K00044 STACKING KIT G-1200 TO G-1200
Installation Instructions
Parts List:
Description Quantity Part Number
1. Lower Ice Chute Weldment (one with insulation) 2 6639114
2. Upper Ice Chute Weldment 2 6639014
3. Front Chute Support 1 6608614
4. Top Front Mounting Bracket 1 6638614
5. Bottom Front Mounting Bracket 1 6638714
6. Bottom Rear Mounting Bracket (Angle ) 2 6213314
7. Top Rear Mounting Bracket (90 ∟) 2 6213214
8. Water Shield Weldment 1 6653414
9. Stabilizer Bracket 1 6639214
10. #10-32 x 1/2 Machine Screw 1 5027021
11. 1/4-20 x 5/8 Hex Brass Machine Screw 2 5031841
12. #10-24 x 5/8 Self-tapping Screw 12 5202053
13. #10-24 x 3/8 Self-tapping Screw 6 5202103
14. #10-32 Hex Nut 1 5429431
15. 1/4-20 Hex Nut 2 5429531
16. #8-32 Wing Nut 12 5489021
17. 1/4 Split Ring Lock Washer 2 5545111
18. #10 Split Ring Lock Washer 1 5573163
19. Installation Instructions 1 8003273
20. Locking Plate 1 6236814
21. Foam Tape 250” 9202393
22. Corner Brace 1 6604714
23. Curtain Stop 1 6267914
Installation Instructions
1. The K044 stacking kit is used for stacking two G-1200 ice machines or a G-1200 on an E-1100 or G-1700 ice
machine. The bin must be leveled before proceeding to step 2.
A. Remove foam tape, as shown on Illustration 1.
B. Remove seven screws on the top of the bin and locate corner brace, as shown in Illustration 1. Secure with seven
screws previously removed.
C. Use foam tape from kit around the perimeter of corner brace, as shown in Illustration 1.
A. See service manual for uncrating and inspection of both machines.
B. Remove top cover from lower machine.
C. Set machine carefully and squarely on bin.
D. Position water shield from kit, as shown in Illustration 2. Apply foam tape on the perimeter and across partition
panel, as shown in Illustration 2.
E. Set top machine carefully and squarely on bottom machine.
F. Remove front, back, and side panel on the evaporator end of both machines.
Manitowoc Ice, Inc.
2110 South 26 Street, P.O. Box 1720, Manitowoc, WI 54221-1720 USA 8003273
Telephone 920-682-0161, Fax - Sales: 920-683-7589, Service/Parts: 920-683-7585, Other: 920-683-7879 Page 1 of 2
Web Site - www.manitowocice.com Rev. 05/16/01
Installation Instructions (continued):

G. Lock the two machines together. The front of the machines should be locked by using the locking plate. The
locking plate is supplied with the kit and is 2 3/8” x 3” in size with three holes 7/32” in diameter. Three existing
screws to be removed from machine cornerpost and locking plate applied. The rear of the machines should be
locked by using the two 1/4-20 x 5/8” long bolts, lock washers, and hex nuts (supplied with kit). The bolts should
be mounted into the 5/16” diameter holes in the bottom channel of the top machine and the top rail of the bottom
H. If your ice machines have curtain limiter brackets, they should be removed from both the top and bottom
NOTE: Illustration 3 should be used as a reference when following instructions A through E.
A. Install upper ice chute in back of machine (upper ice chutes are identical) with lip of ice chute over the edge of the
sump trough of the top machine. Use top back brackets and curtain stop to mount.
NOTE: Check to make sure the sump trough is centered below the evaporators. If not, adjust by loosening the
wing nuts, which hold the sum trough to the machine base. Retighten after adjusting.
B. Install the lower back ice chute (back chute has insulation) to upper ice chute with studs on upper chute going
through slotted holes of lower chute.
C. Fasten two top rear-mounting brackets with #10-24 x 5/8 self-tapping screws. Do not tighten down at this point.
NOTE: The upper chute must be flexed in order to position the flange of the top chute into the inside of the lower
D. Position stabilizer bracket from kit over weldstuds of upper ice chute, as shown in Illustration 3.
E. Secure the bottom of chute with the bottom back mounting brackets to base channel of lower machine with screws
provided in kit.
NOTE: After chutes, bracket, and support angles are in place, make final tightening up on screws and wing nuts.
F. Check for free movement of water curtain.
NOTE: Illustration 3 should be used as a reference when following instructions A through E.
A. Install upper ice chute with lip on ice chute over the edge of the sump trough of the top machine.
B. Attach top front mounting bracket to base channel of top machine using screws provided in kit. Do not tighten
down at this point. Be sure curtain stop is in place.
C. Bring lower front chute up through bin opening and attach to upper chute with studs on upper chute going through
slots on lower. Do not tighten down at this point.
NOTE: The upper chute must be flexed in order to position the flange of the top chute inside the lower chute.
D. Secure the bottom of chute with the bottom front mounting bracket to base channel of lower machine with screws
provided in kit.
E. Locate the support angle and secure with the nut and bolt from kit.
NOTE: After chutes, brackets, and support angles are in place, make final tightening up on screws and wing nuts.
F. Check for free movement of water curtain, both front and rear.
G. Proceed to service manual for electrical and water hook-up and start-up procedure.
H. Reattach front, rear, and side panels on both upper and lower ice machines.
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Rev. 05/16/01