Michell Instruments Opti-Cal Operating Manual

Humidity and Temperature Calibrator
User’s Manual
OPTI-CAL integrated Humidity Calibrator
Data Acquisition
Desiccant Charge
Display Control
Auto On On Auto
495 206
Man. Off Off Man.
Chamber Set Humidity
Humidity = Yellow
De-Humidify - Green
Chamber Set Temperature
Heating = Yellow
97079 Issue 9.2
March 2016
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OptiCal User’s Manual
Safety ................................................................................................................................vi
Electrical Safety ...........................................................................................................vi
Toxic Materials .............................................................................................................vi
Repair and Maintenance ...............................................................................................vi
Calibration ...................................................................................................................vi
Safety Conformity ........................................................................................................vi
Abbreviations .....................................................................................................................vii
Warnings ...........................................................................................................................vii
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................1
1.1 Description ........................................................................................................ 1
1.2 System Components ........................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Front Panel ................................................................................................... 2
2 INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................4
2.1 Installing the Relative Humidity and Temperature Control Probes ........................... 4
2.2 Filling the Water Reservoir .................................................................................. 6
2.3 Draining the Water Reservoir ............................................................................... 7
2.4 Desiccant .......................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Power Supply ..................................................................................................... 9
3 OPERATION ....................................................................................................10
3.1 Preparation ...................................................................................................... 10
3.1.1 Installing Relative Humidity Instruments for Calibration ................................. 10
3.2 Start-Up ........................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Local Control of Chamber Temperature and Humidity Set Points........................... 11
3.4 Remote Control of Chamber Temperature and Humidity Set Points ....................... 12
3.4.1 Digital Communications ............................................................................... 12
3.4.2 Putting the Optidew in Remote Mode............................................................ 13
3.4.3 Remote Control - Manual Set Point Control ................................................... 13
3.4.4 Remote Control - Automatic Set Point Control ............................................... 13
3.5 Typical Response Times for Various Step Changes ............................................... 14
3.6 Control Outputs ................................................................................................ 15
4 OPTIDEW REFERENCE INSTRUMENT ................................................................16
4.1 Optidew Display ............................................................................................... 16
4.1.1 Selecting Which ‘Screen’ to View on the Display ............................................ 16
4.1.2 Description of Screens 1- 8 .......................................................................... 17
4.2 Maintenance .................................................................................................... 19
4.2.1 Removing the Chilled Mirror Reference Sensor for Mirror Cleaning .................. 19
4.2.2 Sensor Mirror Cleaning ................................................................................ 20
4.2.3 Resetting the Mirror Condition ...................................................................... 21
4.2.4 Re-calibration of the Chilled Mirror Reference ................................................ 22
5 APPLICATION SOFTWARE ................................................................................23
5.1 Virtual Hygrometer ........................................................................................... 23
5.2 OptiCal Remote Chamber Control ...................................................................... 24
5.3 Parameter Setup .............................................................................................. 24
5.4 Charting and Logging ....................................................................................... 26
5.5 Statistics .......................................................................................................... 28
5.6 Control Parameters ........................................................................................... 28
5.7 Calibration Correction ....................................................................................... 29
5.8 Change of Password ......................................................................................... 31
6 TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................32
iv 97079 Issue 9.2, March 2016
OptiCal User’s Manual
Figure 1 OptiCal - Front View ...................................................................................2
Figure 2 OptiCal - Back Panel ...................................................................................3
Figure 3 Probe Installation .......................................................................................4
Figure 4 Location of Probes Inside the Climate Chamber ............................................5
Figure 5 Filling the Water Reservoir ..........................................................................6
Figure 6 Emptying the Water Reservoir .....................................................................7
Figure 7 Desiccant Replacement ...............................................................................8
Figure 8 Level of Silica Gel Required .........................................................................8
Figure 9 Probe Ports ..............................................................................................10
Figure 10 Port Adapter Removal Tool ........................................................................10
Figure 11 Port Adapters and Removal Tool ................................................................10
Figure 12 Humidity and Temperature Setting Switches ...............................................11
Figure 13 Humidity and Temperature Setting Switches ...............................................12
Figure 14 OptiCal Manual Control .............................................................................13
Figure 15 OptiCal Programming ................................................................................13
Figure 16 Optidew Chilled Mirror Reference Display and Navigation ............................18
Figure 17 Lid Screw Locations ..................................................................................19
Figure 18 Sensor Mirror Cleaning .............................................................................. 20
Figure 19 Potentiometer Location .............................................................................21
Figure 20 Virtual Hygrometer Window ......................................................................23
Figure 21 Parameter Setup Window .......................................................................... 24
Figure 22 Chart/Log Control Panel Window ...............................................................26
Figure 23 Chart Window ..........................................................................................27
Figure 24 Basic Statistics Window .............................................................................28
Figure 25 Extracts From Calibration Certifi cates .........................................................29
Figure 26 Calibration Correction Window ................................................................... 31
Figure 27 Change Password Window ........................................................................31
Table 1 Typical Response Times for Step Changes ...................................................14
Appendix A Technical Specifi cations ..............................................................................34
Appendix B EU Declaration of Conformity......................................................................36
Appendix C Quality, Recycling & Warranty Information ................................................... 38
C.1 Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 97/23/EC ............................... 38
C.2 Recycling Policy .......................................................................... 38
C.3 WEEE Compliance ........................................................................ 38
C.4 RoHS2 Compliance ......................................................................39
C.5 Warranty ..................................................................................... 39
C.6 REACH Compliance ...................................................................... 40
C.7 Calibration Facilities ..................................................................... 40
C.8 Return Policy ............................................................................... 41
C.9 Manufacturing Quality .................................................................. 41
Appendix D Return Document & Decontamination Declaration ........................................ 43
Michell Instruments v
OptiCal User’s Manual
The manufacturer has designed this equipment to be safe when operated using the procedures detailed in this manual. The user must not use this equipment for any other purpose than that stated. Do not apply values greater than the maximum value stated.
This manual contains operating and safety instructions, which must be followed to ensure the safe operation and to maintain the equipment in a safe condition. The safety instructions are either warnings or cautions issued to protect the user and the equipment from injury or damage. Use qualifi ed personnel and good engineering practice for all procedures in this manual.
Electrical Safety
The instrument is designed to be completely safe when used with options and accessories supplied by the manufacturer for use with the instrument. The input power supply voltage is 85 to 264 V AC, 47/63 Hz.
Toxic Materials
The use of hazardous materials in the construction of this instrument has been minimized. During normal operation it is not possible for the user to come into contact with any hazardous substance which might be employed in the construction of the instrument. Care should, however, be exercised during maintenance and the disposal of certain parts.
Repair and Maintenance
The instrument must be maintained either by the manufacturer or an accredited service agent. Refer to www.michell.com for details of Michell Instruments’ worldwide offi ces contact information.
The OptiCal contains a high precision Optidew chilled mirror hygrometer. In order to maintain full traceability the complete OptiCal instrument should be returned annually for a service and calibration to the manufacturer, Michell Instruments, or one of their accredited service agents.
Safety Conformity
This product meets the essential protection requirements of the relevant EU directives. Further details of applied standards may be found in Appendix A, Technical Specifi cations.
vi 97079 Issue 9.2, March 2016
OptiCal User’s Manual
The following abbreviations are used in this manual:
°C degrees Celsius
°F degrees Fahrenheit
AC alternating current
DC direct current
cubic centimeters
grams per kilogram
grams per cubic meter
Hz Hertz
in inch(es)
cubic inches
kg kilogram
lbs pounds
mA milli Ampere
max maximum
min minimum
mm millimeter
N/C normally closed
N/O normally open
% percentage
RH relative humidity
RS232 serial data transmission standard
T temperature
USB Universal Serial Bus
V Volts
The following general warning listed below is applicable to this instrument. It is repeated in the text in the appropriate locations.
Where this hazard warning symbol appears in the following
sections it is used to indicate areas where potentially hazardous
operations need to be carried out.
Michell Instruments vii
OptiCal User’s Manual
1.1 Description
The Michell OptiCal is a stable and accurate calibration solution for humidity sensors over the 10 to 90%RH and +10 to +50°C (+50 to +122°F) range. The stand-alone, transportable calibrator requires no external services other than mains power, and features an integrated chilled mirror reference instrument to enable the operator to perform calibrations that are traceable to national standards.
The calibration chamber features fi ve interchangeable ports to accommodate virtually any brand, type or model of sensor. The environment within the insulated calibration chamber is temperature controlled using a four-zone fan-assisted peltier arrangement for maximum stability and minimum temperature gradient. The humidity of the circulating air is precisely regulated using a closed-loop control system that functions by proportionally mixing fl ows of dry and saturated air.
A bright and clear VFD (vacuum fl uorescent display) displays the parameters measured by the reference instrument in various relative and absolute humidity units, alongside the temperature within the chamber.
The humidity and temperature set-points can be controlled either manually or automatically as part of a calibration program. Manual control is achieved by the switches on the front panel. Response time to a humidity or temperature step change is typically quicker than ten minutes. The supplied application software allows calibration programs to be created, enabling automatic time-based control of temperature and humidity set points. The software also allows the user to monitor, chart and log calibration reference data on a PC for later analysis.
The desiccant changes color to indicate when it needs to be recharged, and is visible through a clear window on the front of the unit. Recharge the desiccant following the instructions in Section 2.4. The water reservoir at the front of the unit shows the current saturator fi ll level, and makes it easy to top up with distilled water when required (refer to Section 2.2). Apart from periodic calibration of the chilled mirror reference, no other maintenance is necessary. The only external service required is a single phase power supply.
Michell Instruments 1
1.2 System Components
1.2.1 Front Panel
OPTI-CAL integrated Humidity Calibrator
OptiCal User’s Manual
Auto On On Auto
Man. Off Off Man.
Chamber Set Temperature
1 2 643 8
Display Control
495 206
Chamber Set Humidity
Data Acquisition Control Outputs
Desiccant Charge
Humidity = Yellow
De-Humidify - Green
Heating = Yellow
Cooling = Green
Figure 1
OptiCal - Front View
1. Chamber door
2. Water reservoir
3. Optidew chilled mirror reference VFD display
4. Desiccant cell and indicator window
5. Display control
6. Relative humidity set point (%RH)
A Manual/auto switches for relative humidity / temperature control
MAN - Front panel switches control relative humidity / temperature set
AUTO - Remote RS232 / OptiSoft controls relative humidity / temperature
set points (see Section 3.4)
B ON/OFF switches for relative humidity / temperature control
8. Temperature set-point (°C)
9. Humidity control indication LED
Humidify (yellow) De-humidify (green)
10. 4-Zone chamber temperature control indication LEDs
Heating (yellow) Cooling (green)
11. Control outputs
12. RS232 digital communications connector
2 97079 Issue 9.2, March 2016
OptiCal User’s Manual
Back Panel
Remote Communications
Optics Adjustment
Figure 2
OptiCal - Back Panel
1. Remote Communications Switch to enable remote chamber control
2. Optidew chilled mirror reference optics adjustment potentiometer (refer to Section 4.2)
3. Ventilation fans
4. Electrical mains connector, on/off switch and power input fuse
The OptiCal humidity and temperature generator is delivered with the following standard accessories:
Bottle of distilled water
• Desiccant cell fi lled with indicating silica gel
HT961T00 control probe + temperature probe
Chamber door (according to customer specifi cation)
IEC mains cord set
• Calibration certifi cate for internal reference probe
• Certifi cate of conformity (graph)
• User’s manual
• RS232 cable
• Application software
• Calibration certifi cate for Optidew chilled mirror reference instrument
Michell Instruments 3
Before using the OptiCal make sure that Sections 2.1, 2.2 and
The OptiCal enclosure is designed for bench top mounting in a laboratory type environment. It must be positioned in a clean and level location with suffi cient clearance at the rear of the enclosure for adequate ventilation.
The OptiCal is not designed to be fully portable. However, it can easily be moved to any suitable location for use. Before moving,
ensure that any water in the reservoir is drained and that the
RH control probe and the temperature probe in the chamber are
OptiCal User’s Manual
2.4 are read thoroughly.
The OptiCal should NOT be moved while in operation.
2.1 Installing the Relative Humidity and Temperature Control Probes
The relative humidity control probe and the Pt100 temperature probe are both supplied as accessories with the OptiCal, and are removed during transportation.
To install the probes, remove the chamber door and plug in the probes as shown in
Figure 3.
This internal RH control probe is delivered with its own calibration certifi cate.
RH Control Probe
Temperature Probe
Figure 3
The RH control probe and the temperature probe must always
Probe Installation
be removed during transportation.
4 97079 Issue 9.2, March 2016
OptiCal User’s Manual
Figure 4
+ SUPPLY (8 - 35 VDC)
Location of Probes Inside the Climate Chamber
Michell Instruments 5
2.2 Filling the Water Reservoir
Before operation the water reservoir located on the front panel must be fi lled with distilled water (supplied with the instrument).
Do not use tap water or demineralized water!
OptiCal User’s Manual
Figure 5
Use the fi lter bottle supplied to fi ll the water reservoir.
1. Remove the red plastic cap from the top of the reservoir.
2. Carefully fi ll with clean distilled water to a level between the two indicator lines.
3. Replace the red cap on the water reservoir after fi lling.
Do NOT fi ll above the MAX indicated line as this may cause liquid
to enter the humidity chamber and adversely affect the control
Filling the Water Reservoir
6 97079 Issue 9.2, March 2016
OptiCal User’s Manual
2.3 Draining the Water Reservoir
Drain the water reservoir before transporting, or if the system is accidentally overfi lled.
To empty the water reservoir:
1. Remove the red caps from the bottom and top of the water reservoir.
2. Drain the water into a suitable container.
3. Tilt the OptiCal to empty it completely.
4. Re-fi t the red cap after emptying.
Figure 6
It is essential to drain the water reservoir before transporting or
when the system is not going to be used for a few weeks.
Do not re-use any of the drained water within the system.
Emptying the Water Reservoir
Michell Instruments 7
2.4 Desiccant
The OptiCal has a container fi lled with a desiccant which is used to dry the chamber air.
The desiccant container can be accessed by following these steps:
Figure 7
OptiCal User’s Manual
Desiccant Replacement
1. Remove the clear plastic screw cap on the front panel.
2. Pull out the desiccant container using fi nger tips.
3. Fill with desiccant up to the tapered thread as shown below.
Figure 8
The natural color of the desiccant (dry silica gel) should be orange. As moisture is absorbed the color will gradually change to transparent.
When the desiccant has become transparent, this is an indication that the instrument’s ability to generate low humidity is reduced. It is recommended that the silica gel is replaced or regenerated at this time.
The silica gel can be regenerated by emptying it completely from the desiccant chamber and drying it in an oven for approximately 3 hours at a temperature between 130°C (266°F) and 160°C (320°F). After drying it in an oven, allow the silica gel to cool before refi lling the desiccant chamber and refi tting the chamber into the generator. Ensure that the screw lid is correctly fi tted.
Level of Silica Gel Required
Frequency of desiccant regeneration or replacement is dependant entirely upon the length of time in operation. Typically, given a normal calibration profi le and operation cycle, the OptiCal can continually generate accurate and stable chamber humidity for a period of several weeks before regeneration or replacement of the silica gel is necessary.
8 97079 Issue 9.2, March 2016
OptiCal User’s Manual
2.5 Power Supply
A single mains power supply between 85 to 264 V AC is required to operate the unit.
The power supply connection is a 3 pin IEC plug located on the rear panel of the instrument. The
adjacent to the power socket.
A 3-core power cable is provided, the free end of which should be wired to a suitable earthed plug or directly connected via a fused power spur. The power cable conductors are color coded according to the international convention:
Brown L (Live) Blue N (Neutral) Green/Yellow E (Earth/GND)
ON/OFF switch and the power input fuse are in the same location,
The instrument must be connected to an electrical earth for
safety purposes.
Michell Instruments 9
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