Int roduct Ion
Preface .... ........ ........ ........ ....... ....12
Lege nd ...................... ........ ........ .12
tec hnIcal Spec IfIcat IonS
Spec ificatio ns ....... ........ ........ ...... 13
Dime nsions – assembly ...... ........ ..13
Combinations – disc brake rotors .. 13
Saf ety
Inten ded use
.... ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ ....... 14
Basi c safety instruct ions
.... ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ ....... 14
InS tallatI on
Combinations – QM-ad apter .... .....16
Insta lling th e brake... ....... ........ ....16
Insta lling th e adapte r ...... ........ ....... 16
Insta lling br ake lever ... ........ ....... ...16
Insta lling di sc brake ro tor ... ........ ....17
Insta lling br ake callip er ...... ........ ...17
Aligning & laying out the brake hose ..18
Short ening br ake hose ........ ........ ....18
Setti ng the p ressure po int ..... ........ .20
Adjus ting the brake leve rs ..... ........ .20
HC³ – adjust braking power ....... ......20
on t he mo ve
Prio r to firs t ride .. ....................... 21
Beddi ng-in b rake pads. ........ ........ ...21
Before each ri de ....... ........ ........ ...21
Duri ng transport .......................... 21
maI ntena nce
Regula r ...... ........ .........................2 2
Chec king wea r on brake pad s
and disc brake rotors .. ........ ........ .22
Chan ging brake pad s .... ........ ....... .23
Bleed ing and filling brake ... ........ ..24
the ruleS
Liab ility ...... ........................... .....26
Warran ty ... ........................... ....... 26