McDATA 3000 User Manual

UltraNet™ Edge Storage Router
Release 3.2
User Guide
P/N 620-000248-030 REV A
Revision Date Description
620-000248-000 8/2005 Initial release of this manual under the
McDATA label.
620-000248-313 11/2005 Edge Storage Router 3000 Release 3.1.3
620-000248-010 6/2006 Edge Storage Router 3000 Release
3.1.4,RoHS compliant Gigabit Ethernet.
620-000248-020 7/2006 Edge Storage Router 3000 Release 3.1.5.
RoHS compliant OC-3 ATM.
620-000248-030 12/2006 Edge Storage Router 3000 Release 3.2.
FICON Tape Read, Adaptive Rate Limiting,
RoHS compliant 10/100 Ethernet.
Copyright © 2005-2006 McDATA Corporation. All rights reserved.
Printed December 2006
First Edition
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©2005 McDATA Corporation. All rights reserved. McDATA, the McDATA logo, McDATA UltraNet, McDATA Eclipse, Fabricenter, HotCAT, Intrepid, Multi-Capable Storage Network Solutions, Networking the World's Business Data, nScale, nView, OPENready, SANavigator, SANpilot, SANtegrity, SANvergence, SecureConnect and Sphereon are trademarks or registered trademarks of McDATA Corporation. OEM and Reseller logos are the property of such parties and are reprinted with limited use permission. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. All specifications subject to change.
UltraNet™ Edge Storage Router 3000 User Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
Introducing the UltraNet Edge 3000..............................................1-1
UltraNet Edge 3000 Benefits............................................................1-3
UltraNet Edge 3000 Features...........................................................1-4
UltraNet Edge 3000 Security ...........................................................1-7
Chapter 2 Hardware Configurations
UltraNet Edge 3000 Featurization ..................................................2-1
Typical Configuration of the UltraNet Edge 3000........................2-5
Ethernet Configurations ...........................................................2-5
ATM WAN Configurations ......................................................2-6
FC/SCSI Tape Pipelining..........................................................2-6
Valid Hardware Interface Configurations.....................................2-7
Fibre Channel Card Dependencies.................................................2-8
FC/SCSI E_port Configurations..............................................2-8
FC/SCSI F_port Configurations..............................................2-9
FC/SCSI N_port Configurations.............................................2-9
FICON Port Configurations ...................................................2-10
Internal Fibre Channel Switch (FCSW)........................................2-11
Hardware Components..................................................................2-11
Indicators, Switches, and Interfaces.............................................2-13
Chapter 3 Network Design Criteria
Network Design ................................................................................3-1
Ethernet Network Criteria........................................................3-1
ATM Network Criteria..............................................................3-5
Network Routing Options...............................................................3-8
Dedicated ....................................................................................3-8
Load Balancing ..........................................................................3-9
Fail Over......................................................................................3-9
Switch WWN Proxy .......................................................................3-10
E_Port Disk Streaming Network Recommendations ................3-10
Required Minimum Hardware for E_Port Disk Streaming...... 3-11
E_Port Disk Streaming Compatibility Matrix ............................3-11
Fibre Channel Frame Level CRC..................................................3-12
Frame Level CRC on the FCBB Card....................................3-12
Frame Level CRC on the FCXL2 Card..................................3-12
Fibre Channel End to End CRC....................................................3-13
Minimum Requirements for CRC ................................................3-14
Fibre Channel MTU Batching .......................................................3-14
Chapter 4 Building a Custom Edge 3000 Chassis
Building the Custom Chassis..........................................................4-1
Starting UltraNet ConfigManager ..........................................4-1
Using the Custom Chassis Wizard..........................................4-1
Chapter 5 Configuring an E_Port Extension over an Ethernet WAN
Configuring a 1x1 Ethernet Wide Area Network ........................5-1
Gathering the IP Addresses .....................................................5-2
Starting UltraNet ConfigManager ..........................................5-3
Adding Nodes for an Ethernet WAN Configuration...........5-3
Adding a Fibre Channel Interface...........................................5-5
Setting the Initial Configuration..............................................5-6
Setting the License Information...............................................5-9
Adding an IP Circuit...............................................................5-11
Creating a Data Path ...............................................................5-20
Delivering the Configured Network............................................5-24
Setting the Delivery Properties..............................................5-25
Delivery Wizard.......................................................................5-26
Deliver Network......................................................................5-28
Viewing Logs............................................................................5-28
Chapter 6 Configuring an F_Port Extension over an Ethernet WAN
Configuring a 2x2 Ethernet Wide Area Network ........................6-1
Gathering the IP Addresses .....................................................6-2
Starting UltraNet ConfigManager ..........................................6-3
Adding Nodes for an Ethernet WAN Configuration...........6-4
Setting the Initial Configuration..............................................6-7
Setting the License Information.............................................6-10
UltraNet™ Edge Storage Router 3000 User Guide
Adding an IP Circuit .............................................................. 6-12
Creating Data Paths for Fibre Channel Switch Interfaces. 6-21
Delivering the Configured Network........................................... 6-26
Setting the Delivery Properties ............................................. 6-27
Delivery Wizard ...................................................................... 6-27
Deliver Network ..................................................................... 6-30
Viewing Logs........................................................................... 6-30
Chapter 7 Configuring an E_Port Extension over an ATM WAN
Configuring a 1x1 ATM Wide Area Network .............................. 7-1
Gathering the IP Addresses..................................................... 7-2
Starting UltraNet ConfigManager.......................................... 7-3
Adding Nodes for an ATM WAN Configuration................. 7-3
Setting the Initial Configuration ............................................. 7-6
Setting the License Information .............................................. 7-9
Adding an ATM Circuit ......................................................... 7-11
Creating a Data Path............................................................... 7-24
Delivering the Configured Network........................................... 7-30
Setting the Delivery Properties ............................................. 7-30
Delivery Wizard ...................................................................... 7-31
Deliver Network ..................................................................... 7-33
Viewing Logs........................................................................... 7-34
Chapter 8 Configuring FICON Extension
Configuring a 1x1 Ethernet Wide Area Network........................ 8-1
Gathering the IP Addresses..................................................... 8-2
Starting UltraNet ConfigManager.......................................... 8-3
Adding Nodes for an Ethernet WAN Configuration........... 8-4
Adding a Fibre Channel Interface .......................................... 8-5
Setting the Initial Configuration ............................................. 8-7
Setting the License Information ............................................ 8-10
Adding an IP Circuit .............................................................. 8-12
Creating a FICON Data Path................................................. 8-20
Using the FICON Global Settings Wizard........................... 8-24
Delivering the Configured Network........................................... 8-31
Setting the Delivery Properties ............................................. 8-31
Delivery Wizard ...................................................................... 8-32
Deliver Network ..................................................................... 8-34
Viewing Logs........................................................................... 8-35
Chapter 9 Configuring Tape Device Extension
Setup Prior to Edge Configuration.................................................9-1
Network Configuration Examples .................................................9-2
Example of Uni-directional Configuration - No Zoning .....9-2
Example of Bi-directional Configuration with Zoning........9-3
Example of Bi-directional Configuration - Zoning and
Optional LUN Mapping ...........................................................9-4
Required Fibre Channel Switch Zoning.................................9-4
Required Static Edge LUN Mapping......................................9-5
Required Source WWN Filtering ............................................9-7
Configuring Tape Device Extension ..............................................9-8
Gathering the IP Addresses .....................................................9-9
Starting UltraNet ConfigManager ........................................9-10
Adding Nodes for an Ethernet WAN Configuration......... 9-11
Setting the Initial Configuration............................................9-13
Setting the License Information.............................................9-16
Adding an IP Circuit...............................................................9-18
Creating a Data Path for Fibre Channel Device Extension
Static Mapping the LUNs and Filtering the Source WWN ......
Delivering the Configured Network............................................9-42
Setting the Delivery Properties..............................................9-43
Delivery Wizard.......................................................................9-43
Deliver Network......................................................................9-46
Viewing Logs............................................................................9-46
Chapter 10 FC/SCSI Tape Pipelining
Buffering, Emulation, and Data Protection.................................10-1
Buffering and Emulation........................................................10-1
Device Error Recovery............................................................10-2
UltraNet Edge 3000 Emulation..............................................10-2
Protecting the Data..................................................................10-2
UltraNet Edge 3000 Specific..........................................................10-3
Fibre Channel...........................................................................10-3
Tape Only..................................................................................10-3
LUN Mapping..........................................................................10-3
Dynamic Target LUN Discovery and LUN Mapping ...............10-4
Overview ..................................................................................10-4
Target Discovery......................................................................10-4
LUN Discovery ........................................................................10-5
LUN Refresh.............................................................................10-5
UltraNet™ Edge Storage Router 3000 User Guide
Dynamic LUN Mapping ........................................................ 10-5
Static LUN Mapping............................................................... 10-5
Managing the WWN to Edge Target LUNs ........................ 10-6
Chapter 11 Product Support and Software Maintenance
SNMP Support................................................................................ 11-1
Upgrading the UltraNet Edge 3000 Software ............................ 11-1
Verify your Current Software Version.................................. 11-2
Upgrading the UltraNet Edge 3000 - On-Site Local........... 11-2
Upgrading the UltraNet Edge 3000 - Remote Dial-up ...... 11-6
Upgrading Edge Software from or Higher ........... 11-10
UltraNet WebView Monitoring Application.............................11-11
Obtaining the UltraNet WebView Product ....................... 11-12
Using the WebView Application......................................... 11-12
Browser and System Requirements for WebView............ 11-12
WebView Security ................................................................. 11-12
UltraNet WebView Upgrade ............................................... 11-12
UltraNet ConfigManager Upgrade ........................................... 11-14
Verify the Current Version of UltraNet ConfigManager . 11-14
Upgrading the UltraNet ConfigManager Software ......... 11-15
Chapter 12 Hardware Maintenance
Front and Rear View of UltraNet Edge 3000 Chassis ............... 12-2
Replacing the UltraNet Edge 3000 Chassis ................................ 12-2
Fan Assembly Removal Procedure.............................................. 12-3
Fan Assembly Installation Procedure ......................................... 12-4
Power Supply Removal Procedure.............................................. 12-5
Power Supply Installation Procedure ......................................... 12-7
Top Cover Removal Procedure .................................................... 12-7
Top Cover Installation Procedure ................................................ 12-8
Fibre Channel Interface Card Removal Procedure.................... 12-9
Fibre Channel Interface Card Installation Procedure ............. 12-10
10/100 Ethernet Interface Card Removal Procedure.............. 12-11
10/100 Ethernet Interface Card Installation Procedure .......... 12-12
Gigabit Ethernet Interface Card Removal Procedure ............. 12-13
Gigabit Ethernet Interface Card Installation Procedure......... 12-14
OC-3 ATM Interface Card Removal Procedure ....................... 12-15
OC-3 ATM Interface Card Installation Procedure................... 12-16
Replacing the Gigabit Ethernet Short Wave Transceiver........ 12-17
Removing the Gig-E Short Wave SFP Transceiver........... 12-18
Installing the Gig-E Short Wave SFP Transceiver............. 12-19
Replacing the Gigabit Ethernet Long Wave Transceiver ........12-21
Removing the Gig-E Long Wave SFP Transceiver............12-21
Installing the Gig-E Long Wave SFP Transceiver .............12-22
Replacing the Gigabit Ethernet Copper Transceiver ...............12-23
Removing the Gig-E Copper Transceiver ..........................12-23
Installing the Gig-E Copper Transceiver............................12-24
Replacing the OC-3 ATM Short Wave Transceiver..................12-25
Removing the OC-3 ATM Short Wave SFP Transceiver ..12-25
Installing the OC-3 ATM Short Wave SFP Transceiver ....12-26
Replacing the OC-3 ATM Long Wave Transceiver ..................12-27
Removing the OC-3 ATM Long Wave SFP Transceiver...12-27
Installing the OC-3 ATM Long Wave SFP Transceiver ....12-28
Replacing the Fibre Channel Short Wave Transceiver ............12-29
Removing the Fibre Channel Short Wave SFP Transceiver ......
Installing the Fibre Channel Short Wave SFP Transceiver .......
Replacing the Fibre Channel Long Wave Transceiver.............12-32
Removing the Fibre Channel Long Wave SFP Transceiver ......
Installing the Fibre Channel Long Wave SFP Transceiver........
Chapter 13 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Basic Troubleshooting for the UltraNet Edge 3000....................13-1
User Interface Commands for the UltraNet Edge 3000 ............13-1
Display the User Interface Commands ................................13-2
IP ................................................................................................13-2
AMDENET 10/100 WAN or Maintenance Interface..........13-4
GNIC3 Gigabit Ethernet WAN ..............................................13-6
gnic3 stats .................................................................................13-6
FCCNT ......................................................................................13-8
CHARM ..................................................................................13-12
LED Diagnostic Codes..........................................................13-12
Troubleshooting FC/SCSI Tape Pipelining (Device Extension) .....
Basic Troubleshooting Steps for FC/SCSI Tape Pipelining......
UltraNet™ Edge Storage Router 3000 User Guide
Diagnostics.................................................................................... 13-16
Serial Interface Connection.................................................. 13-17
Ethernet Maintenance Interface Connection..................... 13-17
Loading and Starting the Diagnostic Program................. 13-18
Exit and Reboot ..................................................................... 13-18
UltraNet Edge 3000 Diagnostic Programs................................ 13-19
CHARM Diagnostic Program (ACHT).............................. 13-19
PowerPC Diagnostic Program (SBTT) ............................... 13-21
Fibre Channel Diagnostic Program (FCBB)....................... 13-22
Ethernet Diagnostic Program (E10T) ................................. 13-24
Gigabit Ethernet Diagnostic Program (GBIT)................... 13-25
ZPCM Compression Diagnostic Program (ZPCT)........... 13-27
Flash Drive Diagnostic Program (ISBT)............................. 13-29
Graceful Shutdown...................................................................... 13-30
Appendix A Site Preparation
Site Requirements ...........................................................................A-1
UltraNet Edge 3000 Chassis Dimensions .............................A-1
Clearance Requirements ................................................................ A-2
Environmental Specifications.................................................A-3
Power Requirements ...............................................................A-4
Appendix B Installation and Cabling
Overview ..........................................................................................B-1
Unpacking and Inspecting the Hardware ...................................B-2
UltraNet Edge 3000 Placement ......................................................B-2
Rack Mount................................................................................B-2
Connecting the UltraNet Edge 3000 .............................................B-4
Setup Connection......................................................................B-4
Power Connection.....................................................................B-5
Network Interface Connections ....................................................B-6
Fibre Channel Cabling..............................................................B-6
Ethernet 10/100 Cabling..........................................................B-8
Gigabit Ethernet Cabling .........................................................B-9
OC-3 ATM Cabling and Transceivers ..................................B-10
Initial Power-On Procedure .........................................................B-10
Maintenance and Diagnostics Connections ..............................B-12
Serial Interface Cabling Instructions....................................B-12
Cables and Equipment .................................................................B-14
McDATA-Supplied Cables and Equipment........................B-14
Customer-Supplied Cables and Equipment....................... B-15
Preventing Damage from Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) ........ B-15
Appendix C Cables, Connectors, and Adapters
RS-232 Cables with RJ-45 Connector ...........................................C-1
DB Adapters ....................................................................................C-1
Fibre Channel Specifications .........................................................C-4
Ethernet 10/100 Specifications .....................................................C-6
Gigabit Ethernet Specifications .....................................................C-6
OC-3 ATM Specifications ..............................................................C-8
Appendix D Advanced UCM Configurations
Configuring the Internal McDATA Fibre Channel Switch
Interface ............................................................................................D-1
FCSW Tab (2 port only) ...........................................................D-2
FC Switch Tab............................................................................D-3
Time Synchronization Protocol .....................................................D-6
Configure the Time Synchronization Protocol .....................D-6
Transport CRC Checking ...............................................................D-8
E_Port Disk Streaming Settings ....................................................D-9
Enable/Disable E_Port Disk Streaming................................D-9
F_Port Disk Streaming Settings ..................................................D-10
Enable/Disable F_Port Disk Streaming ..............................D-10
Appendix E Modifying Static Routes
Display Static Routes ...................................................................... E-1
Verify Static Routes ......................................................................... E-2
Modify Static Routes ...................................................................... E-4
Add Static Routes ........................................................................... E-4
Delete Static Routes ........................................................................ E-4
Appendix F Configure SNMP
Adding an SNMP Trap Destination........................................F-6
Deleting an SNMP Destination ...............................................F-6
Sending Test Trap ......................................................................F-6
SNMP Software Packages ...............................................................F-7
Appendix G Resetting the System to Factory Defaults
Overview of the Sysclean Command ..........................................G-1
Using the Sysclean Command ......................................................G-1
UltraNet™ Edge Storage Router 3000 User Guide
Appendix H Manual Configuration of the Initial IP Settings
Manually Configure the Maintenance IP Port using the
Command Line Interface ..............................................................H-1
Update UltraNet ConfigManager with the Manual
Configurations ................................................................................H-3
Appendix I Using the Spantree Portfast Command for Cisco Routers
Issuing the Spantree Portfast Command ......................................I-1
Appendix J Configuration Worksheets
Configuration Worksheets ..............................................................J-1
IP Configuration Worksheet .....................................................J-2
ATM WAN Configuration Worrksheet...................................J-4
UltraNet™ Edge Storage Router 3000 User Guide
The UltraNet Edge 3000 ............................................................................................. 1-1
Typical UltraNet Edge 3000 1x1 Configuration ..................................................... 2-5
Front View of the UltraNet Edge 3000 ................................................................... 2-12
Rear View of the UltraNet Edge 3000 .................................................................... 2-12
Front View of the UltraNet Edge 3000 ................................................................... 2-13
Example Ethernet WAN with two UltraNet Edge 3000s ...................................... 3-2
Example ATM WAN with two UltraNet Edge 3000s ............................................ 3-5
Sample E_port Ethernet WAN with two UltraNet Edge 3000s ........................... 5-2
UltraNet ConfigManager Main Window ................................................................ 5-3
Sample F_port Ethernet WAN with two UltraNet Edge 3000s ............................ 6-2
UltraNet ConfigManager Main Window ................................................................ 6-4
Sample E_port 1x1 ATM WAN with two UltraNet Edges ................................... 7-2
UltraNet ConfigManager Main Window ................................................................ 7-3
Sample FICON ISL with Ethernet WAN using two UltraNet Edge 3000s ......... 8-2
UltraNet ConfigManager Main Window ................................................................ 8-4
Uni-directional FC/SCSI Tape Pipelining - No Zoning ........................................ 9-2
Bi-directional FC/SCSI Tape Pipelining - with Zoning ........................................ 9-3
Bi-directional FC/SCSI Tape Pipelining - Zoning and Optional LUN Mapping .....
UltraNet ConfigManager Main Window .............................................................. 9-10
Clearance Requirements within a Rack Cabinet ................................................... A-2
Connecting the CAT5 Cable to the UltraNet Edge 3000 ....................................... B-4
Connecting Power Cords to Rear Panel of UltraNet Edge 3000 .......................... B-5
Example of OC-3 Interface Cabling ........................................................................ B-10
Power Supply Switch ............................................................................................... B-11
Diagnostic Display .................................................................................................... B-11
PC Connection to Serial Interface ........................................................................... B-13
ESD Grounding Connection for UltraNet Edge 3000 .......................................... B-15
Sample IP Worksheet, and Relationship to Hardware Configuration ................. J-3
Sample ATM WAN Worksheet, and Relationship to Hardware Configuration J-5
UltraNet™ Edge Storage Router 3000 User Guide
UltraNet Edge 3000 Chassis Features ........................................................................ 2-1
Client Connectivity (Fibre Channel) Card Option Features................................... 2-2
Client Connectivity (Fibre Channel) SFP Option Features..................................... 2-2
WAN Connectivity Card Option Features................................................................ 2-3
WAN Connectivity SFP Option Features.................................................................. 2-3
Valid UltraNet Edge 3000 Hardware Configurations ............................................. 2-7
Fibre Channel Card Dependencies............................................................................. 2-8
Hardware Components ............................................................................................. 2-11
Front Panel Switches, Controls, and Interfaces .................................................... 2-13
Routing Option Availability........................................................................................ 3-8
Supported Applications for E_Port Disk Streaming.............................................. 3-11
Non-Supported Applications for E_Port Disk Streaming .................................... 3-12
Fibre Channel Switch Zoning Definitions for Figure 8-2........................................ 9-3
Fibre Channel Switch Zoning Definitions for Figure 8-3........................................ 9-5
Fictitious WWNs for Devices shown in Figure 8-3................................................. 9-6
Edge 10 Static LUN Mapping...................................................................................... 9-7
Edge 20 Static LUN Mapping...................................................................................... 9-7
Edge 10 Source WWN Filtering.................................................................................. 9-8
Edge 20 Source WWN Filtering.................................................................................. 9-8
Physical Dimensions....................................................................................................A-1
Clearance Requirements ............................................................................................. A-2
Environmental Specifications..................................................................................... A-3
UltraNet Edge 3000 Power Requirements................................................................ A-4
Fiber Type and Distance Restrictions ........................................................................B-7
RS-232 Serial (RJ45) Interface Pinouts......................................................................B-13
McDATA-Supplied Cables and Equipment ...........................................................B-14
Customer-Supplied Cables and Equipment ...........................................................B-15
RS-232 Straight Through Cable with RJ-45 Connector Ends .................................C-1
DB Adapter Descriptions.............................................................................................C-2
AA Adapter Pinouts.....................................................................................................C-2
EE Adapter Pinouts......................................................................................................C-3
Pinout Initials ...............................................................................................................C-3
Fibre Channel Cable and Connector Specifications ................................................C-4
Ethernet 10/100 Cable and Connector Specifications.............................................C-6
Gigabit Ethernet Cable and Connector Specifications............................................C-6
OC-3 ATM Cable and Connector Specifications......................................................C-8
SNMP Configuration Screen Fields ............................................................................F-5
UltraNet™ Edge Storage Router 3000 User Guide


This guide provides information for those who are involved in the installation, configuration, and maintenance of the UltraNet Edge Storage Router - 3000 Series. Throughout the remainder of this User Guide, the UltraNet Edge Storage Router - 3000 Series is referred to as the “UltraNet Edge 3000”.
This guide is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, Introduction, introduces the UltraNet Edge Storage Router - 3000 Series (“UltraNet Edge 3000”), providing an overview of its functionality, features, benefits, and security information.
Chapter 2, Hardware Configurations, provides the valid hardware configurations possible with the new customizable UltraNet Edge 3000 features.
Chapter 3, Network Design Criteria, provides the basic criteria you will need to design and configure your Ethernet or ATM network. It also provides information on the network routing options for the UltraNet Edge 3000, the Switch WWN Proxy software enhancement, E_port Disk Streaming network recommendations, Fibre Channel Frame Level and End to End CRC, as well as MTU Batching.
Chapter 4, Building a Custom Edge 3000 Chassis, provides the configuration procedure for a custom UltraNet Edge 3000 chassis using the UltraNet ConfigManager Custom Chassis Wizard.
Chapter 5, Configuring E_port Extension over an Ethernet WA N, provides the procedures for configuring E_port extenstion
over an Ethernet network on your UltraNet Edge 3000 using McDATA’s UltraNet ConfigManager configuration tool.
Chapter 6, Configuring F_port over an Ethernet WAN, provides the procedures for configuring an Ethernet network in F_port using McDATA’s UltraNet ConfigManager configuration tool.
Chapter 7, Configuring E_port Extension over an ATM/POS WA N, provides the procedures for configuring E_port extension
over an ATM network on your UltraNet Edge 3000 using McDATA’s UltraNet ConfigManager configuration tool.
Chapter 8, Configuring FICON Extension over an Ethernet WA N, provides the procedures for configuring FICON extension
over an Ethernet WAN on your UltraNet Edge 3000 using McDATA’s UltraNet ConfigManager configuration tool.
Chapter 9, Configuring Tape Device Extension over an Ethernet WA N, provides the procedures for configuring Tape Pipelining
(Device Extension) on your UltraNet Edge 3000 using McDATA’s UltraNet ConfigManager configuration tool.
Chapter 10, FC/SCSI Tape Pipelining, provides an overview on Tape Pipelining (Device Extension) inlcuding buffering, emulation, data protection and device error recovery. It also discusses specific information relevant to the UltraNet Edge 3000’s implementation of Tape Pipelining.
Chapter 11, Customer Support and Software Maintenance,
provides information for supporting and maintaining the UltraNet Edge 3000. It covers McDATA Customer Support, SNMP support, the UltraNet WebView management program, and how to upgrade to new software releases.
Chapter 12, Hardware Maintenance, provides removal and replacement procedures for the UltraNet Edge 3000 Field Replaceable Units (FRU).
Chapter 13, Troubleshooting and Diagnostics, provides basic information for troubleshooting and diagnostics for the UltraNet Edge 3000 product.
Appendix A, Site Preparation, provides site preparation requirements for the UltraNet Edge 3000.
UltraNet™ Edge Storage Router 3000 User Guide
Appendix B, Installation and Cabling, provides information regarding the installation process, including instructions for connecting the network cables to the UltraNet Edge 3000.
Appendix C, Serial Cables and Adapters, lists the RS-232 cables, the DB connectors, and the pinouts for the DB connectors available through McDATA. It also contains cable and connector specifications for the Fibre Channel, 10/100 Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and ATM/POS OC-3 interfaces.
Appendix D, Advanced UCM Configurations, provides additional UltraNet ConfigManager (UCM) configuration options that are beyond the typical Edge network configurations. The topics covered are; Configuring the Internal McDATA Fibre Channel Switch Interface, Time Synchronization Protocol, Transport CRC Checking, E_Port Disk Streaming Settings, and F_Port Disk Streaming Settings.
Appendix E, Static Routes, describes how to display, verify, add, and modify static routes.
Appendix F, Configure SNMP, provides an overview for configuring SNMP on the UltraNet Edge 3000.
Appendix G, Resetting the System to Factory Default, provides the procedure for resetting the system to the factory settings using the sysclean command.
Appendix H, Manual Configuration of the Initial IP Settings, provides the procedures for the initial configuration of the IP settings if UltraNet ConfigManager is not used.
Appendix I, Using the Set Spantree Portfast Command on Cisco Routers, provides information about the spantree portfast
command for Cisco routers.
Appendix J, Configuration Worksheets, provides worksheets to aid in network configuration.
NOTE: The customer is responsible for ensuring conformance with power and specifications provided in this guide, for ensuring adherence to federal, state, and local building and electrical codes, for providing and installing communication cables on other vendors’ equipment, and for providing a storage area.
Conventions This guide uses the following conventions:
Italic text Italicized text is used to emphasize information.
CTRL+C Key combinations are indicated by keyboard key names and a plus sign,
Bold Courier text Bold Courier text is used for commands and for system input that you
(angle brackets)
(square brackets)
| (vertical bar) A vertical bar in a command is used between items in a list to indicate that
Courier text Courier text is used for messages or program output that appears on your
all of which are in small caps sans serif text. In the example given to the left, press and hold down the CTRL key and press C.
type exactly as shown.
Angle brackets in a command indicate that the word contained within must be substituted with an actual value (do not type the angle brackets). In the following example, replace <filename> with the actual name of the file:
check_release <filename>
Square brackets in a command indicate that the parameter contained within is optional. In the following example, the module parameter is optional (often, optional parameters contain angled brackets indicating that the word must be substituted with an actual value):
logcf get [<module>]
you choose one of the items. For example, the vertical bar in the command below means you can use either the -u or the -q option (or neither since this choice is also optional):
swipplumb [-u|-q]
This document is part of the documentation set available on CD-ROM for the UltraNet Edge 3000. The documentation set provides installation, operation, configuration, and reference information for system administrators and operators.
UltraNet Edge Storage Router Getting Started Guide
(958-000507-000) provides set-up, connection, and installation information for the UltraNet Edge 3000.
UltraNet Edge Storage Router - 3000 Series User Guide
(620-000248-020) provides installation, configuration, operation, and maintenance information for the UltraNet Edge 3000.
UltraNet™ Edge Storage Router 3000 User Guide
UltraNet Edge Storage Router Command Reference
(620-000253-020) provides a reference to the commands that can be used to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot the UltraNet Edge 3000.
UltraNet Edge Storage Router Message Reference (620-000252-020)
provides a reference to the messages produced by the UltraNet Edge 3000.
Where to Get Help For technical support, end-user customers should call the phone
number located on the service label attached to the front or rear of the hardware product.
McDATA’s “Best in Class” Solution Center provides a single point of contact for customers seeking help with McDATA software products. The Solution Center will research, explore, and resolve inquiries or service requests regarding McDATA products and services. The Solution Center is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays.
NOTE: To expedite warranty entitlement, please have your product serial number available.
McDATA Corporation 11802 Ridge Parkway Broomfield, CO 80021 US
Phone: (800) 752-4572 or (720) 558-3910 Fax: (720) 558-3860 E-mail:
NOTE: Customers who purchased the hardware product from a company other than McDATA should contact that company’s service representative for technical support.
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Please send your comments via e-mail, our home page, or FAX. Identify the manual, and provide page numbers and details. Thank you.
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UltraNet™ Edge Storage Router 3000 User Guide
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Regulatory and Safety Statements

Regulatory and safety statements are shown in the following paragraphs. See also McDATA Product Safety Notices (620-000247) for a complete list of safety notices with translations.
Laser Compliance Statement
Product laser transceivers are tested and certified in the United States to conform to Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Subchapter J, Parts 1040.10 and 1040.11 for Class 1 laser products. Transceivers are tested and certified to be compliant with International Electrotechnical Commission IEC825-1 and European Norm EN60825-1 and EN60825-2 regulations for Class 1 laser products. Class 1 laser products are not considered hazardous. The transceivers are designed to prevent human access to laser radiation above a Class 1 level during normal operation or prescribed maintenance conditions.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement
Products generate, use, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with instructions provided, may cause interference to radio communications. Products are tested and found to comply with the limits for Class A and Class B computing devices pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of the FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential environment. Any modification or change made to a product without explicit approval from McDATA, by means of a written endorsement or through published literature, invalidates the service contract and voids the warranty agreement with McDATA.
Canadian EMC Statements
The statements below indicate product compliance with Interference Causing Equipment Standard (ICES) and Norme sur le Matériel Brouiller (NMB) electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements as set forth in ICES/NMB-003, Issue 4.
This Class A or Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A et classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
United States and Canada UL Certification
The C-UL-US mark on a product indicates compliance with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Standards Council of Canada (SCC) safety requirements as tested, evaluated, and certified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) and Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC).
International Safety Conformity Declaration (CB Scheme)
A certification bodies (CB) test report supporting a product indicates safety compliance with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) system for conformity testing and certification of electrical equipment (IECEE) CB scheme. The scheme is a multilateral agreement among participating countries and certification organizations that accepts test reports certifying the safety of electrical and electronic products.
European Union Conformity Declarations and Directives (CE Mark)
The CE mark on a product indicates compliance with the following regulatory requirements as set forth by European Norms (ENs) and relevant international standards for commercial and light industrial information technology equipment (ITE):
EN55022: 1998 - ITE-generic radio frequency interference (RFI) emission standard for domestic, commercial, and light industrial environments, including electrical business equipment.
EN55024-1: 1998 - ITE-generic electromagnetic immunity standard for domestic, commercial, and light industrial environments, including electrical business equipment.
EN60950/A11:1997 - ITE-generic electrical and fire safety standard for domestic, commercial, and light industrial environments, including electrical business equipment.
UltraNet™ Edge Storage Router 3000 User Guide
EN61000-3-2:1995 - ITE-generic harmonic current emissions standard for domestic, commercial, and light industrial environments (equipment with rated current less than or equal to 16 amperes per phase).
EN61000-3-3:1995 - ITE-generic voltage fluctuation and flicker standard (low-voltage power supply systems) for domestic, commercial, and light industrial environments (equipment with rated current less than or equal to 16 amperes per phase).
In addition, the European Union (EU) Council has implemented a series of directives that define product safety standards for member countries. The following directives apply:
Products conform with all protection requirements of EU directive 89/336/EEC (Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive) in accordance with the laws of the member countries relating to EMC emissions and immunity.
Products conform with all protection requirements of EU directive 73/23/EEC (Low-Voltage Directive) in accordance with the laws of the member countries relating to electrical safety.
Products conform with all protection requirements of EU directive 93/68/EEC (Machinery Directive) in accordance with the laws of the member countries relating to safe electrical and mechanical operation of the equipment.
McDATA does not accept responsibility for any failure to satisfy the protection requirements of any of these directives resulting from a non-recommended or non-authorized modification to a product.
European Union EMC and Safety Declaration (N-Mark)
The N-mark on a product indicates compliance with European Union EMC and safety requirements as tested, evaluated, and certified by the Norwegian Board for Testing and Approval of Electrical Equipment (Norges Elektriske Materiellkontroll or NEMKO) laboratory or a NEMKO-authorized laboratory
Argentina UL Certification
The UL Argentina plus S mark (UL-AR-S mark) on a product indicates compliance with Direccion Nacional de Comercio Interior (DNCI) Resolution Number 92/98, Phase III (for information technology equipment safety). The mark is certified by UL de Argentina, S.R.L., and accredited by the Argentine Accreditation Organization (OAA).
Australia and New Zealand C-Tick Mark
The Australia and New Zealand regulatory compliance mark (C-tick mark) on a product indicates compliance with regulatory requirements for EMC (for information technology equipment) as set forth by the Australian Communications Authority (ACA) and the Radio Spectrum Management Group (RSM) of New Zealand.
People’s Republic of China CCC Mark
The China Compulsory Certification mark (CCC mark) on a product indicates compliance with People’s Republic of China regulatory requirements for safety and EMC (for information technology equipment) as set forth by the National Regulatory Commission for Certification and Accreditation.
Chinese National Standards Statement
The Taiwanese Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and Inspection mark (BSMI mark) and the Chinese National Standards (CNS) statement below indicate product compliance with Taiwanese regulatory requirements. The statement indicates in a domestic environment the product may cause radio interference, in which case the user is required to take corrective actions.
UltraNet™ Edge Storage Router 3000 User Guide
German GS Mark
The Geprüfte Sicherheit mark (GS mark) on a product indicates compliance with the German Safety of Equipment Act as tested by Underwriters Laboratories International Demko A/S, and accredited by the Central Office of Safety of the German Länder (Zentralstelle der Länder für Sicherheitstechnik or ZLS).
Japanese VCCI Statement
The Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) statement below applies to information technology equipment, and indicates product compliance with Japanese regulatory requirements. The statement indicates a product is a Class A or Class B product, and in a domestic environment may cause radio interference, in which case the user is required to take corrective actions.
Korean MIC Mark
The Korean Ministry of Information and Communications mark (MIC mark) on a product indicates compliance with regulatory requirements for safety and EMC (for information technology equipment) as authorized and certified by the Korean Radio Research Institute (RRI).
Mexican NOM Mark
The Official Mexican Standard (Normas Oficiales Mexicanas or NOM) mark on a product indicates compliance with regulatory requirements for safety (for information technology equipment) as authorized and accredited by the National System of Accreditation of Testing Laboratories (Sistema Nacional de Acreditamieno de Laboratorios de Pruebas or SINALP).
Russian GOST Certification
The Russian Gosudarstvennyi Standart (GOST) mark on a product indicates compliance with regulatory requirements for safety and EMC (for information technology equipment) as authorized and accredited by the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification.
South African SABS Certification
The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) mark on a product indicates compliance with regulatory requirements for safety and EMC (for information technology equipment) as authorized and accredited by the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA).
European Union Waste Managment Information
Do not discard this product. European Union Directive 2002/96/EC requires the product to be recycled at the end of its useful life. Follow all waste management actions defined by this directive. Directive requirements may be superseded by EU member nation law. Perform the following to identify pertinent information:
Review the original purchase contract to determine a contact regarding waste management of the product, or
Contact the company from which the product was procured.
Danger and Attention Statements
The following DANGER statements appear in this publication and describe safety practices that must be observed while installing or servicing the product. A DANGER statement provides essential information or instructions for which disregard or noncompliance may result in death or severe personal injury.
DANGER statements have a numerical ID (displayed in parentheses) at the end of each statement, as shown in the examples below. Use the
UltraNet™ Edge Storage Router 3000 User Guide
numerical ID to locate translated statements in the McDATA Product Safety Notices (620-000247).
Use the supplied power cords. Ensure the facility power receptacle is the correct type, supplies the required voltage, and is properly grounded. (D004)
Disconnect the power cords. (D005)

Environmental Considerations for Installation of McDATA Equipment

Consider the following when installing McDATA equipment:
The rack environment may be hotter than the room ambient temperature. Be sure that the air flow required for safe operation of the equipment is not compromised.
When mounting equipment in a rack, avoid uneven loading to prevent a tipping hazard.
Be sure the electrical supply circuit is adequate, based on the quipment nameplate rating, and avoid overloading to protect supply wiring outages due to over-current protection.
Maintain reliable grounding of rack-mounted equipment. Particular attention should be given to power supply connections other than direct connections to the branch circuit (for example, use of power strips).
UltraNet™ Edge Storage Router 3000 User Guide
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