McQuay AGR Installation Manual

Operation Manual
OM 127-1
MicroTech® Chiller System Controller
For Centrifugal (PEH & PFH), Reciprocating (ALR & WHR), Screw (PFS & ALS), Global (AGZ, AGR, and AGS), and J&E Hall Chillers
Chiller System Controller
May, 1998
© 1998 McQuay International


Contents................................................................................................................................................. 2
Figures................................................................................................................................................... 3
Tables .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Software ID ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Software Compatibility......................................................................................................................7
Getting Started....................................................................................................................... 9
Chiller Definition...................................................................................................................................9
Using the Keypad/Display..................................................................................................................... 9
Menu Structure ................................................................................................................................ 10
Display Format ................................................................................................................................ 10
Password Protection ........................................................................................................................ 11
Keypad/Display Modes ................................................................................................................... 11
Key Functions.................................................................................................................................. 11
Keypad/Display Exercises...............................................................................................................13
Keypad/Display Menu Reference........................................................................................................ 14
Using the Tables.............................................................................................................................. 14
Browse Sequences...........................................................................................................................16
Status Menus ...................................................................................................................................16
Control Menus.................................................................................................................................23
Alarm Menus................................................................................................................................... 39
CSC and Chiller Controller Initial Setup............................................................................................. 42
Setting Up the CSC..........................................................................................................................42
Setting Up Centrif-200 and HallScrew Chiller Controllers ............................................................. 46
Setting Up Centrif-100 Chiller Controllers......................................................................................47
Setting Up Recip-Standard, Screw, Recip-European, and AGU Chiller Controllers....................... 47
Operator’s Guide ................................................................................................................. 48
Determining Chiller System Status...................................................................................................... 48
CSC Operating State........................................................................................................................ 48
Current Chiller Stage....................................................................................................................... 50
Chiller Load..................................................................................................................................... 51
Chiller Status (Generalized Operating State)................................................................................... 51
Water Temperatures ........................................................................................................................ 54
Chiller Run Time............................................................................................................................. 55
Load Limiting Status .......................................................................................................................56
Chilled Water Distribution System Status ....................................................................................... 57
Cooling Tower Status...................................................................................................................... 57
Auto/Manual Operation....................................................................................................................... 58
CSC Control Mode.......................................................................................................................... 58
Operator Override............................................................................................................................ 58
Network Override............................................................................................................................59
Local Override................................................................................................................................. 60
Low Ambient Lockout..................................................................................................................... 61
Rapid Restart ................................................................................................................................... 61
Scheduling........................................................................................................................................... 62
Setting Time and Date ..................................................................................................................... 63
Daily Scheduling ............................................................................................................................. 63
Holiday Scheduling ......................................................................................................................... 64
One-Event Scheduling..................................................................................................................... 64
Optimal Start ...................................................................................................................................65
Alarm Monitoring................................................................................................................................68
About Alarms .................................................................................................................................. 68
Displaying Alarms........................................................................................................................... 70
Clearing Alarms............................................................................................................................... 71
2 OM127-1
Setting Up the Alarm Horn.............................................................................................................. 71
Setting Up the Alarm Output ...........................................................................................................71
Description of Operation .................................................................................................... 73
Chiller Sequencing Control .................................................................................................................73
Sequence Order................................................................................................................................73
Normal Sequencing Logic ...............................................................................................................76
Special Sequencing Logic................................................................................................................80
Designating a Standby Chiller .........................................................................................................83
Load Limiting Control.........................................................................................................................84
Load Balancing................................................................................................................................ 84
Start-Up Unloading..........................................................................................................................84
Demand Limiting.............................................................................................................................85
Stage-Up Inhibiting..........................................................................................................................87
Soft Loading .................................................................................................................................... 88
Chilled Water Temperature Control .................................................................................................... 89
Setpoint Source at Chillers ..............................................................................................................89
Temperature Control........................................................................................................................91
Setpoint Reset..................................................................................................................................95
Chilled Water Flow Control ..............................................................................................................100
Secondary Pump Logic: Single Pump............................................................................................102
Secondary Pump Logic: Lead/Standby Pump Set..........................................................................103
Secondary Pump Logic: Sequenced Pumps................................................................................... 105
Pump Speed Control......................................................................................................................107
Loop Bypass Valve Control...........................................................................................................108
Cooling Tower Control......................................................................................................................109
Tower Staging Logic .....................................................................................................................110
Tower Bypass Valve Control......................................................................................................... 115
Alarm Control....................................................................................................................................118
Comm Loss Alarms .......................................................................................................................118
Fault Alarms .................................................................................................................................. 120
Problem Alarms............................................................................................................................. 120
Warning Alarms.............................................................................................................................123
MicroTech PI Control Method .......................................................................................... 124
Change-and-Wait Algorithm..............................................................................................................124
About Change-and-Wait ................................................................................................................ 124
Description of Operation ...............................................................................................................124
Adjusting Change-and-Wait Parameters........................................................................................ 127
Project Ahead Algorithm................................................................................................................... 128
About Project Ahead .....................................................................................................................128
Description of Operation ...............................................................................................................128
Adjusting Project Ahead Parameters .............................................................................................129


Figure 1. CSC Program Codification..................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2. Keypad/Display Interface.......................................................................................................9
Figure 3. Keypad Accessible Menu Structure......................................................................................10
Figure 4. LCD Display Format ............................................................................................................ 10
Figure 5. Keypad .................................................................................................................................12
Figure 6. Example of Screen and Corresponding Menu Table (Screen 2 of Menu 11 Shown) ........... 15
Figure 7. Menu 8, Miscellaneous Inputs.............................................................................................. 22
Figure 8. Menu 17, Chilled Water Supply Temperature Reset............................................................30
Figure 9. Chilled Water Temperature Sensor Locations...................................................................... 55
Figure 10. Condenser Water Temperature Sensor Locations ..............................................................55
Figure 11. Daily Schedule Fields.........................................................................................................63
Figure 12. One Event Schedule Fields.................................................................................................65
OM127-1 3
Figure 13. Optimal Start Time Line..................................................................................................... 66
Figure 14. Typical Primary-Only System............................................................................................ 77
Figure 15. Typical Primary-Secondary System ................................................................................... 79
Figure 16. External Signal Demand Limiting Function ....................................................................... 86
Figure 17. Recip-Standard, Screw, Recip-European, and AGU Chiller Demand Limiting ................. 86
Figure 18. Chiller Leaving Evaporator Water Temperature Flow Chart ............................................. 90
Figure 19. CSC Leaving Evaporator Water Temperature Setpoint Flow Chart................................... 92
Figure 20. Typical System with Isolated Chillers................................................................................93
Figure 21. Typical System with Nonisolated Chillers ......................................................................... 94
Figure 22. Return Water or Outdoor Air Reset (English).................................................................... 96
Figure 23. Return Water or Outdoor Air Reset (SI) ............................................................................ 97
Figure 24. External Reset (English)..................................................................................................... 98
Figure 25. External Reset (SI)............................................................................................................. 98
Figure 26. Configuration. 1: Fixed-Speed Single Pump....................................................................100
Figure 27. Configuration. 2: Fixed-Speed Lead/Standby Pump Set .................................................. 101
Figure 28. Configuration. 3: Fixed-Speed Sequenced Pumps ........................................................... 101
Figure 29. Configuration. 4: Variable-Speed Single Pump ............................................................... 101
Figure 30. Configuration. 5: Variable-Speed Lead/Standby Pump Set .............................................102
Figure 31. Configuration. 6: Primary-Only System........................................................................... 102
Figure 32.Typical Condenser Water Loop ........................................................................................ 110
Figure 33. Tower Staging Only ......................................................................................................... 112
Figure 34. Tower Staging With Low-Limit Controlled Bypass Valve .............................................. 113
Figure 35. Tower Staging With Intrastage Controlled Bypass Valve................................................ 114
Figure 36. Initial Tower Bypass Valve Position (English) ................................................................ 117
Figure 37. Initial Tower Bypass Valve Position (SI)......................................................................... 117
Figure 38. Change-and Wait Function: Direct Acting....................................................................... 126
Figure 39. Change-and Wait Function: Reverse Acting .................................................................... 126
Figure 40. Project Ahead Example.................................................................................................... 129


Table 1 MicroTech Unit Controller Installation Literature ................................................................... 6
Table 2. MicroTech Unit Controller Operation Literature .................................................................... 6
Table 3. Program Code CSC1*01E Software Compatibility................................................................. 8
Table 4. CSC Chiller Software Terms................................................................................................... 8
Table 5. Menu 1 System Status ........................................................................................................... 17
Table 6. Menu 2 Temperatures............................................................................................................ 17
Table 7. Menu 3 Chiller Status............................................................................................................ 18
Table 8. Menu 4, Chiller Operating Hours..........................................................................................20
Table 9. Menu 5, Load Limiting Status ............................................................................................... 21
Table 10. Menu 6, Cooling Tower Status............................................................................................ 21
Table 11. Menu 7, Flow To Load........................................................................................................ 22
Table 12. Menu 9, Miscellaneous Status............................................................................................. 23
Table 13. Menu 10, System Control.................................................................................................... 25
Table 14. Menu 11, Chiller Sequencing.............................................................................................. 26
Table 15. Menu 12, Chiller Staging Factors........................................................................................ 26
Table 16. Menu 13, Chiller Sequence Order.......................................................................................28
Table 17. Menu 14, Load Limiting Setup............................................................................................ 29
Table 18. Menu 15, Start-Up Unloading ............................................................................................. 29
Table 19. Menu 16, Chilled Water Supply Temperature Control........................................................ 29
Table 20. Menu 18, Cooling Tower Stages.........................................................................................31
Table 21. Menu 19, Cooling Tower Output Sequence Order .............................................................. 31
Table 22. Menu 20, Cooling Tower Bypass Valve.............................................................................. 32
Table 23. Menu 21. Load Flow Control.............................................................................................. 33
Table 24. Menu 22. Secondary Pump Sequence Order ....................................................................... 33
Table 25. Menu 23. Time/Date............................................................................................................34
4 OM127-1
Table 26. Menu 24. Schedule .............................................................................................................. 34
Table 27. Menu 25. Holiday Date .......................................................................................................35
Table 28. Menu 26. Optimal Start ....................................................................................................... 35
Table 29. Menu 27. Table of Optimal Start Time Increments (in Minutes) ........................................36
Table 30. Menu 28. Service................................................................................................................. 36
Table 31. Menu 29. Chiller Setup........................................................................................................37
Table 32. Menu 30. Service Testing....................................................................................................38
Table 33. Menu 31. Current Alarms .................................................................................................... 40
Table 34. Menu 32. CSC Alarm Buffer...............................................................................................41
Table 35. Menu 33. Alarm Horn Setup ...............................................................................................41
Table 36. Menu 34. Alarm Output Setup............................................................................................. 41
Table 37. Unit Setup Variables............................................................................................................46
Table 38. Off:Local Conditions at the Chiller ..................................................................................... 52
Table 39. Off:CSC Conditions at the Chiller.......................................................................................53
Table 40. Starting Conditions at the Chiller ........................................................................................53
Table 41. Running Conditions at the Chiller .......................................................................................53
Table 42. Stopping Conditions at the Chiller.......................................................................................54
Table 43. Default Optimal Start Time Increments (in Min.)................................................................66
Table 44. Default Alarm Indication Setup........................................................................................... 69
Table 45. CSC Alarms......................................................................................................................... 69
Table 46. Example of Chiller Stage Table...........................................................................................73
Table 47. Soft Loading Variables: Centrif-200 and HallScrew........................................................... 88
Table 48. Soft Loading Variables: Centrif-100 ...................................................................................88
Table 49. Soft Loading Variables: Reciprocating/Screw.....................................................................88
Table 50. Setpoint Variables: Centrif-200 and HallScrew...................................................................89
Table 51. Setpoint Variables: Centrif-100........................................................................................... 90
Table 52. Setpoint Variables: Reciprocating/Screw ............................................................................ 90
Table 53.Example of Pump Stage Table ...........................................................................................105
Table 54. Example of Tower Stage Table .........................................................................................111
Table 55. Actual Staging ...................................................................................................................111
Table 56. Change-and-Wait Controlled Variables and Setpoints for Direct Acting CSC Control
Strategies ...................................................................................................................................126
Table 57. Change-and-Wait Controlled Variables and Setpoints for Reverse Acting CSC Control
Strategies ...................................................................................................................................127
McQuay and MicroTech are registered trademarks of McQuay International. Monitor and Open Protocol are trademarks of McQuay International. ©1998 McQuay International. All rights reserved throughout the world.
OM127-1 5


This manual provides information about the MicroTech Chiller System Controller (CSC) for McQuay centrifugal [PEH and PFH ( both available in series 100 and 200 controllers)], reciprocating (ALR and WHR), screw (PFS and ALS), Global (AGZ, AGR, and AGS), and J&E Hall Chillers. It specifically describes the CSC’s features, sequences of operation, and programmable options. It also includes information on how to use the keypad/display to enter and display data.
For information on MicroTech components, field wiring options and requirements, network commissioning procedures, and service procedures, refer to Bulletin No. IM 618, MicroTech Chiller System Controller. For specific information about the MicroTech chiller controllers, refer to the appropriate MicroTech unit controller installation or operation manual (see Table 1 and Table 2).
Table 1 MicroTech Unit Controller Installation Literature
Chiller Type Bulletin Number
Series-100 Centrifugal IM 403
Series-200 Centrifugal IM 616
Reciprocating IM 493
Screw IM 549
Global (AGZ) IM 686
Global (AGR) IOM 690
Table 2. MicroTech Unit Controller Operation Literature
Chiller Type Bulletin Number
Series-100 Centrifugal OM 119
Series-200 Centrifugal OM 125
Reciprocating IM 493
Screw IM 549
B Vintage Flooded Screw OM 129
C Vintage Flooded Screw OM 135
Global (AGU) IOM 690
Electric shock hazard.
Can cause personal injury or equipment damage.
This equipment must be properly grounded. Connections and service to the MicroTech control panel must be performed only by personnel that are knowledgeable in the operation of the equipment being controlled.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with this instruction manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his or her own expense.
interference or for the correction thereof.
McQuay International disclaims any liability resulting from any
6 OM127-1

Software ID

MicroTech CSC software is factory installed and tested in each panel prior to shipment. The software is identified by a program code (also referred to as the “Ident”), which is printed on a small label affixed to the MCB. The program code is also encoded in the controller’s memory and is available for display on menu 28 of the keypad/display or a PC equipped with MicroTech Monitor™ software. Using menu 28 or the Monitor program is the most reliable way of determining the controller’s program code.
Figure 1. CSC Program Codification
CSC 1 E 01 F
Chiller System Controller
Program number
1 = Standard software
E =English
S = SI
Version (nummeric)
Version revision (alphabetic)
If the CSC’s program code does not match the format shown above, it is likely that a special program has been loaded into the controller and some of the information in this manual may not apply.
This edition documents revision F of the standard CSC software and all subsequent revisions of version 01 until otherwise indicated. If your CSC software has a later revision code (for example, CSC1E01H), some of the information in this manual may not apply to your software. However, since revisions are usually very minor software changes, the discrepancies should be insignificant.

Software Compatibility

The current version is not compatible with some earlier versions of MicroTech centrifugal, reciprocating, and screw chiller controller standard software. The current software compatibility is
summarized in Table 3. The wildcard character (
If you want to use a CSC with older chillers that have incompatible standard software, the chiller software must be upgraded. (This applies to all Centrif-100 chillers.) If you have a version of chiller software that has a later revision code than the compatible programs shown in Table 3, it is likely that
program CSC1
01> is compatible with it; however, it may not be. To find out for sure, contact

File Names

In all cases, the file names of the compatible programs shown in Table 3 are the same as the program codes except that they also include a “COD” extension. For example, the file for program PC209A is called “PC209A.COD.”
) can be any letter.
OM127-1 7
Table 3. Program Code CSC1*01E Software Compatibility
Chiller Controller Compatible Programs Incompatible Programs
Series-200 Centrifugal CFG1*01C and later CFG1*01B and earlier
CFG3*01C and later CFG3*01B and earlier
CFG5*01C and later CFG5*01B and earlier
Series-100 Centrifugal: Display Proc. PDR09A and later PDR08* and earlier
PDM09A and later PDM08* and earlier
Series-100 Centrifugal: Control Proc. PC209A and later PC208* and earlier
PC409A and later PC408* and earlier
PC509A and later PC508* and earlier
Reciprocating RCP1*01B and later RCP1*01A
RCP2*01B and later RCP2*01A
none AWR-*12* and earlier
Screw SC1*U01A
SC2*U18D and later SC2*18C and earlier
SC3*E18C and later SC3*E18B and earlier
SC4*E18C and later SC4*E18B and earlier
J&E Hall JEH**01K and later
Global AG_UU01A and later GZ_2E01A
The menus within the CSC refer to the chiller software in generic terms. Table 4 lists each chiller model and the generic term for its software.
Table 4. CSC Chiller Software Terms
Chiller Model Software Term in CSC Menus
PFH Centrif-100 (Series 100)
PEH Centrif-100 (Series 100)
WHR Recip-Standard
ALR Recip-Standard
PFS Screw
ALS Screw
AGZ (Global Scroll) AGU
AGR (Global Reciprocating)
AGS (Global Screw) AGU
J&E Hall HallScrew
Centrif-200 (Series 200)
Centrif-200 (Series 200)
8 OM127-1

Getting Started

The MicroTech Chiller System Controller (CSC) is a self-contained device that is capable of monitoring and controlling up to 12 McQuay centrifugal, reciprocating, screw, global, or J & E Hall screw chillers via network communications. It can also monitor and control a variety of system equipment such as cooling tower fans, bypass valves, and secondary pumps. You can display and modify information in the CSC with either of the following methods:
• Using the keypad/display at the CSC
• Using an optional PC equipped with the Monitor program
In addition to system data, the CSC’s keypad/display can show a summary of important data for each chiller. To modify information in a chiller controller, you must use either the Monitor program or the keypad/display at that chiller.
The “Getting Started” sections describe how to use the CSC’s keypad/display. For information on using the optional Monitor program, see the Monitor User’s Manual. The last “Getting Started” section describes how to set up the CSC and its associated chillers for normal operation.

Chiller Definition

As used throughout this manual, the word “chiller” means chiller in all cases except for dual­compressor centrifugals. For these machines, each compressor—along with its associated MicroTech controller—is considered a “chiller.”

Using the Keypad/Display

The Keypad/Display, shown in Figure 2, is provided with all MicroTech Chiller System Controllers. With the keypad/display you can monitor operating conditions, alarms, control variables, and schedules. After you enter the password, you can edit setpoints, variables, and schedules.
Figure 2. Keypad/Display Interface
1.System Status 12:23 Jun-03-95 State= On:Schedule System Spt= 44.0°F Chiller Stage= 3 Average Load= 76% Chillers On= #1 #2 #4
Control Switch
Next Item
Decr. Enter
OM127-1 9

Menu Structure

The keypad-accessible information in the MicroTech controller is organized in a menu structure to provide quick access. As shown in Figure 3, this structure is divided into three levels: categories, menus, and items. The category, which is the highest level in the structure, can be “Status,” “Control,” or “Alarm.” The name of each category describes the basic purpose of the menus it contains. Complete information on the contents of each menu is included in the following “Keypad/Display Menu Reference” section.
Figure 3. Keypad Accessible Menu Structure
Menu 1
Items on Screen 1
Menu 2
Items on Screen 1
Menu 9 Menu 10 Menu 11 Menu 30 Menu 31 Menu 32 Menu 35
Items on Screen 1
Status Category
Menus in the Status category contain information about the current operation of the chiller system.
Control Alarm
Items on Screen 1
Items on Screen 1
Items on Screen 2
Items on Screen 3
Items on Screen 4
Items on Screen 5
Items on Screen 1
Items on Screen 2
Items on Screen 3
Items on Screen 4
Items on Screen 5
Items on Screen 1
Items on Screen 2
Items on Screen 3
Items on Screen 1
Items on Screen 2
Items on Screen 3
They also include important information about the current operating conditions in each chiller. The fields in these menu items provide status information only and cannot be changed with the keypad.
Control Category
Menus in the Control category contain variables that define how the CSC operates. After the password is entered, most fields in these menu items can be changed with the keypad.
Alarm Category
Menus in the Alarm category contain current and previous alarm information. They also include variables that allow you to customize the setup of the CSC’s Alarm Horn and Alarm Output.

Display Format

The information stored in the CSC’s menu structure can be viewed on the 4-line by 40-character LCD display. As shown in Figure 4, the current menu is displayed on the top line and the current items are displayed on the three lines below. An item line may contain one full-row item or two half-row items, and each item contains one or more fields that convey varying information. These fields may or may not be adjustable.
Figure 4. LCD Display Format
Menu line
Item line 1
Item line 2
Item line 3
24.Schedule 14:34 Jun-03-95 Override= 0.00 Hrs NMP Schedule= NA One Event= Jun–12 18:30 for 2.25 Hrs Sun 00:00–00:00 Mon 06:30–17:30
Field Half-row item
Full-row item Next screen indicator
10 OM127-1
Previous screen indicator
In addition to the current menu, the menu line also shows the time, date, and a variety of other messages that help you use the keypad.
The menu line and the three item lines are contained on a screen. A menu may contain one or more screens. Each screen of a multi-screen menu (for example, menu 11) shows the same menu line and different item lines. (The item lines do not scroll.) A down arrow in the display indicates that you can display another screen of items by pressing the indicates that you can display a previous screen of items by pressing the
Tabular Format
Some menus contain data that is displayed in a tabular format instead of the standard half- or full-row
( ) key. An up arrow in the display
key ( ).
item format shown in Figure 4. In the tabular format, the column headings are displayed on item line 1 and the data fields are displayed on item lines 2 and 3. If there is a stub, it is shown on the left side of the screen. If there are multiple screens, the menu line and item line 1 (headings) are the same on each screen. The CSC’s menu 27, “Optimal Minutes,” is an example of a tabular menu.

Password Protection

The MicroTech controller includes password protection to guard against the entry of inadvertent or unauthorized changes. When you attempt to change the value of an adjustable variable with the keypad, the controller prompts you to enter the password. If the correct password is entered, the controller allows you to make changes as desired. Five minutes after the last keystroke is made, the controller prevents further changes until the password is re-entered.
The keypad password for all controllers is the following keystroke sequence:
. It is not adjustable. See “Key Functions” below for more information.

Keypad/Display Modes

The keypad/display has two modes of operation: Normal and Change Values. Depending on the keypad/display mode, the function of each key changes. For more information, see “Key Functions.”
Normal Mode
In the Normal mode, you can use the keypad to move around the menu structure shown in Figure 3. You can also clear alarms and get Help on using the keypad by pressing the
(Help) key. If you want to edit a certain variable, first display it on the current screen and then go to the Change Values mode by pressing
, or
. The controller may prompt you for the password. The time
and date on the menu line are replaced by the message “<Change Values Mode>.”
Change Values Mode
In the Change Values mode, you can use the keypad to move around the screen and to change the values of selected (flashing) fields. Any adjustable field on the current screen can be changed during a change-values editing session: to edit a field on a different screen, you must first return to the Normal mode and select the new screen. To return to the Normal mode, press the

Key Functions

The MicroTech controller’s keypad consists of 12 pressure sensitive membrane switches, which are
divided into 3 groups: “Category,” “Menu-Item,” and “Action.” See Figure 5.
OM127-1 11
Figure 5. Keypad
Control Switch
Next Menu
Decr. Enter
Category Group
Acting like bookmarks in the menu structure, the keys in the Category group provide quick access to the desired menus. Refer to Figure 3. By using these keys, you can minimize scrolling between menus with the keys in the Menu-Item group (see below). The keys in the Category group are active only during the Normal mode.
Any time the
key is pressed, the first menu in the Status category is
displayed. This is menu 1, “System Status.”
Any time the
key is pressed, the first menu in the Control category is
displayed. This is menu 10, “System Control.”
Any time the
key is pressed, the first menu in the Alarm category is
displayed. This is menu 31, “Current Alarms.”
key allows you to quickly switch between menus that have closely related content. For example, if you’re interested in chiller sequencing control, you could go to menu 1, “System Status,” and then press the
successively to see the following menus, which contain chiller sequencing data:
• Menu 1. System Status
• Menu 3. Chiller Status
• Menu 13. Chiller Sequence Order
The three menus in the above example are called a browse sequence (1¤3¤13¤1). The following “Keypad/Display Menu Reference” section lists the
essential destinations and browse sequences for all applicable menus.
Menu-Item Group: Normal Mode
During the Normal mode, the keys in the Menu-Item group allow you to choose the menu and item you want to display. Refer to Figure 3. First use the two menu keys to select the menu you want, and then, if necessary, use the two item keys to display the items you want.
Key (
When the
key is pressed, the display scrolls to the previous menu in the structure. This action always occurs unless the current menu is the first menu.
Key ( ):
When the
key is pressed, the display scrolls to the next menu in the structure. This action always occurs unless the current menu is the last menu.
Key ( ):
When the
key is pressed, the display scrolls to the previous screen of items in the current menu. This action always occurs unless the current screen is the first screen.
Key ( ):
When the
key is pressed, the display scrolls to the next screen of items in the current menu. This action always occurs unless the current screen is the last screen.
12 OM127-1
Menu-Item Group: Change Values Mode
During the Change Values mode, the keys in the Menu-Item group become “cursor control” keys for the current screen, allowing you to quickly get to the field(s) you want to edit. For more on editing, see “Action Group: Change Values Mode.”
In some instances during the Change Values mode, the flashing “cursor” field disappears either upon entering the mode or after a keystroke. This is normal. An additional keystroke usually makes the cursor field reappear.
Action Group: Normal Mode
During the Normal mode, the Action group keys allow you to (1) clear alarms, (2) get Help on using the keypad/display, or (3) enter the Change Values mode. To enter the Change Values mode, press
Key (Help):
, or
When the
key is pressed, the display shows Help on using the keypad/display. This action always occurs except when menu 31, “Current Alarms,” is in the display. In this instance, pressing
clears a current CSC alarm. For more on clearing alarms, see the “Alarm Monitoring” section of this manual.
Action Group: Change Values Mode
During the Change Values mode, the Action group keys allow you to edit values in the fields on the current screen. When you enter the Change Values mode, the first adjustable field in the first item on the current screen flashes, indicating that it can be edited with the
keys. To select
different fields on the screen, use the cursor control keys in the Menu-Item group.
Key (+):
Key (–):
When the changes to the next higher value or next available selection. After pressing you cannot select a new field for editing until you press the
When the
key is pressed, the entry in the item’s selected (flashing) field
key is pressed, the entry in the item’s selected (flashing) field
changes to the next lower value or previous available selection. After you press
Key (=):
, you cannot select a new field for editing until you press the
When the
key is pressed after a value has been changed, the new entry is
locked in. A message appears on the menu line telling you that the change was successful. To select another field for editing, use the cursor control keys in the
key is pressed), the
Menu-Item group. To end the edit, press
key has two functions in the Change Values mode: (1) when pressed after a value has been changed (but before the new entry is canceled and the previous entry is retained; (2) in any other case, pressing
ends the editing session and returns the keypad/display to the
Normal mode.

Keypad/Display Exercises

Following are two exercises that guide you through some typical keypad operations. Often there is more than one way to perform an operation. For example, you can use the Menu-Item keys with or without the optional Category keys to quickly find the menu you want to display.
Changing a Setpoint
In this exercise, assume that the common chilled water supply temperature is 47.0°F (8.3°C) and cooler water is required. The water temperature is too warm because not all chillers are on and both the Minimum Chiller Setpoint and the System Setpoint are 44.0°F (6.6°C). (The system layout is such that water from chillers that are off mixes with water from chillers that are on.) Using the following procedure, you change the Minimum Chiller Setpoint to 41.0°F (4.9°C) and thus lower the common supply temperature.
OM127-1 13
1. Press
. The first menu of the Control category is displayed. This is menu 10, “System
2. Press
( ) six times. Menu 16, “Supply Tmp Cntl,” is displayed. The first screen of
this menu is also displayed.
3. Press
( ) once. The second screen is displayed. The “Min Chil Spt=” item is on the right half of item line 1. This is the Minimum Chiller Setpoint. Assume that it is set to 44.0°F (6.6°C).
4. Press
5. Press
(–) or
(=). The controller prompts you for the password.
four times. (This is the password.) The “Password Verified” message is displayed
and then the “<Change Values Mode>” message appears on the menu line.
6. Press
( ), which is now a cursor control key, once. The “Min Chil Spt=” item’s only
field starts flashing.
7. Press
8. Press
9. Press
(–) until the setpoint is 41.0°F (4.9°C).
. The “Change Successful” message appears. This means that the new setpoint is
locked in. Now press
twice. The actual supply temperature (“Supply ChW=” item under menu 2,
to end the edit and return to the keypad/display’s Normal mode.
“Temperatures”) is displayed. With the new setpoint entered, this temperature begins to drop.
Clearing a CSC Alarm
In this exercise, assume that a Fault alarm which requires a manual reset occurred in the system. If the conditions that caused the alarm are gone, use the following procedure to clear the alarm.
1. Press
. The Alarm Horn is silenced and the first menu of the Alarm category is displayed. This is menu 31, “Current Alarms.” The “CSC=” item is also displayed. It probably shows “None,” but assume that a Fault exists; for example, “No Sec ChW Flow.”
2. Press
. This clears the alarm and returns the CSC to normal operation. The “CSC=” item
automatically changes to “None.”

Keypad/Display Menu Reference

The following tables show every menu, item, and field in the menu structure of the CSC. These menus and items can all be displayed with the keypad/display. (the Monitor program provides some additional monitoring features and adjustable variables.)

Using the Tables

The menu tables tell you several things:
• The exact location of each item in the menu structure
• The default value of each adjustable field
• The range of possible values for each field
• The variable name for each item
• The
Figure 5 shows an example of a typical CSC screen and its corresponding menu table.
Each menu table has a “Screen” (Scr.) column and a “Line” column. The Screen column tells you which screen a particular item is on. The Line column tells you which item line a particular item is on. For multi-screen menus, this information can be useful because it gives you an idea of the number of times you need to press the
key destination for each menu
key upon entering the menu.
14 OM127-1
Default Value
The tables for menus in the Control and Alarm categories show the default, factory set values of every adjustable field. These are shown in the “Name” column in bold italic. For many variables, the default values are typical values that may not need to be changed; for example, control loop parameters such as deadbands and mod limits. Other variables must be set in accordance with the application, and thus their default values have little meaning; for example, the First On Chiller variable shown in Figure 6.
The range of possible values for every field is shown in the “Range” column. Since many items in the Control and Alarm categories have more than one field, the tables for these menus also have a “Field No.” column. If there is a number in the Field No. column, it indicates that the field is adjustable and thus it can be selected with the cursor control keys during the Change Values mode. If there is a dash (–) in the Field No. column, it indicates that the field is not adjustable. The range for each field is shown in the adjacent Range column.
Using Figure 6 as an example, notice that all items on the screen have one adjustable field except “On First=,” which has two. The “On First=” item’s first field can be set to “N/A,” “#1,” or “#2” through “#12.” Its second field can be set to either “at Stage Two” or “Last.”
The resolution of all adjustable temperature fields is 0.5°F (0.2–0.3°C).
Variable Name
Every item in the CSC’s menu structure represents a variable (adjustable or status only). The item names that appear in the display are usually abbreviations of the variable names, which are listed in the “Variable Name” column. Variable names are used in the text of this manual to describe the operation of the CSC and its associated chillers.
Figure 6. Example of Screen and Corresponding Menu Table (Screen 2 of Menu 11 Shown)
Screen 2
Menu line
Item line 1
Item line 2
Item line 3
Scr. Line Name
3On Last= NA & Off First 1 N/A, #1 – #12 Last On Chiller
Key Destination:
Key Destination
At the bottom of each menu table, the
key destination is the menu the CSC displays after the
menu 11 is in the display, pressing
11.Chil Sequencing 15:20 Jun-03-95 Standby= #1 On First= #2 & Off at Stage Two On Last= #3 & Off First
Adjustable Field 1
(default values: bold italic
On First= NA & Off
Menu 3. Chiller Status
Adjustable Field 2
displays menu 3.
Field Range Variable Name
1 N/A, #1 – #12 Standby Chiller
1 N/A, #1 – #12 First On Chiller
2at Stage Two
key destination for that menu (if any) is shown. The
key is pressed. For example, if
OM127-1 15

Browse Sequences

A browse sequence is a series of closely related menus that you can display cyclically by repeatedly pressing the cooling tower control—without having to navigate through unrelated menus. You can enter a browse sequence at any menu, and if you press from.
Browse sequences include only menus that contain information you may need on a day-to-day basis; they do not include menus that contain setup information.
Topic Browse Sequence Menus
Chiller Sequencing 1¤3¤13¤1
System/Scheduling 10¤24¤10
Chilled Water Temperatures 2¤16¤17¤2
Cooling Tower 6¤18¤19¤20¤6
Load Limit ing 5¤14¤15¤5
Chilled Water Flow 7¤21¤22¤7
key. They allow you to focus on a specific chiller system function—for example,
enough times, you return to the menu you started
Not all menus that have
you press
from one of these menus, it usually brings you to a related browse sequence. For example, if
key destinations are part of a browse sequence. However, if you press
while menu 11 is in the display, you enter the Chiller Sequencing browse sequence
at menu 3.

Status Menus

The Status category includes menus 1 through 9. Following are brief descriptions of them.
System Status
Menu 1, “System Status,” tells you the current overall status of the CSC and its associated chillers. For more information, see the “Determining Chiller System Status” section in the “Operator’s Guide” portion of this manual.
Menu 2, “Temperatures,” provides the current system water temperatures and the outdoor air temperature. Except for the chilled water supply sensor, these temperature sensors are optional. If the display shows “Open” or “Short,” it is likely that the sensor has not been installed.
Chiller Status
Menu 3, “Chiller Status,” tells you whether each chiller is currently starting, on, stopping, or off. If a chiller is off, the chiller status tells whether it is disabled at the chiller or by the CSC. The load on each chiller and the water temperatures at each chiller are also displayed. The chiller load is in percent of rated load amps (% RLA) for centrifugal and percent of available stages that are active for reciprocating and screw.
Chiller Operating Hours
Menu 4, “Operating Hours,” gives you run-time history for each chiller in the system. Run time is accumulated whenever a compressor is actually running.
Load Limiting Status
Menu 5, “Load Limit Status,” tells you which of the three percent-of-capacity load limiting functions are currently affecting the chillers: demand limiting, load balancing, or start-up unloading. A value of 100% means that no load limiting is occurring. The current capacity limit on each individual chiller, which is the minimum value produced by the three functions, is also shown on menu 5. For more information, see the “Determining Chiller System Status” section in the “Operator’s Guide” portion of this manual.
16 OM127-1
Cooling Tower Status
Menu 6, “Tower Status,” tells you the current status of the cooling tower system. For more information, see the “Determining Chiller System Status” section in the “Operator’s Guide” portion of this manual.
Flow To Load
Menu 7, “Flow To Load,” tells you the current status of the chilled water distribution system, which may include secondary pumps or a differential pressure bypass valve. For more information, see the “Determining Chiller System Status” section in the “Operator’s Guide” portion of this manual.
Miscellaneous Inputs
Menu 8, “Misc Inputs,” tells you the flow rate in the decoupler line and the states of the external start/stop, chilled water reset override, and cooling tower alarm inputs. The conditioned (0–5 Vdc) values of the external demand limiting and external chilled water reset signals are also displayed.
Miscellaneous Status
Menu 9, “Misc Status,” tells you the current value of the Stage-Up Inhibit Level variable. This signal can be sent to the CSC by a MicroTech Network Master Panel that has a demand meter connected to it or by a building automation system via Open Protocol™. The signal and its corresponding setpoint (menu 11) can be used to prevent further chiller system loading when a certain electrical demand target is reached.
Table 5. Menu 1 System Status
Scr Line Name
1 1 State= On:Schedule
(typical values shown italic)
Range Variable Name
Free Clg
System Spt= 44.0°F (6.6°C) 32.0 – 60.0°F
0.0 – 20.0°C
CSC Operating State
System Setpoint (chilled water
2 Chiller Stage= 2 0 – 12 Current Chiller Stage
Average Load= 67% 0 – 125% Average Chiller Load
(operational chillers)
3 Chillers On= #1 #2 __ __ __ __ __ __
#1 - #12
Chiller Status Bitset
__ __ __ __
Key Destination:
1. Program CSC1S01
2. If a chiller is either starting or running, that chiller’s number appears in the item line.
Menu 3. Chiller Status
Table 6. Menu 2 Temperatures
Scr Line Name
1 1 Supply ChW= 44.2°F (6.7°C) –45.0 – 255.0°F
OM127-1 17
(typical values shown italic)
Range Variable Name
–40.0 – 125.0°C
Return ChW= 54.6°F (12.6°C) –45.0 – 255.0°F, N/A
–40.0 – 125.0°C{, N/A
Chilled Water Supply Temperature (common)
Chilled Water Return Temperature
Scr Line Name
(typical values shown italic)
Range Variable Name
2 Ent CondW= 79.5°F (26.4°C) –45.0 – 255.0°F, N/A
–40.0 – 125.0°C{, N/A
Lvg CondW= 92.1°F (33.4°C) –45.0 – 255.0°F, N/A
–40.0 – 125.0°C{, N/A
3 Decoupler= 45.1°F (7.3°C) –45.0 – 255.0°F, N/A
–40.0 – 125.0°C{, N/A
Outdoor Air= 90.0°F (32.2°C) –45.0 – 255.0°F, N/A
–40.0 – 125.0°C{, N/A
Key Destination:
1. Program CSC1S01
Menu 16. Chilled Water Supply Temperature Control
Table 7. Menu 3 Chiller Status
Common Entering Condenser Water Temperature
Common Leaving Condenser Water Temperature
Decoupler Temperature
Outdoor Air Temperature
Scr Line Name
1 1 #1 Status= Running
(typical values shown italic)
Range Variable Name
Comm Loss
Chiller #1 Status
Load= 54% 0 – 125% Chiller #1 Load
2Ent Evap= 53.6°F (12.0°C) –45.0 – 255.0°F
–40.0 – 125.0°C
Ent Cond= 75.7°F (24.3°C) –45.0 – 255.0°F
–40.0 – 125.0°C
3 Lvg Evap= 44.2°F (6.8°C) –45.0 – 255.0°F
–40.0 – 125.0°C
Lvg Cond= 85.6°F (29.8°C) –45.0 – 255.0°F
–40.0 – 125.0°C
Chiller #1 Entering Evaporator Water Temperature
Chiller #1 Entering Condenser Water Temperature
Chiller #1 Leaving Evaporator Water Temperature
Chiller #1 Leaving Condenser Water Temperature
2 1 #2 Status= Running (same as Chiller #1 Status) Chiller #2 Status
Load= 57% 0 – 125% Chiller #2 Load
2Ent Evap= 53.8°F (12.1°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #2 Entering Evaporator
Water Temperature
Ent Cond= 75.9°F (24.4°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #2 Entering Condenser
Water Temperature
3 Lvg Evap= 44.3°F (6.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #2 Leaving Evaporator
Water Temperature
Lvg Cond= 85.8°F (29.9°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #2 Leaving Condenser
Water Temperature
3 1 #3 Status= Running (same as Chiller #1 Status) Chiller #3 Status
Load= 55% 0 – 125% Chiller #3 Load
2Ent Evap= 53.9°F (12.2°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #3 Entering Evaporator
Water Temperature
Ent Cond= 75.5°F (24.2°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #3 Entering Condenser
Water Temperature
3 Lvg Evap= 44.6°F (7.0°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #3 Leaving Evaporator
Water Temperature
Lvg Cond= 85.7°F (29.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #3 Leaving Condenser
Water Temperature
4 1 #4 Status= Off:CSC (same as Chiller #1 Status) Chiller #4 Status
Load= 0% 0 – 125% Chiller #4 Load
18 OM127-1
Scr Line Name
(typical values shown italic)
Range Variable Name
2Ent Evap= 56.3°F (13.5°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #4 Entering Evaporator
Water Temperature
Ent Cond= 80.7°F (27.1°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #4 Entering Condenser
Water Temperature
3 Lvg Evap= 56.2°F (13.4°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #4 Leaving Evaporator
Water Temperature
Lvg Cond= 81.0°F (27.2°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #4 Leaving Condenser
Water Temperature
5 1 #5 Status= N/A (same as Chiller #1 Status) Chiller #5 Status
Load= 0% 0 – 125% Chiller #5 Load
2Ent Evap= 20.0°F (–6.7°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #5 Entering Evaporator
Water Temperature
Ent Cond= 55.0°F (12.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #5 Entering Condenser
Water Temperature
3 Lvg Evap= 20.0°F (–6.7°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #5 Leaving Evaporator
Water Temperature
Lvg Cond= 55.0°F (12.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #5 Leaving Condenser
Water Temperature
6 1 #6 Status= N/A (same as Chiller #1 Status) Chiller #6 Status
Load= 0% 0 – 125% Chiller #6 Load
2Ent Evap= 20.0°F (–6.7°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #6 Entering Evaporator
Water Temperature
Ent Cond= 55.0°F (12.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #6 Entering Condenser
Water Temperature
3 Lvg Evap= 20.0°F (–6.7°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #6 Leaving Evaporator
Water Temperature
Lvg Cond= 55.0°F (12.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #6 Leaving Condenser
Water Temperature
7 1 #7 Status= N/A (same as Chiller #1 Status) Chiller #7 Status
Load= 0% 0 – 125% Chiller #7 Load
2Ent Evap= 20.0°F (–6.7°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #7 Entering Evaporator
Water Temperature
Ent Cond= 55.0°F (12.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #7 Entering Condenser
Water Temperature
3 Lvg Evap= 20.0°F (–6.7°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #7 Leaving Evaporator
Water Temperature
Lvg Cond= 55.0°F (12.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #7 Leaving Condenser
Water Temperature
8 1 #8 Status= N/A (same as Chiller #1 Status) Chiller #8 Status
Load= 0% 0 – 125% Chiller #8 Load
2Ent Evap= 20.0°F (–6.7°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #8 Entering Evaporator
Water Temperature
Ent Cond= 55.0°F (12.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #8 Entering Condenser
Water Temperature
3 Lvg Evap= 20.0°F (–6.7°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #8 Leaving Evaporator
Water Temperature
Lvg Cond= 55.0°F (12.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #8 Leaving Condenser
Water Temperature
9 1 #9 Status= N/A (same as Chiller #1 Status) Chiller #9 Status
Load= 0% 0 – 125% Chiller #9 Load
2Ent Evap= 20.0°F (–6.7°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #9 Entering Evaporator
Water Temperature
OM127-1 19
Scr Line Name
(typical values shown italic)
Range Variable Name
Ent Cond= 55.0°F (12.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #9 Entering Condenser
Water Temperature
3 Lvg Evap= 20.0°F (–6.7°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #9 Leaving Evaporator
Water Temperature
Lvg Cond= 55.0°F (12.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #9 Leaving Condenser
Water Temperature
10 1 #10 Status= N/A (same as Chiller #1 Status) Chiller #10 Status
Load= 0% 0 – 125% Chiller #10 Load
2Ent Evap= 20.0°F (–6.7°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #10 Entering Evaporator
Water Temperature
Ent Cond= 55.0°F (12.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #10 Entering Condenser
Water Temperature
3 Lvg Evap= 20.0°F (–6.7°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #10 Leaving Evaporator
Water Temperature
Lvg Cond= 55.0°F (12.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #10 Leaving Condenser
Water Temperature
11 1 #11 Status= N/A (same as Chiller #1 Status) Chiller #11 Status
Load= 0% 0 – 125% Chiller #11 Load
2Ent Evap= 20.0°F (–6.7°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #11 Entering Evaporator
Water Temperature
Ent Cond= 55.0°F (12.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #11 Entering Condenser
Water Temperature
3 Lvg Evap= 20.0°F (–6.7°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #11 Leaving Evaporator
Water Temperature
Lvg Cond= 55.0°F (12.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #11 Leaving Condenser
Water Temperature
12 1 #12 Status= N/A (same as Chiller #1 Status) Chiller #12 Status
Load= 0% 0 – 125% Chiller #12 Load
2Ent Evap= 20.0°F (–6.7°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #12 Entering Evaporator
Water Temperature
Ent Cond= 55.0°F (12.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #12 Entering Condenser
Water Temperature
3 Lvg Evap= 20.0°F (–6.7°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #12 Leaving Evaporator
Water Temperature
Lvg Cond= 55.0°F (12.8°C) (same as Chiller #1 temps.) Chiller #12 Leaving Condenser
Water Temperature
Key Destination:
1. Program CSC1S01
Menu 13. Chiller Sequence Order
Table 8. Menu 4, Chiller Operating Hours
Scr Line Name
1 1 Chil #1= 12345 Hrs 0 – 49999 Hrs Chiller #1 Operating Hours
2 Chil #2= 12345 Hrs 0 – 49999 Hrs Chiller #2 Operating Hours
3 Chil #3= 12345 Hrs 0 – 49999 Hrs Chiller #3 Operating Hours
1 Chil #4= 12345 Hrs 0 – 49999 Hrs Chiller #4 Operating Hours
2 Chil #5= 12345 Hrs 0 – 49999 Hrs Chiller #5 Operating Hours
3 Chil #6= 12345 Hrs 0 – 49999 Hrs Chiller #6 Operating Hours
2 1 Chil #7= 12345 Hrs 0 – 49999 Hrs Chiller #7 Operating Hours
2 Chil #8= 12345 Hrs 0 – 49999 Hrs Chiller #8 Operating Hours
2 Chil #9= 12345 Hrs 0 – 49999 Hrs Chiller #9 Operating Hours
20 OM127-1
(typical values shown italic)
Range Variable Name
Scr Line Name
(typical values shown italic)
Range Variable Name
3 Chil #10= 12345 Hrs 0 – 49999 Hrs Chiller #10 Operating Hours
1 Chil #11= 12345 Hrs 0 – 49999 Hrs Chiller #11 Operating Hours
2 Chil #12= 12345 Hrs 0 – 49999 Hrs Chiller #12 Operating Hours
Key Destination:
Menu 13. Chiller Sequence Order
Table 9. Menu 5, Load Limiting Status
Scr Line Name
(typical values shown italic)
Range Variable Name
11Demand Limit= 100% 40 – 100% System Demand Limiting Load
2 Load Balance= 100% 30 – 125% System Load Balancing Load
2 1 Start Grp #1= 100% 30 – 100% Start-Up Unloading Group #1
Load Limit
2 Start Grp #2= 100% 30 – 100% Start-Up Unloading Group #2
Load Limit
3 Start Grp #3= 100% 30 – 100% Start-Up Unloading Group #3
Load Limit
1 Start Grp #4= 100% 30 – 100% Start-Up Unloading Group #4
Load Limit
2 Start Grp #5= 100% 30 – 100% Start-Up Unloading Group #5
Load Limit
3 Start Grp #6= 100% 30 – 100% Start-Up Unloading Group #6
Load Limit
3 1 Chiller #1= 100% 30 – 100% Chiller #1 Load Limit
2 Chiller #2= 100% 30 – 100% Chiller #2 Load Limit
3 Chiller #3= 100% 30 – 100% Chiller #3 Load Limit
1 Chiller #4= 100% 30 – 100% Chiller #4 Load Limit
2 Chiller #5= 100% 30 – 100% Chiller #5 Load Limit
3 Chiller #6= 100% 30 – 100% Chiller #6 Load Limit
4 1 Chiller #7= 100% 30 – 100% Chiller #7 Load Limit
2 Chiller #8= 100% 30 – 100% Chiller #8 Load Limit
3 Chiller #9= 100% 30 – 100% Chiller #9 Load Limit
1 Chiller #10= 100% 30 – 100% Chiller #10 Load Limit
2 Chiller #11= 100% 30 – 100% Chiller #11 Load Limit
3 Chiller #12= 100% 30 – 100% Chiller #12 Load Limit
Key Destination:
Menu 14. Load Limiting Setup
Table 10. Menu 6, Cooling Tower Status
Scr Line Name
1 1 Cooling Tower Stage= 2 0 – 12 Current Cooling Tower Stage
2 Bypass Valve Position= 95% To Tower 0 – 100% Cooling Tower Bypass Valve
3 Ent CndW T= 79.5°F (26.4°C) –45.0 – 255.0°F
Key Destination:
1. Program CSC1S01
OM127-1 21
(typical values shown italic)
Range Variable Name
–40.0 – 125.0°C
Lvg CndW T= 92.1°F (33.4°C) –45.0 – 255.0°F
–40.0 – 125.0°C
Menu 18. Cooling Tower Stages
Common Entering Condenser
Water Temperature
Common Leaving Condenser
Water Temperature
Table 11. Menu 7, Flow To Load
Scr Line Name
1 1 Pressure Bypass Valve or VFD Pump=
(typical values shown italic)
Range Variable Name
0 – 100% Differential Pressure Bypass
Valve Position or Secondary VFD Pump Speed
2 Press Diff= 19 psi (131 kPa) 0 – 99 psi
0 – 650 kPa
Chilled Water Loop Pressure Difference
Pump Stage= 0 0 – 9 Current Sequenced Pump Stage
3 Pump #1= 12345 Hrs 0 – 49999 Hrs Secondary Pump #1 Operating
Pump #2= 12345 Hrs 0 – 49999 Hrs Secondary Pump #2 Operating
2 1 Pump #1 Out= On On
Pump #1 Status= On On
Secondary Pump #1 Output State
Secondary Pump #1 Status
2 Pump #2 Out= Off On
Pump #2 Status= Off On
Secondary Pump #2 Output State
Secondary Pump #2 Status
3 Pump #3 Out= Off On
Pump #3 Status= Off On
Secondary Pump #3 Output State
Secondary Pump #3 Status
3 1 Pump #4 Out= Off On
Pump #4 Status= Off On
Secondary Pump #4 Output State
Secondary Pump #4 Status
2 Pump #5 Out= Off On
Pump #5 Status= Off On
Secondary Pump #5 Output State
Secondary Pump #5 Status
3 Pump #6 Out= Off On
Pump #6 Status= Off On
Secondary Pump #6 Output State
Secondary Pump #6 Status
Key Destination:
1. Program CSC1S01
Menu 21. Load Flow Control
Figure 7. Menu 8, Miscellaneous Inputs
Scr Line Name
1 1 External Start/Stop= Auto Auto (input open)
2 Supply ChW Reset Override= Auto Auto (input open)
3 Cooling Tower Alarm= Normal Fail (input open)
2 1 Decoupler Flow Rate= 500 gpm (31.5
2 External Demand Limit Signal= 0.0 Vdc 0.0 – 5.0 Vdc External Demand Limiting
3 External ChW Reset Signal= 0.0 Vdc 0.0 – 5.0 Vdc External Chilled Water Reset
Key Destination:
22 OM127-1
(typical values shown italic)
Range Variable Name
External Start/Stop Status
Occupied (input closed)
Chilled Water Reset Override
Override (input closed)
Cooling Tower Alarm Input
Normal (input closed)
0 – 5000 gpm 0 – 300.0 L/s
Decoupler Flow Rate (supply to
Signal (conditioned)
Signal (conditioned)
1. Program CSC1S01
Table 12. Menu 9, Miscellaneous Status
Scr Line Name
1 1 Stage-Up Inhibit Level= 2 None
Key Destination:
(typical values shown italic)
Menu 11. Chiller Sequencing
Range Variable Name
1 – 7
Stage-Up Inhibit Level (via
network comm.)

Control Menus

The Control category includes menus 10 through 30. Following are brief descriptions of them.
System Control
Menu 10, “System Control,” contains the CSC Control Mode variable, which allows you to set up the CSC for automatic or manual operation. It also contains the low ambient lockout variables that are used to prevent chiller system operation when the outdoor air temperature is below a set temperature. For more information, see the “Auto/Manual Operation” section in the “Operator’s Guide” portion of this manual.
Chiller Sequencing
Menu 11, “Chil Sequencing,” can be used to designate whether the chiller sequence order is set manually or automatically and whether certain chillers are designated as standby, first on, or last on. It can also be used to set up the CSC’s chiller sequencing control logic. For more information, see the “Chiller Sequencing Control” section of this manual.
Chiller Staging Factors
Menu 12, “Chil Stg Factors,” contains the variables that cause the active chiller stage number to increase or decrease as the cooling load varies. Individual variables are provided for each chiller stage. Chiller staging is based on the average load of all operational chillers, an adjustable time delay, and in some applications, flow rate through the decoupler (bypass) line.
In addition to the chiller staging variables, a limit on the number of cooling tower stages can be specified. For more information, see the “Chiller Sequencing Control” section of this manual.
Chiller Sequence Order
Menu 13, “Chiller Order,” shows the order in which the CSC sequences chillers as the cooling load varies. When the CSC is set up to change the sequence order automatically, the variables in menu 13 are status only (non-adjustable). When the CSC is set up to allow manual sequence order changes, the variables in menu 13 are used to set a fixed sequence order.
In either case, the sequence order is organized according to chiller stages rather than individual chillers. A chiller stage is a defined set of chillers; for example, stage 1 might consist of Chiller #2, and stage 2 might consist of Chiller #1 and Chiller #2. (In this instance, Chiller #2 would be “lead” and Chiller #1 would be “lag.”) This approach provides more sequencing flexibility because chillers can be either started or stopped in sets of one or more as the cooling load either increases or decreases. For more information, see the “Chiller Sequencing Control” section of this manual.
Load Limiting Setup
Menu 14, “Load Limiting,” contains variables that allow you to set up the two system-wide, percent­of-capacity load limiting functions: load balancing and demand limiting. Both are optional.
Load balancing causes all centrifugal chillers to operate at about the same capacity (% RLA). It is typically used when there are dual-compressor chillers or chillers piped in series.
Demand limiting prevents chillers from operating above a specified capacity (% RLA for centrifugal; stages for reciprocating and screw). The demand-limiting signal can be either an external input (4-20 mA, 1–5 Vdc, 2–10 Vdc) or a network input received via Open Protocol. For more information, see the “Load Limiting Control” of this manual.
OM127-1 23
Start-Up Unloading
Menu 15, “Start-Up Unload,” contains variables that allow you to set up the start-up-unloading load limiting function. Start-up unloading is different from load balancing and demand limiting in that it works on separate groups of chillers (centrifugal only) rather than all chillers. Start-up unloading causes all operational compressors in a group to unload when another compressor in the same group starts up. It is typically used only for dual-compressor chillers. For more information, see the “Load Limiting Control” section of this manual.
Chilled Water Supply Temperature Control
Menu 16, “Supply Tmp Cntl,” can be used to specify whether the CSC controls common (system supply) chilled water temperature or controls unit (leaving evaporator) chilled water temperature. Either control method can be used with any of the reset options. For more information, see the “Chilled Water Temperature Control” section of this manual.
Chilled Water Supply Temperature Reset
Menu 17, “Supply Tmp Reset,” contains variables that are used to reset the chilled water supply temperature setpoint. Four types of reset are available. For more information, see the “Chilled Water Temperature Control” section of this manual.
Cooling Tower Stages
Menu 18, “Clg Tower Stages,” contains variables that control staging for the cooling tower system. Twelve stages are possible, and each stage has a separate setpoint. For more information, see the “Cooling Tower Control” section of this manual.
Cooling Tower Output Order
Menu 19, “Twr Output Order,” can be set the order in which the CSC stages tower outputs as the heat rejection requirement varies. Like a chiller stage, a tower stage is a defined set of tower outputs; for example, stage 1 might consist of Fan #1, stage 2 of Fan #2, and stage 3 of Fan #1 and #2. For more information, see the “Cooling Tower Control” section of this manual.
Cooling Tower Bypass Valve
Menu 20, “Clg Tower Valve,” contains variables that control the bypass valve for the cooling tower system. The valve can be set up to modulate either before tower stage 1 is activated or between tower stages. In either case, you can set an initial valve position function, which sets the bypass valve position as appropriate for the outdoor air temperature during system start-up. For more information, see the “Cooling Tower Control” section in of this manual.
Load Flow Control
Menu 21, “Load Flow Cntl,” contains variables that can be used to set up the chilled water system flow control. Bypass valve control and three types of secondary pump logic are possible. Secondary pumps can be fixed or variable speed. For more information, see the “Chilled Water Flow Control” section of this manual.
Secondary Pump Sequence Order
Menu 22, “Sec Pump Order,” can be used to set the order in which the CSC sequences secondary pumps to maintain the differential pressure across the supply and return lines. Like a chiller stage, a pump stage is a defined set of pumps; for example, stage 1 might consist of Pump #1, stage 2 of Pump #1 and #2, and stage 3 of Pump #1, #2, and #3. For more information, see the “Chilled Water Flow Control” section of this manual.
Menu 23, “Time/Date,” allows you to adjust the current time, day, and date. For more information, see the “Scheduling” section of this manual.
24 OM127-1
Menu 24, “Schedule,” contains the CSC’s internal scheduling variables. It also includes an operator override timer and a one-event schedule that can be used to enable chiller system operation for a specified time period. For more information, see the “Scheduling” and “Auto/Manual Operation” sections of this manual.
Holiday Date
Menu 25, “Holiday Date,” allows you to schedule 12 holiday dates. Each date can be assigned a duration from 1 to 31 days. On each day of the holiday period, the holiday schedule entered under menu 24 is used. For more information, see the “Scheduling” section of this manual.
Optimal Start
Menu 26, “Optimal Start,” contains variables that are used to set up the CSC’s adaptive optimal start feature. Optimal start uses the scheduled start time, the outdoor air temperature, and the chilled water loop temperature to determine the best possible time to enable chiller system operation. For more information, see the “Scheduling” section of this manual.
Table of Optimal Start Time Increments
Menu 27, “Optimal Minutes,” contains a table of time increments (in minutes) that are subtracted from the CSC’s normal scheduled start time to get the optimal start time. The table value that is used for any particular day is based on the outdoor air and chilled water loop temperatures. For more information, see the “Scheduling” section of this manual.
Menu 28, “Service,” contains CSC setup and service related items. For more information, see the following “CSC and Chiller Controller Initial Setup” section. The last item on screen 1, “IDENT=,” displays the CSC’s program code.
Chiller Setup
Menu 29, “Chiller Setup,” contains variables that define each chiller associated with the CSC. For more information, see the following “CSC and Chiller Controller Initial Setup” section.
Service Testing
Menu 30, “Service Testing,” contains variables that allow a service technician to manually control the CSC’s digital and analog outputs. This would normally be done only during system commissioning or when service is required. For more information, see Bulletin No. IM 618 and the “Auto/Manual Operation” section in the “Operator’s Guide” portion of this manual.
Table 13. Menu 10, System Control
Scr Line Name
Key Destination: Menu 24. Schedule
1. Program CSC1S01
(default values: bold italic
CSC Control Mode=
Rapid Restart Time=
Low Amb Lockout=
Low Amb Spt=
50.0°F (9.9°C)
Manual Off
10 Sec
Field Range Variable Name
1 15.0 – 99.5°F
Manual Off
Manual On
Service Testing
0 – 60 Sec
1 – 60 Min
1 – 60 Hr
–9.5 – 37.4°C
CSC Control Mode
Rapid Restart Time
Low Ambient Lockout Flag
Low Ambient Lockout Setpoint
OM127-1 25
Table 14. Menu 11, Chiller Sequencing
Scr Line Name
(default values: bold italic
Field Range Variable Name
Chiller Sequence Order Option
Control Type=
1 Standard
Chiller Sequencing Control Type
On First= NA & Off
1 NA, #1 – #12 Standby Chiller
1 NA, #1 – #12 First On Chiller
2at Stage Two
On Last= NA & Off First
Resequence Day/Time=
N/A 00:00
1 NA, #1 – #12 Last On Chiller
Sun – Sat
Chiller Resequence Day/Time
2 0 – 23
3 0 – 59
Inhibit Stage-Up After
1 0 – 23 Inhibit Stage-Up After Time
2 0 – 59
Stage-Up Inhibit Setpoint=
Stage-Up Inhibit Setpoint
1 – 11
Number Of Chillers=
Number Of Stages=
Stage-Up Differential=
5 1 Decoupler Temperature Diff=
+2.0°F (+1.1°C)
Decoupler Flow Factor=
1 1 – 12 Number Of Chillers
1 1 – 12 Number Of Chiller Stages
1 0.0 – 9.5°F
0.0 – 5.2°C
1 0.0 – 9.5°F
0.0 – 5.2°C
Chiller Stage-Up Differential
Decoupler Stage-Up Temperature Differential
1 0.75 – 1.50 Decoupler Stage-Down Flow Rate
Key Destination:
1. If a standby chiller is designated, it is automatically placed only in the highest stage (menu 13) regardless of the Chiller Sequence Order Option setting. If the Chiller Sequence Order Option is set to “Automatic,” the Last On Chiller variable is automatically set equal to the Standby Chiller variable.
2. The First On Chiller and Last On Chiller variables have meaning only when the Chiller Sequence Order Option is set to “Automatic.” The controller does not allow the same chiller to be designated both first on and last on.
3. The “Now” selection automatically changes to “N/A” after the resequence day/time function is executed.
4. The Number Of Chiller Stages variable is adjustable only when the Chiller Sequence Order Option is set to “Fixed.” If the Chiller Sequence Order Option is set to “Automatic,” the Number Of Chiller Stages variable is automatically set equal to the Number Of Chillers variable.
5. Program CSC1S01
Menu 3. Chiller Status
Table 15. Menu 12, Chiller Staging Factors
Scr Line Name
11Stage 1: (screen name)
21Stage 2: (screen name)
26 OM127-1
(default values: bold italic
Stage-Up Load=
Stage-Dn Load=
Time Delay=
5 Min
Max Tower Stage=
Stage-Up Load=
Stage-Dn Load=
Field Range Variable Name
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 1 Stage-Up Setpoint
1 2 – 60 Min Chiller Stage 1 Delay Time
1 NA, 1 – 12 Chiller Stage 1 Max Tower Stage
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 2 Stage-Up Setpoint
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 2 Stage-Down
Scr Line Name
(default values: bold italic
Time Delay=
5 Min
Max Tower Stage=
Field Range Variable Name
1 2 – 60 Min Chiller Stage 2 Delay Time
1 NA, 1 – 12 Chiller Stage 2 Max Tower Stage
31Stage 3: (screen name)
Stage-Up Load=
Stage-Dn Load=
Time Delay=
5 Min
Max Tower Stage=
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 3 Stage-Up Setpoint
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 3 Stage-Down
1 2 – 60 Min Chiller Stage 3 Delay Time
1 1 – 12 Chiller Stage 3 Max Tower Stage
41Stage 4: (screen name)
Stage-Up Load=
Stage-Dn Load=
Time Delay=
5 Min
Max Tower Stage=
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 4 Stage-Up Setpoint
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 4 Stage-Down
1 2 – 60 Min Chiller Stage 4 Delay Time
1 1 – 12 Chiller Stage 4 Max Tower Stage
51Stage 5: (screen name)
Stage-Up Load=
Stage-Dn Load=
Time Delay=
5 Min
Max Tower Stage=
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 5 Stage-Up Setpoint
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 5 Stage-Down
1 2 – 60 Min Chiller Stage 5 Delay Time
1 1 – 12 Chiller Stage 5 Max Tower Stage
61Stage 6: (screen name)
Stage-Up Load=
Stage-Dn Load=
Time Delay=
5 Min
Max Tower Stage=
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 6 Stage-Up Setpoint
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 6 Stage-Down
1 2 – 60 Min Chiller Stage 6 Delay Time
1 1 – 12 Chiller Stage 6 Max Tower Stage
71Stage 7: (screen name)
Stage-Up Load=
Stage-Dn Load=
Time Delay=
5 Min
Max Tower Stage=
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 7 Stage-Up Setpoint
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 7 Stage-Down
1 2 – 60 Min Chiller Stage 7 Delay Time
1 1 – 12 Chiller Stage 7 Max Tower Stage
81Stage 8: (screen name)
Stage-Up Load=
Stage-Dn Load=
Time Delay=
5 Min
Max Tower Stage=
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 8 Stage-Up Setpoint
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 8 Stage-Down
1 2 – 60 Min Chiller Stage 8 Delay Time
1 1 – 12 Chiller Stage 8 Max Tower Stage
91Stage 9: (screen name)
Stage-Up Load=
Stage-Dn Load=
Time Delay=
5 Min
Max Tower Stage=
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 9 Stage-Up Setpoint
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 9 Stage-Down
1 2 – 60 Min Chiller Stage 9 Delay Time
1 1 – 12 Chiller Stage 9 Max Tower Stage
10 1 Stage 10: (screen name)
Stage-Up Load=
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 10 Stage-Up
OM127-1 27
Scr Line Name
(default values: bold italic
Stage-Dn Load=
Time Delay=
5 Min
Max Tower Stage=
Field Range Variable Name
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 10 Stage-Down
1 2 – 60 Min Chiller Stage 10 Delay Time
1 1 – 12 Chiller Stage 10 Max Tower Stage
11 1 Stage 11: (screen name)
Stage-Up Load=
Stage-Dn Load=
Time Delay=
5 Min
Max Tower Stage=
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 11 Stage-Up
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 11 Stage-Down
1 2 – 60 Min Chiller Stage 11 Delay Time
1 1 – 12 Chiller Stage 11 Max Tower Stage
12 1 Stage 12: (screen name)
Stage-Up Load=
Stage-Dn Load=
Time Delay=
Max Tower Stage=
Key Destination
1. This item is not used.
5 Min
: Menu 3. Chiller Status
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 12 Stage-Up
1 NA, 1 – 99% Chiller Stage 12 Stage-Down
1 2 – 60 Min Chiller Stage 12 Delay Time
1 1 – 12 Chiller Stage 12 Max Tower Stage
Table 16. Menu 13, Chiller Sequence Order
Scr Line Name
(default values: bold italic
Stage 1=
#1 x x x x x x x x xx xx xx
Stage 2=
#1 #2 x x x x x x x xx xx
Stage 3=
#1 #2 #3 x x x x x x xx xx
Stage 4=
#1 #2 #3 #4 x x x x x xx
xx xx
Stage 5=
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 x x x x xx
xx xx
Stage 6=
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 x x x xx
xx xx
Stage 7=
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 x x
xx xx xx
Stage 8=
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 x
xx xx xx
Field Range Variable Name
1 x, #1 Chiller Stage 1 Bitset
2x, #2
3x, #3
4x, #4
5x, #5
6x, #6
7x, #7
8x, #8
9x, #9
10 xx, #10
11 xx, #11
12 xx, #12
(same as Stage 1 Bitset) Chiller Stage 2 Bitset
(same as Stage 1 Bitset) Chiller Stage 3 Bitset
(same as Stage 1 Bitset) Chiller Stage 4 Bitset
(same as Stage 1 Bitset) Chiller Stage 5 Bitset
(same as Stage 1 Bitset) Chiller Stage 6 Bitset
(same as Stage 1 Bitset) Chiller Stage 7 Bitset
(same as Stage 1 Bitset) Chiller Stage 8 Bitset
28 OM127-1
Scr Line Name
Key Destination
1. The fields for this item are adjustable when the Chiller Sequence Order Option (menu 11) is set to “Fixed.” They are not adjustable when the Chiller Sequence Order Option is set to “Automatic”; they show the current values set by the CSC.
(default values: bold italic
Stage 9=
Stage 10=
Stage 11=
Stage 12=
#1 #2 #3 #4
xx xx xx
#1 #2 #3 #4
#10 xx xx
#1 #2 #3 #4
#10 #11 xx
#1 #2 #3 #4
#10 #11 #12
: Menu 1. System Status
#5 #6 #7 #8
#5 #6 #7 #8
#5 #6 #7 #8
#5 #6 #7 #8
Field Range Variable Name
(same as Stage 1 Bitset) Chiller Stage 9 Bitset
(same as Stage 1 Bitset) Chiller Stage 10 Bitset
(same as Stage 1 Bitset) Chiller Stage 11 Bitset
(same as Stage 1 Bitset) Chiller Stage 12 Bitset
Table 17. Menu 14, Load Limiting Setup
Scr Line Name
Key Destination:
(default values: bold italic
Load Balancing=
Capacity Difference Limit=
Demand Limiting Type=
Menu 15. Start-Up Unloading
Table 18. Menu 15, Start-Up Unloading
Scr Line Name
Key Destination:
(default values: bold italic
Chiller #1 Group=
Chiller #2 Group=
Chiller #3 Group=
Chiller #4 Group=
Chiller #5 Group=
Chiller #6 Group=
Chiller #7 Group=
Chiller #8 Group=
Chiller #9 Group=
Chiller #10 Group=
Chiller #11 Group=
Chiller #12 Group=
Menu 5. Load Limiting Status
Field Range Variable Name
Load Balancing Flag
1 2 – 20% Load Balancing Capacity
Difference Limit
Demand Limiting Type External Open Protocol
Field Range Variable Name
1 NA, 1 – 6 Chiller #1 Group
1 NA, 1 – 6 Chiller #2 Group
1 NA, 1 – 6 Chiller #3 Group
1 NA, 1 – 6 Chiller #4 Group
1 NA, 1 – 6 Chiller #5 Group
1 NA, 1 – 6 Chiller #6 Group
1 NA, 1 – 6 Chiller #7 Group
1 NA, 1 – 6 Chiller #8 Group
1 NA, 1 – 6 Chiller #9 Group
1 NA, 1 – 6 Chiller #10 Group
1 NA, 1 – 6 Chiller #11 Group
1 NA, 1 – 6 Chiller #12 Group
Table 19. Menu 16, Chilled Water Supply Temperature Control
Scr Line Name
OM127-1 29
(default values: bold italic)
System Setpoint=
Chiller Setpoint=
44.0°F (6.6°C)
44.0°F (6.6°C)
±0.5°F (±0.2°C)
Field Range Variable Name
1 0.0 – 80.0°F
0.0 – 80.0°F
1 0.5 – 9.5°F
0.2 – 5.2°C
Chilled Water Temperature
Control Option
System Setpoint (chilled water
Chiller Setpoint (leaving
evaporator water)
Common Supply Deadband
Scr Line Name
(default values: bold italic)
Min Chil Spt=
Mod Limit=
Sample Time=
40.0°F (4.4°C)
±6.0°F (±3.3°C)
30 Sec
Field Range Variable Name
1 0.0 – 80.0°F
1 1.0 – 60.0°F
0.5 – 33.3°C
1 1 – 60 Sec
Minimum Chiller Setpoint
Common Supply Mod Limit
Common Supply Sample Time
1 – 60 Min
Max Change=
PA Time=
Key Destination:
1. The System Setpoint is adjustable only when the Chilled Water Temperature Reset Type variable (menu 17) is set to “None.” Otherwise, the System Setpoint is automatically set by the CSC and is status only. The actual range of System Setpoint values is defined by the Minimum System Setpoint and Maximum System Setpoint (menu 17).
2. Program CSC1S01
3. The Chiller Setpoint is not adjustable; it is automatically set by the CSC and is thus status only. When the Chilled Water Temperature Control Option is set to “Unit,” the Chiller Setpoint is always equal to the System Setpoint.
4. The Minimum Chiller Setpoint can be set below 40.0°F (4.4°C) only when the Glycol Flag (menu 28) is set to “Yes.” It cannot be set above the Minimum System Setpoint (menu 17).
2.0°F (1.1°C)
0 Sec
Menu 17. Chilled Water Supply Temperature Reset
1 0.5 – 20.0°F
0.2 – 11.1°C
1 0 – 240 Sec
0 – 240 Min
Common Supply Max Change
Common Supply Project Ahead Time
Figure 8. Menu 17, Chilled Water Supply Temperature Reset
Scr Line Name
(default values: bold italic
Reset Type=
Field Range Variable Name
Chilled Water Temperature Reset Type
Min Sys Spt=
Max Sys Spt=
RChWT Spt=
±0.5°F (±0.2°C)
Mod Limit=
Sample Time=
44.0°F (6.6°C)
54.0°F (12.2°C)
90.0°F (32.2°C)
70.0°F (21.0°C)
54.0°F (12.2°C
±6.0°F (±3.3°C)
45 Sec
1 0.0 – 80.0°F
1 0.0 – 80.0°F
1 0.0 – 99.5°F
1 0.0 – 99.5°F
1 20.0 – 80.0°F
1 0.5 – 9.5°F
1 1.0 – 60.0°F
1 1 – 60 Sec
–6.7 – 26.6°C
0.2 – 5.2°C
0.5 – 33.3°C
Minimum System Setpoint
Maximum System Setpoint
Minimum System Setpoint At
Maximum System Setpoint At
Constant Return Setpoint
Constant Return Deadband
Constant Return Mod Limit
Constant Return Sample Time
1 – 60 Min
Max Change=
PA Time=
30 Sec
2.0°F (1.1°C)
1 0.5 – 10.0°F
0.2 – 11.1°C
1 0 – 240 Sec
0 – 240 Min
Constant Return Max Change
Constant Return Project Ahead Time
3 1 External Signal= 0.0 Vdc 0.0 – 5.0 Vdc External Chilled Water Reset
Signal (conditioned)
2 Return ChWT= 54.6°F (12.6°C)
–45.0 –
255.0°F, N/A
–40.0 –125.0°C,
Chilled Water Return Temperature
30 OM127-1
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