Melag MELAquick 12 User manual

Operation Manual
Quick autoclave
Dear Doctor: Thank you very much for the trust which you have shown by purchasing this autoclave. For 50 years now, MELAG — a medium-sized family-owned and -operated business —
has specialized in the production of sterilization equipment for medical practice. During this period, MELAG has succeeded in becoming a leading manufacturer of sterilization equipment. More than 335.000 MELAG units sold throughout the world testify to the ex­ceptional quality of our products — which are manufactured exclusively in Germany.
As all other MELAG products, this autoclave was manufactured and tested according to strict quality criteria. Before placing this unit into operation, please thoroughly read this Operating Manual. The long-term functional effectiveness and the preservation of the value of your autoclave will primarily depend on careful preparation of instruments before sterilization, and on proper care of the unit.
The management and staff of MELAG
since fabr. no. 94 12 5000 subject to technical alterations
Functional effectiveness of the MELAquick12
its value are depending on :
1. Correct preparation of instruments to be sterilized
2. Proper care and maintenance of the autoclave
3. Quality of distilled/demineralized feed water
IMPORTANT! Be sure to observe the safety instructions on page 9!
In the event that your autoclave should not function properly, first read the instructions beginning on page 15
before you notify the MELAG Customer Service Department.
Please note down here the factories number of your device in case you need to identify it for our
Customer Service Department. This number is on the rear side of the unit. Type 12 factory no.:....
Content: Page
1 Description of the autoclave............................................................................................................................1
1.1 View of the apparatus......................................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Front view ........................................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Rear View ........................................................................................................................2
1.1.3 Sectional view - for service only ......................................................................................3
1.2 Technical data .................................................................................................................................4
1.3 Operating scope for sterilization and disinfection............................................................................4
1.4 Electronic-parametric regulation......................................................................................................4
1.5 Printout of the log.............................................................................................................................5
1.6 Water-one-way system....................................................................................................................5
1.7 No start of program if water quality is inadequate...........................................................................5
2 Introduction......................................................................................................................................................6
2.1 Preparation of instruments ..............................................................................................................6
2.2 Formation of rust = foreign rust .......................................................................................................6
2.3 Cleaning and care of the autoclave.................................................................................................6
2.4 Testing the function of the autoclave...............................................................................................7
3 Installation........................................................................................................................................................7
3.1 Positioning the autoclave.................................................................................................................7
3.2 Connection of water discharge........................................................................................................8
3.3 Filling the water reservoir.................................................................................................................8
3.4 Connection of the logging printer.....................................................................................................8
3.5 Setting the time of day and the date................................................................................................9
3.6 Empty sterilization process..............................................................................................................9
3.7 VDE-requirements...........................................................................................................................9
3.8 Safety precautions...........................................................................................................................9
4 For every sterilization / disinfection cycle.................................................................................
4.1 Main switch, pre-heating of the chamber ......................................................................................10
4.2 Selection of program......................................................................................................................10
4.3 Items to be sterilized......................................................................................................................10
4.4 Preparation of instruments ............................................................................................................11
4.5 Loading..........................................................................................................................................11
4.6 Starting the sterilization / disinfection............................................................................................11
4.7 Automatic pressure release...........................................................................................................11
4.8 Automatic printout of the log..........................................................................................................11
4.9 Successful end of a process..........................................................................................................11
4.10 Removal of instruments...............................................................................................................12
4.11 Drying...........................................................................................................................................12
4.12 Particularities of disinfection........................................................................................................12
4.13 Overheat protection.....................................................................................................................12
4.14 Process control............................................................................................................................13
4.15 Sterilizing frequency ....................................................................................................................13
and preservation of
Operation manual
5 Further informations about sterilization.........................................................................................................13
5.1 Total operating time.......................................................................................................................13
5.2 Accuracy of process regulation .....................................................................................................13
5.3 Use of aqua dest / aqua dem ........................................................................................................14
5.3.1 Amount of consumption.................................................................................................14
5.3.2 Emptying the reservoir...................................................................................................14
5.3.3 Refilling / Replacement..................................................................................................15
6 Putting out of operation / Transport...............................................................................................................15
6.1 Transport under danger of frost.....................................................................................................15
7 Breakdowns without warning light.................................................................................................................15
7.1 No Indication or false indication of the operating state..................................................................16
7.2 Lamp „Ready“ does not light continuously ....................................................................................16
7.3 Impossible to start a program........................................................................................................16
7.4 The water pump does not start when the program begins............................................................17
7.5 Too small indication of pressure and/or temperature....................................................................17
7.6 Excessive indication of pressure and/or temperature ...................................................................17
7.7 Hissing during run / foggy instruments..........................................................................................17
7.8 Sliding door cannot be unlocked ...................................................................................................18
7.9 The sliding door cannot be easily moved......................................................................................18
7.10 Water reservoir goes empty ........................................................................................................18
8 Fault with warning light..................................................................................................................................19
8.1 Fault No. 1 .....................................................................................................................................19
8.2 Fault No. 4 .....................................................................................................................................20
8.2.1 Autoclave insufficiently ventilated..................................................................................20
8.2.2 Pressure switch is wrongly adjusted/defective..............................................................20
8.2.3 Failure of the heating for steam generation...................................................................21
8.2.4 Short circuit of the temperature sensor for steam .........................................................21
8.2.5 Too small dose of water.................................................................................................21
8.2.6 Too much loss of water..................................................................................................22
8.2.7 Steam generator is clogged with boiler scale................................................................22
8.3 Fault No. 5 .....................................................................................................................................22
8.3.1 The amount of water measured out is not sufficient / loss of water ..............................23
8.3.2 Interchange the temperature sensors............................................................................23
8.4 Fault No. 9 .....................................................................................................................................23
8.5 Fault No. 11 ...................................................................................................................................23
8.6 Fault No. 12 ...................................................................................................................................24
8.7 Fault No. 15 ...................................................................................................................................24
9 Spare parts....................................................................................................................................................24
1 Description of the autoclave__________________________________________
1.1 View of the apparatus ____________________________________________________
1.1.1 Front view _____________________________________________________________________
Page 1
1 Sliding door 9 Signal lamp “Door open” 16 Signal lamp “Sterilization mode” 2 Locking handle 10 Signal lamp „Fault“ 17 Signal lamp “Disinfection mode” 3 Water storage tankr 11 Signal lamp „Ready“ 18 Connector for waste water hose 4 Power switch 12 Signal lamp „Cycle runs” 19 Water tank drain 5 Pressure gauge 13 Signal lamp „End of cycle” 20 Power Supply for MELAprint 6 Thermometer 14 Signal lamp “Power on” 21 Interface for MELAprint
7 Button “Start” 15 Program selector switch 22 Waste water hose 8 Signal lamp “Water” Sterilization/Disinfection 23 Condenser container
Operation manual
1.1.2 Rear View______________________________________________________________________
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1.1.3 Sectional view - for service only ___________________________________________________
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31 Fuses 39 Temperature sensor thermometer 47 Feed pump with thermal protection 32 Output test button (and others) 40 Measuring block with fine filter 48 Lithium battery 33 Overheat protection steam generator 41 Steam filter before solenoid valve 49 Solenoid valve for pressure release 34 Temperature sensor pre-heating 42 Safety valve 50 Micro switch for door lock 35 Temperature sensor steam 43 Flow nozzle (below nut) 51 Overheat protection for pre-heating 36 Base plate 44 Steam filter before flow nozzle 52 Water storage tank 37 Chamber-block 45 Water level switch 53 Pressure-switch “Sterilization” 38 Steam generator 46 Water filter 54 Pressure-switch “Disinfection”
Operation manual
1.2 Technical data __________________________________________________________ MELAquick®12
Sterilization chamber (diameter x height) 9 cm × 16 cm Required power-connection ratings: 1100 W, 230 V, AC Average consumption 400 W Power costs per sterilization cycle
(at DM 0.25/kWh)
Power costs per disinfection cycle
(at DM 0.25/kWh)
Sterilization: pressure / temperature maximum load 1 kg (incl. basket etc., no textiles)
Disinfection: pressure / temperature maximum load (only unpacked) 1 kg (incl. basket etc., no textiles)
1.3 Operating scope for sterilization and disinfection _____________________________
with 4 Sterilizations per hour
DM 0.025 (2.5 pfennigs)
(incl. preheating phase, on basis of 8-hour operation with 4 sterilization cycles/h)
DM 0.017 (1.7 pfennigs)
(incl. preheating phase, on basis of 8-hour operation with 4 disinfection cycles/h)
2 bar (134
0.2 bar (105
C) -2.1 bar (135{C)
C) - 0.3 bar (107{C)
This autoclave is designed for quick sterilization. All instruments must be sterilized if the possibility has existed that it could possibly have come into contact with even the smallest amount of blood during its use. There is only one case a disinfection should
substitutely be used and that is if the composi­tion of the material does not allow a sterilization.
Especially older hand pieces and turbines whose light conductors can be damaged by repeated ster­ilization, can be disinfected under steam pressure to ensure at least the disinfection of inner parts. The „SELECT“ button (15) is located on the control panel. The operator uses this button to select the sterilization or disinfection program. Signal lamps (16 and 17) indicate the selected program. Before leaving the factory, the autoclave is set to
sterilization“. The operator should select the desired program as soon as possible after switching on the electrical power switch „Power on“ (4). If the autoclave has been already preheated (the „READY“ lamp (11)
glows), and if the program is only then switched from „Disinfection“ to „Sterilization“, the auto­clave will run through a brief reheating phase of about 5 minutes. If the program is switched from
Sterilization“ to „Disinfection“ after preheating, then the autoclave will run through a cool-down phase for the chamber, of up to 45 minutes (see Section
4.2.). during this reheating or cool-down phase, the
READY“ lamp (11) will flash, and the autoclave canot be put into operation.
Items for sterilization can also be sealed into
transparent sterilization packages.
Steam pressure disinfection is permissible only for
instruments which are unpacked.
This autoclave cannot disinfect or sterilize liquids
or textiles.
Observe the instructions above on the reheating
and cool-down phase if the program is changed between sterilization and disinfection after the autoclave has been preheated.
1.4 Electronic-parametric regulation ___________________________________________
All autoclaves of type 12 are equipped with an elec­tronic regulator. With the implement of microproces­sors it is now possible to control the parameters pressure and temperature and keep their values constant during sterilization or disinfection. This con­trol is called electronic-parametric regulation. The ideal processing time can be adapted according
to load and temperature of the chamber. The sys­tems which control the sterilization and disinfection processes with respect to limit temperatures and pressure, and the timed sequences associated with these variables, consequently ensure as well the re­liability of the sterilization and disinfection results.
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1.5 Printout of the protocol ___________________________________________________
The autoclave has a serial interface jack (21) for connection of the protocol printer MELAprint (order no. 289). Power is also provided to the MELAprint
40 through another connection (20) from
the autoclave. When the printer is connected, a log containing the process-relevant parameters will be automatically printed out after each sterilization or disinfection cycle (see example of printout at the right). It is normal here that time metering will be briefly interrupted once or several times during the first seconds after beginning of the sterilization period, during heating of the chamber up to sterilization temperature. At the bottom of the printout there is a line without explain text with service information. In addition, the last log to be printed out is always permanently stored in the system memory (even if power fails). To print out the last log again, press the
SELECT“ button (15) and hold it down for at least 3 seconds. In the case of a fault, a protocol will also be printed out to indicate the time, the temperature, and the cause of the fault. Section 8 below contains a list of the fault numbers and their meanings.
-----------------------------------------­Date : 23.09.1994 Time : 10:37 Charge No.: 4
-----------------------------------------­Program :
MELAquick 12
Sterilization 134°C
-----------------------------------------­Program step Temp. Time [°C] hh:mm:ss Preheat Temperaure 132 10:37:39 Start 122 10:37:39 Sterilization start 134 10:39:25 Sterilization hold 134 10:39:27 Sterilization runs 134 10:39:27 Sterilization end 135 10:43:26 End of program 127 10:43:56
Program has run
succesfully !
-----------------------------------------­Sterilization time : 04 min 00 s Sterilization temp.: MIN 134°C, MAX 135°C total Time : 06 min 17 s
-----------------------------------------­8 2 09940933 3.22 C1 V1 DS1 PS0
1.6 Water one-way system____________________________________________________
A normal circulating water system, used in most autoclaves where the steam is condensed in the water reservoir again, has an importan disadvantage. The instruments must be absolutely free from dirt and chemicals before sterilization/disinfection, otherwise not only the autoclave but also the instruments will be damaged and become dirty. However, in daily practice, the instruments are prepared insufficiently. This is critical especially for the sterilization of turbines and contra-angles which
have to be oiled before sterilization. Oil, dirt and other chemicals are getting into the apparatus and will stay there because of the circulating system. This can lead to spotty corrosive instruments and often to a failure of the autoclave.
For this reason the MELAquick
uses the one­way system: all water and steam used for the process, is discharged into a waste water container (23).
1.7 No start of program if water quality is inadequate _____________________________
You have purchased a high-quality German autoclave product. It is designed to ensure a long life of service, even if the operator makes certain mistakes. For this reason, the MELAquick
has an automatic warning system which prevents it from being operated if, for example, the operator forgets to use distilled water and fills it with normal tap water (which would damage it by the formation of boiler scale). The MELAquick
must be filled with distilled or demineralized water (aqua dest / dem) in accordance with DIN/EN 285 or VDE 510. Please see Section 5.3 on details on water quality and on the suppliers of the required water. In order to prevent the instruments or the autoclave from being damaged from formation of boiler scale or corrosion, the autoclave has an integrated system for
testing the quality of the feed water in the water storage tank (conductivity): During the first 2 seconds after start of the cycle, the autoclave automatically tests the quality of the water in the water storage tank (52). If the water quality is somewhat poorer than specified in DIN EN 285, but is still sufficiently good, then the lamp „WATER“ (9) will flash to warn the operator. The program continues to run, however. If the water quality is not adequate, the lamp „WATER“ (9) will flash, and the lamp „FAULT“ (10) will glow. In such case, in order to protect the instruments and the autoclave, the program will not start. The operator must replace the water in the tank by better (for example, demineralzed) water and press the „START“ (7) button again.
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Operation Manual
2 Introduction _______________________________________________________
2.1 Preparation of instruments ________________________________________________
MELAG - rust-proof materials
All parts of the MELAquick come into contact with steam are made of rustproof materials: the pressure chamber of coated aluminium, the pressure chamber door and steam generator of stainless steel, pressure lines of Teflon, and threaded connectors and valves of brass.
Drag-in rust
The use of non-corrosive materials prevents rust in the autoclave. It is proven that the possible appearance of rust is caused by rust of foreign instruments. Formation of rust can even appear on stainless steel by inappropriate treatment of the instruments with chemicals and disinfection methods during preparation.
Preparation of instruments to be sterilized You see the importance of correct and careful preparation before sterilization, which shall be stressed here once again. Turbines and contra-angles must be cleaned and oiled according to the manufacturer´s instructions. Immediately after use, all other instruments must be disinfected by being placed in a disinfectant solution, and must be cleaned, according to UVV/VBG 103.
autoclave which
Therefore take care on correct dose of cleaning agent and correct soaking time of exposure! We recommend the use of ultrasonic devices, cleaning devices, and equipment-care systems especially designed for the cleaning of handpieces and angular instruments. The proper cleaning of the instruments is highly important, in order to prevent debris from separating from the instruments under steam pressure during sterilization, and from clogging the filters, nozzles, and valves of the autoclave. Joints and hinges must be cleaned thoroughly with a brush. Rinse off all cleaning and disinfecting agents under running water by using the brush before the instruments are loaded in the autoclave. These agents can otherwise cause corrosion. Make a final rinse with distilled water and dry the instruments. Turbines and contra-angles must be oiled according to manufacturer's instructions to preserve their long life.
New instruments
The cleaning process as described above has to be undertaken with new instruments too because they often are covered with residues of oil, dirt or grease coming form the production.
2.2 Formation of rust = drag-in ________________________________________________
It has already been said that the materials used for the autoclave prevent any formation of rust. The appearance of rust marks are caused by outside sources. It comes from instruments or other metal objects made of ordinary or stainless steel where the galvanic coating is damaged. In many cases, only one faulty instrument can contaminate
many other and finally cause rust corrosion of the autoclave. With alloy cleaning materials, foreign rust has to be removed from instruments and from the basket in which they are loaded. Do not use any kind of steel wool or brushes. Dirt can be cleaned with a fluff-free damp cloth. The cloth can also be soaked with surgical spirit.
2.3 Cleaning and care of the autoclave _________________________________________
Autoclave chamber
The chamberl should be inspected at least once a week to check for dirt and deposits. Dirt should be wiped by using a soft fluff-free cloth soaked in alcohol. If stubborn spots are difficult to remove, we recommend the use of mild stainless steel cleaning product such as Sidol or an equivalent (with a pH range of 5...8). Be sure that no particles of dirt or other residue remain in the chamber. Finally wipe the chamber with a damp cloth and run at least one empty sterilization process. Do not use paper towels, pot cleaners or brushes for cleaning the chamber.
Sieve insert for the pressure chamber
The chamber (37) is provided at its bottom with a sieve insert which can be inserted and removed. It prevents particles of dirt and debris from entering the lines which branch off from the bottom of the
chamber. This sieve should be removed only if there is a great amount of coarse residue in the sieve. IMPORTANT replace it, the rest of the autoclave must be thoroughly cleaned. By no means should particles of debris be allowed to enter the openings located under the sieve insert, use a suitable hook to reach down under its frame and lift it out.
Door gasket
Check the door gasket every week for damage. If it is dirty, clean it with commercially available mild liquid cleansers (with a pH between 5 and 8), or with spirit. Do not use cleansers which contain vinegar for complete cleaning. The gasket can be pulled out of the mounting groove and then later pressed back into place. Replace damaged gaskets immediately.
: Before removing the sieve to clean or
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