Data Sheet
MobileMax® 2
Value, durability and low power consumption for mainstream mobile applications
120 GB and 80 GB • 5400 RPM • 2.5-inch mobile
Key Advantages
SATA 1.5Gb/s interface with Native Command Queuing
5400-RPM drives deliver higher performance and superior value
compared to 4200-RPM drives.
Low power consumption lets laptop users work longer between
battery charges.
900 Gs of nonoperating shock make the drive ideal for notebook PCs
and external storage applications.
Optimized to operate when powered from a single USB cable in
external storage applications
RoHS compliant
3-year limited warranty
Best-Fit Applications
Mainstream laptop/whitebook
External storage
Industrial applications
MobileMax® 2
Value, durability and low power consumption for mainstream mobile applications
Mainstream 5400-RPM Performance
With laptop computers becoming more popular, users expect a level of performance similar to desktop systems. The Maxtor
MobileMax 2 drive meets this performance challenge via a SATA 1.5Gb/s interface with Native Command Queuing. Faster drives are also required for users to take full advantage of faster backups using external drives with USB 2.0. The 5400-RPM spin speed provides the best value in performance—outpacing slower 4200-RPM mobile drives at a mainstream, competitive price.
Whether it be for a laptop or external storage, a durable drive is a must for mobile applications. Able to withstand 900 Gs of nonoperating shock and up to 325 Gs of operating shock, the MobileMax 2 drive is rugged enough for users on the go.
Low Power Consumption
With low power consumption, the MobileMax 2 drive allows mainstream laptop users to work and play longer between battery charges. And users backing up their data with external mobile storage devices can enjoy the freedom of fewer cables, because the start­up current of the MobileMax 2 drive is optimized to operate from a single USB cable on most systems.
RoHS Compliant
The MobileMax 2 drive supports the EU directive for Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)*. All available MobileMax drives are RoHS-compliant.
*Dire ctive 2002 /95/ EC of the Europ ean Parlia ment and of the Council of 27 January, 2003.
Model Number
Inter face (MB /s)
Transfe r Rate (MB /s) Susta ined Interna l (MB/ s) Maximum E xternal (MB /s)
Cache, Mul tisegmente d (MB)
Average See k (ms)
Average La tency (ms )
Spin Speed
Configuration/Or ganization
Byte s per Secto r
Recording Method
Reliability/ Data Integrity
Head-R est Method
Load/Unload Cycles
Nonreco verable Read Err ors per Bits Read
Power Management
Star tup Current 5v ( amps max)
Power Mgmt (W) Seek Read /Write Idle /Standby
Temperat ure, Operating (°C)
Temperatur e, Nonoperat ing (°C)
Shock, Op erating : 2 ms (Gs)
Shock , Nonoper ating: 1 m s (Gs)
Acous tics (bels —sound po wer) Idle Seek
Height ( in/mm)
Width ( in/mm)
Depth ( in/mm)
Weight ( lb/kg)
Warrant y
Limite d Warranty ( years)
When ref erring to hard dr ive capacity, o ne gigabyte, or G B, equals one bil lion bytes and o ne terabyte, o r TB,
equals on e trillion byte s.
120 GB
ST M9120 817AS STM980215AS
SATA 1.5Gb /s NCQ SATA 1.5Gb /s NCQ
44 150
8 2
13 13
5.6 5.6
5400 5400
1/2 1/2
512 5 12
Perpendicular Perpendicular
Ramp Load Ramp Loa d
>60 0,000 >60 0,000
1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14
1.0 1.0
2.0 /1.8
0 to 60 0 to 60
–40 to 70 –40 to 70
325 325
900 900
.374/9.5 .374/9.5
2.75/ 69.85 2.75/ 69.85
3.957/100.5 3.957/100.5
.22 5/102 .21/96
3 3
80 GB
44 150
2.0 /1.8
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283 )
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technology L LC 920 Disc Dr ive, Scot ts Valley, Cali fornia 95 066, Unit ed States , 831-438 -6550 ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate Techno logy Inter nationa l Ltd. 7000 An g Mo Kio Avenue 5 , Singapo re 569877, 65 -6485 -3888 EUROPE , MIDDLE E AST AND AFRI CA Seagat e Technology S AS 130–136, rue d e Silly, 92773 , Boulogne -Billa ncourt C edex, Fran ce 33 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2008 Seagate Techno logy LLC. All rights r eserved. Print ed in USA. Sea gate, Seagate Technol ogy and the Wave lo go are registe red trademarks o f Seagate Technology L LC in the United State s and/or oth er countries. Maxto r, the Maxtor log o and MobileMax a re either tra demarks or re gistered trade marks of Seag ate Technology LLC o r one of its affiliate d companies in the U nited States a nd/or other co untries. Al l other trade marks or regi stered tradem arks are the pr operty of t heir respec tive owners. When r eferring to ha rd drive capacit y, one gig abyte, or GB, equa ls one billion by tes and one teraby te, or TB, equals on e trillion byt es. Your computer ’s ope rating system m ay use a differ ent standard of me asurement a nd report a lower c apacity. In add ition, some of t he listed capa city is used for for matting and othe r functions, and t hus will not be ava ilable for dat a storage. Seagat e reserves t he right to chan ge, without n otice, product of ferings or spec ifications . Publicatio n Number: DS1646 .1-08 03US, March 200 8