Melag MelaTronic 17, MelaTronic 23 User manual

The functional effectiveness and the preservation of the
Operating Manual
For the MELAG Autoclaves
Dear Doctor:
Thank you very much for the trust that you have shown in our products by purchasing this auto­clave.
For 50 years now, MELAG — a medium-sized, family owned and operated business — has specialized in the production of sterilization equipment for medical practice. During this period, MELAG has succeeded in becoming a leading manufacturer of sterilization equipment. More than 335,000 MELAG units sold throughout the world testify to the exceptional quality of our sterilization systems — which are manufactured exclusively in Germany.
As all other MELAG products, this autoclave was manufactured and tested according to strict quality criteria. Before placing this unit into operation, please carefully read this Installation and Operating Manual. Also please carefully read the section on the proper preparation of instru­ments for sterilization. The long-term functional effectiveness and the preservation of the value of your autoclave will primarily depend on careful regular maintenance of this unit.
The staff and management of MELAG
We reserve the right to make technical modifications without prior notice
value of this equipment will depend on:
The proper preparation of the objects that you wish to sterilize
The prevention of rust being introduced to the system from the
The careful care of the equipment
The regular exchange of distilled or demineralized water.
1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1 ELEMENTS ON THE FRONT OF THE AUTOCLAVE ........................................................................................ 3
1.2 TECHNICAL DATA................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 PREPARATION OF INSTRUMENTS.............................................................................................................4
1.4 RUST IN THE AUTOCLAVE: BROUGHT IN FROM THE OUTSIDE ..................................................................... 4
1.5 CARE OF THE AUTOCLAVE ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.7 FUNCTIONAL TESTING OF THE AUTOCLAVE ..............................................................................................6
2 PLACING THE AUTOCLAVE INTO OPERATION ................................................................................... 6
2.1 SETTING UP THE AUTOCLAVE ................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 FILLING THE WATER STORAGE TANK........................................................................................................7
2.3 VDE REGULATIONS ...............................................................................................................................7
3 INFORMATION FOR EVERY STERILIZATION CYCLE...........................................................................7
3.1 OBJECTS BEING STERILIZED ................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 THE STERILIZATION SEQUENCE...............................................................................................................8
3.3 CHECKING TO ENSURE THAT THE CYCLE HAS PROPERLY RUN ................................................................... 8
3.4 ABORTING THE PROGRAM ...................................................................................................................... 9
3.5 REMOVAL OF DRY OBJECTS READY TO USE ............................................................................................. 9
3.6 FREQUENCY OF DAILY STERILIZATION ..................................................................................................... 9
4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON STERILIZATION ................................................................................ 9
4.1 TOTAL OPERATING TIME (STERILIZATION CYCLE TIME) .............................................................................. 9
4.2 USING DISTILLED OR DEMINERALIZED WATER......................................................................................... 10
5 TROUBLESHOOTING.............................................................................................................................11
5.1 TROUBLE WITHOUT AN ERROR REPORT ................................................................................................. 11
5.2 MALFUNCTIONS WITH ERROR MESSAGES ..............................................................................................12
6 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS / WARNINGS................................................................................................13
AUTOCLAVE BACK INTO OPERATION ............................................................................................... 14
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8 ANNEX / SPARE PARTS ........................................................................................................................ 15
8.1 SPARE PARTS .....................................................................................................................................15
Operating Manual for MELAtronic®17/23
1 Introduction
1.1 Elements on the front of the autoclave______________________________________
1 Enclosure lid 6 Switch for water feed 12 Lamp for “Heater is on”
7 Power switch 13 Lamp for “Cycle is running” 2 Grating rack to hold the
trays, etc. 3 Pressure gauge 9 Button to turn drying on 15 Adjustable feet of the unit 4 Switch for program selection 5 Switch to start program
8 Display 14 Opening to check for water filling
10 Button to turn drying off 16 Drain for distilled water 11 Show remaining run time /
cancel error message
1.2 Technical data _______________________________________________________
MELAtronic®17 MELAtronic®23
Chamber dimensions ( diam. ! depth ) 18 ! 42 cm 23 ! 45 cm Loading capacity (incl. trays):
Instruments 3 kg 4 kg Textiles 200 g Unwrapped,
or wrapped in paper: 500 g
In sterilization container: 300 g Amount of water required per sterilization cycle 350 ml 400 ml Parameters for Program 1 (121°C) 121°C, 1 bar, 25 min sterilization time Parameters for Program 2 (134°C) 134°C, 2 bar, 5 min sterilization time Overall cycle time: Program 1 40 minutes 45 minutes Program 2 25 minutes 30 minutes Drying time Can be selected as required Waiting time between sterilization cycles: 15 minutes 15 minutes Electrical ratings: AC
Backup fuses (2 for each unit)
230 V / 1350 W
16 A FF
Model for 230 V / 1970 W Model for 110 V / 1600 W Model for 230 V: 16 A FF Model for 110 V: 20 A FF
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1.3 Preparation of instruments _______________________________________________
MELAG non-rusting materials
All parts of MELAG autoclaves that come into con­tact with steam are made of non-rusting materials. The sterilization chamber, the water tank, and the tray rack are made of stainless steel. The steam lines are of copper; the sterilization-chamber door, of chrome-plated brass; and the trays, of anodised aluminium.
Rust dragged in from the outside
The use of these materials means that the autoclave itself cannot produce rust. When rust does attack the autoclave or sterilized objects, investigations have always consistently that this rust is dragged in by instruments when they enter the autoclave. It must be remembered that even stainless-steel instru­ments from leading manufacturers can develop rust: for example, after improper treatment with chemical cleaning and disinfecting agents during instrument preparation.
Preparation of the objects to be sterilized
The problem of rust dragged in from the outside shows how important it is to properly prepare the objects to be sterilized. The following preparation instructions are absolutely essential to ensure proper sterilization: After instruments are used, they must immediately
be disinfected and cleaned in a disinfection and/or cleaning agent, according to UVV/VBG 103. Be sure to use the correct dosage of the agents, and to leave the instruments in the solution for the pre­scribed length of time. We also recommend using such aids as ultrasonic devices and thermal disinfec­tors.
Important: It is essential that the instruments be properly cleaned before disinfection, to avoid debris separating from the instruments under steam pres­sure and clogging the nozzles and valves of the autoclave. Latches, catches, joints, and hinges must especially be cleaned very thoroughly with a brush. Completely rinse off cleaning and disinfect­ing agents under running water, while using a brush before putting the instruments into the autoclave. Warning: Do not by any means allow any residue of chemical substances from cleaning and disinfect­ing agents to enter the autoclave, since they will cause corrosion. As last step, finally rinse the in­struments with demineralized water, dry them care­fully, and place them into the autoclave.
New instruments being sterilized for the first time
The above-described cleaning procedure must also be used for brand-new instruments, since they often carry small amounts of oil, grease, and debris from their production processes.
1.4 Rust in the autoclave: brought in from the outside ___________________________
As described above, this autoclave itself cannot rust owing to the kind of materials of which it is made. Any rusty spots in the autoclave are “dragged-in rust”: from instruments or other metal objects with rusty spots. This can occur on standard steel whose electroplating is damaged, or even on stainless-steel objects. Often, only one single rust-emitting instru­ment is enough to cause rust to develop on other instruments or in the autoclave. Dragged-in rust will then transfer to other instruments or parts of the autoclave, and will spread from there. This is why
the sterilization chamber must be regularly wiped out to prevent dragged-in rust from remaining on the surface and further developing. Dragged-in rust must be removed from the sterilization chamber, the water tank, and from the tray rack. We recommend using stainless-steel cleansers such as product Si­dol or an equivalent. Warning: Do not use steel wool or steel brushes. To clean the sterilization chamber, first pull the tray rack out of the chamber.
Important: Do not sterilize rusty instruments.
1.5 Care of the autoclave ____________________________________________________
Required each week
Cleaning of the sterilization chamber You must clean the sterilization chamber and the
door seal on the chamber at least once a week. First take out the trays, and then pull the tray rack out of the chamber. Wipe out the chamber with a soft cloth or sponge. For stubborn stains, use stain­less-steel cleaner such as Sidol. Caution: Make sure not to let such cleaning agent enter the piping that leads out of the sterilization chamber. Also wipe only in the direction of the surface structure. Do not use steel brushes or pot cleaners made of metal. The cleaning agents must not contain chlorine, and must not be alkaline. You can remove spots from stainless steel by using a 5% solution of oxalic acid.
Door seal Check the door seal once a week for damage. Clean
the seal with normal, commercially available liquid cleansers.
Every two weeks
The water tank (for distilled or demineralized water) Every two weeks, drain the distilled or demineralized
water from the tank by opening the drain cock (16). Clean the water tank if necessary: for example, with a bottle brush, warm water, and a grease-cutting agent. Rinse out with water and fill with fresh dis­tilled or demineralized water (see Section 4.2 for water quality).
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Operating Manual for MELAtronic®17/23
1.6 Instructions for checking and caring for the door and door-lock components _____
In order to prevent premature wear, the threaded spindle of the palm grip hand knob, as well as the hinges of the latch yoke and the door locking bar, must always be kept well greased. We recommend plain-bearing grease (MELAG article no. 24355), silicone grease, or Molykote.
The following drawings indicate trouble that may occur and that may be the result of excessive wear on the door locking system. If any of these difficulties occur, inspection will be necessary by a MELAG Customer Service representative, or by an authorized technician from a specialist dealer.
Excessive play in the hinge of the pressure locking bar (the door “hangs”)
Important: The hinge bolts must by all means remain inserted completely in the latch and in the hinge yoke of the pressure locking bar (left side). The bolt must be flush as shown.
Excessive play in the hinge of the latch yoke
Hard-metal screw-thread insert has been screwed out of the latch.
If this bolt moves up or downward and is no longer flush with the yoke (as shown in proper position in left drawing), do not use the autoclave. It must be repaired by Technical Customer Service personnel.
Excessive play in the threaded spindle of the palm grip hand knob (rattling of the spindle in the latch)
Definite difficulty in turn-
ing the threaded spindle
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