Prior to use
• Do not use this machine for any other purpose than that
for which it was designed, using the proper cutting
devices as indicated in the instructions.
Anyone who uses the machine should have r ead
the entire ma nu al wi th ex treme care.
• Make sure yo u kn ow how to s to p the engi ne and bl ade
if necessary (see section entitled “Starting an d stopping
the engine”).
• All use rs should be familiar with the op er ations for us e
of the machine under absolutely safe conditions as
described in this manual, and should be instructed in
the proper cutting techniques to use, possibly by
practic al demonstration.
• Do not use the machine if you are tired, in poor health
or under the effects of alcohol or medication that could
affect you r reac ti ons.
• Do not allow children or persons who are not familiar
with these instructions and are not sufficiently trained to
use the brush cutter. Local regulations may specify an
age limit for users.
• Keep this manual with the machine when selling or
lending it, to enable the future users to familiarize
themselves with the product and instr uctions for sa fe
• Always inspect the machine carefully prior to use: make
sure it is correctly assembled and that there are no
loose screws, damaged parts, fuel leaks.
• Replace any accessories (blades, nylon string heads,
guards) which show damage or cracks or appear
excessively w orn. Have your Autho rized Service
Center replace any damag ed parts.
• Perform all operations of maintenance and/or assembly
ONLY with the engine off and wearing gl oves.
Dress suitably for the job; wear approved personal
protection gear: a) Close-fitting clothing (no shorts or
loose clothes). b) Safety boots with non-slip sole,
crush-res ist an t toe c ap an d prot ec tion agai nst c uts (d o
not wear sa ndals or work bar efoot). c) Sturdy gloves
resistant to cuts and vibrations. d) Safety visor or
protective goggles. Remove the protective film if any. e)
Hearing p rotection . The use of p ersonal pr otection ge ar
does not eliminate the risk of injury but may reduce the
effect of the damage in case of accidents.
• Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry that could get
caught in the moving parts of the machine.
• Watch out fo r the rota ting part s a nd ho t surf aces of th e
Health p r ecaution s
• Prolonged use of the machine or other equipment
expose the operator to vibr ations that ca n cause the
White Finger Syndrome (Syn dr o m e of Ray n aud). This
could reduce the sensitivity of the hands i n
distingu ishing differ ent temperatures and cause a
general numbness. The op erator should therefore
check the co nditions of the hands and fingers if the
machine is used continuously or regularly. If one of the
symptoms should appear, consult a doctor
• Prolonged use of the machine or other equipment can
cause disco m fort, stress, fatigue, hearing damage.
Wear suitable hearing pr otection whe n using the
machine. Cor rect and scrupul ous maintenance can
also help to protect you further from the risk of noise
and vibration.
• Never start or run the engin e in a closed or poorly
ventilated place.
Work zone
• Exam ine t he wo rk area and be care fu l of an y hazards
(such as ro ads, driveways, power lines, hanging tree
limbs, etc.).
Fuel enrichment (starting aid).
Danger of f lying debris.
Minimum safety distance 15m.
Emergency stop.
15 m
Maximum shaft speed.
Danger of kickback. The blade is capable
of amputating arms and legs.
Danger of serious leg injur ies. Take
scrupulous care to follow the instructions
in the manual.
The cutting parts and muff ler may get
very hot and ca us e bu r ns. Wa it a few
minutes before touching them.
Avoid prolonged use. Noise and
vibrations may be dangerous.
The exhaust fumes are toxic if
inhaled, and may cause asphixiation and even