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sentence shall be incorporated by reference.
This reference section describes the objects and methods in the Illustrator VBScript type library. All of the
classes in the type library are presented alphabetically. The chapter concludes with an enumerations
reference which lists all of the enumerations in the Illustrator type library.
Each class listing includes the following:
Properties of the class — These include value type, read-only status, and an explanation.
Methods for the class — Value types needed by the method are shown in bold face. Enumerated
values are linked to the Chapter 2, “Enumerations Reference
All items surrounded by brackets (
Script examples — These example are intended to illustrate concepts, and do not necessarily
represent the best or most efficient way to construct a VBScript script. They contain little error
checking, and assume that the proper context exists for the scripts to execute in (for instance, that
there is a document open or items selected).
Each script contains a single subroutine that can be pasted into any event in a VBScript form if you are
using the VBScript development environment. A standard button click event is used for all examples. If
you are using a built-in VBScript editor in a VBA application, you can paste the script into a macro
routine. In either case, modify the
[ ]) are optional.
Sub statement in the example to work with your situation.
.” Required terms are shown in plain face.
For an overview of how the Illustrator object model is structured, see Adobe Illustrator CS6 Scripting Guide.
CHAPTER 1: VBScript Object ReferenceApplication 8
The Adobe Illustrator application object, which contains all other Illustrator objects.
Application properties
PropertyValue typeWhat it is
Read-only. If true, an action is still running.
The active (frontmost) document in Illustrator.
Read-only. The Illustrator Application object.
Read-only. If true, a Web browser is available.
Read-only. The application’s build number.
Read-only. The list of color-settings files
currently available for use.
The coordinate system currently in use,
document or artboard.
Read-only. The default color-settings file for the
current application locale.
Read-only. The documents in the application.
Read-only. The list of flattener style names
currently available for use.
Read-only. The amount of unused memory (in
bytes) within the Illustrator partition.
Read-only. The application’s locale.
Variant Array of
Variant Array of
Read-only. The application’s name (not related to
the filename of the application file).
Read-only. The file path to the application.
Read-only. The list of preset PDF-options names
available for use.
Read-only. The list of PPD files currently available
for use.
Read-only. The application preferences.
Read-only. A list of available printers.
Read-only. The list of preset printing-options
names currently available for use.
Read-only. The version of the Scripting plug-in.
CHAPTER 1: VBScript Object ReferenceApplication 9
PropertyValue typeWhat it is
Application methods
MethodReturnsWhat it does
(matrix as Matrix,
secondMatrix as Matrix)
Array of
Array of
All currently selected objects in the active
(frontmost) document.
Read-only. The list of presets available for
creating a new document.
Read-only. The installed fonts.
Read-only. The list of preset tracing-options
names available for use.
The allowed level of interaction with users in the
form of dialogs and message boxes.
Read-only. The version of the Illustrator
Read-only. If true, the application is visible.
Concatenates two
(matrix as Matrix,
angle as Double)
(matrix as Matrix,
[, scaleX as Double]
[, scaleY as Double])
(matrix as Matrix,
[, deltaX as Double]
[, deltaY as Double])
(SourceColorSpace as AiImageColorSpace
SourceColor as ColorComponents,
DestColorSpace as AiImageColorSpace
ColorConvertPurpose as AiColorConvertPurpose
[,SourceHasAlpha as Boolean]
[,DestHasAlpha as Boolean])
Concatenates a rotation to
a transformation matrix.
Concatenates a scale to a
transformation matrix.
Concatenates a translation
to a transformation matrix.
array of
Converts a
sample-component color
from one color space to
' Open a document and get the reference to it
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
Set docRef = appRef.Open("C:\temp\aFile.ai")
Accessing the selection
In Illustrator, the application’s Selection can be accessed as well as modified. The selection will contain
Empty when there are no selected objects. To deselect all objects in the current document, set the
selection to
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
appRef.activeDocument.Selection = Empty
Empty, as the following example shows.
A reference to a text range is returned when there is an active insertion point in the contents of a
TextFrame. Similarly, a reference to a range of text is returned when characters are selected in the
contents of a
Executing an action
You can run an action from the Action Palette from a script by using the DoScript method. When you do
this, the control returns to your script before the action has completed. Use the
property to test for when the action has completed before executing any other VBScript methods (see the
Windows.DoAction example). You can also use the Sleep method defined on the WScript object to insert
a pause to test this property, as in the following example:
This script uses the application property ActiveDocument to copy the current document’s selection to the
clipboard before pasting it into our new document. This script also demonstrates how to create a new
document with a specific color space and dimensions.
'Duplicates the selected item in the current document to a new document
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
If appRef.Documents.Count > 0 Then
If Not IsEmpty(appRef.ActiveDocument.selection) Then
Set newDocument = appRef.Documents.Add(aiDocumentCMYKColor,250, 400)
End If
End If
CHAPTER 1: VBScript Object ReferenceArtboard 15
An Artboard object represents a single artboard in a document. There can be between 1 to 100 artboards
in one document.
Artboard properties
PropertyValue typeWhat it is
Artboard methods
MethodReturnsWhat it does
Read-only. The Illustrator Application object.
Size and position of the artboard.
The unique identifying name of the artboard.
Read-only. The name of the object that is this Artboard object’s
Ruler origin of the artboard, relative to the left top corner of the
Pixel aspect ratio, used in ruler visualization if the units are pixels.
Range: 0.1 to 10.0
Show center mark.
Show cross hairs.
Show title and action safe areas (for video).
NothingDeletes this artboard object. You cannot remove the last
artboard in a document.
CHAPTER 1: VBScript Object ReferenceArtboards 16
A collection of artboards.
Artboards properties
PropertyValue typeWhat it is
Artboards methods
MethodReturnsWhat it does
(rect as ArtboardRect)
(artboardName as String)
(item as DataSets)
(rect as ArtboardRect,
index as Long)
Read-only. The Illustrator Application object.
Read-only. The number of objects in the collection.
Read-only. The document that contains this object.
Creates a new Artboard object.
Retrieves the index position of the active artboard in the
document's list. Returns the 0-based index.
Retrieves an artboard object from the list by its unique
identifying name.
Returns the index position of the object within the
NothingCreates a new artboard object and inserts it at the given
index in the list.
(index as Long)
(index as Long)
Returns an object reference to the object identified by
itemKey (name or index).
NothingDeletes an artboard object. You cannot remove the last
artboard in a document.
NothingMakes a specific artboard active and makes it current in
'Opens a document and adds a simple text frame, then
'uses the CharacterAttributes object to increment
'the horizontal and vertical scale of each character.
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
Set docRef = appRef.Documents.Add()
Set textRef = docRef.TextFrames.Add()
textRef.Contents = "I'd rather be scripting!"
textRef.Top = 500
textRef.Left = 40
dSize = 100
iCount = textRef.Characters.Count
i = 1
Dim charRef
Do While (i < (iCount + 1))
A collection of TextRange objects in which each represents a single character.
Characters properties
PropertyValue typeWhat it is
ObjectRead-only. The object’s container.
Characters methods
MethodReturnsWhat it does
(contents as String
[, relativeObject as TextFrame]
[, insertionLocation as AiElementPlacement
(contents as String)
Read-only. Application that the collection belongs to.
Read-only. Number of elements in the collection.
Adds a new character with
specified text contents at
the specified location in the
current document. If
location is not specified,
adds the new character to
the containing text frame
after the current text
selection or insertion point.
Adds a character before the
current text selection or
insertion point.
(itemPtr as TextRange)
Returns the index position
of the object within the
NothingDeletes every element in
the collection.
CHAPTER 1: VBScript Object ReferenceCharacters 25
Counting characters
'Counts the number of characters in the current document
'and stores the result in numChars
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
If appRef.Documents.Count > 0 Then
numChars = 0
For Each textArt In appRef.ActiveDocument.TextFrames
Set textArtRange = textArt.TextRange
numChars = numChars + textArtRange.length
'Opens a document, adds 3 text frames,
'creates a new character style and applies it to
'each of the text frames
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
'Create a new document add a 3 simple text items
Set docRef = appRef.Documents.Add()
Set textRef1 = docRef.TextFrames.Add()
textRef1.Contents = "Scripting is fun!"
textRef1.Top = 700
textRef1.Left = 50
Set textRef2 = docRef.TextFrames.Add()
textRef2.Contents = "Scripting is easy!"
textRef2.Top = 625
textRef2.Left = 100
Set textRef3 = docRef.TextFrames.Add()
textRef3.Contents = "Everyone should script!"
textRef3.Top = 550
textRef3.Left = 150
'Create a new character style
Set charStyle = docRef.CharacterStyles.Add("BigRed")
'Create a red color
Set colorRed = CreateObject("Illustrator.RGBColor")
colorRed.Red = 255
'Set character attributes of the new style
With charStyle.CharacterAttributes
.Size = 40
.Tracking = -50
.Capitalization = 0 'aiNormalCaps
.FillColor = colorRed
End With
'Apply style to each textFrame in the document
charStyle.ApplyTo textRef1.TextRange
charStyle.ApplyTo textRef2.TextRange
charStyle.ApplyTo textRef3.TextRange
CHAPTER 1: VBScript Object ReferenceCMYKColor 29
A CMYK color specification, used to apply a CMYK color to a layer or art item.
If the color space of a document is RGB and you specify the color value for a page item in that document
using CMYK, Illustrator translates the CMYK color specification into an RGB color specification. The same
thing happens if the document’s color space is CMYK and you specify colors using RGB. Since this
translation can lose information, you should specify colors using the class that matches the document’s
actual color space.
CMYKColor properties
PropertyValue typeWhat it is
Read-only. The Illustrator Application object.
The black color value. Range: 0.0 to 100.0
The cyan color value. Range: 0.0 to 100.0
The magenta color value. Range: 0.0 to 100.0
The yellow color value. Range: 0.0 to 100.0
Setting CMYK colors
'Creates a new CMYK color and applies it to the first path item
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
Set newCMYKColor = CreateObject("Illustrator.CMYKColor")
'Get a reference to the frontmost path in the document
Set frontPath = appRef.ActiveDocument.PathItems(1)