Product Question Solution
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
1. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Can I use a memory card larger than 64MB in Meridian® GPS?
Yes, to utilize the entire size of the card, you will need a Secure Digital memory card reader/writer
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
2. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Can I install BlueNav on another PC for Meridian® GPS?
Yes but only one GPS can be used or one memory card.
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
3. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
4. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
I am using Meridian® GPS with my MapSend® product and it indicates "not enough memory." What is wrong?
How often is the BlueNav™ CD updated and when is the next update?
You may not have a memory card in your unit. The built-in memory of the Meridian GPS cannot accept detailed maps from the MapSend products — you must use a Secure Digital memory card to load the detailed maps. Or, if you are using a 128MB Secure Digital memory card or larger, the firmware version of your unit may need to be updated to a version higher than 3.12.
The BlueNav CD is no longer manufactured. The Marine Charts that we now offer are in the form of an SD Memory card and are called Mapsend® Blue Nav XL-3 Charts. They are only compatible with Meridian® Marine, Meridian Color, Meridian Platinum and Meridian Gold. They are not compatible with any SporTrak Series.
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
5. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
6. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Why does my program indicate "unsupported receiver" when I am trying to load a map in Meridian® GPS?
How can I print my map?
First, ensure you are using a receiver that is supported by the MapSend® application. Not all receivers in the Meridian and SporTrak® series are supported by all MapSend products. Second, some older applications may have other applications on the CDs that are specific to older units, such as the original CDs for MapSend TOPO and MapSend Streets & Destinations which both had a program (MAGUP) to load updated firmware to the older model Map330™ units. If you have a Meridian or SporTrak product, do NOT to use this firmware update on your unit, as it would try to load obsolete firmware that may render your unit useless.
If MapSend® products that support printers, either left click on the printer icon on your product tool bar or select "FILE" then "PRINT". You can preview the map to be printed and turn features to be printed on & off by selecting "OPTIONS" and selecting or deselecting features as desired.
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
7. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
8. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
What is the advantage of using a card reader/writer?
Can I print out my waypoints?
There are multiple advantages. The primary one is speed. It is faster to load the files through the card reader than through the unit when loading to a memory card. A second advantage is that you can load multiple files.
Yes, but you will need to have a MapSend® program that allows export to an Excel file. You will only be able to print from the exported Excel file.
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
9. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
10. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
What is Cross Track error?
Is it possible to change the temperature readings from Fahrenheit to Celsius?
This is how far you are off from your point A to B or an individual leg in a multi-leg route.
Yes it is possible. Go to Setup>Nav units>Advanced>temperature>Select Celsius.
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
11. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
How can you copy a file manually from earlier topo and streets applications to an SD card for use with the Magellan Meridian®? (There was no SD card option in earlier options)
Without connecting your Meridian to a PC create your regions and begin the map download process. When the map compilation part of the download process is done, MapSend will display a message that it cannot find your GPS receiver to perform the download. Stop the process here by selecting "Cancel.” Copy this file to the SD card using a USB card reader. Do not create any folders within the SD card where you place this file. Your Meridian will always looks at the top, or "Root", level within the card. Rename the file to "DETAIL00.img." Remove the card and place it in your Meridian. You can use your Meridian as you would normally from here.
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
12. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Is it possible that a map downloaded from the world wide basemap becomes the internal basemap in the unit and the BlueNav™ map runs from the BlueNav SD card?
Yes, follow these steps:1. Use World Wide BaseMap CD and prepare a chart area of your choice. Choose to upload the chart to your local hard disk and not to the GPS.2. Using Windows Explorer rename this chart to something meaningful for you, leaving the .img suffix unchanged.3. Use the standard Magellan software (MagUp) for uploading firmware fixes. Select Expert Upload (Select "No" to the default question to upload firmware); select Meridian(R) as your GPS unit and the port the GPS is connected to. Select "Save."4. Choose Expert Upload and select Upload firmware and basemap. For basemap select the chart you have previously prepared with the WWBaseMap CD.5. First, the program uploads the firmware. When this is done the GPS will shut down. Turn it on again and you should receive a message that the unit contains no internal base map, and it will automatically switch to basemap upload mode. From the Magellan application proceed to upload the basemap6. When the Magellan application finishes uploading the map:a) Either the GPS will recognize the new map and it will immediately start loading and display the new map, orb) the GPS will not respond and continue to display the message "Uploading basemap." If this happens, then from the Magellan MagUp application select "Upload base map" (just "Base map" not "Firmware and basemap") from Expert Mode and repeat the process.7. After repeating the process the second time your GPS should work correctly. If the problem persists, repeat once more. If there is no response, access the secret menus from the files section of your GPS to erase the internal basemap and start again from step 4.
13. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
How do you perform the expert upload of a firmware?
If your Meridian® is in a "locked up" state (stuck on), make sure you put fresh batteries before proceeding. Power it down by holding down MARK/GOTO and the ESC keys and press ENTER. This will power down the unit. Power it up in "Software upload mode" by holding down MARK/GOTO and the ESC keys and press POWER. Unit should power up with a "software upload mode active" message. Run magup.exe, select "No" when the dialog box appears. Click on "Expert" and checkmark "On" for the "Expert Upload" setting. Be sure to set the "Unit Type." Use Meridian GPS for the green/yellow or Meridian for the others. With the latest MagUp there is also a Meridian Marine and Meridian Color option. Click "OK." Select the firmware file by clicking on "File" then "Select Code File." The firmware file should have a name like MGPS402.HEX or MGOLD406.HEX. Click on "Upload" and click "OK." Checkmark "Program Code Only." Check "Upload File.” If the problem persists, contact Magellan Customer Support.
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
14. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
What is the part number for vehicle mounting bracket, swivel mounting bracket and bike mounting bracket?
Vehicle Mounting Bracket PN – Swivel Mounting Bracket PN – Bike Mounting Bracket PN - 701242
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
15. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
16. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
I have selected correct COM Port but still gets an error message "comport busy/comport not available?
I am having serial communication issues between the unit and the computer. What could be the reason?
There may be another program using the COM port of the computer. This can be caused by the Hot Sync manager of a PDA, such as the Palm and Visor models (even if you are not using these devices, they could still be running in the computer’s background). Disable these types of programs. Also try disabling any Anti Virus or Firewall software on the computer. Verify the baud rate of the receiver is set to 4800; and in the computer’s device manager, in the port settings, verify the baud rate is set to 4800 and the Flow Control is set to On / OFF on the computer.
The baud rate (data transfer speed) on your PC has to match the Baud rate in the gps. The Baud rate adjustment on the gps is found by selecting “menu” and under menu you select “setup” and set the baud rate to 4800bps. On your PC you right click the “My Computer” icon and left click onto “properties” and under properties select “hardware and under hardware you will see the “Device manager” and that is where you will find your COM Port usually they are already defaulted to 4800 bps baud rate speed
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
17. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
18. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Why am I having problems with my SD card in the unit?
The direction on my compass is off by 180 degrees. What can be done?
The root of this problem is that an SD card formatted using Windows XP might not work in a Meridian® GPS receiver. The solution is to use your Meridian to format the card. The card can be formatted from the “Card Utilities” menu. Note that formatting will completely erase the card. DO NOT do this while using the device in the outdoors, when you are dependent on full functionality. Note that the Meridian completely ignores the “Lock” switch on the SD card itself. Update – This problem is fixed in the latest firmware updates, version 4.51 or later.
Toggle the "Compass Orient" in the setup menu to "GPS Course" and then back to "Magnetic North."
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
19. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
20. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Why is it not possible to use the U.S. cars CLAs in European cars?
Can I get a Bluetooth® adapter for my Meridian®?
The cars in the U.S. are positively grounded, while the ones in Europe are negatively grounded.
We do not support any such activities and the customer is at his own risk. The Magellan Meridian does not support Bluetooth.
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
21. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
22. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
What are the optimal com port settings for the Meridian GPS?
Is the Meridian® compatible with IPAQ and xmap?
Bits per second: 4800,Data Bits: 8,Parity: NONE, Stop Bits: 1,Flow Control: Hardware
It has an NMEA 2.1 GSA output that the IPAQ would use but we do not make a cable to interface. Suggest: Technically, it is compatible, but Magellan does not make a cable to interface.
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
23. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
24. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Can I load more than one chart from MapSend® BlueNav to my authorized memory card?
What accessories comes with the Meridian® GPS?
No, the licensing for the program restricts the use of the program to a single chart loaded on a single Secure Digital memory card at any given time. If you need to load a second chart, you simply reprogram the card with the second chart once you are done using the first chart.
Your Meridian unit comes with preloaded background maps, PC cable, Reference Manual-CD ROM, and Quick Reference Guide.
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
25. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
26. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
What is the minimum and maximum operating temperature of the Meridian GPS?
What is the maximum operating altimeter in the Meridian GPS?
Minimum Temperature -10*C ( 14*F ) Maximum Temperature 60*C ( 140*F ).
Maximum operating altimeter 60,000 Ft/ 18,288 m.
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
27. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
28. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
How many routes I can create in my Meridian GPS?
How many navigation screens does the Meridian GPS have?
You can create 20 routes in your Meridian GPS.
The Meridian GPS has 8 navigation screens.
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
29. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
30. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
How many satellites are needed to obtain a position fix ?
Can I connect the Meridian GPS to the USB port of my computer?
At least three satellites are needed for a position fix.
The Meridian unit can only be connected to the serial port of the PC and not to the USB port, to connect it to the USB, the user needs to use the serial to USB conversion cable.
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
31. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Meridian Basic, Meridian Gold, Meridian Color, Meridian Marine, Meridian Platinum,
32. Meridian
Platinum Europe, Meridian marine Europe, Meridian Gold Europe, Meridian Color Europe
Does my Meridian GPS comes with detailed street maps?
My backtrack readings are not accurate. How can I save get more accurate breadcrumb readings?
No, it has a basic highway map.
Adjust track interval to .01 and it should increase the resolution. NOTE: setting to .01 will limit the amount of track to be recorded.
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