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- Always consider safety and only transport balanced and correctly secured loads to avoid any risk of tipping.
- Fully engage forks under the load and move it in the transport position (The forks 300 mm from the ground and the
mast sloping backwards).
- For obvious reasons regarding the lift truck’s stability and clear visibility of the surrounding environment, only move the
lift truck when the mast is in the transport position.
- Do not manoeuvre the lift truck with the mast in the raised position unless under exceptional circumstances and then
with extreme caution, at very low speed and using gentle braking. Ensure that visibility is adequate and get another
person to guide you along if necessary.
- Never shift the position of the load while the lift truck is in motion.
- The simultaneous use of two lift trucks to handle heavy or bulky loads is a dangerous manoeuvre, requiring specific
precautions to be taken. This should only be done in exceptional circumstances and in the presence of a handling
- Never drive too fast or brake abruptly when carrying a load.
- During handling, drive at low speed.
- Check the load, particularly when turning corners and especially if it is very bulky.
- Secure unstable loads.
- Handle loads with caution, at slow speed, without sudden jerks when moving them at significant heights and jib
In the event of high winds or storms, do not carry out handling work that jeopardizes the stability of the lift truck and its
load, particularly if the load catches the wind badly.
- Do not change direction sharply and at high speed.
In the event of the lift truck overturning, do not try to leave the cabin during the incident.
- Apply the parking brake when lifting or depositing a difficult load or when on an incline.
- Do not stop the lift truck with the load in an elevated position.
- Do not leave a laden lift truck with the parking brake applied on an incline which exceeds 15 %.
- Constantly keep clear visibility of the road, either direct view (looking backwards when reversing) or indirect view using
the panoramic rear view mirrors to check for people, animals, holes, obstacles, change of slope, etc.
- If the visibility in forward motion is not sufficient because of the bulkiness of the load, drive in reverse motion. This
manoeuvre must remain exceptional and for short distances.
- Ensure you have good visibility (Clean windows, adequate lighting, correctly adjusted rear view mirror, etc.).
- Signalling and lighting on the lift truck must take account of the conditions of use. In addition to series equipment
mounted on your lift truck, a certain number of options are available, such as : road lighting, stop lights, flashing light,
reverse lights, reverse buzzer alarm, front light, rear light, etc. Consult your agent or dealer.