McDATA 316095-B21, Sphereon 3032, Sphereon 3232 Service Manual

McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232
Fabric Switches
Installation and Service Manual
P/N 620-000155-210
Record of Revisions and Updates
Revision Date Description
620-000155-000 10/2002 First release of the manual
620-000155-100 2/2003 Revision to support EOS 5.1 and
EFCM 7.0
620-000155-200 9/2003 Revision to support EOS 5.1/5.2 and
EFCM 7.1/7.2
620-000155-210 1/2005 Revision to support EOS 7.0 and
EFCM 8.5.
Copyright © 2003-2005 McDATA Corporation. All rights reserved.
Printed January 2005
Fourth Edition
No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McDATA Corporation.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. McDATA Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear.
All computer software programs, including but not limited to microcode, described in this document are furnished under a license, and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. McDATA either owns or has the right to license the computer software programs described in this document. McDATA Corporation retains all rights, title and interest in the computer software programs.
McDATA Corporation makes no warranties, expressed or implied, by operation of law or otherwise, relating to this document, the products or the computer software programs described herein. McDATA CORPORATION DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In no event shall McDATA Corporation be liable for (a) incidental, indirect, special, or consequential damages or (b) any damages whatsoever resulting from the loss of use, data or profits, arising out of this document, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
(Temp late s v 2.1)
Chapter 1 General Information
Switch Description............................................................................1-2
Switch Management..................................................................1-2
Error-Detection, Reporting, and Serviceability Features.....1-5
Zoning Feature...........................................................................1-7
Multiswitch Fabrics...................................................................1-8
Switch Specifications......................................................................1-10
Management Server ................................................................1-12
Ethernet Hub (Optional).........................................................1-13
SANpilot Interface...................................................................1-13
Maintenance Approach..................................................................1-14
Remote Workstation Configurations ...........................................1-15
Minimum Remote Console Hardware Specifications........1-18
Field-Replaceable Units .................................................................1-18
SFP Transceivers ......................................................................1-19
Cooling Fans.............................................................................1-20
Power Supplies ........................................................................1-20
Connectors and Indicators.............................................................1-21
Initial Machine Load Button ..................................................1-21
Ethernet LAN Connector........................................................1-21
Power and System Error LEDs..............................................1-22
FRU Status LEDs......................................................................1-22
Maintenance Port.....................................................................1-22
Software Diagnostic Features........................................................1-23
SAN Management Application .............................................1-23
Element Manager Description .....................................................1-24
Using the Element Manager..........................................................1-27
Using Dialog Boxes ................................................................1-27
Keyboard Navigation..............................................................1-28
Hardware View ........................................................................1-28
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
Window Layout and Function...............................................1-28
Closing the Element Manager ...............................................1-44
SANpilot Diagnostics..............................................................1-44
SNMP Trap Message Support................................................1-45
E-Mail and Call-Home Support ............................................1-46
Tools and Test Equipment .............................................................1-46
Tools Supplied with the Switch .............................................1-46
Tools Supplied by Service Personnel....................................1-48
Chapter 2 Installation Tasks
Factory Defaults.........................................................................2-1
Installation Options..........................................................................2-4
Summary of Installation Tasks........................................................2-5
Task 1: Verify Installation Requirements.......................................2-7
Task 2: Unpack, Inspect, and Install the Ethernet Hub (Optional). 2-8
Unpack and Inspect the Ethernet Hub...................................2-8
Desktop Installation ..................................................................2-8
Rack-Mount Installation.........................................................2-10
Task 3: Unpack, Inspect, and Install the Switch .........................2-12
Unpack and Inspect the Switch.............................................2-13
.Desktop Installation ...............................................................2-13
Rack-Mount Installation.........................................................2-14
Task 4: Configure Network Information .....................................2-14
Task 5: LAN-Connect the Switch..................................................2-21
Task 6: Unpack, Inspect, and Install the Management Server..2-22 Task 7: Configure Management Server Password and Network
Configure Password................................................................2-26
Configure Private LAN Addresses.......................................2-27
Configure Public LAN Addresses (Optional) .....................2-28
Task 8: Configure Management Server Information .................2-30
Access the Management Server Desktop.............................2-30
Configure Management Server Names................................2-32
Configure Gateway and DNS Server Addresses................2-35
Task 9: Configure Windows 2000 Users ......................................2-38
Change Default Administrator Password ...........................2-39
Add a New User......................................................................2-41
Change User Properties..........................................................2-43
Task 10: Set Management Server Date and Time .......................2-44
Task 11: Configure the Call-Home Feature (Optional)..............2-46
Task 12: Assign User Names and Passwords .............................2-47
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
Task 13: Configure the Switch to the Management Application.....
2-51 Task 14: Record or Verify Management Server Restore
Information ..................................................................................... 2-53
Task 15: Verify Switch-to-Management Server Communication ....
Task 16: Configure PFE Key (Optional) ...................................... 2-56
Task 17: Configure Management Server (Optional).................. 2-59
Configure OSMS ..................................................................... 2-59
Installation ...............................................................................2-59
Configure FMS ........................................................................ 2-60
SANtegrity™Binding Features ............................................. 2-62
Fabric Binding .........................................................................2-62
Switch Binding ........................................................................2-63
Open Trunking................................................................................2-69
Open Trunking Log ................................................................ 2-73
Task 18: Set Switch Date and Time ..............................................2-74
Set Date and Time Manually.................................................2-74
Periodically Synchronize Date and Time ............................ 2-75
Task 19: Configure the Sphereon 3032/3232 Element Manager
Configure Switch Identification............................................ 2-76
Task 20: Configure Switch Operating Parameters..................... 2-78
Switch Parameters................................................................... 2-79
Task 21: Configure Fabric Operating Parameters...................... 2-81
Fabric Parameters.................................................................... 2-82
Configure Ports (Open Systems Mode) ............................... 2-84
Configure Ports (FICON Mode)............................................ 2-86
Configure Port Addresses (FICON Mode)..........................2-88
Configure SNMP Trap Message Recipients ........................ 2-91
Configure and Enable E-mail Notification.......................... 2-92
Configure and Enable Ethernet Events................................ 2-93
Configure and Enable Call-Home Event Notification....... 2-94
Configure Threshold Alerts................................................... 2-95
Procedures................................................................................ 2-96
Task 22: Configure Open Trunking............................................ 2-102
Task 23: Test Remote Notification (Optional)........................... 2-102
Task 24: Back Up Configuration Data .......................................2-103
Task 25: Configure the Switch from the SANpilot Interface
(Optional) ...................................................................................... 2-106
Configure Switch Ports ........................................................2-109
Configure Switch Identification.......................................... 2-110
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
Configure Date and Time ..................................................... 2-111
Configure Operating Parameters........................................2-112
Configure Fabric Parameters...............................................2-114
Configure Network Information.........................................2-117
Configure SNMP ...................................................................2-119
Enable or Disable the CLI.....................................................2-121
Enable or Disable Host Control...........................................2-122
Configure User Rights ..........................................................2-123
Configure Port Binding ........................................................2-124
Configure Switch Binding....................................................2-125
Configure Fabric Binding.....................................................2-127
Enable or Disable Enterprise Fabric Mode ........................2-128
Configure OpenTrunking.....................................................2-129
Install PFE Keys (Optional)..................................................2-132
Task 26: Cable Fibre Channel Ports............................................2-134
Task 27: Connect Switch to a Fabric Director (Optional) ........2-135
Task 28: Register with the McDATA File Center......................2-137
Chapter 3 Diagnostics
Maintenance Analysis Procedures.................................................3-1
Factory Defaults.........................................................................3-1
Quick Start..................................................................................3-2
MAP 0000: Start MAP ......................................................................3-6
MAP 0100: Power Distribution Analysis ....................................3-28
MAP 0200: POST, Reset, or IPL Failure Analysis.......................3-35
MAP 0300: Console Application Problem Determination........3-36
MAP 0400: Loss of Console Communication.............................3-46
MAP 0500: Fan and CTP Card Failure Analysis ........................3-67
MAP 0600: Port Failure and Link Incident Analysis.................3-72
MAP 0700: Fabric, ISL, and Segmented Port Problem
Determination .................................................................................3-92
MAP 0800: Server Hardware Problem Determination............3-108
Chapter 4 Repair Information
Factory Defaults.........................................................................4-2
Procedural Notes ..............................................................................4-2
Using Log Information.....................................................................4-3
EFC Audit Log ...........................................................................4-4
EFC Event Log ...........................................................................4-4
EFC Session Log.........................................................................4-6
EFC Product Status Log............................................................4-6
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
EFC Fabric Log .......................................................................... 4-7
EFC Product Manager Audit Log........................................... 4-7
Product Manager Event Log ................................................... 4-7
Product Manager Hardware Log............................................4-9
Product Manager Link Incident Log.................................... 4-10
Product Manager Threshold Alert Log................................ 4-12
SANpilot Logs .........................................................................4-14
Using Views .................................................................................... 4-15
Port List View.......................................................................... 4-16
FRU List View................................................................................. 4-18
Node List View........................................................................4-19
Performance View...................................................................4-20
Zone Set View..........................................................................4-20
Performing Port Diagnostics ........................................................ 4-22
Port LEDs ................................................................................. 4-22
Hardware View ....................................................................... 4-23
Performance View...................................................................4-27
Perform Loopback Tests......................................................... 4-29
Perform Channel Wrap Test .................................................. 4-33
Swapping Ports............................................................................... 4-34
Collecting Maintenance Data ....................................................... 4-36
SANpilot Interface .................................................................. 4-36
EFC Server................................................................................ 4-39
Clean Fiber-Optic Components....................................................4-40
Power-On Procedure ..................................................................... 4-41
Power-Off Procedure .....................................................................4-42
Reset or IPL the Switch.................................................................. 4-43
Reset the Switch ......................................................................4-43
IPL the Switch..........................................................................4-44
Set the Switch Online or Offline................................................... 4-45
Set Online State ....................................................................... 4-45
Set Offline State .......................................................................4-46
Block and Unblock Ports............................................................... 4-46
Block a Port .............................................................................. 4-46
Unblock a Port.........................................................................4-47
Manage Firmware Versions .......................................................... 4-48
Determine a Switch Firmware Version ................................ 4-48
Add a Firmware Version........................................................ 4-49
Modify a Firmware Version Description ............................. 4-52
Delete a Firmware Version..................................................... 4-53
Download a Firmware Version to a Switch.........................4-53
Manage Configuration Data.........................................................4-56
Back Up the Configuration....................................................4-57
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
Restore the Configuration......................................................4-58
Reset Configuration Data.......................................................4-59
Install or Upgrade Software..........................................................4-59
Chapter 5 FRU Removal and Replacement
Remove and Replace FRUs .............................................................5-1
FRUs ............................................................................................5-1
Procedural Notes.......................................................................5-2
RRP: SFP Transceiver .......................................................................5-2
Removal ......................................................................................5-2
RRP: Power Supply ..........................................................................5-4
Removal ......................................................................................5-4
RRP: Cooling Fan FRU.....................................................................5-6
Removal ......................................................................................5-6
RRP: CTP Card - Switch Replacement...........................................5-8
Replacing a Failed Switch ........................................................5-8
Chapter 6 Illustrated Parts Breakdown
Front-Accessible FRUs.....................................................................6-1
Rear-Accessible FRUs.......................................................................6-2
Power Plugs and Receptacles..........................................................6-4
Appendix A Messages
Sphereon 3032/3232 Element Manager Messages .....................A-1
C ..................................................................................................A-3
M ...............................................................................................A-23
R ................................................................................................A-27
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
U ...............................................................................................A-33
Y................................................................................................ A-33
Appendix B Event Code Tables
System Events (000 through 199) ..................................................B-3
Power Supply Events (200 through 299) ....................................B-20
Fan Module Events (300 through 399) .......................................B-25
CTP Card Events (400 through 499) ...........................................B-31
Port Module Events (500 through 599) ......................................B-45
MPC Module Events (600 through 699) .....................................B-67
CMM Module Events (800 through 899) ...................................B-73
Appendix C Restore EFC Server
Requirements .................................................................................. C-1
Restore EFC Server Procedure ...................................................... C-2
Appendix D Consolidating EFC Servers in a Multiswitch Fabric
Required EFC Manager Version............................................. D-5
IP Address Assignment...........................................................D-5
Consolidating EFC Servers............................................................D-7
Common Steps for All Configurations .................................D-7
Private LAN Connection.......................................................D-12
Private and Public LAN Connection................................... D-15
Reconfiguring a Client PC After an EFC Server Failure..........D-17
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
(Temp late s v 2.1)
1-1 Out-of-Band Product Management ........................................................... 1-4
1-2 Management Server ................................................................................... 1-12
1-3 24-Port Ethernet Hub ................................................................................. 1-13
1-4 Typical Network Configuration (One Ethernet Connection) ............. 1-16
1-5 Typical Network Configuration (Two Ethernet Connections) ........... 1-17
1-6 Sphereon 3032/3232 Switch (Front View) ............................................. 1-19
1-7 Sphereon 3032/3232 Switch (Rear View) ............................................... 1-19
1-8 Multimode and Singlemode Wrap Plugs .............................................. 1-47
1-9 Fiber-Optic Protective Plug ....................................................................... 1-47
1-10 Null Modem Cable ..................................................................................... 1-48
2-1 Stacked Ethernet Hubs ................................................................................ 2-9
2-2 Patch Cable and MDI Selector Configuration ........................................ 2-10
2-3 Mounting Bracket Installation (Ethernet Hub) ...................................... 2-11
2-4 Rack Installation (Ethernet Hub) .............................................................. 2-11
2-5 Connection Description Dialog Box ........................................................ 2-17
2-6 Connect To Dialog Box .............................................................................. 2-17
2-7 COMn (COM1 or COM2) Dialog Box ..................................................... 2-18
2-8 Hyperterminal Window ............................................................................ 2-19
2-9 Disconnect Confirmation Message Box ................................................... 2-20
2-10 Save Session Device Confirmation Box ................................................... 2-20
2-11 1U Management Server Connections ...................................................... 2-23
2-12 LCD Panel During Boot Sequence ........................................................... 2-24
2-13 LCD Panel (Password Entry) .................................................................... 2-26
2-14 LCD Panel (New Password) ..................................................................... 2-26
2-15 LCD Panel (Save Change) ......................................................................... 2-26
2-16 LCD Panel (Password Entry) .................................................................... 2-27
2-17 LCD Panel (LAN 2 IP Address) ................................................................ 2-27
2-18 LCD Panel (Save Change) ......................................................................... 2-27
2-19 LCD Panel (LAN 2 Subnet Mask) ............................................................ 2-28
2-20 LCD Panel (Save Change) ......................................................................... 2-28
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
2-21 LCD Panel (Password Entry) .................................................................... 2-28
2-22 LCD Panel (LAN 1 IP Address) ................................................................ 2-29
2-23 LCD Panel (Save Change) .......................................................................... 2-29
2-24 LCD Panel (LAN 1 Subnet Mask) ............................................................. 2-29
2-25 LCD Panel (Save Change) .......................................................................... 2-29
2-26 VNC Authentication Screen ...................................................................... 2-30
2-27 Welcome to Windows Dialog Box ............................................................ 2-31
2-28 Log On to Windows Dialog Box ............................................................... 2-31
2-29 SANavigator Log In or EFCM 8 Log In Dialog Box ............................... 2-32
2-30 Control Panel Window ............................................................................... 2-33
2-31 System Properties Dialog Box (Network Identification Tab) ............... 2-34
2-32 Identification Changes Dialog Box ........................................................... 2-34
2-33 Network and Dial-up Connections Window .......................................... 2-35
2-34 Local Area Connection 2 Status Dialog Box ............................................ 2-36
2-35 Local Area Connection 2 Properties Dialog Box .................................... 2-36
2-36 Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Dialog Box ................................. 2-37
2-37 Users and Passwords Dialog Box ............................................................. 2-39
2-38 Windows Security Dialog Box .................................................................. 2-40
2-39 Change Password Dialog Box ................................................................... 2-40
2-40 Add New User Wizard (First Window) .................................................. 2-41
2-41 Add New User Wizard (Second Window) .............................................. 2-42
2-42 Add New User Wizard (Third Window) ................................................ 2-42
2-43 EFCSERVER\srvacc Properties Dialog Box (General Tab) .................. 2-43
2-44 EFCSERVER\srvacc Properties Dialog Box (Group Membership Tab) .....
2-45 Date/Time Properties Dialog Box ............................................................ 2-45
2-46 Date/Time Properties Dialog Box, Time Zone ....................................... 2-45
2-47 Call Home Configuration Dialog Box ...................................................... 2-47
2-48 Main Window (SANavigator 4.0 or EFCM 8.0) ...................................... 2-48
2-49 SANavigator or EFCM 8 Server Users Dialog Box ................................ 2-49
2-50 Add User Dialog Box .................................................................................. 2-49
2-51 Discover Setup Dialog Box ........................................................................ 2-51
2-52 Domain Information Dialog Box (IP Address Page) .............................. 2-52
2-53 System Properties Dialog Box (General Tab) .......................................... 2-54
2-54 Switch Hardware View .............................................................................. 2-56
2-55 Configure Feature Key Dialog Box ........................................................... 2-57
2-56 New Feature Key Dialog Box .................................................................... 2-57
2-57 Enable Feature Key Dialog Box ................................................................. 2-58
2-58 Warning Dialog Box ................................................................................... 2-58
2-59 Configure Open Systems Management Server Dialog Box .................. 2-60
2-60 Configure FICON Management Server Dialog Box ............................... 2-61
2-61 Switch Binding State Change Dialog Box ................................................ 2-64
2-62 Switch Binding Membership List Dialog Box ......................................... 2-66
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
2-63 Configure Open Trunking Dialog Box .................................................... 2-70
2-64 Open Trunking Log .................................................................................... 2-73
2-65 Configure Date and Time Dialog Box ..................................................... 2-74
2-66 Date and Time Synced Dialog Box ........................................................... 2-75
2-67 Configure Identification Dialog Box ........................................................ 2-77
2-68 Configure Switch Parameters Dialog Box ............................................... 2-78
2-69 Configure Fabric Parameters Dialog Box ................................................ 2-82
2-70 Configure Ports Dialog Box (Open Systems Management Style) ....... 2-85
2-71 Configure Ports Dialog Box (FICON Management Style) .................... 2-87
2-72 Configure Addresses - Active Dialog Box .............................................. 2-89
2-73 Save Address Configuration As Dialog Box .......................................... 2-90
2-74 Configure SNMP Dialog Box .................................................................... 2-91
2-75 Configure E-Mail Dialog Box .................................................................... 2-92
2-76 Configure Ethernet Events Dialog Box ................................................... 2-94
2-77 Configure Call Home Event Notification Dialog Box ........................... 2-94
2-78 Configure Threshold Alerts Dialog Box .................................................. 2-96
2-79 New Threshold Alerts Dialog Box – First Screen .................................. 2-97
2-80 New Threshold Alerts Dialog Box - Second Screen .............................. 2-98
2-81 New Threshold Alerts Dialog Box - Third Screen ................................. 2-99
2-82 New Threshold Alerts Dialog Box - Summary Screen ........................ 2-100
2-83 Test Remote Notification Dialog Box .................................................... 2-102
2-84 Call-Home Information Dialog Box ....................................................... 2-103
2-85 Shut Down Windows Dialog Box .......................................................... 2-105
2-86 TightVNC Network Error Message ....................................................... 2-105
2-87 Enter Network Password Dialog Box .................................................... 2-108
2-88 View Panel (Switch Page) ........................................................................ 2-108
2-89 Configure Panel (Ports Page) .................................................................. 2-109
2-90 Configure Panel (Switch Page with Identification Tab) ..................... 2-111
2-91 Configure Panel (Switch Page with Date/Time Tab) ......................... 2-112
2-92 Configure Panel (Switch Page with Parameters Tab) ......................... 2-113
2-93 Configure Panel (Director Page with Fabric Parameters Tab) ........... 2-115
2-94 Configure Panel (Director Page with Network Tab) ........................... 2-118
2-95 Network Information Message Box ....................................................... 2-118
2-96 Configure Panel (Management Page with SNMP Tab) ...................... 2-120
2-97 Configure Panel (Management Page with CLI Tab) ........................... 2-121
2-98 Configure Panel (Management Page with OSMS Tab) ....................... 2-122
2-99 Configure Panel (Security Page with User Rights Tab) ...................... 2-123
2-100 Configure Panel (Security Page with Port Binding Tab) .................... 2-124
2-101 Configure Panel (Security Page with Switch Binding Tab) ................ 2-125
2-102 Configure Panel (Security Page with Fabric Binding Tab) ................. 2-127
2-103 Configure Panel (Security Page with EFM Tab) .................................. 2-129
2-104 Configure Panel (Performance Page with OpenTrunking Tab) ........ 2-130
2-105 Operations Panel (Feature Installation Tab) ......................................... 2-133
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
2-106 Port Properties Dialog Box ...................................................................... 2-136
2-107 McDATA File Center Home Page .......................................................... 2-137
2-108 McDATA File Center (New User Registration Page) .......................... 2-139
3-1 Shut Down Windows Dialog Box ............................................................... 3-8
3-2 LCD Panel During Boot Sequence .............................................................. 3-9
3-3 EFC Manager Product View ...................................................................... 3-10
3-4 Port Properties Dialog Box ........................................................................ 3-14
3-5 Link Incident Log ........................................................................................ 3-16
3-6 Event Log ..................................................................................................... 3-17
3-7 Username and Password Required Dialog Box ..................................... 3-21
3-8 SANpilot View Panel - Switch View ........................................................ 3-22
3-9 SANpilot Port Properties Tab .................................................................... 3-24
3-10 Windows Security Dialog Box .................................................................. 3-37
3-11 Windows Task Manager Dialog Box (Applications Page) .................... 3-37
3-12 Shut Down Windows Dialog Box ............................................................. 3-38
3-13 LCD Panel During Boot Sequence ............................................................ 3-39
3-14 EFC Manager Login Dialog Box ............................................................... 3-40
3-15 Dr. Watson for Windows 2000 Dialog Box .............................................. 3-43
3-16 LCD Panel During Boot Sequence ............................................................ 3-44
3-17 EFC Manager Login Dialog Box ............................................................... 3-45
3-18 EFC Management Services Window ........................................................ 3-47
3-19 EFC Manager Login Dialog Box ............................................................... 3-49
3-20 Interconnecting Multiple Hubs ................................................................. 3-52
3-21 LCD Panel (LAN 2 IP Address) ................................................................ 3-56
3-22 Connection Description Dialog Box ......................................................... 3-57
3-23 Connect To Dialog Box ............................................................................... 3-58
3-24 COMn Dialog Box (COM1 or COM2) ...................................................... 3-58
3-25 Hyperterminal Window - Configuration Information .......................... 3-59
3-26 Disconnect Verification Message Box ...................................................... 3-60
3-27 Save Session Device Verification Message Box ...................................... 3-60
3-28 Modify Network Address Dialog Box ..................................................... 3-60
3-29 New Product Dialog Box ........................................................................... 3-61
3-30 Connection Description Dialog Box ......................................................... 3-64
3-31 Connect-To Dialog Box .............................................................................. 3-65
3-32 COMn Dialog Box (COM1 or COM2) ...................................................... 3-65
3-33 Hyperterminal Window - Event Log ....................................................... 3-66
3-34 Disconnect Verification Message .............................................................. 3-67
3-35 Save Session Device Verification Message .............................................. 3-67
3-36 Configure Ports Dialog Box ....................................................................... 3-81
3-37 Configure Fabric Parameters Dialog Box ................................................ 3-82
3-38 Fabric Binding Dialog Box (First) ............................................................. 3-85
3-39 Switch Binding - State Change Dialog Box ............................................. 3-85
3-40 Fabric Binding Dialog Box (Second) ......................................................... 3-87
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
3-41 Fabric Binding Dialog Box (Third) ........................................................... 3-87
3-42 Switch Binding - Membership List Dialog Box ...................................... 3-88
3-43 Clear Link Incident Alert(s) Dialog Box .................................................. 3-90
3-44 Port Properties Dialog Box ........................................................................ 3-94
3-45 Configure Fabric Parameters Dialog Box ................................................ 3-98
3-46 Configure Switch Parameters Dialog Box ............................................... 3-99
3-47 Active Zone Set View ............................................................................... 3-100
3-48 Configure Fabric Parameters Dialog Box .............................................. 3-104
3-49 Windows 2000 Task Manager Dialog Box - Performance .................. 3-110
3-50 Shut Down Windows Dialog Box .......................................................... 3-111
3-51 LCD Panel During Boot Sequence ......................................................... 3-111
3-52 EFC Manager Login Dialog Box ............................................................. 3-112
3-53 LCD Panel During Boot Sequence ......................................................... 3-114
4-1 EFC Event Log .............................................................................................. 4-5
4-2 Product Status Log ...................................................................................... 4-6
4-3 Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Event Log .......................................................... 4-8
4-4 Hardware Log .............................................................................................. 4-9
4-5 Link Incident Log ...................................................................................... 4-11
4-6 Threshold Alert Log ................................................................................... 4-12
4-7 Open Trunking Log .................................................................................... 4-13
4-8 Monitor Panel (Logs Page) ........................................................................ 4-14
4-9 Port List View ............................................................................................. 4-16
4-10 FRU List View ............................................................................................. 4-18
4-11 Node List View .......................................................................................... 4-19
4-12 Zone Sets View ........................................................................................... 4-21
4-13 Hardware View ......................................................................................... 4-23
4-14 Port Properties Dialog Box ........................................................................ 4-24
4-15 Performance View ..................................................................................... 4-27
4-16 Port Diagnostics Dialog Box .................................................................... 4-30
4-17 Channel Wrap On for Port n Dialog Box ............................................... 4-34
4-18 Swap Ports Dialog Box ............................................................................. 4-35
4-19 Operations Panel (Maintenance Page with Dump Retrieval Tab) ...... 4-37
4-20 Save As Dialog Box .................................................................................... 4-37
4-21 Download Complete Dialog Box ............................................................. 4-38
4-22 Save Data Collection Dialog Box .............................................................. 4-39
4-23 Data Collection Dialog Box ....................................................................... 4-40
4-24 Clean Fiber-Optic Components ................................................................ 4-41
6-1 Front-Accessible FRUs ................................................................................ 6-2
6-2 Rear-Accessible FRUs ................................................................................. 6-3
6-3 Power Plugs and Receptacles .................................................................... 6-4
D-1 EFC Server Consolidation (Private LAN Connection Only) ................ D-3
D-2 EFC Server Consolidation (Private and Public LAN Connections) .... D-4
D-3 IP Addresses in a Multiswitch Environment ......................................... D-6
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
(Templates v2.1)
1-1 Status Symbols ............................................................................................ 1-27
1-2 Operating Bar and Switch Status ............................................................. 1-43
2-1 Factory-Set Defaults (Switch) ..................................................................... 2-1
2-2 Factory-Set Defaults (management server) .............................................. 2-2
2-3 ................................................Defaults for Reset Configuration (Switch) 2-2
2-4 Installation Task Summary ......................................................................... 2-5
2-5 Switch Operational States and Symbols .................................................. 2-55
3-1 Factory-Set Defaults ..................................................................................... 3-1
3-2 MAP Summary ............................................................................................. 3-2
3-3 Event Codes versus Maintenance Action ................................................. 3-3
3-4 Port Operational States and Actions (SANpilot) ................................... 3-76
3-5 Port Operational and LED States (EFC Server) ...................................... 3-77
3-6 Bytes 8 through 11 Failure Reasons and Actions ................................. 3-106
4-1 Factory-Set Defaults ..................................................................................... 4-2
5-1 ESD Requirements ........................................................................................ 5-1
6-1 Front-Accessible FRU Parts List ................................................................. 6-2
6-2 Rear-Accessible FRU Parts List .................................................................. 6-3
6-3 Power Cord and Receptacle List ................................................................ 6-5
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
This publication is part of a documentation suite that supports the McDATA® Sphereon 3032™ and Shereon 3232™ Switch.
Who Should Use this
How to Use this
This publication is intended for trained service representatives experienced with storage area network (SAN) and Fibre Channel technology.
This publication is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, General Information. This chapter describes the
maintenance approach to switch problem analysis and repair. The chapter provides a description of the switches and attached Enterprise Fabric Connectivity (EFC) Server, specifications, remote workstation configurations and minimum specifications, field-replaceable units (FRUs), switches and indicators, software diagnostic features, and tools and test equipment.
Chapter 2, Installation Tasks. This chapter provides instructions to
install, configure, and verify operation of one or more switches and the associated EFC Server. The switch can be installed on a desktop, or mounted in an FC-512 Fabricenter™ equipment cabinet or in any standard equipment rack.
Chapter 3, Diagnostics. This chapter describes maintenance
analysis procedures (MAPs) that assist you in isolating a switch problem to an individual FRU.
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
Chapter 4, Repair Information. This chapter describes
supplementary diagnostic and repair procedures for a failed switch. The chapter includes procedures to display and use log information, perform port diagnostics, save configuration data,
collect maintenance data, power-on, power-off, and IPL the switch, set the switch online or offline, block ports, manage firmware, clean fiber optics, and install or upgrade software.
Chapter 5, FRU Removal and Replacement. This chapter describes
procedures to remove and replace the switch FRUs, and the entire switch when required.
Chapter 6, Illustrated Parts Breakdown. This chapter illustrates,
describes, and shows the location of all switch FRUs. In addition, FRUs are cross-referenced to corresponding part numbers.
Appendix A, Messages. This appendix lists user and error
messages that appear in the EFC Manager and Sphereon Product Manager applications at the EFC Server. A description of each message and recommended action in response to the message are also provided.
Appendix B, Event Code Tables. This appendix provides an
explanation of event codes that appear at the Product Manager application. The event severity and a recommended action in response to each event are also provided.
Appendix C, Restore EFC Server. This appendix provides the
instructions to restore all required switch applications to the EFC Server in case of a hard drive failure.
Appendix D, Consolidating EFC Servers in a Multiswitch Fabric.
This appendix provides the instructions for consolidating operation and network addressing of multiple EFC Servers.
The Glossary defines terms, abbreviations, and acronyms used in the manual. An Index is also provided.
Related Publications Other publications that provide additional information about the
switch include:
McDATA Products in a SAN Environment Planning Manual (620-000124).
McDATA Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switch Product Manager User Manual (620-000152).
Enterprise Fabric Connectivity Manager User Manual (620-005001).
FC-512 Fabricenter Equipment Cabinet Installation and Service Manual (620-000100).
McDATA SANpilot User Manual (620-000160).
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
McDATA OPENconnectors SNMP Support Manual (620-000131).
McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interface User Manual
Conventions The following notational conventions are used in the document:
A danger contains information essential to avoid a hazard that can cause death.
A warning contains information essential to avoid a hazard that can cause severe personal injury or substantial property damage.
A caution contains information essential to avoid damage to the system or equipment. The caution may apply to hardware or software.
Where to Get Help For technical support, customers should contact the McDATA
solution center. The solution center provides a single point of contact for customers seeking assistance, and is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays. Contact the solution center at the phone number, fax number, or e-mail address listed below. Please have the product serial number (printed on the service label attached to the bottom of the switch) available.
The serial number is printed on the service label attached to the bottom of the switches, and on a label attached to the rear panel of the switches.
Phone: (800) 752-4572 or (720) 558-3910 Fax: (720) 558-3851 E-mail:
For technical support for the SANavigator
application, contact the SANavigator Solution Center at the phone number or e-mail address listed below.
Phone: (877) 948-4448 E-mail:
Forwarding Publication
We sincerely appreciate comments about this publication. Please send comments to McDATA’s solution center by telephone, fax, or e-mail. The numbers and e-mail address are listed above. Identify the manual and provide page numbers and specific detail. Thank you.
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
Ordering Printed
To order a paper copy of this manual, submit a purchase order as described in Ordering McDATA Documentation Instructions, which is found on McDATA’s web site, To obtain documentation CD-ROMs, contact your sales representative.
Trademarks The following terms, indicated by a registered trademark symbol (®)
or trademark symbol (™) on first use in this publication, are trademarks of McDATA Corporation or SANavigator, Inc. in the United States or other countries or both:
Registered Trademarks McDATA Fabricenter OPENready SANavigator
Tr ad em ark s Sphereon™ OPENconnectors™ SANpilot™ SANtegrity™
All other trademarked terms, indicated by a registered trademark symbol (®) or trademark symbol (™) on first use in this publication, are trademarks of their respective owners in the United States or other countries or both.
Laser Compliance
Commission (FCC)
Laser transceivers in the switches are tested and certified in the United States to conform to Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Subchapter J, Parts 1040.10 and 1040.11 for Class 1 laser products. Elsewhere, the transceivers are tested and certified to be compliant with International Electrotechnical Commission IEC825-1 and European Norm EN60825-1 and EN60825-2 regulations for Class 1 laser products.
Class 1 laser products are not considered hazardous. The transceivers are designed such that there is never human access to laser radiation above a Class 1 level during normal operation or prescribed maintenance conditions.
The switches generate, use, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions provided, may cause interference to radio communications. The switches have been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class A computing devices pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of the FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user, at his or her own expense, will take whatever
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
Chinese Class A
Product Statement
measures are required to correct the interference. Any modifications or changes made to the switches without explicit approval from McDATA, by means of a written endorsement or through published literature, will invalidate the service contract and void the warranty agreement with McDATA.
European Union
Declarations for
The Sphereon 3016 and 3216 Switches meet the following regulatory requirements as set forth by European Norms (ENs) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards for commercial and light industrial information technology equipment (ITE).
EN55022 1994+A (1995), A2 (1997) Class A: ITE-generic radio
frequency interference (RFI) emission standard for domestic, commercial, and light industrial environments (equivalent to CISPR 22 Class A).
EN50082-1 (IEC61000-4x): ITE-generic electromagnetic
compatibility and immunity standard for domestic, commercial, and light industrial environments.
EN61000-3-2: Generic standard for domestic, commercial, and
light industrial environments that proscribes limitations for harmonic current emissions.
EN61000-3-3: Generic standard for domestic, commercial, and
light industrial environments that proscribes limitations for voltage fluctuation and flicker in low-voltage supply systems.
EN60950/IEC 950: ITE-generic electrical and fire safety standard
for domestic, commercial, and light industrial environments.
European Union
The European Union (EU) Council has implemented a series of directives that define product safety standards for all EU member countries. The following directives apply to the Sphereon 3016 and 3216 Switches:
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
The switch conforms with all protection requirements of EU directive 89/336/EEC (EMC Directive) in accordance with of the laws of the member countries relating to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), emissions, and immunity.
The switch conforms with all protection requirements of EU directive 73/23/EEC (Low Voltage Directive) in accordance with of the laws of the member countries relating to electrical safety.
The switch conforms with all protection requirements of EU directive 93/68/EEC (Machinery Directive) in accordance with of the laws of the member countries relating to safe electrical and mechanical operation of the equipment.
McDATA does not accept responsibility for any failure to satisfy the protection requirements of any of these directives resulting from a non-recommended or non-authorized modification to the switch.
Warnings The following WA RN IN G statements apply to certain information in
this publication, and describe safety practices that must be observed while servicing the switch.
To prevent electric shock, do not reach into nonvisible areas of a switch connected to primary facility power.
A McDATA-supplied power cord is provided for each switch power supply. To prevent electric shock when connecting the switch to primary facility power, use only the supplied power cords, and ensure the facility power receptacle is the correct type, supplies the required voltage, and is properly grounded.
Cautions The following CAUTION statements apply to certain information in
this publication, and describe safety practices that must be observed while servicing the switch.
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
CAUTION Do not press the IML button unless directed by a procedural step or
the next level of support.
CAUTION Prior to servicing a switch or EFC Server, determine the Ethernet
LAN configuration. Installation of switches and the EFC Server on a public customer intranet can complicate problem determination and fault isolation.
CAUTION Three person lift - the director weighs approximately 115 lbs. Do
not attempt to lift or carry the director with fewer than three people. Failure to observe this CAUTION may result in injury to personnel or damage to the director.
CAUTION The switch’s non-open fiber control (non-OFC) laser transceivers
are designed and certified for use only with fiber-optic cable and connectors with characteristics specified by McDATA. Use of other connectors or optical fiber can result in emission of laser power levels capable of producing injury to the eye if viewed directly. Use of non-specified connectors or optical fiber can violate the Class 1 laser classification.
General Precautions When servicing the switch, follow these practices:
Always use correct tools.
Always use correct replacement parts.
Keep all paperwork up to date, complete, and accurate.
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
General Information
The McDATA® Sphereon™ 3032and Sphereon™ 3232 Fabric Switches provide dynamically switched connections between Fibre Channel servers and devices in a storage area network (SAN) environment. SANs introduce the concept of server-to-device networking and multiswitch fabrics, eliminate requirements for dedicated connections, and enable the enterprise to become data-centric.
A SAN provides speed, high capacity, and flexibility for the enterprise, and is primarily based upon Fibre Channel architecture. The Sphereon 3032 and Sphereon 3232 switches implement Fibre Channel technology that provides a bandwidth of either 1.0625 gigabits per second (Sphereon 3032) or 2.125 gigabits per second (Sphereon 3232), redundant switched data paths, a scalable number of active ports, and long transmission distances (up to 20 kilometers).
This chapter describes the switch and switch management tdhrough the attached Enterprise Fabric Connectivity (EFC) Server. The chapter specifically discusses:
Switch management, error-detection and reporting features, serviceability features, zoning, multiswitch fabrics, and specifications.
The management server and minimum hardware specifications.
Remote workstation configurations and hardware specifications.
Maintenance approach.
Field-replaceable units (FRUs).
Connectors and indicators.
Software diagnostic features.
Tools and test equipment.
General Information
General Information
Switch Description
The Sphereon 3032/3232 Switches provide Fibre Channel connectivity through 32 ports. Switch ports operate at either 1.0625 (Sphereon 3032) or 2.125 (Sphereon 3232) gigabits per second (Gbps), and can be configured as:
Fabric ports (F_Ports) to provide direct connectivity for up to 24 switched fabric devices.
Expansion ports (E_Ports) to provide interswitch link (ISL) connectivity to fabric directors and switches.
The switch can be installed on a table or desk top, mounted in an FC-512 Fabricenter™ equipment cabinet or in any standard equipment rack.
Multiple switches and the management server communicate on a local area network (LAN) through one or more 10/100 Base-T Ethernet hubs. One or more 24-port Ethernet hubs are optional and can be ordered with the switch. Up to three hubs are daisy-chained as required to provide additional Ethernet connections as more switches (or other McDATA managed products) are installed on a customer network.
Switch Management
The switches provide dynamically switched connections for servers and devices, supports mainframe and open-systems interconnection (OSI) computing environments, and provides data transmission and flow control between device node ports (N_Ports) as dictated by the Fibre Channel Physical and Signaling Interface (FC-PH 4.3). Through interswitch links (ISLs), the switch can connect additional switches to form a Fibre Channel multiswitch fabric.
The switch provides connectivity for devices manufactured by multiple original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). To determine if an OEM product can communicate through connections provided by the switch, or if communication restrictions apply, refer to the supporting publications for the product or contact your McDATA marketing representative
Out-of-band (non-Fibre Channel) management access to McDATA products is provided through an Ethernet LAN connection to a switch front panel. The following out-of-band management access methods are provided:
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
General Information
Optional management server with the SAN Management Application) and Element Manager applications installed. The management server is a rack-mount unit that provides a central point of control for up to 48 switches or managed McDATA products.
Operators at remote workstations can connect to the management server through the local SANavigator or EFCM 8 application and associated Element Manager applications to manage and monitor switches controlled by the management server. A maximum of nine concurrent users (including a local user) can log in to the SANavigator or EFCM 8 application.
Management using simple network management protocol (SNMP). An SNMP agent is implemented through the SANavigator or EFCM 8 application that allows administrators on SNMP management workstations to access product management information using any standard network management tool. Administrators can assign Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and corresponding community names for up to six SNMP workstations functioning as SNMP trap message recipients.
Management through the Internet using the SANpilot interface installed on the director or switch. This interface supports configuration, statistics monitoring, and basic operation of the product, but does not offer all the capabilities of the corresponding Element Manager application. Administrators launch the SANpilot interface from a remote PC by entering the product’s IP address as the Internet uniform resource locator (URL), then entering a user name and password at a login screen. The PC browser then becomes a management console.
Management through a customer-supplied remote workstation communicating with the management server through a corporate intranet.
Management through the command line interface (CLI). The CLI allows you to access many SANavigator or EFCM 8 and Element Manager applications while entering commands during a telnet session with the director. The primary purpose of the CLI is to automate management of a large number of directors using scripts. The CLI is not an interactive interface; no checking is done for pre-existing conditions and no prompts display to guide users through tasks. Refer to the McDATA Command Line Interface User Manual (620-000124).
Switch Description
General Information
Figure 1-1 illustrates out-of-band product management. In the figure,
the managed product is a Sphereon fabric switch.
Figure 1-1 Out-of-Band Product Management
The following inband management access methods are provided as options:
Management through the product’s open-system management server (OSMS) that communicates with an application client. The application resides on an open-systems interconnection (OSI) device attached to a switch port, and communicates using Fibre Channel common transport (FC-CT) protocol. Product operation, port connectivity, zoning, and fabric control are managed through a device-attached console.
Management through the product’s Fibre Connection (FICON) management server (FMS) that communicates with the IBM System Automation for OS/390 (SA OS/390) operating system. The operating system resides on an IBM System/390 900 Parallel Enterprise Server attached to a director or switch port, and communicates through a FICON channel. Control of connectivity and statistical product monitoring are provided through a host-attached console.
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McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
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