurement performance to day-one with down-time of only a few minutes while the interchange is made. No programming or data input is required by the user to complete this. The calibration exchange is available globally on swift delivery, typically less than two weeks, and at the same or less then the cost of a traditional ‘return to manufacturer’ re-calibration service.
The recommended calibration maintenance interval is 12 months for sweet gases and 6 months for sour gases.
Michell recognises that some customers wish to carry out their own calibration adjustments in the field using either a portable dew-point generator (ATSM D5454), or against a calibrated reference hygrometer or certified moisture-in-gas cylinders. The Promet EExd accommodates all such needs within the operating firmware that offers user-friendly access to the calibration characterization table for re-calibration adjustments to be made at just one point (for example, using a certified cylinder gas) or multiple points (using a field generator) across the measurement range.
1.9 Promet EExd Sampling System
Promet EExd User’s Manual
(Optional – see separate manual if you have purchased this item)
Figure 1
Promet EExd Sampling System
Good sample conditioning and handling is particularly important in the field of moisture measurement. As the moisture sensor has to be exposed directly to the process liquid stream in order to detect the dissolved moisture present, key sampling issues such as the avoidance of particulate contamination are imperative to successful operation. Michell’s 30 years of expertise in on-line process moisture analyzers are used to optimize the design of the Promet EExd Sampling Systems.
Contact Michell Instruments for further details: www.michell.com.
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Promet EExd User’s Manual
2.1 Electrical Safety
During the installation of this product ensure that all
applicable national and local electrical safety regulations
Always ensure that power is switched off prior to accessing the product for any purpose other than normal operation or
are observed.
Isolate the power prior to installation.
prior to disconnecting any cables.
2.1.1 Equipment Ratings and Installation Details
The following mandatory statements refer to the Ex certified Promet EExd Analyzer only (not including the sampling system).
This equipment must be supplied with a voltage between the range of 90 to 260 V AC, 47/63 Hz. Maximum power rating is 180 W.
The power is connected via PL1 on the mains connector PCB.
Figure 2
All input and output connectors are 2-part PCB mounted type, rated at 300 V 10 A.
The detachable, screw terminal half of each connector is designed to accept 0.5 to
2.5mm2 [24 -12 AWG] stranded or solid conductors.
Power Connection Connector
Michell Instruments 5
Any power connection cable should be 3 core over sleeved, with minimum 0.5mm insulation and rated at 300 V. Cables should have Live (L), Neutral (N) and Earth [Ground] (E) conductors. Ensure suitably rated power supply cables and glands are used to ensure that electrical safety is maintained. Connect each of the Live (L), Neutral (N) and Earth [Ground] (E) conductors to the similarly marked terminals (L, N, E) on the Power In connector shown in Figure 3 above. Ensure the power supply can deliver sufficient power consumption requirement.
Any power supply terminals and voltages must be suitably separated from the other I/O requirements of this product.
Before applying power, perform a continuity test to ensure that the power supply cable and product are effectively connected to the protective Earth.
The Protective Earth terminal is mounted internally and the Earth wire connected to it should never be disconnected. The product enclosure is supplied with an external earth stud at the lower right hand side. At installation, connect this earth stud to plant earth by a minimum 4mm2 earthing bonding. M6 stud and 2 off M6 nuts and washers, all nickel plated.
Promet EExd User’s Manual
Figure 3
Fuse: A replacement fuse can be obtained by contacting Michell Instruments' technical support. Fuse rating = 5 x 20mm 2.5 A anti-surge to IEC 60127-2.
This product is designed to be safe at least under the following conditions: between a temperature range of -40 to +60°C (-40 to +148°F), in maximum 80% relative humidity for temperatures up to +31°C (+88°F) decreasing linearly to 50% RH at +50°C (+122°F). Supply voltages of ±10% and transient over voltages up to Overvoltage Category II. Pollution Degree 2. Altitudes up to 2000m. Outdoor mounting is permitted using suitably rated glands equivalent to NEMA 4 / IP66. See Appendix A, Technical
Specification, for full operating parameters.
Do not remove or exchange any of the cables or electrical components supplied with this product. Doing so will invalidate all warranties.
There are no additional or special electrical safety requirements other than those referred to in this manual.
Earthing Stud And Nut Washer Assembly
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Promet EExd User’s Manual
Location and mounting arrangements - refer to the relevant sections of this manual for the location and mounting details.
Installation of this equipment must include the provision of a suitable and locally positioned power isolation switch or circuit breaker. Indication of the purpose of the switch or circuit breaker is strongly recommended. An over-current protection device should be rated to a maximum of 10 A.
This equipment and all power isolation devices must be installed in a location and position that allows safe and easy access to their operation and is able to rigidly support the equipment.
Do not install this equipment in a location that would expose it to impact or high levels of vibration.
Operation of this equipment, other than in a manner specified by the manufacturer, may impair the safety protections provided.
The safe installation of this equipment and any system incorporating this equipment is the responsibility of the installer. Ensure local regulations and requirements are referred to prior to any installation commencing.
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2.2 Hazardous Area Safety
Refer to Appendix G for the Hazardous Area Certification of this product.
This product is fitted with a marking label that contains Hazardous Area information pertinent to the suitable location and installation.
During all installation and operation activities, local regulations and permitted working routines must be observed. Installation should only be performed by competent personnel and in accordance with the latest version of IEC/EN60079-14 or local equivalent.
Repair and servicing of this equipment must only be carried out by the manufacturer.
An Installation and Maintenance Information Sheet is supplied separately to the manual.
This product is certified safe for use in a Zone 1 and Zone 2
area only. This product must not be installed or used within
Promet EExd User’s Manual
a Zone 0 area.
This product must not be operated within an explosive
atmosphere greater than 1.1 bara.
This product must not be operated with enriched oxygen
gas samples (more than 21% oxygen content).
This product must not be operated outside of the
temperature range of -40 to +60°C
The enclosure of this product provides Exd protection, partly
through the threads used for mounting the lid, stopping
plugs and cable gland. At all times effort should be made to
ensure these threads are suitably protected from damage
and that only appropriately rated mating parts are applied
to them, in accordance with the certifying requirements.
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Promet EExd User’s Manual
2.3 Pressure Safety
This product is used in conjunction with pressurized gases.
Observe pressurized gas handling precautions.
Pressurized gas should only handled by suitably trained personnel.
Pressurized gas is dangerous.
This product requires pressurized gas to be connected to it. Observe pressurized gas handling regulations. Only suitably trained personnel should carry out tasks that include the use of pressurized gas mediums.
2.4 Lifting and Handling
Personnel must observe suitable lifting and handling precautions.
This product is not designed as portable or transportable equipment. It should be rigidly fixed in position as per the full installation instructions.
The weight of the analyzer is in excess of 18kg. Therefore, appropriate lifting and handling techniques should be used during the installation process. Before commencing any lifting or handling ensure that its intended location is suitable and appropriately prepared. Make sure that mounting point design considerations have employed locally approved safety factors.
This instrument is in excess of 18kg.
When handling and installing this product (particularly after removal from its packaging) ensure that it is not dropped, impacted or subjected to high levels of vibration or environmental conditions that may impair its operation.
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2.5 Analyzer System
Refer to the Installation & Maintenance Information sheet (supplied separately) and the System Drawings in Appendix A.
The instrument is housed in an aluminum EExd enclosure suitable for wall or panel mounting. Four mounting points are available with M12 clearance holes on fixing centres of X = 270mm x Y = 318mm.
Height: 355mm (13.9”)
500mm (19.68”) including installation clearance Width: 310mm (12.20”) 500mm (19.68”) including installation clearance Depth: 245mm (9.64”)
The enclosure provides environmental ingress protection IP66 and should be mounted vertically in a location free of any appreciable vibration. It should be placed in a shaded position to prevent heating effects through sun radiation.
Promet EExd User’s Manual
The weight of the analyzer is 21kg (46lbs).
245mm 9.65"
355mm [13.9"]
Sample out - Channel 1
1/8" NPT Female (ATEX/IECEx/CSA)
Sample in - Channel 1
1/8" NPT Female (ATEX/IECEx/CSA)
290mm [11.41"]
Flame Arrestor
Flame Arrestor
270mm 10.63"
4 o M12 (1/2") Clearance
318mm 12.52"
Enclosure Breather Flame Arrestor Do NOT obscure
Sample Out - Channel 2 (Optional) Flame Arrestor 1/8" NPT Female (ATEX/IECEx/CSA)
Sample In - Channel 2 (Optional) Flame Arrestor 1/8" NPT Female (ATEX/IECEx/CSA)
Cable Entry Glands 3 o M20 (ATEX) 3 o 1/2" NPT (CSA)
Figure 4
310mm [12.20"]
Promet EExd Mounting Drawing
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Promet EExd User’s Manual
2.5.1 Pipework
Figure 5
Pipework Connections
Note: Ensure that the process sample gas supply line is well flushed through to clear any liquids and debris present prior to connection to the instrument. A sample handling system must prepare the gas in terms of pressure regulation and filtration before entering into the measurement system.
In accordance with the Certification requirements, the Promet EExd must have, as a minimum, the components described in Figure 7.
The pipework connections are as follows:
Water dew-point Channel 1 Gas Sample inlet
(Maximum pressure of 138 barg (2000 psig))
Water dew-point Channel 1 Gas Sample outlet
(Vent to atmosphere or low pressure are line)
1/8” NPT(F)
Water dew-point Channel 2 Gas Sample inlet
(Maximum pressure of 138 barg (2000 psig))
Water dew-point Channel 2 Gas Sample outlet
(Vent to atmosphere or low pressure are line)
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The following points should be considered when installing the sample gas supply line:
PTFE tape is recommended for pipe connections. Solvent based pipe thread sealant should not be used, as condensable components or contaminates can be leached during the curing period.
It is recommended that Viton is used for all O-rings.
Care and attention to the position and installation of the piping will minimize problems caused by avoidable contamination of the measurement system. The most common cause of difficulty is the accumulation of liquid in impulse lines during a shutdown period. If the measurement system has not been isolated on restart-up, condensate can be displaced into components and associated pipe work within the measurement system.
If this event follows a period when process lines may have been contaminated by non­hydrocarbons, e.g. glycol, corrosion inhibitors, etc., the problem is magnified. Similarly, difficulty will be encountered in sample gases carrying liquids, including hydrocarbon liquids.
Promet EExd User’s Manual
Our recommendations are:
The sampling point on the process line should be on the top of the pipe. If a radial probe is used, the orifice should face downstream. Sample should be taken from middle 1/3 pipe internal diameter.
The internal volume of the impulse tubing between the process line and any sampling system should be as low as possible (sample lines should be kept as short as possible) to minimize response lag time to changing process conditions.
Piping should be lagged and/or trace heated if ambient temperatures could cause the sample gas to fall below its dew-point temperature.
A drain valve should be placed at the low point (if any) in the system.
It should be standard procedure to isolate the measurement system
during shutdowns or when plant problems are being experienced. The supply lines must be fully purged before restarting.
The relatively large area of surfaces and internal volume of pressure regulators can be particularly troublesome if contamination is experienced. Prolonged purging with gas may be necessary to remove the contamination. Stripping and cleaning, followed by purging of the system, is preferred.
Avoid sample gas streams that are already very close to the dew point or which have dispersed liquid (not necessarily hydrocarbon) burden. In such cases, sampling from fast loops and/or from downstream of existing catch pot/coalesce systems is always preferred.
NOTE: Failure to observe these recommendations will potentially cause problems of contamination as well as causing consequential inaccurate, unreliable and inconsistent monitoring. If a top-entry sample point is not available, extra attention should be given to the design of the sample line installation to avoid unwanted contamination.
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Promet EExd User’s Manual
2.5.2 Power Connection
A single-phase AC power connection is required.
The power supply can accommodate voltages from 90 to 260 V AC, 47/63 Hz. The unit requires a maximum of 180 W to function correctly.
The connection is made via a two-part connector mounted at the base of the unit. See Appendix A.
Cable entry into the measurement system is made through the bottom of the enclosure.
For ATEX/IECEx compliant versions of the product 3 off ISO M20 tapped holes are provided
For cCSAus compliant version of the product 3 off ½” NPT entries are provided
NOTE: For ATEX/IECEx installations EExd Stopping Glands MUST be used when installing. Refer to the separate Installation & Maintenance Information sheet supplied.
The terminals are marked:
L = Live N = Neutral E = Earth
AL3AL2AL1 AL4 COMMS Channel 1 Channel 2
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11
PL20 PL15 PL14 PL19
13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Enclosure wall
Cable screen
Figure 6
Hook-up Wiring Diagram
Michell Instruments 13
2.5.3 Analog and Digital Communications
Two active 4-20 mA outputs and a Modbus RS485 digital interface (see Appendix F for details) are provided with the Promet EExd. mA1 and mA3 output the moisture values. mA2 and mA4 output the pressure values of Channels 1 & 2 respectively.
NOTE: The maximum output resistance for the 4-20 mA outputs is 500Ω.
See Section 3.7 for setting the 4-20 mA outputs via the user interface and Appendix F for setting the outputs via the Modbus interface.
Refer to Figure 6 for cable wiring.
2.5.4 Process Alarms and Analyzer Status Alarms
Promet EExd User’s Manual
Each channel has an associated process and fault alarm, as shown below:
AL1: Channel 1 process alarm AL2: Channel 1 fault alarm AL3: Channel 2 process alarm AL4: Channel 2 fault alarm
Each alarm relay features Normally Open (N/O), Normally Closed (N/C) and Common (C) contacts.
The process alarm contacts change state when the moisture value is greater than the alarm set point.
The fault alarm contacts change state when an error associated with the channel occurs, or when there is a supply failure.
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Promet EExd User’s Manual
2.6 Promet EExd Start-Up Purge Procedure
This is a mandatory procedure stipulated in the ATEX/
IECEx certification of the product. The procedure must be
fully carried out prior to the Promet EExd having any power
or signal connections applied. It must also be fully carried
out after the Promet EExd and associated gas handling
equipment has been installed and leak checked. Always
refer to Appendix G.4 - Special Conditions of Safe Use.
This procedure must be carried out at any time following
service or maintenance periods that cause any of the Promet
EExd or associated gas handling equipment pipe work to be
It is not necessary to carry out this procedure if power or
signal connections only have been disconnected.
1. Before start-up, ensure that all power and signal connections to the Promet EExd are fully isolated
2. Ensure that all Inlet & Outlet gas connections to the Promet EExd are made correctly and are leak tight checked.
3. Fully open the flow control valve of the flow meter of each channel.
4. Fully open the sample gas inlet isolation valves.
5. Adjust open the pressure regulators until full scale flow is observed on each of the water dew-point channels.
6. Allow the sample gas to purge the system for the period of time indicated in the table below:
must be a minimum of 1 minute at 1 Nl/min (2.1 scfh)
Assumes total system pipe length is 3m (9.8’) and internal pipe bore is
the recommended 4mm (0.16”) internal bore.
For every additional 1m (3.3’) of pipe work, continue the Gas Purge for
an additional 15 seconds at 1 Nl/min (2.1 scfh).
7. After the appropriate purge duration, close the gas inlet isolation valve.
8. Ensure the window is replaced and fully secured before applying the power.
Michell Instruments 15
Promet EExd User’s Manual
Figure 7
2.7 Sample Gas Flows
The flow through each channel should be set at approximately 2 Nl/min (4.2 scfh). This flow setting figure is not required to be precise. Its purpose is only to ensure that a representative sample of gas is presented to the measurement sensor.
Minimum Requirements for Start-up Purging
To increase the speed of response of the measurement of the main process gas it is highly recommended that a fast bypass loop be installed into the gas sampling system. The recommended flow through the bypass loop should be approximately 3 times that of the measurement channel. Therefore, typically, the bypass gas flow should be set to approximately 6 Nl/min (12.7 scfh).
2.8 Sample Flow Alarms (Optional)
The optional flow switches are supplied to alert the user to either severely reduced or discontinuation of the sample gas flow through the system. An alarm state will be indicated on the error message line at the bottom of the MAIN Page. See Section 4.4 on troubleshooting for further details.
When the flow of sample gas is set correctly, the alarm states will be indicated when the gas flows have lowered into a range deemed unsuitable for effective measurements to be made. The flow switches are adjusted during factory test to activate the alarm when the flow falls below approximately 10 to 20% of the normal recommended sample flow setting (see Section 2.7). During the factory setting procedure the gas pressure that is applied represents the most common application analysis conditions for water dew­point sensors {68 barg (986 psig)}. The operation of these variable area flow switches are influenced by pressure. For increased pressure the flow alarm activation point will be at a higher flow rate and conversely, for reduced pressure, the activation point will be at a lower rate. These devices exhibit a hysteresis that may require a flow of greater than 100% of the recommended flow setting for a brief period in order to clear the alarm condition.
NOTE: If the Promet EExd is going to be operating with significantly different analysis pressures to those used during factory testing then fine re-adjustment of the flow switches may be beneficial to suit the application conditions. If this is the case, contact Michell Instruments (www.michell.com) for guidance on how adjustments can be made on site.
16 97090 Issue 16, April 2019
Promet EExd User’s Manual
3.1 System Operation
At switch-on, the instrument will display the MAIN Page. It will synchronise itself to the on-board real time clock, in order to begin logging data at the next minute that is a multiple of 5 i.e. 5, 10, 15 etc. The MAIN Page will show the moisture and pressure readings of either 1 or 2 sensors and a countdown to the time when it will take the next data log. Figure 9 shows the MAIN Page for both 1 and 2 sensor configurations.
Pressing the MENU/MAIN button from this page will take you to the MAIN MENU Page (see Section 3.4).
Figure 8
3.2 User Interface
3.2.1 Interface Controls
CH 1
0.0 0Cdp 0 psig
CH 2
0 psig
MAIN Page in Single Channel (top) and Dual Channel Modes
Promet EExd
Process Moisture Analyzer
Figure 9
User Interface
VFD Display
Blue LEDs
Figure 10 illustrates the user interface. It has a vacuum fluorescent display and four touch sensitive pads that facilitate user interaction through the glass of the enclosure.
Michell Instruments 17
3.2.2 ‘Up/Down Arrow’ Buttons
Promet EExd User’s Manual
The Up () and Down () buttons are used to change pages, scroll through lists and adjust values.
3.2.3 ‘SELECT’ Button
The SELECT button is used to select or de-select a highlighted item in a menu list.
Figure 10
Figure 11
Up/Down Arrow Buttons
‘SELECT’ Button
3.2.4 ‘MENU/MAIN’ Button
The MENU/MAIN button is used to toggle between the MAIN Page and the MAIN MENU Page, or return to the MAIN Page from any location within the menu structure.
Figure 12
‘MENU/MAIN’ Button
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