1 Step RoboPDF, ActiveEdit, ActiveTest, Authorware, Blue Sky Software, Blue Sky, Breeze, Breezo, Captivate, Central,
ColdFusion, Contribute, Database Explorer, Director, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, FlashCast, FlashHelp, Flash Lite,
FlashPaper, Flex, Flex Builder, Fontographer, FreeHand, Generator, HomeSite, JRun, MacRecorder, Macromedia, MXML,
RoboEngine, RoboHelp, RoboInfo, RoboPDF, Roundtrip, Roundtrip HTML, Shockwave, SoundEdit, Studio MX, UltraDev,
and WebHelp are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. and may be registered in the United States or
in other jurisdictions including internationally. Other product names, logos, designs, titles, words, or phrases mentioned within
this publication may be trademarks, service marks, or trade names of Macromedia, Inc. or other entities and may be registered in
certain jurisdictions including internationally.
Third-Party Information
This guide contains links to third-party websites that are not under the control of Macromedia, and Macromedia is not
responsible for the content on any linked site. If you access a third-party website mentioned in this guide, then you do so at your
own risk. Macromedia provides these links only as a convenience, and the inclusion of the link does not imply that Macromedia
endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content on those third-party sites.
The Dreamweaver API Reference describes two application programming interfaces (APIs) that
let you perform various supporting tasks when developing Macromedia Dreamweaver 8
extensions and adding program code to your Dreamweaver web pages. These two APIs are the
utility API and the JavaScript API. The utility API contains subsets of related functions that
let you perform specific types of tasks. The utility API includes the following API subsets:
■ The File I/O API, which lets you read and write files on the local file system
■ The HTTP API, which lets you send and receive information from a web server
■ The Design Notes API, which lets you store and retrieve notes about Dreamweaver
■ The Fireworks Integration API, which lets you communicate with Macromedia Fireworks
■ Flash Integration, which contains information about adding Flash elements to the
Dreamweaver user interface (UI) and details on the Flash Objects API (which lets you
build objects that create Macromedia Flash content)
■ The Database API, which lets you access information stored in databases and manage
database connections
■ The Database Connectivity API, which lets you create a new connection type and
corresponding dialog boxes for new or existing server models
■ The JavaBeans API, which retrieves class names, methods, properties, and events for
JavaBeans that you have defined
■ The Source Control Integration API, which lets you write shared libraries to extend the
Dreamweaver Check In/Check Out feature
The extensive JavaScript API lets you perform a diverse set of smaller tasks, many of which are
tasks that a user would perform when creating or editing Dreamweaver documents. These
API functions are grouped by the parts of the Dreamweaver UI that they affect. For example,
the JavaScript API includes Workspace functions, Document functions, Design functions,
and so on. These functions let you perform tasks such as opening a new document, getting or
setting a font size, finding the occurrence of a search string in HTML code, making a toolbar
visible, and much more.
This book assumes that you are familiar with Dreamweaver, HTML, XML, JavaScript
programming and, if applicable, C programming. If you are writing extensions for building
web applications, you should also be familiar with server-side scripting on at least one
platform, such as Active Server Pages (ASP), ASP.net, PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP),
ColdFusion, or Java Server Pages (JSP).
Extending Dreamweaver
To learn about the Dreamweaver framework and the API that enables you to build
Dreamweaver extensions, see Extending Dreamweaver. Extending Dreamweaver describes the
API functions that Dreamweaver calls to implement the objects, menus, floating panels,
server behaviors, and so on, that comprise the various features of Dreamweaver. You can use
those APIs to add objects, menus, floating panels, or other features to the product. Extending Dreamweaver also explains how to customize Dreamweaver by editing and adding tags to
various HTML and XML files to add menu items or document types, and so on.
Additional resources for extension writers
To communicate with other developers who are involved in writing extensions, you might
want to join the Dreamweaver extensibility newsgroup. You can access the website for this
newsgroup at www.macromedia.com/go/extending_newsgrp/.
New functions in Dreamweaver 8
The following new functions have been added to the Dreamweaver 8 JavaScript API. The
headings designate the chapters and sections that contain the new functions:
The following Global application functions have been added to the Application chapter.
Global application
■ dreamweaver.showPasteSpecialDialog() on page 158
■ dreamweaver.showPreferencesDialog() on page 159 (added new argument)
The following new Window, Code collapse, and Code view toolbar functions have been
added to the Workspace chapter.
■ dreamweaver.cascade() on page 231 (added support for the Macintosh)
■ dreamweaver.tileHorizontally() on page 239 (added support for the Macintosh)
■ dreamweaver.tileVertically() on page 240 (added support for the Macintosh)
Code collapse
■ dom.collapseFullTag() on page 241
■ dom.collapseSelectedCodeFragment() on page 243
■ dom.collapseSelectedCodeFragmentInverse() on page 243
■ dom.expandAllCodeFragments() on page 244
■ dom.expandSelectedCodeFragments() on page 245
■ dreamweaver.htmlInspector.collapseFullTag() on page 245
■ dreamweaver.htmlInspector.collapseSelectedCodeFragment() on page 246
■ dreamweaver.htmlInspector.expandAllCodeFragments() on page 248
■ dreamweaver.htmlInspector.expandSelectedCodeFragments() on page 248
Code view toolbar
■ dom.getOpenPathName() on page 249
■ dom.getShowHiddenCharacters() on page 249
■ dom.setShowHiddenCharacters() on page 250
■ dom.source.applyComment() on page 251
■ dom.source.removeComment() on page 251
■ dreamweaver.htmlInspector.getShowHiddenCharacters() on page 252
■ dreamweaver.htmlInspector.setShowHiddenCharacters() on page 253
The following new Site functions have been added to the Site chapter.
New functions in Dreamweaver 89
■ dom.getSiteURLPrefixFromDoc() on page 256
■ dom.localPathToSiteRelative() on page 257
■ dom.siteRelativeToLocalPath() on page 257
■ dreamweaver.compareFiles() on page 258
■ dreamweaver.siteSyncDialog.compare() on page 259
■ dreamweaver.siteSyncDialog.markDelete() on page 260
■ dreamweaver.siteSyncDialog.markGet() on page 260
■ dreamweaver.siteSyncDialog.markIgnore() on page 261
■ dreamweaver.siteSyncDialog.markPut() on page 261
■ dreamweaver.siteSyncDialog.markSynced() on page 262
■ site.compareFiles() on page 267
■ site.getAppURLPrefixForSite() on page 274
■ site.getSiteURLPrefix() on page 280
■ site.serverActivity() on page 290
■ site.siteRelativeToLocalPath() on page 294
The following new File manipulation functions have been added to the Document chapter.
File manipulation
■ dreamweaver.getNewDocumentDOM() on page 312 (added new argument)
■ MMXSLT.getXMLSchema() on page 351
■ MMXSLT.getXMLSourceURI() on page 352
■ MMXSLT.launchXMLSourceDialog() on page 353
Page content
The following new Clipboard functions have been added to the Page content chapter:
■ dreamweaver.clipPaste() on page 383 (added new argument)
The following new CSS, Layout view, and Zoom functions have been added to the Design
■ cssStylePalette.getInternetExplorerRendering() on page 419
■ cssStylePalette.setInternetExplorerRendering() on page 420
■ dom.getElementView() on page 421
■ dom.getShowDivBackgrounds() on page 422
■ dom.getShowDivBoxModel() on page 422
■ dom.getShowDivOutlines() on page 423
■ dom.resetAllElementViews() on page 424
■ dom.setElementView() on page 425
■ dom.setShowDivBackgrounds() on page 426
■ dom.setShowDivBoxModel() on page 426
■ dom.setShowDivOutlines() on page 427
■ dreamweaver.cssStylePalette.applySelectedStyle() on page 428 (added new
■ dreamweaver.cssStylePalette.deleteSelectedStyle() on page 429 (added new
■ dreamweaver.cssStylePalette.duplicateSelectedStyle() on page 430 (added
new argument)
■ dreamweaver.cssStylePalette.editSelectedStyle() on page 430 (added new
■ dreamweaver.cssStylePalette.editSelectedStyleInCodeview() on page 431
■ dreamweaver.cssStylePalette.getDisplayStyles() on page 432
■ dreamweaver.cssStylePalette.renameSelectedStyle() on page 436
■ dreamweaver.cssStylePalette.setDisplayStyles() on page 436
■ dreamweaver.getBlockVisBoxModelColors() on page 437
■ dreamweaver.getBlockVisOutlineProperties() on page 438
■ dreamweaver.getDivBackgroundColors() on page 439
■ dreamweaver.setBlockVisOutlineProperties() on page 439
■ dreamweaver.setDivBackgroundColors() on page 440
New functions in Dreamweaver 811
Layout view
■ dom.getShowBlockBackgrounds() on page 459
■ dom.getShowBlockBorders() on page 459
■ dom.getShowBlockIDs() on page 460
■ dom.getShowBoxModel() on page 461
■ dom.setShowBlockBackgrounds() on page 461
■ dom.setShowBlockBorders() on page 462
■ dom.setShowBlockIDs() on page 462
■ dom.setShowBoxModel() on page 463
■ dreamweaver.activeViewScale() on page 464
■ dreamweaver.fitAll() on page 465
■ dreamweaver.fitSelection() on page 465
■ dreamweaver.fitWidth() on page 466
■ dreamweaver.zoomIn() on page 466
■ dreamweaver.zoomOut() on page 467
■ dom.clearGuides() on page 468
■ dom.createHorizontalGuide() on page 468
■ dom.createVerticalGuide() on page 469
■ dom.deleteHorizontalGuide() on page 470
■ dom.deleteVerticalGuide() on page 470
■ dom.guidesColor on page 471
■ dom.guidesDistanceColor on page 471
■ dom.guidesLocked on page 472
■ dom.guidesSnapToElements on page 473
■ dom.guidesVisible on page 473
■ dom.hasGuides() on page 474
■ dom.hasHorizontalGuide() on page 474
■ dom.hasVerticalGuide() on page 475
The following new functions have been added to the Enablers chapter:
■ dreamweaver.canFitSelection() on page 568
■ dreamweaver.canPasteSpecial() on page 568
■ dreamweaver.canZoom() on page 574
■ dreamweaver.cssStylePalette.canApplySelectedStyle() on page 575 (added new
■ dreamweaver.cssStylePalette.canDeleteSelectedStyle() on page 575 (added
new argument)
■ dreamweaver.cssStylePalette.canDuplicateSelectedStyle() on page 576 (added
new argument)
■ dreamweaver.cssStylePalette.canEditSelectedStyle() on page 577 (added new
■ dreamweaver.cssStylePalette.canEditSelectedStyleInCodeview() on page 577
■ dreamweaver.cssStylePalette.canRenameSelectedStyle() on page 578
■ dreamweaver.siteSyncDialog.canCompare() on page 582
■ dreamweaver.siteSyncDialog.canMarkDelete() on page 583
■ dreamweaver.siteSyncDialog.canMarkGet() on page 583
■ dreamweaver.siteSyncDialog.canMarkIgnore() on page 584
■ dreamweaver.siteSyncDialog.canMarkPut() on page 584
■ dreamweaver.siteSyncDialog.canMarkSynced() on page 585
■ site.canCompareFiles() on page 589
Removed functions
The following functions have been removed from the Dreamweaver 8 API because the
associated features have been removed from the product.
A current list of known issues can be found in the Extensibility section of the Dreamweaver
Support Center (www.macromedia.com/go/extending_errata).
Conventions used in this guide
The following typographical conventions are used in this guide:
■ Code font indicates code fragments and API literals, including class names, method
names, function names, type names, scripts, SQL statements, and both HTML and XML
tag and attribute names.
■ Italic code font indicates replaceable items in code.
■ The continuation symbol (¬) indicates that a long line of code has been broken across two
or more lines. Due to margin limits in this book’s format, what is otherwise a continuous
line of code must be split. When copying the lines of code, eliminate the continuation
symbol and type the lines as one line.
■ Curly braces ({ }) that surround a function argument indicate that the argument is
■ Function names that have the prefix dreamweaver.funcname can be abbreviated to
dw.funcname when you are writing code. This manual uses the full dreamweaver. prefix
when defining the function and in the index. Many examples use the
The following naming conventions are used in this guide:
■ You—the developer who is responsible for writing extensions
■ The user—the person using Dreamweaver
dw. prefix, however.
Utility APIs
Learn about the Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 utility functions that you can
use to access local and web-based files, work with Macromedia Fireworks,
and Macromedia Flash objects, manage database connections, create new
database connection types, access JavaBeans fscomponents, and integrate
Dreamweaver with various source control systems.
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 includes a C shared library called DWfile, which gives authors
of objects, commands, behaviors, data translators, floating panels, and Property inspectors the
ability to read and write files on the local file system. This chapter describes the File I/O API
and how to use it.
For general information on how C libraries interact with the JavaScript interpreter in
Dreamweaver, see “C-Level Extensibility” in Extending Dreamweaver.
Accessing configuration folders
On Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP, and Mac OS X platforms, users have their
own copies of configuration files. Whenever Dreamweaver writes to a configuration file,
Dreamweaver writes it to the user’s Configuration folder. Similarly, when Dreamweaver reads
a configuration file, Dreamweaver searches for it first in the user’s Configuration folder and
then in the Dreamweaver Configuration folder. DWfile functions use the same mechanism.
In other words, if your extension reads or writes a file in the Dreamweaver Configuration
folder, your extension also accesses the user’s Configuration folder. For more information
about configuration folders on multiuser platforms, see Extending Dreamweaver.
The File I/O API
All functions in the File I/O API are methods of the DWfile object.
Dreamweaver 3.
This function copies the specified file to a new location.
originalURL, copyURL
■ The originalURL argument, which is expressed as a file:// URL, is the file you want to
■ The copyURL argument, which is expressed as a file:// URL, is the location where you
want to save the copied file.
A Boolean value: true if the copy succeeds; false otherwise.
The following code copies a file called myconfig.cfg to myconfig_backup.cfg:
var fileURL = "file:///c|/Config/myconfig.cfg";
var newURL ="file:///c|/Config/myconfig_backup.cfg";
DWfile.copy(fileURL, newURL);
Dreamweaver 2.
This function creates a folder at the specified location.
■ The folderURL argument, which is expressed as a file:// URL, is the location of the folder
you want to create.
A Boolean value: true if the folder is created successfully; false otherwise.
18The File I/O API
The following code tries to create a folder called tempFolder at the top level of the C drive and
displays an alert box that indicates whether the operation was successful:
var folderURL = "file:///c|/tempFolder";
if (DWfile.createFolder(folderURL)){
alert("Created " + folderURL);
alert("Unable to create " + folderURL);
Dreamweaver 2.
This function tests for the existence of the specified file.
■ The fileURL argument, which is expressed as a file:// URL, is the requested file.
A Boolean value: true if the file exists; false otherwise.
The following code checks for the mydata.txt file and displays an alert message that tells the
user whether the file exists:
var fileURL = "file:///c|/temp/mydata.txt";
if (DWfile.exists(fileURL)){
alert(fileURL + " exists!");
alert(fileURL + " does not exist.");
Dreamweaver 2.
The File I/O API19
This function gets the attributes of the specified file or folder.
■ The fileURL argument, which is expressed as a file:// URL, is the file or folder for which
you want to get attributes.
A string that represents the attributes of the specified file or folder. If the file or folder does
not exist, this function returns a
null value. The following characters in the string represent
the attributes:
■ R is read only.
■ D is folder.
■ H is hidden.
■ S is system file or folder.
The following code gets the attributes of the mydata.txt file and displays an alert box if the file
is read only:
var fileURL = "file:///c|/temp/mydata.txt";
var str = DWfile.getAttributes(fileURL);
if (str && (str.indexOf("R") != -1)){
alert(fileURL + " is read only!");
Dreamweaver 2.
This function gets the time when the file was last modified.
■ The fileURL argument, which is expressed as a file:// URL, is the file for which you are
checking the last modified time.
20The File I/O API
A string that contains a hexadecimal number that represents the number of time units that
have elapsed since some base time. The exact meaning of time units and base time is
platform-dependent; in Windows, for example, a time unit is 100ns, and the base time is
January 1st, 1600.
It’s useful to call the function twice and compare the return values because the value that this
function returns is platform-dependent and is not a recognizable date and time. The
following code example gets the modification dates of file1.txt and file2.txt and displays an
alert message that indicates which file is newer:
var file1 = "file:///c|/temp/file1.txt";
var file2 = "file:///c|/temp/file2.txt";
var time1 = DWfile.getModificationDate(file1);
var time2 = DWfile.getModificationDate(file2);
if (time1 == time2){
alert("file1 and file2 were saved at the same time");
}else if (time1 < time2){
alert("file1 older that file2");
alert("file1 is newer than file2");
Dreamweaver 4.
This function gets the time when the file was created.
■ The fileURL argument, which is expressed as a file:// URL, is the file for which you are
checking the creation time.
A string that contains a hexadecimal number that represents the number of time units that
have elapsed since some base time. The exact meaning of time units and base time is
platform-dependent; in Windows, for example, a time unit is 100ns, and the base time is
January 1st, 1600.
The File I/O API21
You can call this function and the DWfile.getModificationDate() function on a file to
compare the modification date to the creation date:
var file1 = "file:///c|/temp/file1.txt";
var time1 = DWfile.getCreationDate(file1);
var time2 = DWfile.getModificationDate(file1);
if (time1 == time2){
alert("file1 has not been modified since it was created");
}else if (time1 < time2){
alert("file1 was last modified on " + time2);
Dreamweaver MX.
This function gets the JavaScript object that represents the time when the file was created.
■ The fileURL argument, which is expressed as a file:// URL, is the file for which you are
checking the creation time.
A JavaScript Date object that represents the date and time when the specified file was created.
Dreamweaver MX.
This function gets the JavaScript Date object that represents the time when the file was last
22The File I/O API
■ The fileURL argument, which is expressed as a file:// URL, is the file for which you are
checking the time of the most recent modification.
A JavaScript Date object that represents the date and time when the specified file was last
Dreamweaver MX.
This function gets the size of a specified file.
■ The fileURL argument, which is expressed as a file:// URL, is the file for which you are
checking the size.
An integer that represents the actual size, in bytes, of the specified file.
Dreamweaver 2.
This function gets a list of the contents of the specified folder.
folderURL, {constraint}
■ The folderURL argument is the folder for which you want a contents list, which is
expressed as a file:// URL, plus an optional wildcard file mask. Valid wildcards are asterisks
(*), which match one or more characters, and question marks (?), which match a single
The File I/O API23
■ The constraint argument, if it is supplied, must be either "files" (return only files) or
"directories" (return only folders). If it is omitted, the function returns files and
An array of strings that represents the contents of the folder.
The following code gets a list of all the text (TXT) files in the C:/temp folder and displays the
list in an alert message:
var folderURL = "file:///c|/temp";
var fileMask = "*.txt";
var list = DWfile.listFolder(folderURL + "/" + fileMask, "files");
if (list){
This function reads the contents of the specified file into a string.
■ The fileURL argument, which is expressed as a file:// URL, is the file you want to read.
A string that contains the contents of the file or a null value if the read fails.
The following code reads the mydata.txt file and, if it is successful, displays an alert message
with the contents of the file:
var fileURL = "file:///c|/temp/mydata.txt";
var str = DWfile.read(fileURL);
if (str){
alert(fileURL + " contains: " + str);
24The File I/O API
Dreamweaver 3.
This function deletes the specified file.
■ The fileURL argument, which is expressed as a file:// URL, is the file you want to
A Boolean value: true value if the operation succeeds; false otherwise.
The following example uses the DWfile.getAttributes() function to determine whether
the file is read-only and the
function deleteFile(){
var delAnyway = false;
var selIndex = document.theForm.menu.selectedIndex;
var selFile = document.theForm.menu.options[selIndex].value;
if (DWfile.getAttributes(selFile).indexOf('R') != -1){
delAnyway = confirm('This file is read-only. Delete anyway?');
if (delAnyway){
confirm() function to display a Yes/No dialog box to the user:
Dreamweaver MX.
This function sets the system-level attributes of a particular file.
The File I/O API25
fileURL, strAttrs
■ The fileURL argument, which is expressed as a file:// URL, identifies the file for which
you are setting the attributes.
■ The strAttrs argument specifies the system-level attributes for the file that is identified
by the
fileURL argument. The following table describes valid attribute values and their
Attribute ValueDescription
Read only
Writable (overrides R)
Visible (overrides H)
Acceptable values for the
You should not use
R becomes meaningless, and the file is set as writable (W). You should not use H and
V together because they are also mutually exclusive. If you combine them, H becomes
meaningless, and the file is set as visible (
If you specify
H or V without specifying an R or W read/write attribute, the existing read/
write attribute for the file is not changed. Likewise, if you specify
specifying an
H or V visibility attribute, the existing visibility attribute for the file is not
strAttrs string are R, W, H, V, RH, RV, WH, or WV.
R and W together because they are mutually exclusive. If you combine
R or W, without
Dreamweaver 2.
This function writes the specified string to the specified file. If the specified file does not yet
exist, it is created.
26The File I/O API
fileURL, text, {mode}
■ The fileURL argument, which is expressed as a file:// URL, is the file to which you are
■ The text argument is the string to be written.
■ The mode argument, if it is supplied, must be "append". If this argument is omitted, the
contents of the file are overwritten by the string.
A Boolean value: true if the string is successfully written to the file; false otherwise.
The following code attempts to write the string "xxx" to the mydata.txt file and displays an
alert message if the write operation succeeds. It then tries to append the string
"aaa" to the
file and displays a second alert if the write succeeds. After executing this script, the mydata.txt
file contains the text
var fileURL = "file:///c|/temp/mydata.txt";
if (DWfile.write(fileURL, "xxx")){
alert("Wrote xxx to " + fileURL);
if (DWfile.write(fileURL, "aaa", "append")){
alert("Appended aaa to " + fileURL);
xxxaaa and nothing else.
The File I/O API27
28The File I/O API
Extensions are not limited to working within the local file system. Macromedia
Dreamweaver 8 provides a mechanism to get information from and send information to a
web server by using hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). This chapter describes the HTTP
API and how to use it.
How the HTTP API works
All functions in the HTTP API are methods of the MMHttp object. Most of these functions
take a URL as an argument, and most return an object. The default port for URL arguments
is 80. To specify a port other than 80, append a colon and the port number to the URL, as
shown in the following example:
For functions that return an object, the object has two properties: statusCode and data.
statusCode property indicates the status of the operation; possible values include, but
are not limited to, the following values:
■ 200: Status OK
■ 400: Unintelligible request
■ 404: Requested URL not found
■ 405: Server does not support requested method
■ 500: Unknown server error
■ 503: Server capacity reached
For a comprehensive list of status codes for your server, check with your Internet service
provider or system administrator.
The value of the
in the individual function listings.
data property varies according to the function; possible values are specified
Functions that return an object also have a callback version. Callback functions let other
functions execute while the web server processes an HTTP request. This capability is useful if
you are making multiple HTTP requests from Dreamweaver. The callback version of a
function passes its ID and return value directly to the function that is specified as its first
This section details the functions that are methods of the MMHttp object.
Dreamweaver MX.
Deletes the _mmServerScripts folder—and all its files—under the root folder for the current
site, which can be local or remote. The _mmServerScripts folder is located in Configuration/
■ The serverScriptsfolder argument is a string that names a particular folder, relative to
the Configuration folder on the application server, from which you want to retrieve and
clear server scripts.
server-model/_mmDBScripts folder.
An object that represents the reply from the server. The data property of this object is a string
that contains the contents of the deleted scripts. If an error occurs, Dreamweaver reports it in
statusCode property of the returned object.
The following code, in a menu command file inside the Configuration/Menus folder, removes
all the files from the _mmServerScripts folder when it is called from a menu: