Michell Instruments Easidew Portable Operating Manual

Easidew Portable
Standard Version
User’s Manual
97065 Issue 16.3
October 2019
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Easidew Portable
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Easidew Portable User’s Manual
Safety ................................................................................................................................ v
Electrical Safety ........................................................................................................... v
Pressure Safety ............................................................................................................ v
Toxic Materials ............................................................................................................. v
Repair and Maintenance ............................................................................................... v
Calibration ................................................................................................................... v
Safety Conformity ........................................................................................................ v
Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................vi
Warnings ............................................................................................................................vi
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................1
2 INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................2
3 OPERATION ......................................................................................................3
3.1 General Operation .............................................................................................. 3
3.2 Atmospheric or Line Pressure Measurements ........................................................ 4
3.3 Measuring Dew Points Below -40°C (-40°F) .......................................................... 5
3.4 User Controls ..................................................................................................... 6
3.5 4–20 mA Output Socket Wiring ............................................................................ 7
4 GOOD MEASUREMENT PRACTICE .......................................................................8
5 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................11
5.1 Calibration ....................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Sensor / Battery Replacement ........................................................................... 11
5.3 Filter Cartridge Replacement ............................................................................. 13
5.4 Checking the Easidew Portable Electronics Calibration ......................................... 13
5.5 List of Spares ................................................................................................... 13
5.6 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ 14
Figure 1 Interchangeable Gas Inlet/Outlet Fittings .....................................................4
Figure 2 User Controls .............................................................................................6
Figure 3 Jack Plug Wiring .........................................................................................7
Figure 4 Material Permeability Comparison ................................................................8
Figure 5 2-Wire Connection - View Showing Rear of Connector Terminal Block ........... 13
Appendix A Technical Specications .............................................................................. 16
Appendix B Quality, Recycling & Warranty Information ................................................... 18
Appendix C Decontamination Declaration ......................................................................20
iv 97065 Issue 16.3, October 2019
Easidew Portable User’s Manual
The manufacturer has designed this equipment to be safe when operated using the procedures detailed in this manual. The user must not use this equipment for any other purpose than that stated. Do not apply values greater than the maximum value stated.
This manual contains operating and safety instructions, which must be followed to ensure the safe operation and to maintain the equipment in a safe condition. The safety instructions are either warnings or cautions issued to protect the user and the equipment from injury or damage. Use qualied personnel and good engineering practice for all procedures in this manual.
Electrical Safety
The instrument is designed to be completely safe when used with options and accessories supplied by the manufacturer for use with the instrument. The instrument is powered by an internally mounted rechargeable battery. The input power supply voltage limits for the battery charger supplied with the instrument are 90 to 264 V AC, 47/63 Hz.
NOTE: No battery charger unit other than that supplied with the instrument should be used.
NOTE: Do not allow the battery to fully discharge.
Pressure Safety
DO NOT permit pressures greater than the safe working pressure to be applied to the instrument. The specied safe working pressure is 20 barg (290 psig). Refer to the Technical Specications in Appendix A.
Toxic Materials
The use of hazardous materials in the construction of this instrument has been minimized. During normal operation it is not possible for the user to come into contact with any hazardous substance which might be employed in the construction of the instrument. Care should, however, be exercised during maintenance and the disposal of certain parts.
Repair and Maintenance
The instrument must be maintained either by the manufacturer or an accredited service agent. Refer to www.michell.com for details of Michell Instruments’ worldwide oces contact information.
The recommended calibration interval for the Easidew Portable is one year, unless otherwise specied by Michell Instruments Ltd. The instrument should be returned to the manufacturer, Michell Instruments, or one of their accredited service agents for re-calibration (go to www.michell.com for contact information).
Safety Conformity
This product meets the essential protection requirements of the relevant EU directives. Further details of applied standards may be found in the product specication.
Michell Instruments v
The following abbreviations are used in this manual:
AC alternating current
atm pressure unit (atmosphere)
barg pressure unit (=100 kP or 0.987 atm) gauge
°C degrees Celsius
°F degrees Fahrenheit
dp dew point
ft feet
kg kilogram
lb pound
Easidew Portable User’s Manual
mA milliampere
m meter
mm millimeter
MPa megapascal
Nl/min normal liters per minute
psig pound(s) per square inch (gauge)
scfh standard cubic feet per hour
μm micrometer
Ω ohm
V Volts
The following general warnings listed below are applicable to this instrument. They are repeated in the text in the appropriate locations.
Where this hazard warning symbol appears in the following
sections, it is used to indicate areas where potentially hazardous
operations need to be carried out.
vi 97065 Issue 16.3, October 2019
Easidew Portable User’s Manual
The Easidew Portable comprises an Easidew sensor tted into a sample block with an integrated lter cartridge, and Legris push ttings on the gas inlet and outlet. The measured dew point from the sensor is shown on the clear red LED display on the front panel of the instrument.
The Easidew Portable can be supplied with either °C or °F dew-point measurement units.
A 4-20 mA analog output is provided for connection to a chart recorder, data-logger or computer system, so dew-point trends can be analyzed over time.
The electronics are housed in a rugged Peli case, providing NEMA 6 protection when the lid is closed. The case is supplied with a lifetime guarantee.
The Easidew Portable is powered by a rechargeable NiMH battery pack, giving between 12 and 16 hours of measurement time from a full charge. The instrument is delivered complete with a universal battery charger stored in the lid. It takes 16 hours to fully charge the battery pack, during which time the instrument can be switched on or o. The charger is suitable to connect power to the instrument indenitely, but it is recommended to allow the battery pack to go through a full charge-discharge cycle at least once per month.
All Michell Ceramic Moisture Sensors are subject to a 13-point calibration, where their performance is characterized against a fundamental reference hygrometer. This process, and subsequent quality testing, ensures that all sensors behave optimally before they are used in the eld. Each Easidew Portable is supplied with a calibration certicate traceable to national standards (NIST) from Michell Instruments accredited laboratory.
Michell Instruments 1
On delivery, please check that all the following standard components are present in the packing box:
Easidew Portable
2m of 6mm O/D PTFE tube
Battery charger
Mains lead
3 pole ¼” jack plug (inside lid) - for analog output connections
Certicate of calibration
Before using the Easidew for the rst time it is recommended that the battery pack is charged for a minimum of 12 hours.
Easidew Portable User’s Manual
2 97065 Issue 16.3, October 2019
Easidew Portable User’s Manual
Maximum operating pressure is 20 barg (290 psig).
It is important that the gas ttings are correctly tightened, and
3.1 General Operation
To operate the Easidew Portable, follow these instructions:
any tubing is secure in the push ttings before use.
Failure to do so will aect the instrument's pressure rating.
1. Ensure that all gas ttings are fully tightened before use.
2. Gas under test should be restricted to ow rates between 1 and 5 Nl/min (2 and 10.6 scfh) and pressures from atmospheric to 2 MPa (20 barg (290 psig)).
3. Connect the sample gas supply line to the instrument Gas In port.
4. Connect the sample gas vent line to the instrument Gas Out port.
5. Switch the instrument on. The display will begin to change as the sensor responds to the applied dew point.
6. Allow the gas to ow until the display shows a stable reading. Typically this would be around 15 to 30 minutes for spot checks at dew points of
-40°C (-40°F) and above.
7. Switch the unit o and disconnect the sample lines.
NOTE: Filters are essential for potentially dirty/contaminated gases – the
tted lter should be checked before and after use and replaced regularly - as
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