Installation & Maintenance Data
ENR/ENH Type 45 “B” Vintage
Condenser Coil Baffle Seal I nstallation
Note: Installation and maintenance are to be performed only by qualified personnel who are familiar with
local codes and regulations and are experienced with this type of equipment. Caution: Sharp edges and
coil surfaces are potential injury hazards.
1. Determine unit vintage by checking the model number on the
unit data plate. The unit vintage is the first letter after the model
type and size. Example: ENH-O1 2B . If the unit vintage is “A”,
follow the instructions as noted in the installation and maintenance data (IM) Bulletin 453-2, page 3. If the unit vintage is
“B”, use these instructions to install the coil baffles.
2. Locate the three pieces shown in figure 1. These parts should
be wrapped together when shipped.
IM 436-1
Group: PTAC
Part No.: 106018621
Date: May 1999
3. Install the top piece so that the 1/2” back flange of the top
piece goes behind the angled flanges of the coil. See figure 2.
4. Remove the two coil support screws shown in figure 3 and
attach the side pieces to the coil flanges using the same
screws and holes. Attach the side pieces to the top piece with
#8 sheet metal provided (1 each at top).
5. The coil baffle installation is now complete. Follo w the remainder of the installation instructions as noted in IM 453-2.
Figure 1. Figure 2.
Figure 3.
AAF–McQuay Incorporated
4900 Technology Park Boulevard, Auburn, New York 13021-9030 USA (315) 253-2771
Printed on recycled paper containing at least 10% post-consumer recycled material.
©1999 AAF–McQuay Incorporated IM 436-1 / Page 1 (Rev. 5/99)