McDATA Eclipse 2640 SAN Service Manual

2640 SAN Router
Administration and Configuration
P/N 620-00203-020
Eclipse™ 2640 SAN Router Administration and Configuration Manual
Record of Revisions and Updates
Copyright © 2001-2005 McDATA Corporation. All rights reserved.
Printed October 2005
Third Edition
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Revision Date Description
620-00203-000 12/2004 Initial release of Manual to support
E/OSi Version 4.6
620-00203-010 2/2005 Revision of Manual to support E/OSi
Version 4.6.1
620-00203-020 10/2005 Revision of Manual to support E/OSi
Ver s ion 4.7
Chapter 1 Overview
SAN Router Features........................................................................1-4
Scalability Metrics......................................................................1-5
SAN Router Layout ..........................................................................1-6
Chapter 2 Configuring System Basics
Configuring the SAN Router ..........................................................2-2
Setting the Management IP Address ......................................2-2
Setting Parameters Through the CLI .............................................2-3
Using the Element Manager............................................................2-5
Element Manager Overview ....................................................2-6
Starting the Element Manager.................................................2-7
Configuring the Management Port.........................................2-9
Tips on using the Element Manager ............................................2-11
Getting Help .............................................................................2-11
Keyboard Shortcuts.................................................................2-11
Getting Write Permission .......................................................2-11
Granting Clipboard Access for Copy and Paste .................2-12
Using with Third-Party Browser Extensions.......................2-13
Using Configuration Dialog Boxes .......................................2-14
Configuring IP Addresses .............................................................2-15
The Router Inband IP Address..............................................2-17
The iFCP/iSCSI Port IP Address...........................................2-17
The Next Hop Gateway IP Address .....................................2-18
The Internal IP Address..........................................................2-19
Guidelines When Working with Firewalls ..........................2-20
Configuring System Operations ...................................................2-23
Configuring System Properties .............................................2-23
Eclipse™ 2640 SAN Router Administration and Configuration Manual
Setting the SAN Routing Cluster ID.....................................2-25
Configuring System Date and Time .....................................2-27
Configuring the Router Inband and Gateway Address ....2-28
Configuring SNMP..................................................................2-30
Configuring mSNS ..................................................................2-35
Configuring New Device Zoning..........................................2-35
Static Routes ....................................................................................2-36
Chapter 3 Configuring RADs and mSAN Connections
mSANs ........................................................................................3-2
Port Configuration Tips............................................................3-2
Configuring the FC Ports for Router-Attached Devices.............3-4
Configuring R_Ports for mSANs....................................................3-6
Configuring Advanced FC Port Parameters...............................3-10
Example Configuration and Procedures.....................................3-11
Configuration Notes for All R_Ports on the Same Fabric..3-13
Guidelines for Using Zone Policy.........................................3-13
R_port Compatibility .....................................................................3-14
Chapter 4 Configuring iSAN Connections
Configuring TCP Ports for iFCP.....................................................4-4
Configuring the General Port Parameters .............................4-4
Setting the Advanced TCP Parameters ..................................4-6
Setting the iFCP Parameters ....................................................4-9
Configuring iFCP Connections.....................................................4-14
Configuring iFCP Setup .........................................................4-14
Configuring a Backup iFCP Connection .....................................4-22
Example Configurations and Procedures ...................................4-24
Configuring Ports and Connections .....................................4-25
Setting up Remote and Exported Connections and Zones4-28
Chapter 5 Configuring iSCSI Connections
iSCSI Configuration Procedures .............................................5-4
Configuring iSCSI Ports...................................................................5-4
Configuring the General Port Parameters .............................5-4
Setting the Advanced TCP Parameters ..................................5-6
Setting the iSCSI parameters....................................................5-9
Setting Advanced iSCSI Parameters ...................................... 5-9
Configuring iSCSI Devices............................................................ 5-13
Adding iSCSI Devices Automatically.................................. 5-13
Adding iSCSI Devices Manually .......................................... 5-14
iSCSI Devices Dialog Box Options and Data ...................... 5-17
Zoning iSCSI Devices .................................................................... 5-19
Zoning without LUN Mapping/Masking .......................... 5-19
Zoning with LUN Mapping/Masking ................................ 5-20
Configuring iSCSI Authentication............................................... 5-25
Using Static Routes ................................................................. 5-27
Using RADIUS Authentication............................................. 5-28
Configuring the iSCSI Initiator for Authentication ........... 5-30
Supported RADIUS Server Configurations ........................ 5-32
Chapter 6 Monitoring SAN Router Operation and Connections
Using the Element Manager Tools ................................................ 6-2
Device View ............................................................................... 6-2
System Information .................................................................. 6-6
Setting the Polling Interval.................................................... 6-11
Using the System Log............................................................. 6-12
Ping ........................................................................................... 6-12
Viewing Statistics ........................................................................... 6-14
Gigabit Ethernet/Port Statistics............................................ 6-14
Fibre Channel/Port Statistics................................................ 6-18
Fibre Channel/Device Properties......................................... 6-20
Port Traffic Statistics............................................................... 6-21
iFCP Port Compression Report............................................. 6-24
MAC Forwarding.................................................................... 6-26
IP Forwarding.......................................................................... 6-28
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) Table.......................... 6-30
metro Storage Name Server (mSNS).................................... 6-31
Remote Connection Statistics ................................................ 6-33
Chapter 7 Configuration, Firmware, and System Log
Upgrading Firmware (E/OSi)........................................................ 7-2
Downloading Firmware........................................................... 7-2
Upgrading bootrom (E/OSi) .......................................................... 7-5
Resetting the System........................................................................ 7-6
Factory Default Settings for the SAN Router............................... 7-8
Configuring Backup and Restore................................................. 7-12
Eclipse™ 2640 SAN Router Administration and Configuration Manual
Retrieving and Clearing the System Log ....................................7-14
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting
Element Manager Troubleshooting ...............................................8-2
SAN Router Troubleshooting .........................................................8-5
1-1 Eclipse 2640 SAN Router ............................................................................. 1-3
1-2 Eclipse 2640 LEDs, Ports, and Connectors ................................................ 1-6
2-1 Element Manager Login Dialog Box .......................................................... 2-8
2-2 Element Manager window .......................................................................... 2-9
2-3 Management Port Configuration Dialog Box ......................................... 2-10
2-4 Get Write Permission Dialog box ............................................................. 2-11
2-5 Internal and External IP Addresses ......................................................... 2-16
2-6 Inband Address Configuration Dialog Box ............................................ 2-17
2-7 FC/Ethernet Port Configuration Dialog Box ......................................... 2-18
2-8 FC/Ethernet Port Configuration Dialog Box ......................................... 2-20
2-9 System Properties Dialog Box ................................................................... 2-24
2-10 Login Banner ............................................................................................... 2-25
2-11 System Operations Dialog Box ................................................................. 2-26
2-12 Date/Time Dialog Box ............................................................................... 2-27
2-13 Inband Address Configuration Dialog Box ............................................ 2-29
2-14 SNMP Communities/Hosts Dialog Box ................................................. 2-30
2-15 SNMP Traps Dialog Box ............................................................................ 2-34
2-16 SNMP Traps Filter Pull Down Menu ...................................................... 2-34
2-17 New Device Zoning Dialog Box ............................................................... 2-35
2-18 Static Route .................................................................................................. 2-36
2-19 Static Routing Configuration Dialog Box ............................................... 2-38
2-20 Add Static Route Dialog Box .................................................................... 2-39
3-1 FC/Ethernet Port Configuration Dialog Box ........................................... 3-4
3-2 FC/Ethernet Port Configuration Dialog Box ........................................... 3-7
3-3 Advanced FC Port Configuration Dialog Box ........................................ 3-10
3-4 Connecting to Fabric and FC Device ....................................................... 3-11
4-1 iSAN Configuration Example ..................................................................... 4-3
4-2 FC/Ethernet Port Configuration Dialog Box ........................................... 4-5
4-3 Advanced TCP Configuration .................................................................... 4-6
4-4 Advanced TCP Configuration iFCP Parameter ..................................... 4-10
Eclipse™ 2640 SAN Router Administration and Configuration Manual
4-5 iFCP Setup Dialog Box .............................................................................. 4-14
4-6 Remote Connections Dialog Box .............................................................. 4-15
4-7 Add Remote Connection Dialog Box ....................................................... 4-18
4-8 Edit Remote Connection Dialog Box ........................................................ 4-20
4-9 iFCP Port Redundancy Configuration Dialog Box ................................ 4-22
4-10 MAN/WAN Links ...................................................................................... 4-24
4-11 Automatic Communication ....................................................................... 4-25
4-12 FC/Ethernet Port Configuration Dialog Box .......................................... 4-27
5-1 iSCSI Initiators Accessing FC Target .......................................................... 5-2
5-2 Example Configuration ................................................................................ 5-3
5-3 FC/Ethernet Port Configuration Dialog Box ............................................ 5-5
5-4 Advanced TCP Configuration ..................................................................... 5-6
5-5 Advanced TCP Configuration iSCSI Parameters ................................... 5-10
5-6 iSCSI Devices Dialog Box ........................................................................... 5-13
5-7 iSCSI Devices Dialog Box ........................................................................... 5-15
5-8 Zoning Configuration Window ................................................................ 5-19
5-9 mSAN Configuration Window ................................................................. 5-21
5-10 LUN Mapping/Masking Dialog Box ....................................................... 5-22
5-11 LUN Mapping/Masking Dialog Box ....................................................... 5-23
5-12 Computer Management Window ............................................................. 5-24
5-13 Sample Authentication Configuration ..................................................... 5-26
5-14 RADIUS Server on Management IP Subnet Static Routes .................... 5-27
5-15 RADIUS Server Configuration Dialog Box ............................................. 5-28
5-16 Advanced TCP Configuration Dialog Box .............................................. 5-29
5-17 Add Target Portal Dialog Box ................................................................... 5-30
5-18 Add Target Portal Advanced Settings Dialog Box ................................. 5-31
5-19 RADIUS Server Located on the iSCSI Subnet ......................................... 5-33
5-20 RADIUS Server Configuration Dialog Box ............................................. 5-34
5-21 RADIUS Server Located on the Management Subnet ........................... 5-35
5-22 RADIUS Server Configuration Dialog Box ............................................. 5-36
5-23 RADIUS Server Located One Hop from Management Port ................. 5-37
5-24 RADIUS Server Configuration Dialog Box ............................................. 5-38
5-25 Add Static Route Dialog Box ..................................................................... 5-39
5-26 RADIUS Server Located on Alternate TCP Port .................................... 5-40
6-1 Device View for the SAN Router ................................................................ 6-2
6-2 Color Legend window .................................................................................. 6-3
6-3 FC Port Tool Tip ............................................................................................ 6-5
6-4 FC R_Port Tool Tip ....................................................................................... 6-5
6-5 iFCP Tool Tip ................................................................................................. 6-6
6-6 System Information Panel ............................................................................ 6-6
6-7 Performance Bar Tool Tip ............................................................................ 6-8
6-8 System Temperature Tool Tip ..................................................................... 6-9
6-9 Power Supply Tool Tip ................................................................................ 6-9
6-10 Fan Tool Tip ................................................................................................ 6-10
6-11 Message Log ................................................................................................ 6-10
6-12 Poll Interval Dialog Box ............................................................................. 6-12
6-13 Network Utilities Dialog Box .................................................................... 6-13
6-14 GE Port Statistics Dialog Box .................................................................... 6-15
6-15 FC Port Statistics Dialog Box .................................................................... 6-18
6-16 FC Device Properties Screen ..................................................................... 6-20
6-17 Port Traffic Report ...................................................................................... 6-22
6-18 Chart Options Dialog Box ......................................................................... 6-23
6-19 iFCP Port Configuration Report Dialog Box .......................................... 6-24
6-20 Chart Options Dialog Box ......................................................................... 6-26
6-21 MAC Forward Table Dialog Box .............................................................. 6-27
6-22 IP Forward Table Dialog Box .................................................................... 6-29
6-23 ARP Table Dialog Box ............................................................................... 6-30
6-24 Storage Name Server (mSNS) Report Dialog Box ................................. 6-32
6-25 Remote Connection Statistics Dialog Box ............................................... 6-34
6-26 Chart Options Dialog Box ......................................................................... 6-37
7-1 Firmware Upgrade Dialog Box .................................................................. 7-2
7-2 Activate Boot Location Dialog Box ............................................................ 7-3
7-3 Reset Options Dialog Box ............................................................................ 7-6
7-4 Backup Configuration Dialog Box ........................................................... 7-12
7-5 Restore Configuration Dialog Box ........................................................... 7-13
7-6 Retrieve the System Log Dialog Box ........................................................ 7-14
7-7 Delete the System Log ............................................................................... 7-15
Eclipse™ 2640 SAN Router Administration and Configuration Manual
Ta bl es
1-1 Eclipse 2640 SAN Router Features ............................................................. 1-4
2-1 Element Manager Workstation Requirements ......................................... 2-5
2-2 Element Manager Software Functions ...................................................... 2-6
2-3 Key Board Shortcuts ................................................................................... 2-11
2-4 Generic SNMP MIB-II traps, from RFC 1213 .......................................... 2-31
2-5 RMON Traps, from RFC 1757, Enterprise ....................... 2-31
2-6 Fibre Alliance traps, enterprise ............................................ 2-32
2-7 McDATA Eclipse traps, enterprise ............................ 2-32
2-8 Static Routing Parameters ......................................................................... 2-40
3-1 R_Port Parameters ........................................................................................ 3-8
3-2 R_Port Compatibility ................................................................................. 3-14
4-1 Read-Only Remote Connections Parameters ......................................... 4-16
4-2 Remote Connections Parameters ............................................................. 4-19
5-1 Static Route .................................................................................................. 5-38
6-1 Port LED Colors ............................................................................................ 6-3
6-2 Eclipse 2640 Port Border Colors in the Device View ............................... 6-4
6-3 System Status LEDs ...................................................................................... 6-7
6-4 Message Colors and meanings ................................................................. 6-11
6-5 Ping Options for iFCP Capable Ports ...................................................... 6-13
6-6 Gigabit Ethernet/Port Statistics ............................................................... 6-15
6-7 FC Port Status Information ....................................................................... 6-19
6-8 Fibre Channel Device Properties Report ................................................. 6-20
6-9 MAC Forwarding Report .......................................................................... 6-28
6-10 IP Forwarding ............................................................................................. 6-29
6-11 ARP Table .................................................................................................... 6-31
6-12 mSNS Report ............................................................................................... 6-33
6-13 Remote Connection Statistics Report ....................................................... 6-35
7-1 SAN Router E/OSi and bootrom Versions .............................................. 7-5
7-2 Resetting the System .................................................................................... 7-6
7-3 Default Element Manager Parameter Settings ......................................... 7-8
Eclipse™ 2640 SAN Router Administration and Configuration Manual
8-1 Element Manager Problems and Solutions ............................................... 8-2
8-2 SAN Router Problems and Solutions ......................................................... 8-5
This manual provides the information required to configure and use the Eclipse 2640 SAN Router in an Ethernet/IP or Fibre Channel (FC) data network.
Who Should Use this Manual
The manual is designed for IT professionals, including experienced Data Networking Administrators and System Architects.
How to Use this Manual
This publication is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, Overview, provides an overview of the SAN Router
features, configuring the SAN Router for your network.
Chapter 2, Configuring System Basics, provides steps for
configuring the SAN Router’s basic functions.
Chapter 3, Configuring RADs and mSAN Connections, provides
steps for configuring the SAN Router’s Fibre Channel ports for router-attached (Fibre Channel) devices or RADs and for connection to fabrics within the metro area SAN (mSAN).
Chapter 4, Configuring iSAN Connections, provides detailed steps
for configuring the SAN Router ports for iFCP and to setup iFCP connections.
Chapter 5, Configuring iSCSI Connections, includes detailed steps
to configure the Ethernet ports for iSCSI network connections.
Eclipse™ 2640 SAN Router Administration and Configuration Manual
Chapter 6, Monitoring SAN Router Operation and Connections,
provides details on how to monitor SAN Router performance and operation in the network using Element Manager.
Chapter 7, Configuration, Firmware, and System Log Maintenance,
includes information for upgrading E/OSi firmware, backing up and restoring configuration data, resetting the system, upgrading bootrom, and retrieving and clearing the system log.
Chapter 8, Troubleshooting, gives the troubleshooting procedures
for the Element Manager and the SAN Router.
The Glossary defines terms, abbreviations, and acronyms used in this manual.
An Index is also provided.
Related Documentation
Other publications that provide additional information about this SAN Router include:
SAN Routing E_Port and iFCP, Concepts and Technologies, Configuration Options, Design Guidelines, Best Practices, Caveats White Paper - by Prasad Pammidimukkala.
E/OSi Command Line Interface (CLI) User Manual (620-000207-050).
SANvergence Manager User Manual (620-000189).
Eclipse 2640 SAN Router Installation and Service Manual (620-000202).
E/OSi SNMP Support Manual (620-000228)
McDATA Products in a SAN Environment Planning Manual (620-000124)
IP SANs, Tom Clark, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-75277-8.
Designing Storage Area Networks Second Edition, Tom Clark, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-321-13650-0.
Gigabit Ethernet: Technology and Applications for High-Speed LANs, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-18553-9.
Fibre Channel: A Comprehensive Introduction, NLA, ISBN 0-931836-84-0.
Basics of SCSI, Fourth Edition, Ancot Corporation, ISBN 0-963-74398-8.
For the latest release information, refer to the software release note (SRN) for E/OSi, located under the support tab on
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Eclipse™ 2640 SAN Router Administration and Configuration Manual
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Eclipse™ 2640 SAN Router Administration and Configuration Manual
This chapter provides an introduction to the EclipseTM 2640 SAN Router. Use the following links to move through this chapter.
Section Page
Introduction 1-2
SAN Router Features 1-4
SAN Router Layout 1-5
Eclipse™ 2640 SAN Router Administration and Configuration Manual
The Eclipse 2640 SAN Router (referred to as SAN Router in this manual) supports iSCSI, iFCP, and R_Port for trunking to both Internet Protocol (IP) backbones and legacy Fibre Channel (FC) fabrics. The SAN Routers connect to a wide range of end systems, including Fibre Channel, NAS, and iSCSI initiators and targets. SAN Routers support Ethernet and Fibre Channel switching over extended distances at wire speed.
The SAN Router can be deployed for multiple, concurrent applications, including SAN routing in the data center (mSAN routing), SAN routing over distance (iSAN routing) for disaster recovery, and iSCSI access to Fibre Channel storage.
mSAN routing enables you to build very large, stable fabrics where faults in one part of the network do not impact traffic in other parts. For disaster recovery, the backup site can be quite distant, thanks to McDATA’s patent-pending FastWrite technology, which can sustain wire-speed throughput in spite of high-link latency. The TCP ports on the SAN Router can support iSCSI access to Fibre Channel storage.
SAN Routers offer:
mSAN internetworking for scalable and fault-tolerant SANs.
Compression for increased bandwidth.
Support for full fabric, private and public loop Fibre Channel devices.
Patent-pending FastWriteTM technology for maximizing throughput across long distances.
Storage-optimized TCP to ensure high throughput in a dedicated network in enterprise environments typically used for storage traffic.
The Eclipse 2640 SAN Router, shown in Figure 1-1 on page 1-3, contains 16 ports.
Twelve user-configurable small form factor port (SFP) connectors (ports 1-12) support Fibre Channel connections.
Four multiService intelligent SFP port connectors (ports 13-16) support Internet Fibre Channel Protocol (iFCP) or Internet small computer systems interface (iSCSI) connections over TCP/IP.
Figure 1-1 Eclipse 2640 SAN Router
Two management ports are located on the front of the SAN Router. An RS-232 serial port can connect to a VT100 or terminal emulator for access to the Command Line Interface (CLI), and an RJ45 port can connect to the LAN for out-of-band management through the SAN Router Element Manager and SANvergence Manager. The RJ45 management port can be accessed by any workstation on the LAN using http, Telnet, and SNMP for management.
The SAN Router has a modular design that enables quick removal and replacement of field replaceable units (FRUs), including:
Redundant power supplies and cooling fans. The SAN Router has two power supplies, each with an AC power receptacle, and two cooling fans. Each power supply/fan unit is a field replaceable unit (FRU).
Up to 16 duplex SFP fiber-optic port transceivers. Shortwave laser transceivers are available for transferring data over multimode fiber-optic cable. Longwave laser transceivers are available for transferring data over singlemode fiber-optic cable. Fiber-optic cables attach to SAN Router port transceivers with duplex LC connectors.
NOTE: Eclipse and IPS Switches have now been brought under one product family called Eclipse SAN Routers. During the transition from the Eclipse Switch to the Eclipse SAN Router name, the term “switch” and “SAN Router” may appear in software or product manuals and should be considered interchangeable.
Eclipse™ 2640 SAN Router Administration and Configuration Manual
SAN Router Features
SAN Router Features
The Eclipse 2640 SAN Router features are summarized in the following table.
Table 1-1 Eclipse 2640 SAN Router Features
Feature Description
Intelligent Ports The SAN Router supports two types of ports - standard ports
and intelligent ports. A standard port can be configured for Fibre Channel traffic. An intelligent port can be configured for Ethernet port Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) or Internet Fibre Channel Protocol (iFCP).
iFCP standards track protocols
The SAN Router supports the IETF standard for the iFCP, which provides connectivity and networking for existing Fibre Channel devices over a TCP/IP network.
iSCSI A TCP port can be configured for iFCP or iSCSI.
R_Port Support for E_Port, or standard port, through the SAN Router
R_Port, allows you to share devices between SANs while maintaining each SAN’s independence.
FastWrite The Fast-Write software feature available on intelligent ports
improves the performance of write operations between Fibre Channel initiators and targets in a Wide Area Network (WAN). The improved speed depends on the WAN Round Trip Time (RTT), available buffer space on the target, number of concurrent I/Os supported by the application, and application I/O size.
Router Zoning Using SANvergence Manager network management software
or the CLI, you can create zones across networks.
You can use zone sets for periodic reallocation of network resources. For example, you can have one set of zones for daytime data transactions and another set of zones for nighttime backups.
SAN Router Features
Scalability Metrics
For current scalability metrics on Fibre Channel, zoning, and iFCP/iSCSI for SAN Router products, such as maximum number of fabrics per mSAN, maximum imported Fibre Channel devices from a single fabric, maximum zones in a connected fabric, maximum number of SAN Routers in an mSAN, and other specifications, refer to the McDATA Fabric Guidelines (620-000208) on
Real-time and historical system logs
The Element Manager and Log Viewer can be used to look at current system log messages from the connected SAN Router.
Compression Compression technology available on intelligent ports
identifies repetitive patterns in a data stream and represents the same information in a more compact and efficient manner. By compressing the data stream, more data can be sent across the network, even if slower link speeds are used.
The Eclipse SAN Router supports both hardware and software compression.
Storage-optimized TCP The storage-optimized TCP features supported by the SAN
Router enhance performance in a dedicated network deployed in enterprise storage networks.
Table 1-1 Eclipse 2640 SAN Router Features (Continued)
Feature Description
Eclipse™ 2640 SAN Router Administration and Configuration Manual
SAN Router Layout
SAN Router Layout
The SAN Router front panel (Figure 1-2 on page 1-6) provides an Ethernet LAN connector (10/100), small form-factor pluggable (SFP) connectors port status LEDs, and a green system (SYS) LED. The panel also provides a 9-pin DSUB maintenance port (CONSOLE) for connection to a local terminal or remote terminal. The maintenance port provides an alternate way to configure the SAN Router in addition to the normal http scenario. Although this port is typically used by authorized maintenance personnel, operations personnel can use the port to configure SAN Router network addresses.
Sixteen user-configurable SFP connectors include:
Ports 1-12, supporting Fibre Channel connections.
Ports 13-16, supporting iFCP or iSCSI connections.
Figure 1-2 Eclipse 2640 LEDs, Ports, and Connectors
Configuring System Basics
Configuring System
This chapter provides steps for configuring the SAN Router’s basic functions before performing specific configuration for various network connections.
Use the following links to move through the chapter.
Section Page
Configuring the SAN Router 2-2
Setting Parameters Through the CLI 2-3
Using the Element Manager 2-5
Tips on using the Element Manager 2-11
Configuring System Operations 2-23
Static Routes 2-36
Eclipse™ 2640 SAN Router Administration and Configuration Manual
Configuring the SAN Router
Configuring the SAN Router
You can configure the SAN Router using any of the three options as follows:
Command Line Interface (CLI). For this method a VT100 terminal or PC with terminal emulation software running must be connected to the RS-232 serial port on the SAN Router.
SAN Router Element Manager. To use the Element Manger, you must configure the management port address for the SAN Router correctly so that you can access the SAN Router through the Element Manager and SANvergence Manger for configuration tasks.
SANvergence Manager. Before configuring the SAN Router with SANvergence Manager, set up the correct management IP address and router IP address appropriate for your network.
For all these options, you must first set the management port address of the SAN Router. This address is set as a permanent one; it is retained even after the SAN Router is reset to factory results.
The following sections describe the steps required to set the basic parameters for the SAN Router before you can carry out advanced configuration.
Setting the Management IP Address
The 10/100 Ethernet port provides for out-of-band IP-based management, often used for enhanced security. This interface allows simple network management protocol (SNMP), Telnet, and web-based management traffic to be separated from storage traffic through the use of a separate LAN.
The management IP Address is used to receive and respond to SNMP-based management traffic from management workstations using the Element Manager and SANvergence Manager. Configure this IP address for the SAN Router management port through the Element Manager or CLI.
If the management workstation hosting the Element Manager and/or SANvergence Manager applications is on a different subnet from that configured in the Management Port Configuration dialog box, then a static route should be assigned to explicitly route the management traffic back to the management workstation. If there are multiple
Configuring System Basics
Setting Parameters Through the CLI
management workstations in different networks, then multiple routes may need to be configured.
Unlike other configuration parameters, when the SAN Router is reset to factory defaults, the IP address of the management port is retained. This prevents administrators from locking themselves out of the SAN Router, requiring console connectivity to reset the management port IP address.
If the SAN Router is shipped in a cabinet, then the default IP address will be 10.xx.yy.zz where,
xx is the cabinet number (1, 2, 3, etc.) yy is the product type identifier (16 for the Eclipse 2640 SAN Router) zz is the position in the rack, bottom to top (1, 2, 3, etc.)
NOTE: The management port address must be configured correctly so that you can access the SAN Router through the Element Manager and SANvergence manager for further configuration tasks.
You can change the management port address using the CLI or the SAN Router’s Element Manager.
Setting Parameters Through the CLI
The command line interface (CLI) provides options for out-of-band management of the SAN Router. You can use the commands described in the
McDATA E/OSi Command Line Interface (CLI) User
Manual (P/N 620-000207) for these operations.
CLI Procedure To set the management port address using CLI and a serial port
connection, use the following steps.
1. Use a null modem cable to connect a VT100 terminal or any standard PC running terminal emulation software to the RS-232 serial port on the SAN Router
2. Set the PC terminal emulator settings to the SAN Router default settings.
Eclipse™ 2640 SAN Router Administration and Configuration Manual
Setting Parameters Through the CLI
3. Power up the terminal. Press the Enter key to display the CLI prompt.
4. Type modify at the Access Mode prompt. This is case-sensitive. Read is for read-only; modify is for read-write.
5. Type your password at the Password (community string) prompt. Use private as the password and press Enter.
6. Set the management port IP address with the following command:
set mgmt portadd <IP address><subnet mask>
• IP address = IP address of the management port
• subnet mask = subnet mask of the management port.
7. Enter a permanent route for a network management station using the command:
set mgmt permroute <addr><mask><gateway>
• address = IP address of the network management subnet. This
IP address is used to add a static route to the SAN Router’s route table. This is required by the management station if its on a different subnet than the 10/100 interface.
• mask = subnet mask of the network management subnet.
• gateway = IP address of the next hop IP gateway. The gateway
is a directly reachable IP router to which management traffic should be forwarded.
8. To save the configuration, at the command prompt enter:
Parameter Setting
Bits per second 9600
Data bits 8
Parity bits None
Stop bits 1
Flow Control None
Configuring System Basics
Using the Element Manager
9. Reset the system using the following command:
reset system
The management IP address is now set and ready for normal operation.
10. If you require a terminal connection to the 10/100 port for out-of-band management, connect the standard RJ45 Cat 5 Ethernet cable from the LAN to the management port.
11. Ping the IP address that you entered for the SAN Router to verify network connectivity using the network management host.
If there is no ping response, contact your network administrator to set up connectivity between the network management station and the SAN Router.
Using the Element Manager
The Element Manager is a web-based Java applet used to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot individual SAN Routers. The software is embedded in every SAN Router, so it does not need to be installed as a separate program on the management workstation for your mSAN.
Before you begin using the Element Manager, make sure that your workstation meets the requirements described in this section, that your browser is set up, and that you review the provided tips.
Workstation requirements for the Element Manager are listed in the following table:
Table 2-1 Element Manager Workstation Requirements
IBM Compatible Intel Pentium Class PC, 400 MHz or above with mouse, 32-bit
Sun Ultra 5 or better; 300 MHz or above, with mouse
Operating system
Windows 2003a Server Enterprise Edition
Windows 2000 with SP4
Windows XP with SP2
Solaris 9.0 and Solaris 10.0. Refer to
Java Runtime Environment
JRE 1.5 and higher (provided with SANvergence Manager)
JRE 1.4 and later (not provided with SANvergence Manager)
Management Platform None required None required
Eclipse™ 2640 SAN Router Administration and Configuration Manual
Using the Element Manager
Element Manager Overview
The Element Manager software configuration and monitoring functions are described in Chapters 2 through 8 of this manual.
Web Browser
Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher or Netscape 6.22 or higher
Mozilla 1.4
RAM 128 MB Minimum, 256 MB recommended 128 MB Minimum, 256 MB recommended
SVGA (64K color) minimum, 1024 x 768 resolution
SVGA (64K color) minimum, 1024 x 768 resolution
Network Connection TCP/IP Connection TCP/IP Connection
Available Disk Space
50 MB for JRE v1.5
6MB for SANvergence Manager
50 MB for JRE v1.5
6MB for SANvergence Manager
a.DirectX 9.0b or later must be installed on the management workstation if additional software programs, such as EFCM or
PC Anywhere, are coresident with SANvergence Manager.
Table 2-1 Element Manager Workstation Requirements(Continued)
IBM Compatible Intel Pentium Class PC, 400 MHz or above with mouse, 32-bit
Sun Ultra 5 or better; 300 MHz or above, with mouse
Table 2-2 Element Manager Software Functions
Function Configuration Options
Monitoring (Device View of SAN Router)
Device View LEDs and icons, system information icons
Color indicators for operational status
Message Log
SAN Router Operations (File menu)
Save Configuration
Reset System
Firmware Upgrade
System Log
Configuration Backup and Restore
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