Michell Instruments Liquidew I.S Specifications

Process Analyzers
Liquidew I.S.
Moisture in Liquid Analyzer
On-line measurement of moisture content in liquids is accurate, fast and reliable with the Liquidew I.S. Moisture in Liquid Analyzer from Michell. A wide variety of non-polar liquids can be measured continuously, on-line, including fl ammable liquids and hazardous area applications, petrochemicals, power industry and pharmaceutical manufacturing.
• Simple, cost-effi cient operation and low maintenance
• Retrofi t functionality, easy to integrate into existing sampling or distribution systems
• High integrity moisture in liquid measurement from
0.01 ppm
• Multi-channel with up to four completely independent measurement channels
• Robust design for undisturbed operation in many non-polar liquids over a long time
• Two 4-20 mA confi gurable outputs and digital Modbus RTU-based communication
• Replaceable sensor element with Michell Calibration Exchange Service for reliable cost-effi cient calibration
• NIST and NPL traceable calibration
• EExd version available
to saturation point
• Naphtha feedstock to isomerization catalyst
• Hexane solvent in HDPE and LDPE process
• Benzene in styrene manufacture
• LNG LPG production and product checking
• Diesel and aero fuels to avoid liquid water phase separation
• BTX process monitoring — benzene, toluene and xylene
• Ethylene and proylene feed to polymer process
• Butadiene for the manufacture of synthetic rubber.
Process Analyzers
Michell Liquidew I.S. Moisture in Liquid Analyzer
Michell Liquidew I.S. moisture in liquid analyzer provides a complete solution for accurate, on-line moisture measurement in process liquids, and offers many advantages over sample collection and laboratory analysis methods.
Continuous on-line measurement allows monitoring and control of moisture conditions to achieve optimum effi ciency for production or maintenance. Intrinsically safe sensors, with a sampling system, can be installed in the hazardous zones to minimize sample transportation time and ensure a fast response to process moisture changes. The rack-mounted Liquidew I.S. Control Unit, which is conveniently located in a safe area, provides real-time display of moisture content, user settable alarms as well as analog output and digital communications.
The Control Unit is connected to the sensors/sampling system in the fi eld by standard instrument pairs cable, so existing cable runs can often be used where Liquidew I.S. is installed as a site retrofi t.
The Control Unit in multi-channel MCU format can also include moisture in gas analysis function by combining with Promet I.S. Moisture in Gas Analyzer.
Accurate on-line moisture measurement in liquid
Michell’s Calibration Laboratories are world recognized through the UKAS accreditation scheme under the auspices of EAL (European co-operation for the Accreditation of Laboratories). Each sensor is calibrated and certifi ed traceable to the humidity standards of leading international metrology institutes, NPL (UK) and NIST (USA), so assuring correct measurement of the moisture in your process.
Certifi ed Intrinsically Safe
Liquidew I.S. sensors and sampling systems are designed for ammable and non-fl ammable liquid within hazardous areas. ATEX certifi ed by EECS for use in hazardous areas to II 1G EEx ia IIC T4. Complete packages conforming to NEC Class 1 Div 1 or IECEx certifi cations are also available. Liquidew I.S. carries GOST pattern approval and GOST Ex.
Flexible confi guration. Total analyzer system tailored to specifi c customer requirements
Liquidew I.S. is available in a multi-channel format (MCU). This MCU enables up to four measurement channels within a single 19” sub-rack unit. The sister product for moisture in gas analysis, Promet I.S., can be combined together with Liquidew I.S. into an MCU to enable both gas and liquid samples measurement with a single analyzer system. With the MCU, each measurement channel functions independently, so that any maintenance on one channel will not affect the others. Customers can also order blank channels for future expansion.
The Liquidew I.S uses the rugged Easidew PRO I.S. sensor, allowing the transmitter to be installed directly outdoors.
Channel connectors on back of MCU
Michell’s Thick- and Thin-fi lm Ceramic Moisture Sensor is exceedingly durable; chemically inert materials coupled with physical resilience provide long-term reliable service in liquid phase measurements.
The robust construction prevents Michell sensors from damage caused by dense liquid fl ow or even pressure shocks from rapid process pressure changes during start-up and maintenance.
Easy to use with complete functionality
The 19” sub-rack mounting Liquidew I.S. Control Unit provides complete operational functionality. The bright alphanumeric LED display with auto-scale function gives measurement values across six orders of magnitude, from sub-ppm levels to saturation conditions. There are pre-set saturation constant
) values of most common hydrocarbon liquids for moisture
calculation, together with 2 user defi ned liquids and ability to mix any 2 liquids from the list, so the user has the fl exibility to select or enter the appropriate liquid profi le for the specifi c application.
Four user-adjustable alarm points and two analog 4-20 mA outputs are provided as well as a digital RS485 RTU for connection to external devices.
Simple to maintain with a sensor calibration exchange program
For Liquidew I.S., calibration maintenance is simple. The unique Michell Calibration Exchange Service offers fast, world-wide delivery of replacement ceramic sensors certifi ed traceable to metrology standards of NPL and NIST. As the calibration data for the sensor is factory programmed into on-board non-volatile memory, fi tment of a Calibration Exchange Sensor renews the calibration, with minimal down-time. No programming or data input is required by the user to complete the calibration process. The Calibration Exchange Service facilitates a professional, scheduled user QA programme at a lower cost than a traditional ‘return to manufacturer’ re-calibration service.
Retrofi t ready
If customers or system integrators wish to use their own sampling systems, the analyzer solution can easily be integrated into any existing sampling or distribution system offering an extremely cost-effi cient, low-maintenance, multi-channel solution that can be cascaded to any number of channels.
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