Product Overview
DiamondMax® 22
Capacity, reliability and value for mainstream
DiamondMax hard drives are an excellent
solution for integrators and system builders.
Maxtor® DiamondMax 22 hard drives are an exciting addition to the
Maxtor product lineup. Already established as an excellent value
choice for entry and mainstream storage, DiamondMax 22 drives
have increased the DiamondMax capacity range to 1 TB.
Higher capacities complement the value storage solutions offered
by Maxtor DiamondMax 21 mainstream products.
These drives are intended for home and office PC applications
that require a high-capacity hard drive with the latest interface
technology, good performance and excellent reliability.
Key Advantages
Support mainstream desktop PCs
Capacities of 160 GB to 1 TB
SATA 3Gb/s interface enables use of features such as Native
Command Queuing
32-MB cache maximizes the performance of the SATA interface
Robust design for system reliability and data protection
3-year limited warranty
Key Specifications
High capacities: 1 TB and 750, 500, 320 and 160 GB
SATA 3Gb/s interface with Native Command Queuing
7200-RPM spin speed
32-MB cache for performance on 1 TB, 750 GB and 500 GB
0ºC to 60ºC operating temperature for increased reliability
DiamondMax® 22
Capacity, reliability and value for mainstream
Product Description
Maxtor DiamondMax 22 hard drives are the
latest generation of Maxtor 3.5-inch 7200-RPM
drives targeted at PCs and non-traditional ATA
applications that require a value solution with
solid performance and high capacity.
Combining capacity and performance,
DiamondMax 22 drives offer Maxtor value with
Seagate quality and reliability.
Best-Fit Applications
If you’re building high-capacity SATA storage
solutions, Maxtor DiamondMax 22 drives
provide the right combination of capacity and
performance with reliability and value.
Home desktop PCs
Business desktop PCs
Non-traditional ATA storage applications
External storage
Capac ity ( GB) 1 TB and 75 0, 500, 320 an d 160 GB
Interface SATA 3Gb /s with NCQ
Cache ( MB) 32, 16 or 8
Spindl e Speed ( RPM) 7200
Shock , Opera ting, 2 ms (Gs ) 70
Shock , Nonop erati ng, 2 ms ( Gs) 300
Additional Features
Maxtor DiamondMax 22 drives with the SATA
interface have the performance benefits of
3-Gb/s maximum data transfer rates.
DiamondMax 22 drives use Seagate second-
generation perpendicular magnetic recording
technology to deliver 1 TB of storage.
DiamondMax 22 drives support Native
Command Queuing, in which the drive
intelligently reorders the sequence in which
commands are executed to maximize efficiency
and performance.
The robust design of DiamondMax 22 series
drives ensures reliable operation.
DiamondMax 22 drives conform to the
requirements of the European Union Directive
in Restriction of Hazardous Substances
Maxtor Brand and the Seagate Advantage
Maxtor products are part of the Seagate family
of brands and products. Maxtor products are
built and delivered using Seagate world-class
manufacturing and operations. DiamondMax
drives are based on Seagate technical and
product design leadership.
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dr ive, Sco tts Val ley, Calif ornia 9 5066 , Unite d State s, 831-4 38- 6550
ASIA/PACIFI C Seagate Tech nolog y Inter natio nal Ltd. 70 00 An g Mo Kio Aven ue 5, Sin gapor e 5698 77, 65-64 85- 388 8
EUROPE , MIDDL E EAST A ND AFRI CA Seagate Tech nolog y SAS 130-136, r ue de Sil ly, 92773 Bo ulogn e-Bi llanc ourt C edex, Fr ance, 3 3 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 200 8 Seagate Tech nology LLC. All rights r eser ved. Printed in USA. Seagate, Seagate Tech nology and the Wave logo are regi stered trademarks of Seag ate Technology LLC in the United States a nd/or ot her countr ies.
Diamon dMax, Max tor an d the Max tor lo go ar e eith er trademar ks or regis tered tradem arks of Se agate Tech nology LLC or one of its af filiated comp anies in th e United St ates a nd/or othe r countries . All other trade marks or r egister ed
tradem arks are the propert y of thei r respe ctive owners. Wh en referring to hard dr ive capa city, one g igabyt e, or GB, e quals one billi on bytes and one terabyte, or TB, equals one tril lion bytes. Your co mputer’s o perati ng system may use
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without n otice, product of ferings or spec ificatio ns. PO0059.3- 0807US, July 2008