What do you drive?
Is it inspiring?
What were the people who built your car thinking?
Are they just another behemoth carmaker following the rules?
Or do they break them?
Do they push the boundaries of tradition and habit
to achieve the unachieved?
Are they insightful craftsmen,
obsessing over the details with a crazed passion?
Building less—building better
for a discerning few?
Are you one of the few
who cares about what you drive,
how it drives
and the way it makes you feel?
It takes two to be one.
Something almost symbiotic happens when a car
and driver are in perfect harmony. Case in point,
the Mazda MX-5 Miata. To engineer a vehicle that
seems to anticipate a driver’s every move requires
obsessively reengineering every part to work
together in perfect harmony. To achieve that, the
engineers at Mazda took into account every bolt,
every wire and every stitch to achieve near perfect
50:50 front-to-rear weight distribution, resulting
in a car that is perfectly balanced. Well, almost.
The MX-5 is precisely engineered to account for
one more variable—you, the driver. And in doing so,
they created a vehicle that couldn’t be balanced
until a driver is sitting in the driver’s seat. The
result: You complete it. Because at Mazda, we don’t
just engineer cars. We engineer harmony.
We’re with you.
Because we believe if it’s not worth driving,
it’s not worth building.
We build Mazdas.
What do you drive?

There’s a reason it’s the best-selling roadster of all time.
In fact, there are a lot of reasons.
For over two decades, the MX-5 Miata has been defining and redefining what a roadster is meant to be. Unwavering,
uncompromising and committed to true sports car authenticity, the MX-5 has always been and will always be the
track-proven real deal. Daring, nimble and perfectly balanced, the MX-5 is an automotive icon and an engineering
marvel that’s built to dominate the open road, master every curve and effortlessly transform instinct into action.
But to truly understand why it’s the best-selling roadster of all time, you need to be in the driver’s seat.
“Miata’s magic lies in its eager responses and the
unfiltered connection between car and driver.”
Car and Driver, January 2011

Objects in mirror have been trying to catch up for 20 years.
The fact that the MX-5 Miata has been racing for its entire 20 years relates directly to another
amazing fact: On any given weekend, more Mazdas and Mazda-powered cars are road-raced
in the U.S. than any other car. Import or domestic, the lightweight, rigid and perfectly balanced
MX-5 is the most popular amateur race car in the world. And there’s more—like the fact that
Spec Miata is the Sports Car Club of America’s (SCCA) largest and most popular amateur racing
class. And in terms of pro racing, 2011 marked the sixth season of the SCCA Playboy Mazda
MX-5 Cup. Now an 11-race series, the MX-5 Cup attracts many of pro racing’s top up-and-comers.
A true test of talent and technique, drivers compete in identically prepped MX-5 Miatas on many
of America’s legendary racecourses, including Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca.
Ma z d a R ac e way
Lagu na Seca
Mazda is also the official vehicle of the Skip Barber Driving Schools, Racing Schools and Race
Series—the largest most successful racing/driving schools on the planet. Among its fleet of 170
race cars, there are no less than 60 Mazda MX-5 Cup Miatas.
Bottom line: The best street cars make the best race cars. And the MX-5 has been—and still is—
the most road-raced of them all.