Process Analyzers
Promet EExd
Process Moisture Analyzer
The complete moisture measurement package for critical process gas applications.
• EExd fl ameproof certifi ed - IECEx, ATEX, CCSAUS and
• Complete hazardous area installation
• Single or dual-channel measurements
• Moisture content, dew point and pressure
• Calibration traceable to NPL (UK) and NIST (US)
• Range -120 to +30°C dew point, 0.001 to
30,000 ppm
• Remote global access options
• Sour gas compatible
• Field calibration maintenance
• Natural gas glycol dehydration
• Offshore export pipeline natural gas
• Transmission pipeline monitoring
• LNG production
• Catalytic reformer recycle hydrogen
• Ethylene feed stock to polymer plant
• Speciality gas production
Process Analyzers
Promet EExd – The Moisture Analyzer
for the Modern Process Environment
Promet EExd offers single and dual channel moisture
measurement, with integrated electronic pressure reading,
within a single fi eld-installed fl ameproof housing. User interface
is provided through the bright vacuum fl uorescent display and
touch screen switches.
Comprehensive Sampling Systems of state-of-the-art design,
with best practice sample fi ltration, pressure reduction and
fl ow control, and a range of options are available to fulfi l user
specifi c installation and application requirements.
Simple Flameproof Installation
Promet EExd is fl ameproof certifi ed for use in IEC Zone 1 and
2/NEC Class 1 Div. 1 and 2 hazardous areas. The Main Unit
(electronics and sensing) and associated sampling system may
be mounted at a convenient location next to the pipeline or
process, with gas sample and vent connections. A single, low
power single-phase AC supply is required for both the analyzer
and sampling system. No barrier units or safety earth are
required, saving the user both cost and inconvenience.
Advanced Sensor Technology
Promet EExd utilises the Michell Ceramic Moisture Sensor,
offering unrivalled reliability and performance with more than
1,000 installations in natural gas and petrochemical installations
Comprehensive Measurement Units
Promet EExd offers complete fl exibility for the user to select
the preferred hygrometric unit, be it dew-point temperature
in °C or °F, or an exhaustive list of moisture content units.
Integral pressure measurement enables unit conversions from
dew point to moisture content, or dew point to dew point for
different pressure conditions.
The fi rmware of Promet EExd incorporates conversion data
for ideal gases and also specifi c to natural gas, using either
the long established IGT Research Bulletin No. 8 or the more
recently published ISO 18453, to customer order preference.
Calibration Maintenance Made Easy
Maintenance of traceable calibration is essential to the lifetime
performance of all analyzers. Beware claims of “automatic
calibration”. This is a non-traceable, internal fi eld check and
does not represent a true calibration of the analyzer.
For Promet EExd, true calibration maintenance is simple. The
unique Michell Calibration Exchange Service offers fast delivery,
world-wide, of newly calibrated replacement Ceramic Sensors
certifi ed traceable to NPL and NIST. As the calibration data for
the Promet EExd Sensor is programmed into on-board nonvolatile memory, fi tment of a Calibration Exchange Sensor
renews the calibration with minimal downtime.
Thick- and thin-fi lm semiconductor technologies with
metallized ceramics produce an exceedingly durable sensor,
with measurement sensitivity to 10 ppb
high-pressure capability up to 138 barg (2000 psig).
Unlike older aluminium-oxide technologies, the inherent
immunity to pressure shock of the Ceramic Sensor completely
avoids any risk of sensor failure at commissioning or shut-down,
whilst the unique inert nature of the sensor gives unrivalled
long-term resistance to chemical attack, even in extremely sour
gas with percentage level H
The Ceramic Sensor responds to the partial pressure of water
vapour in the gas being measured, which is directly related
to the dew point temperature. Every Promet EExd sensor is
calibrated against fundamental dew point measurement systems
in Michell’s world-class laboratory, which is internationally
accredited and directly traceable to both NPL (UK) and NIST
(USA) base standards. Precise process moisture measurement
with a class leading best accuracy of ±10% of measured value
is assured.
S concentrations.
moisture content and
No programming or data input is required by the user to
complete the calibration process. The Calibration Exchange
Service facilitates a professional, scheduled user QA programme
at a lower cost than a traditional ‘return to manufacturer’ recalibration service.
Calibration or exchange is recommended annually for sweet
gases and six-monthly for sour gases. Field calibration, using
a portable dew point generator (ASTM D5454), against a
calibrated reference hygrometer or against certifi ed moisture-
in-gas cylinders is also possible. Promet EExd accommodates
such needs within the operating fi rmware, providing user-
friendly access to the calibration characterisation table to allow
adjustments to be made at just one point (for example using
a certifi ed moisture in gas cylinder) or multiple points (using a
fi eld generator) across the measurement range.
Temperature Controlled for Best Accuracy
To ensure continuous optimum performance, the Promet
EExd Main Unit is internally temperature controlled at the
normal maximum local environmental temperature. This
greatly reduces the effect of diurnal temperature variations
that would otherwise introduce transitional adsorption and desorption effects in the sampling system components and result
in erroneous measurements during periods of temperature
In addition the Promet EExd features an advanced temperature
compensation algorithm that automatically maintains best
possible measurement accuracy in the event of heater failure
or if the prevailing climate exceeds the set temperature level.
© 2018 Michell Instruments